View Full Version : Let's give them a hand

11-10-2010, 07:20 PM
Here's for the veterans.
My dad served 20 years, US Army. RIP Dad.

nuff said
11-10-2010, 09:41 PM
Amen.Proud to be an American,regardless of the shape she is in currently.
My dad and Uncle Guy both went on the beach at Normandy.My oldest son is in the National Guard.
Thanks to all that served this great country.God Bless America.

11-11-2010, 05:44 AM
I'll 3rd that motion. Grandpa was awarded the purple heart in WWII. RIP Grandpa.

God bless all soldiers and continue kicking @ss!!!

11-11-2010, 07:54 AM
Absolutely! Grandpa served for years, living by Detroit, Grandma worked as a "Rosie the Rivoter" her name was actually Rosella, so Rosie for short.

He was awarded the purple heart twice and the most moving moment of my life was seeing him break down in Luxemberg US cemetary at his best friends grave about 11 years ago when we took him back to visit the beaches of Normandy he landed on. Glad he got to visit all of that on better terms before he passed.

RIP Grandpa, and THANK YOU to all the veterans and active duty member!

11-11-2010, 12:05 PM
Thank you to all of my brothers and sisters in arms. to those who serve quietly and defend our way of life.....I also would like to add to the list of veterans and families of veterans those that support us in times away from home, from the USO volunteers that bring a smile during the storm of war and to those such as listed in a link before, people of high moral fiber willing to take time out of their lives to come spend time in our shoes and share a moment, a story a meal a song or a drink. people such as Penny Gilley, people who become the scape goats of a liberal media machine hell bent on socialist agenda's that would put a stake through the heart of our men and women in harms way. Thank you to honest reporters that tell the truth in defiance of their boss's order, thank you to those of you banned for standing against 4m on matters such as free speach and our right to voice opinions regarding something greater than any company will ever accomplish. thank you to those that drove back the british oppressor. Thank you to all men and women that put on the uniform and take up arms to stand in defiance of things anti american.

Thank you American fighting men and women, It is you and your kind tha tmake america great AND FREE!!!!!

11-11-2010, 04:03 PM