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View Full Version : crate car help

01-01-2011, 12:18 PM
my weekly local track in central new york is adding crate latemodels this year. the place is a big 1/2 mile, very wide sweeping turns, high speed, normally dry and slick with 3 grooves.we have won 2 championships in a sportsman modified type car, i am looking to purchase a complete crate latemodel. being this far away from most crate tracks heres what i need to know before i go spend the money.
what brand chassis and front end set up will work the best? ( lazer/rocket/grt/masters)

what engine ..the 602 or 604 would be the better combo for a 1/2 mile?( we have 2 602 engines now)

what shock package/brand would be the best? ( we use bilsteins now ,with alot of success)

any info from succesful crate racers would be great thanks. my e -mail adress is teocar61@yahoo.com

01-02-2011, 10:10 PM
Pierce cars seem to be the car to have in central Illinois, in crate or open late model

ENVY Suspension
01-03-2011, 10:56 AM
Chassis brand - most will work if tuned properly. As close as you are to Rocket, I would get a Rocket 'black" front end car.

Engine - 604 without a doubt

Shocks - Obviously we would love to help most anyone, but if you don't choose us, use someone in the business that has the knowledge to help you accel in your learning curve. There are many out here who think they can do that, and few that really know how. Be careful and wise in that category. Let us know if we can be of help.

Thank You,
Kirk Loudy
ENVY Suspension