View Full Version : Phil the Groundhog

02-03-2011, 03:02 PM
I guess everyone knows by now that the Old Rodent didn't see his shadow so we have spring coming early. This apparently infuriated Al the con artist Gore. He comes out of his hole to tell us what the weather has been and why. This is oppose to the real weatherrodent who tells us the future. I guess when Mr Flopsweat can predict the future weather, I might quit laughing at him and his followers. In the mean both Al and the rodent have returned to the holes. :p

02-03-2011, 05:53 PM
I guess everyone knows by now that the Old Rodent didn't see his shadow so we have spring coming early. This apparently infuriated Al the con artist Gore. He comes out of his hole to tell us what the weather has been and why. This is oppose to the real weatherrodent who tells us the future. I guess when Mr Flopsweat can predict the future weather, I might quit laughing at him and his followers. In the mean both Al and the rodent have returned to the holes. :p

I heard a weather man who works for a bigger network ( I didn't catch which one) who said that he believes that after Valentine's Day we would probably begin to see some significant changes. I got the impression that the ninety day forecast was good.

02-03-2011, 10:49 PM
Bill Murrey's favorite day!!!