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View Full Version : 602 seal bolts ?????

03-11-2011, 03:54 PM
i see where some folks are advertising the sale of the special breakaway bolts for these spec/crate engines . i thought these engines were only supposed to be sealed at the factory and only a certified dealer could work on the engine .and these bolts were to be distributed to these certified builders and only these certified builders . so ... wont that make it ellegal to sell these ? arent they bar-coded or something ?

03-11-2011, 10:14 PM
Are you serious or just ...... whatever......

03-12-2011, 03:37 PM
You are correct, but I have never seen a bar code scanner in 7+ years of crate racing. Most sanctioning bodies have their own seal systems for rebuilds, as for illegal crate bolts floating around I guess that is just part of the deal.

03-13-2011, 02:01 PM
what are the penalties for a guy that is caught cheating ? personally , i think it's pretty low for a person to alter his/her engine in a cheating manor when everyone else joined the series hoping to have a fair chance . if the series could prove a racer intensionally cheats in the engine department , they should be unable to participate in that series . (so , yes ..... I AM SERIOUS ...... not whatever !) and the seller of the seal bolts should be held accountable on infringing of a trademarked item . cheating in a series that is DESIGNED FOR THE LITTLE GUY is a bunch of crap ...... if thats what folks have to do to win , they need to give up on racing !

03-13-2011, 02:04 PM
Are you serious or just ...... whatever......

let's hear your take on the subject ...... dont answer a question with a question . some folks dont understand the concept of spec engines ..........

03-13-2011, 05:46 PM
I apologize, I thought you were a crate hater being a smart a$$.

03-15-2011, 09:38 AM
I know Stan / Fastrak has suspended a couple folks and pulled engine builder licenses. As far as logo infringment I have heard of 2 engine builders that GM sued and settled out of court. I am not real sure you will ever eliminate cheating in racing as it is part of most racers' DNA. You know, the grey area...NASCAR teams get busted on a weekly basis and you don't see them stopping.

Cheating and racing have been going hand in hand, after all it was started by a bunch of Moonshiners outrunning the feds on the backroads in most every state. The penalty back then was jail time and it did not slow them down.

There is just too much money at the end of the rainbow for most people to run 100% by the rules.