View Full Version : USMTS Mods At L A Raceway-Hughes Wins Lase Lap

04-02-2011, 05:21 AM
What a way to kick off the racing season in the Kansas City area, without question the best modified series in the business, the USMTS modifieds put on a whale of a show for the crowd and the Cheese Works camera Friday night at L A raceway.

Ryan Gustin looked unreachable in the early part of the race after taking the lead on the 1st lap, with 40 laps to race you had a feeling in the back of your mind that things could and would change.

Jason Hughes just a few laps later would thread the needle between two cars and charge into 2nd place and put himself in close contact with Gustin.

Local racer Dustin Boney running in 3rd would prove to be the fly in the ointment for Hughes threw the race, he managed to take 2nd away from Hughes on a yellow flag restart but could not hold on to the position, Hughes returned the favor on a restart.

I could tell you more but why not watch the race for yourself, the finish is worth the money to get in all by it's self.

A really big thanks to Sam "On The Mic" Stoeklin for doing the call on the race.

Please let me know if this is to much video, to long, to much talking, I have never made a video this long before. Please not about the people doing it just the subjects mentioned.
