View Full Version : Venom Juice and Crown Cuts combo

"Crown Cuts"
05-13-2011, 12:19 PM
It's no secret at this point that Eric Rendleman(Venom Juice) and myself(Nick Gieseking-Crown Cuts) have teamed up. Eric wants to get more involved with the stock car market so we talked over the winter and started the process, now it's official. We have combined forces, with his chemical knowledge and my experience with just about every tire on the market we are a deathblow to the market. We have worked out a couple special blends especially for you, the dirtcar guys. We are calling that product like the Secret Weapon's(it can only be purchased through myself). As always the Venom Juice moto stands pat, simple and easy.

Check out the website www.ericrendlemanperformance.com
On the front page has quite a bit of information of Eric and I working together.