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View Full Version : Which used car is best bang for the buck for a beginner?

06-29-2011, 06:02 PM
Currently driving mini stock and would like to move up to super late model in California. Looking for a used 4 link car and was wondering which one to look for and which one to stay away from.

How good are couple year old cars compare to those brand new ones? Something like 04 to 07 rocket, mastersbilt, or grt.

Money is not an issue here, I was thinking I would have more fun driving a cheap car only if they are almost as good as newer one. That way I don't set high expectation on running up front right away. Something I can have fun learning all about set up and see what I have against those high dollar cars.

Let me know what you think? Thanks.

06-29-2011, 06:25 PM
The one with the least amount of fatigue and that you can get the most support for in your area... Try to locate one that was ran minimal, maybe 1 night a week, and not terribly abused (over aggressive driver in rough track conditions). Factor in parts availability and advise from local race shops or race teams and that is what I would base my decision on.

These chassis do flex out. And over a period of time can become inconsistant due to lack of rigidity in the frame. This can lead to inconsistant handling and throw you a loop when trying to tune the car. Granted you probably won't see that with an 06-up chassis, it is possible depending on who had he car prior and how much track time it has seen.

1 3/4" cars are easier to achieve the sweet spot on vs. 2", but there is a reason why top level drivers only get 1 maybe 2-3 seasons out of a frame if they really like a car.


WV Race Fan

06-29-2011, 07:58 PM
Buy one that you have seen run if at all possible at the track you plan to run and then pick it up after the race from the track before anything changes or disappears. It might cost you a few thousand extra but you very easily might save many thousands more over the first couple of years by doing so. Been there and didn't do that.:mad:

06-30-2011, 06:28 AM
Victory Circle is out your way.

06-30-2011, 07:35 AM
Victory Circle is out your way.

Been hearing not so good things about victory circle lately. No tech support, no customer service, someone even hinted they may be close to closing up shop.

06-30-2011, 10:22 AM
Been hearing not so good things about victory circle lately. No tech support, no customer service, someone even hinted they may be close to closing up shop.

I haven't heard anything of the kind and I know Billy Moyer supports the VC's he sells.

06-30-2011, 10:35 AM
Yes victory circle is located couple hours away and I know of 2 VC cars for sale locally but they're asking lot.

How important is it having a local builder since all offer tech support online? I mean if the car doesn't handle good, they will not do much except telling me to move couple links up or down, move weight here or there etc etc...

The rollers I'm looking at are $5,000 specials, but you do have a good point that they could cost couple thousands just to get them ready. I like your idea of watching a car race before buying it, I'll make that part of negotiate when buying a car.

What about buying a car, drive it for a year or two then have it upgraded, isthat a good way to go?


06-30-2011, 10:53 AM
there are alot of good deals out there. we got our good roller just drop in motor for $3300. just find someone thats desperate like we did lol

06-30-2011, 11:28 AM
Take your time and look for some deals. See if they are upgrading their stuff to a new chassis or getting out of racing completely. If they are still racing there is a good chance the car they sell will have all the junk hung on it. You can also call the chassis builder before you go look at it. They can let you know what to look for. And take your time :). Because as soon as you buy your car a better cheaper one will be for sale a month later haha.

06-30-2011, 12:48 PM
A 2 inch black front end rocket wouldn't be a bad car to go with. Rocket has great tech support, and the black front end lets you hang the car out more, which should suit well for somebody new to late models.

Also, they are rigid and don't bend very easily since you will probably wreck a time or two if you get after it right away lol.

I think for somebody new that would be a good car just because of how they drive. Good side bite, they turn really good, things of that nature.