View Full Version : Moler Raceway Park - 7.1.11 - Purple Rain! Purple Rain!

Ted's of Beverly Hills
07-01-2011, 11:31 PM
All I got to say is that I hope they were able to get the rest of the features in tonight. A track with a 12am curfew needs to be more concerned with getting all of the features run and not with shooting off fireworks to bad Prince songs. Purple rain? that's gotta be the most awkward moment I've ever experienced at a dirt track! Way too much screwing around tonight.

In spite of that, the modified feature was good and they had a top-notch field of mods tonight. Really enjoyed watching that feature and the track was in really good shape tonight.

Also, the next time Chad Stapleton wins a feature, during the victory lane interview, he should spend more time celebrating and enjoying the moment and not cussing at some knucklehead on 4m that made some negative comment Chad's driving. With that being said, it was a good win for Chad and he is slowly but surely improving

07-02-2011, 12:55 AM
I disagree. Chad was in the spotlight and took advantage of a perfect opportunity to speak his mind. If the dumbass who made the comment had not said he would whip Chads ass, it would be different. This way, the guy had his chance to approach Chad and say it to his face. Either he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut or he didnt have the balls to back up his comment. There was 2 meatheads sitting behind me making comments about him spinning in turns 1 & 2 or turns 3 & 4. Every driver I have talked to in the past 20 years has had moments they was not proud of. Its going to happen to everyone eventually. If you dont like it, at least keep from threatening someone over it. I see racers have problems all the time. It doesnt matter if they are your favorite driver or not, give them credit for at least trying. They spend a lot of money on equipment to put on a show knowing they will never make profit. Show some respect or find another sport to watch. Just my oppinion.

07-02-2011, 01:57 AM
bigdaddy26 i respect u for speaking up and saying what u did bout us racers not making a profit i for one know thats a fact and people hide behind their user name on here not me what u c is what u get. people need to understand that we put money in our cars and such cause we love this great sport called dirt track racing but glad to c people like yourself speak up for the ones they like to watch race have a nice forth.:p

07-02-2011, 08:59 AM
Thanks. And you and everyone else on here have a fun and safe holiday as well.

07-02-2011, 02:06 PM
if i was chad i wouldve done the same thing.....if the guy was there he heard what chad had to say about the deal i wasnt there but wished i couldve heard what he had to say.....i like the guy more and more everytime i see him at the track

and someone said above a lot of people on here hide behind their screen names.....i chose not to do that becuase i never go to tracks to criticize drivers or promoters for things that go on

07-02-2011, 09:46 PM
Good for Mr. Stapleton!

07-05-2011, 08:10 AM
congratulations on the win brother!