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View Full Version : Drum brake Bias

08-24-2011, 04:52 PM
Havent had drum brakes on a car in 20 yrs , so i need some refresher courses , what kind of brake bias would you have with a drum setup (rear) if you had same size MC bore for front and back , and no proportioning valve in the mix . I was under the impression that drums would grab harder , so you would have more bias in the rear. is my thinking correct ?

05-25-2012, 01:24 AM
Havent had brake drums (http://www.drivewire.com/part/brakes/brake-drums/) on a car in 20 yrs , so i need some refresher courses , what kind of brake bias would you have with a drum setup (rear) if you had same size MC bore for front and back , and no proportioning valve in the mix . I was under the impression that drums would grab harder , so you would have more bias in the rear. is my thinking correct ?

When decreasing speed, weight transfers forward, so normally the front brakes is doing more work. And that is why front brakes are usually larger than the rear ones. And fact is, brake drum's can give one car only up to twenty-five percent braking capacity. If the rear drum brakes become unadjusted, the front brakes would start to overcompensate. The problem lies in the front brakes can become apparent if it is overworked. Keeping the rear brakes adjusted is a safe and effective way to balance the braking system and increase the longevity of your front brakes.