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View Full Version : no forward bite

08-30-2011, 02:13 PM
ok here is my problem car just does not seem to move stays pretty flat through the corner if the track gets rubbered down im super fast but dry slick im having issues car is fast in the turn and and through the middle but im pedaling comming out like i said the car seems to be flat as in not rolling over on the right rear
just off the scales 53 left 53 cross 55 rear car is 2900 lbs 200# of bite
springs lf 850 RF 1000 LR 275 RR 125
shocks LF 75 RF 76 LR 94 RR 94 carreas
any help is needed got some big money shows comming up

stock car driver
08-30-2011, 02:55 PM
put a 750 in the rf and put a 200-225 in the rr.

move some of the lead forward over the rear axle. based on your rear % you must have it all behind the cell, swinging you around, that weight can NEVER transfer forward past the rear springs because they are the pivot point for it when its back that far.

the rr wont get any traction if the rr spring is so soft it doesnt hold up any weight and just lets the car flop over.

I say soften the rf as that also helps to get on the rr and promote body roll because your lf will be supporting a lot of weight and can then push that weight in rebound to the rr.