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View Full Version : Rocket grey spindle help

09-13-2011, 07:05 AM
I have a set of grey spindles and the LF is bent. I'm thinking they are Rockets because they have the two holes for the steering rods. I tried to match them up to a whole bunch of used spindles but couldn't get one. It was either too tall or too short. I know the new AFCO spindle (GRT?) that said tall LF was too tall. The bottom of the top ball joint hole was sitting on the top of the ball joint hole on mine. There was another grey spindle I checked against and it was shorter.

My question is, does this sound like a Rocket spindle and if it is, what can other spindles can I use to match it? I'm looking for a Rocket blue as I can deal with faster turning (stock GM steering box) but if I can't what else? Thanks!

**NOTE* They are about 10" tall from very top to very bottom and have about 5 and some change for the center to center on the last steering arm hole.