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10-24-2011, 10:09 PM
what is his name and the name of his businiss?

10-24-2011, 10:43 PM
Bill Hendren and Hendrens race engines. I am also sorry to say that he passed away a few months back but his son has picked up the torch and is doing a great job.

10-25-2011, 06:12 AM
Bill Hendren and Hendrens race engines. I am also sorry to say that he passed away a few months back but his son has picked up the torch and is doing a great job.

I have never met either person, but I don't think Bill is dynoman. Hendren racing engines is out of North Carolina and I believe dynoman is out of Georgia.

10-25-2011, 11:35 AM
Bill Hendren was NOT the user on here with screen name "dynoman".

Bill Hendren had a reputation as one of the most knowledgeable and helpful engine guys around.
Dynoman has gained a reputation (on this and other forums) as a con artist and snake oil salesman.

10-25-2011, 12:13 PM
Bill Hendren was NOT the user on here with screen name "dynoman".

Bill Hendren had a reputation as one of the most knowledgeable and helpful engine guys around.
Dynoman has gained a reputation (on this and other forums) as a con artist and snake oil salesman.

I have never talked with either of them, and this is the exact impression I got of both of them. And that is just based of what I read on forums.

stock car driver
10-25-2011, 12:39 PM
I typed dynoman in the search and this thread by him has his email and you might be able to scan thru the thread or others by him and figure out his name or business number between the storys, babbling irrelevantly and lies.


10-25-2011, 03:56 PM
Mark Mancinelli
Performance Chassis Dyno
Winder, Georgia

Communicated with him via PM a few times and feel like he shot straight with me,but man, he sure gets beat up on this forum by a lot of posters and hasn't been on any forum I visit in a long time. Too bad as he seems to think outside the box and it seems a lot of people can't handle the thought process.

10-25-2011, 03:58 PM
just wondering how to get ahold of him , does he have a website?

stock car driver
10-25-2011, 04:09 PM
just wondering how to get ahold of him , does he have a website?

I told you how to get ahold of him in my post above...

If you cant figure out how to click on the link I provided and SEE his email, your EXACTLY the kind of guy he loves to do business with!!

10-25-2011, 06:59 PM
wow what a jackass someone asks a simple question and instead of following your link which is about a mile long you snap at them like they are dynoman. maybe it s your attitude that made you feel dynoman was a snake oil salesman. either way your a jack ass.

instead of knocking what you don't understand why don't you investigate for yourself. a man thinks outside the box and your piss poor attitude doesn't let you realize that maybe he found something that works. you don't have to understand it for it to work you just have to try it. instead you jump on someone that just wants the info for no reason.

run your mouth long enough eventually someone will come along that does take your bs. i suggest you talk to someone about your issues. you obviously are full of hate pyss and vinegar. maybe you should give up the sport if it stresses you out to that point. maybe you should consider taking up golf and lose some stress...ahh but them graphite shafts probably will make you angry, didn't have those back in 81 its just snake oil......

noral54 there are a lot of bs artist on 4m and there are a lot of people that get angry at the drop of a hat, dynoman is controversial on here but where theres smoke theres fire and something he does either pisses people off because it doesn't work for them or beats them on the track. worth the time investigating just be careful and take what you find out with a grain of salt maybe he's a con artist maybe not but he hasn't been a con artist for long in this sport, chances are some of his stuff is beating people and they are jealous just check the next post, true the someone will jump me over it chances are they have been beaten. chances are they can't handle someone coming along with newfangled idears and want everbody to work under the same tree they do.

10-25-2011, 07:38 PM
Dyno has been very helpful to our racing program, and I have never given him a freakin dime. More than I can say for most others that have cost me thousands.

10-25-2011, 07:55 PM
I told you how to get ahold of him in my post above...

If you cant figure out how to click on the link I provided and SEE his email, your EXACTLY the kind of guy he loves to do business with!! thanks 4 the info now you can gfy

stock car driver
10-26-2011, 04:53 PM
wow what a jackass someone asks a simple question and instead of following your link which is about a mile long you snap at them like they are dynoman. maybe it s your attitude that made you feel dynoman was a snake oil salesman. either way your a jack ass.

instead of knocking what you don't understand why don't you investigate for yourself. a man thinks outside the box and your piss poor attitude doesn't let you realize that maybe he found something that works. you don't have to understand it for it to work you just have to try it. instead you jump on someone that just wants the info for no reason.

run your mouth long enough eventually someone will come along that does take your bs. i suggest you talk to someone about your issues. you obviously are full of hate pyss and vinegar. maybe you should give up the sport if it stresses you out to that point. maybe you should consider taking up golf and lose some stress...ahh but them graphite shafts probably will make you angry, didn't have those back in 81 its just snake oil......

noral54 there are a lot of bs artist on 4m and there are a lot of people that get angry at the drop of a hat, dynoman is controversial on here but where theres smoke theres fire and something he does either pisses people off because it doesn't work for them or beats them on the track. worth the time investigating just be careful and take what you find out with a grain of salt maybe he's a con artist maybe not but he hasn't been a con artist for long in this sport, chances are some of his stuff is beating people and they are jealous just check the next post, true the someone will jump me over it chances are they have been beaten. chances are they can't handle someone coming along with newfangled idears and want everbody to work under the same tree they do.

Im not stressed, lol. I am 39 and quit my day job in 2007. I would say my stress level is really really low...

That said I dont think I jumped on anyone.

I merely pointed out the fact that I already POSTED exactly where to find his info and direct email...

If you consider pointing out that a person toooo stupid to read a post, click on a link is the perfect customer for dynoman than MAYBE you need the help you might be too sensitive or you feel for this guy cus your just as stupid? Either way its obvious thats the perfect candidate, just as possibly you are?

As for me not understanding or not using dynmans products? Which I think is what your trying to say above.. you obviously havent been around here long. I offered to pay dynoman up front for his oil filters so I could dyno test and compare them. He tried to back out of selling me any claiming he could only sell them by the case. I offered up 500$ green backs, basically double his usual price for a case, again he balked. By balked I mean dissappeared from here for a month or two. When he came back I asked again for where to send my check, money order or cash if thats how he wanted paid. Again he vanished. This scame scenario also ran its course with dynoman with Bill Hendren wanting to buy some of his springs for 602 or 604s. Dynoman refused to ever sell Bill a set because like myself Bill would post his factual REAL testing data on here.

Of course we could both have someone else buy the stuff from dynoman and Bill and I discussed exactly this and we both had concluded that he would CLAIM we didnt get his product if we didnt get it direct and in fact his refusing to sell to someone who outright is saying in public "Ill test it to clear your snake oil rep for you and Ill even pay you double" is a pretty good indicator of his confidence in his product.

Unlike many on here Im fine with paying to find out if something is actually going to work. Im not broke, Im not poor and Im not in debt.

10-27-2011, 07:01 AM
ive been here for going on ten years bub. you call someone stupid that doesnt take the time to read a post that is way too long. it wouldve taken you the same amount of time to tell the mans name as it did to post the link to a long post. then you did jump the guy like he was a moron.

like i said you have too much pyss and vinegar in your veins to be a polite individual...MAKING YOU A JACK A$$.

as for dyno's products. i dont need them i have things tha twork for me. but i will investigate something one person such as yourself sees as snake oil because discoveries are made every day. some discoveries work for everybody some work under certain circumstances and you seem to think that because they didnt work for you or the answers a man gave werent to your liking that he is full of bs.

plenty of people have used dyno's stuff and it worked for them so instead of being a jacka$$ and jumping people and trying to ruin a mans business why dont you take you negativity and do something constructive on your own operation. or better yet just stay out of it. but you didnt and i will call any a$$hole and a$$hole when i see...congratulations sir you earned it.

stock car driver
10-27-2011, 07:46 AM
ive been here for going on ten years bub. you call someone stupid that doesnt take the time to read a post that is way too long. it wouldve taken you the same amount of time to tell the mans name as it did to post the link to a long post. then you did jump the guy like he was a moron.

like i said you have too much pyss and vinegar in your veins to be a polite individual...MAKING YOU A JACK A$$.

as for dyno's products. i dont need them i have things tha twork for me. but i will investigate something one person such as yourself sees as snake oil because discoveries are made every day. some discoveries work for everybody some work under certain circumstances and you seem to think that because they didnt work for you or the answers a man gave werent to your liking that he is full of bs.

plenty of people have used dyno's stuff and it worked for them so instead of being a jacka$$ and jumping people and trying to ruin a mans business why dont you take you negativity and do something constructive on your own operation. or better yet just stay out of it. but you didnt and i will call any a$$hole and a$$hole when i see...congratulations sir you earned it.

I didnt call him a moron... I said hes the type of guy dyno loves to do business with, thats a fact....

I see why your so bent you clearly cant read and comprehend english as your saying the same b.s over and I already replied to it above, lol. You must see the word moron in every post all the time?

Your the one with all the name calling in your first post to me. BUT you think I need help, thats some funny stuff. being a snake oil salesman.

stock car driver
10-27-2011, 07:51 AM
I told you how to get ahold of him in my post above...

If you cant figure out how to click on the link I provided and SEE his email, your EXACTLY the kind of guy he loves to do business with!!

supercomet since your clearly challenged, heres a copy paste of the entire post your saying I jumped the guy in and called him a moron and all your other bs rant.

It appears to me you are the grumpy one, lol...

10-27-2011, 07:36 PM
Jeff I just pulled my NASA Proprietary air filtration system off of the dyno today. Compared back to back with the new air filters we picked up over 75 HP at the wheels. My new proprietary air filtration system crystalizes air atoms and turns them into super high potent fuel that is then displaced into the carburetor, thus not needing fuel in the tank. Most of the time you can hook up a -8 Line to this system and create fuel as you race. Wanna try it?


10-28-2011, 07:16 AM
If you were testing new info for nasa you'd be under a security clearance and know that you would be endagering your freedom to sell it here on 4m.

stock car driver, I jsut though it was bs the way you answered the question that didnt warrant your attitude with him. he also fealt the same way seeing as he told you to gfy....you also wanted to get him to read the other post to find the info even though it wasnt play as day in that thread. you even brought that argument to this thread.....your still angry at dyno and thats your own business btu to be an ass to someone else over it makes you the jackass.

yeah i dont like (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)s that are (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)s for no reason

stock car driver
10-28-2011, 10:21 AM
If you were testing new info for nasa you'd be under a security clearance and know that you would be endagering your freedom to sell it here on 4m.

stock car driver, I jsut though it was bs the way you answered the question that didnt warrant your attitude with him. he also fealt the same way seeing as he told you to gfy....you also wanted to get him to read the other post to find the info even though it wasnt play as day in that thread. you even brought that argument to this thread.....your still angry at dyno and thats your own business btu to be an ass to someone else over it makes you the jackass.

yeah i dont like (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)s that are (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)s for no reason

I posted a link to that thread because DYNOMAN started it, he posted his contact info in the first post.

You are a idiot. I only brought up any of the past with dynoman BECAUSE you spewed all your irrelevant b.s as if I had no clue as to what dyno offered or sold, lol.. I REPLIED to your stupid posts and answered your stupid statements that is the only reason I posted anything about dyno on here..

Your too stupid to even follow along on your own posts.

Yes I called you a idiot and stupid... You have erased all doubt that you might be slow your well beyond that and just plain stupid.

I dont care in the least about dyno. Nobody misses a itch when its gone, same with dynoman, lol...

He has finally left here, the court case numbers people were posting were apparently too much for him to refute so he gave up. That or he is in jail??

10-28-2011, 11:39 AM
like i said you had your own vested interest in mind when in fact all that was needed was the info. i must have skipped over his info in the first post. still you came off like an ass and i jumped because this site and the sport in general doesn't need any more (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)s.....even the original poster took offense to your comment. keep proving the point.

btw why didn't you show up at eldora? scared

stock car driver
10-28-2011, 12:33 PM
like i said you had your own vested interest in mind when in fact all that was needed was the info. i must have skipped over his info in the first post. still you came off like an ass and i jumped because this site and the sport in general doesn't need any more (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)s.....even the original poster took offense to your comment. keep proving the point.

btw why didn't you show up at eldora? scared

Sorry stupid, I have no vested interest in dynoman or his dealings. lol... you keep talking out your ass like your going to somehow redeem yourself from the basement where your stupid posts are piling up in this thread.

You are the one name calling and posting all this irrelevant b.s and asking all the stupid questions and making the stupid statements. Even in this post another stupid question or is it a statement you meant to make about eldora?

Since I like to be polite and respond when asked a question Ill try for ya.

Eldora? wtf does that have to do with me. I raced my 32 nights I wanted to in my area, lol. Either way I dont have a legal car for there and this isnt a chat room, if you want to chat, go make friends with someone, cus I am not interested in chatting with your dumb as.

10-28-2011, 02:49 PM
I believe that I saw that guy trying to sell a guy on a sb2 motor on another site, said he had 40-50 sb2.2 top ends laying around or something. SCD, I remember that oil, filter and spring deal. That was a 2 step that would make a politician proud. The man is entertaining, that's for sure.

10-28-2011, 05:42 PM
This is way kool. Dyno has been m.i.a. for months and one mention of him starts the pot stirring again.

10-29-2011, 01:47 PM
thing is I'm not even defending dyno i think the the may have some ideas and may tune acerb pretty good but i don't use his stuff scd just wants to rant about him and thats what i was trying to get at that there wasn't a reason to be rude to someone about it.

but i guess you can't be nice these days...no worries

stock car driver
10-29-2011, 04:16 PM
thing is I'm not even defending dyno i think the the may have some ideas and may tune acerb pretty good but i don't use his stuff scd just wants to rant about him and thats what i was trying to get at that there wasn't a reason to be rude to someone about it.

but i guess you can't be nice these days...no worries

I didnt rant about anything you dumb as. I posted a link to a thread dyno himself started with his contact info in the FIRST post made by him.

You started slinging accusations and names on this thread. I just answered all your accusations in order to CLARIFY for you that I tried to TEST his stuff on my $$$ unlike you Im not some broke as s internet keyboard comando. Im willing to spend $$ just to try something out even if it is known ot be B.S....

10-31-2011, 06:47 AM
I didnt call you anything you didnt prove yourself to be. as for beign an internet commando. having been a tech official for 3 tracks in two states working for multiple teams over the past 30 years driving 63 events in 2011 id say ive done alright for a keyboard commando. thing is you still dont get it. i could give 2 shyts less about dyno sure he's not completely trustworthy on his info sometimes but you jumped someone else just trying to track the guy down. so who looks like a fool now? was it the budget and fuel costs or your motor being down on power that kept you from eldora? i bet it was politics as usual that and the drama you stir.

10-31-2011, 06:51 AM
let me guess you think that a coating on a valve spring couldnt possible lengthen the life of a valve spring yet i bet you did research the content of your oil on a steal block engine....or is that above you head too? not sayind Dyno's formula or technique or information is correct im saying its ridicullous to say its not possible.

stock car driver
10-31-2011, 05:41 PM
I didnt call you anything you didnt prove yourself to be. as for beign an internet commando. having been a tech official for 3 tracks in two states working for multiple teams over the past 30 years driving 63 events in 2011 id say ive done alright for a keyboard commando. thing is you still dont get it. i could give 2 shyts less about dyno sure he's not completely trustworthy on his info sometimes but you jumped someone else just trying to track the guy down. so who looks like a fool now? was it the budget and fuel costs or your motor being down on power that kept you from eldora? i bet it was politics as usual that and the drama you stir.

What is Eldora? Is it some big race Im supposed to know about or care about?? When is it? What did it pay? I have no idea and dont care..... I raced over 25 special events this year and 5-7 weekly shows.

I didnt jump anyone, youve done all the jumping it appears that your beef is with me for some reason, why dont you just say that and move on?

stock car driver
10-31-2011, 05:44 PM
let me guess you think that a coating on a valve spring couldnt possible lengthen the life of a valve spring yet i bet you did research the content of your oil on a steal block engine....or is that above you head too? not sayind Dyno's formula or technique or information is correct im saying its ridicullous to say its not possible.

Where have I said anything whatsoever about any OIL?

Wtf are you spewing about now and why?

It appears your beef is with me and all you want to talk about is dyno and Eldora? Not sure why, I live in Iowa, I raced a little this year in Alabama, Minnessotta, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas. I dont know where Eldora is maybe youll enlighten me, lol.

Where did I say something dyno did was not possible? Nobody has talked about anything of dynos on here in months if not a year. He is GONE.... until now.

dirty white boy
11-01-2011, 12:20 AM
lord god,..let the dead horse rott in peace yall,...dyno has taking his thermo molecule valve spring lotion an his kinetic energy wheel magnet alternators an his super inertia dyno an went in to hiding because the nazi spy's was tryin to still his horse power altering creations to use to take over the world...chit mann,..thought yall knew...lolol

11-01-2011, 05:43 AM
lord god,..let the dead horse rott in peace yall,...dyno has taking his thermo molecule valve spring lotion an his kinetic energy wheel magnet alternators an his super inertia dyno an went in to hiding because the nazi spy's was tryin to still his horse power altering creations to use to take over the world...chit mann,..thought yall knew...lolol

This is by far the most intelligent thing to be said in 3 pages. And surprisingly some of the better grammar and punctuation :).

dirty white boy
11-02-2011, 10:58 PM
This is by far the most intelligent thing to be said in 3 pages. And surprisingly some of the better grammar and punctuation :).thanks,......my sis still gives me grammar lessons erry visit!!

11-07-2011, 07:48 AM
He spelled steal wrong... Just sayin! Lol

That was part of the joke :).

11-07-2011, 02:10 PM
im not stressed, lol. I am 39 and quit my day job in 2007. I would say my stress level is really really low...

That said i dont think i jumped on anyone.

I merely pointed out the fact that i already posted exactly where to find his info and direct email...

If you consider pointing out that a person toooo stupid to read a post, click on a link is the perfect customer for dynoman than maybe you need the help you might be too sensitive or you feel for this guy cus your just as stupid? Either way its obvious thats the perfect candidate, just as possibly you are?

As for me not understanding or not using dynmans products? Which i think is what your trying to say above.. You obviously havent been around here long. I offered to pay dynoman up front for his oil filters so i could dyno test and compare them. He tried to back out of selling me any claiming he could only sell them by the case. I offered up 500$ green backs, basically double his usual price for a case, again he balked. By balked i mean dissappeared from here for a month or two. When he came back i asked again for where to send my check, money order or cash if thats how he wanted paid. Again he vanished. This scame scenario also ran its course with dynoman with bill hendren wanting to buy some of his springs for 602 or 604s. Dynoman refused to ever sell bill a set because like myself bill would post his factual real testing data on here.

Of course we could both have someone else buy the stuff from dynoman and bill and i discussed exactly this and we both had concluded that he would claim we didnt get his product if we didnt get it direct and in fact his refusing to sell to someone who outright is saying in public "ill test it to clear your snake oil rep for you and ill even pay you double" is a pretty good indicator of his confidence in his product.

Unlike many on here im fine with paying to find out if something is actually going to work. Im not broke, im not poor and im not in debt.

that's funny, he sold the oil filters, plugs and spring kits to me. I put them on and the next race set the track record at whynot motorsports park.

11-08-2011, 08:56 PM
Wow and intelligent post by someone who spent a couple dollars to find out my "snake-oil" works. Blackdragster is an old school racer that told me I would have to prove it to him so I did. The hard work was on his end to hook up the extra power and make the car go another 10mph. Seems like taking that gear out really made her fly. Hope your driver has recovered and you are doing well !!!

I appreciate the support of the folks that run my stuff and will continue to make their programs better with forward thinking development. Our new fuel testing / instantaneous acceleration program has been a critical part of some major wins in Fastrak, NeSmith, UMP and ASA. Although it is beyond the comprehension of most, it is a very simple fact related to physics. Acceleration of mass does not always relate to HP/TQ as they are static measures and instantaneous acceleration involves linear motion. I guess you could say it is the difference between 2d and 3d when you look at the data.

As far as anybody offering me double for my parts, I would not normally turn that down; so the person must have stuck me as a real A$$hole not to take his money. Don't remember and don't care as I have had hundreds of repeat customers for springs, retainers, locks, oil, oil filters, distributors, carburetors and 604 engines.

I did have a couple engines come back from the same team one ran without a tach at a 1/2 mile track with a 3/8 mile gear and turned 8500 and did not blow up until the 3rd time running like that. The other engine came back with 23% ethanol in the oil and burned up the oil pump and main bearings. In that case I provided a replacement engine for the 8500 blow up and all the parts to fix the Ethanol contaminated engine.

I have not been on here because I am private lableling parts for 7 different crate engine builders ( Pavement, Dirt and Road Race ) and I don't really have time to deal with the public much any more with the exception of my existing customer base of 250+ 4m users.

Most of my customers could care less about this site because of all the bologna and BS that folks spout off about.

OH Yea, anybody that wants to contact me can e-mail me or message me via the PM system provided here on 4m. I get roughly 20-30 direct e-mails a week and have been for the last 2 years.

Thanks 4m and your great users.

11-13-2011, 10:52 AM
More claims about all of the people that use his stuff that has never been proven OR proven that he was a liar. He claimed that the car that one one of the nesmith races at eastbay one year was running his parts and it was the car that I was crew chief of and there were NO parts that he had ever touched on the car. The springs, retainers and keepers were from Carl Black Chevy, the oil was royal purple and the filter was a wix. I was the one that out the parts on the car myself.

dirty white boy
11-13-2011, 02:41 PM
youd think with 250+ 4m customers there'd be more support to his clams...

11-28-2011, 07:53 AM
Ok I've talked to mark on phone,never bought anything from him but I do have one of his motors...fastrak #1403 I got it with 6 races on it....motor has had two issues....1st msd box needed wires flipped,not marks fault, and missed real bad during heat race after it rained...guess what water in cap...This was my first year in fastrak finished 6th in points and got rookie of year...been out of car for 6yrs and that was purestocks....ran top three almost every race at end of year and won a heat race....I can say that this motor likes less gear than most...I ran 6:18,6:11 then 6:07 and started running up front... With guys running 6:27 gears and turning 6800 rpm I run 63-6400. I don't use anything from mark but I would try it...I worked on car and never touched the motor,no valve springs,just plugs and oil change ran 12 races...so do the springs last? Id say so...I had a guy drive car like third night out...he said motor was a terd....but ran 3rd and was the first time he had sit in car....he has ran these motors for years...but I'm happy with what I've done with it seems to be a little flat power band but that sob will run on momentum. All the above are facts!!! Not taking up for or against mark but id be more than happy to run his snake oil in it...

11-28-2011, 02:47 PM
So you are saying that it runs but at less RPM than most, He claims that you should be running his stuff WELL over 7000 RPM regularly.

11-29-2011, 08:42 AM
That's just how mine seems to run best at least for me,but I know the springs need changed,I've not ran any other 604 motors. I have my car set up to run off momentum and have pretty good car,lowdrag,ohlins,2nd gen bert,cf drive shaft etc. Motor seems very smooth almost flat,but I've always been smooth on throttle...it pulls the same from bottom to top,no burst of power like my 408 I ran in street stock it pulled hard at 4000 but that was the cam. When I talked to Mark I could see the reference to snake oil salesman....but what he was saying makes some since....if I put new springs and get it to turn 6800 and pull the same 607 gear my car will be faster than the others. I've ran mine 6800 with 6:18 gears....car is faster at 6400 with 6:07 it may just be that I can roll into the corners faster with less gear because I don't need brakes to turn car...all I'm saying is don't run a guy down for trying to think out of the box...when we raced karts had motor on dyno that made 14hp with loop header,made 12 with stepped angle pipe....on the track the 12hp set up was way better...go figure...lol I listed my motor forsale had guy wanting it said he paid mark but didn't get motor....then next day called me back and said mark had his motor done and had tried to email him but had email address mix up...not on marks end.....

11-29-2011, 09:15 AM
Our first 604 we ran (a 2003 or 04 production motor) was best at 6400. Don't know why but that motor ran REALLY REALLY good. The second one we bought was not happy at all at 6400 and liked to run in the 6800 area MUCH better, That is why I was asking. It may be the better heads on the newer motors but we knew people that we raced against that had motors turning 6800 with the old heads and the engines were good.

11-29-2011, 03:55 PM
Well as far as "SnakeOil", I have an offshore boat engine customer in California that is purchasing 6-8 55g drums of my oil on a monthly basis and re-marketing as his private label stuff. Seems like 1000HP boat engines like the snake oil. I know the numbers off of my chassis dyno and have gotten in 20-30 confirmations from other engine builders with chassis dyno's. Rather than argue with folks about does it make 7 or 10 or 15 RWHP, I have chosen to sell it to existing customers and Mr.OSB.

My gear and transmission oil is even better than the engine oil but it takes a lot of time to build it and selling for $99qt. does not even cover the raw materials and costs to manufacture. On recent trip to Italy to work on Serdi machines at a cool motorcycle shop I was able to test my "SnakeOil" in a WSB and MotoGP drivetrain and was within 1-2% of their qualifying oils on their chassis and engine dyno. Their stuff is manufacture by Petronas Chemical at $240euro per liter. ( US conversion is about $1440GAL.) Not to bad for a little dude from a hole in the wall in GA.

Now getting to Fastrak #001403 which was originally sold to Larry Hoover, and then sold by his driver Joe Loudin to Mr.Keplilnger all the while I have never been paid for the engine because the check for final payment from Mr.Loudin bounced after the engine left the shop. This issue has been in litigation between Mr.s' Hoover & Loudin for almost a year now and the matter has been settled in Mr.Hoover's favor, so maybe I will finally get paid. Much of Mr.Hoovers' race car and race assets have been sold by Mr.Loudin in the interim and I am hoping to help him get back into racing if he decides to in 2012.

I discuss this to try and get clarity about how many racers are so screwed up when it comes to dealing with paying what they owe. An in reference to anybody that has to pick up an engine at my shop, all they have to do is come up with the cash to pay of the final balance and come on down and get them. I have SEVEN completed engines waiting to be picked up and some of them have been completed for 6+ months.

Now lets get down to performance issues on Engine #001403. The first race the engine ran it sat on the pole at Roaring Knob and led every lap but the last one
( nope, I can't drive the things to victory but I always get blamed in the last lap pass ). Next race the car developled a miss and the carb was taken off and then it ran half decent but was down on power. Turns out the driver thought the car would run better on 110 rather than the Crate98 my carb was built for. The carb was sent back to me and the floats were adjusted all the way to the top and the jets were about 10 higher than I sent them out...once the bugs were worked out the car won a few races and was in the top3 almost every night out. Engine ran fine at 6800-7200rpms with my carb on it. When the crap hit the fan at the race shop my friend up there got both of my carbs off the shelf and shipped them back to me as neither of them had been paid for either. So even after a bounced check and waiting for payment on it for almost 1 year I was still working with these guys to get them winning races.

I guess it was around Christmas last year when the engine changed hands for a used car and some other race parts, and an outstanding balance on a debt from Mr. Loudin to Mr.Keplinger.

The engine since then has had one year of racing on the springs, plus whatever Mr.K has put on it. When he got the engine last year I told him the existing springs needed re-treatment or replacing as they were well past due on that.

The carb running on the car is either a Stealth or Willy's both of which I dyno'd and they were about 20% rich on the bottom and about 20% lean on the top and down about 30HP to both carbs I sent up with the engine originally.

I am also sure the timing has been changed as it left my shop set at 30* where it was making killer torque and power with Yellow Crate 98 ( Renegade ). I also removed the lock-out on the advance and had 25* advance in the engine from 1500rpm to 6800rpm. I had both 650 and 750 carbs jetted at 65 and the engine made 431hp on a DTS dyno. We also had a custom set of Beyea headers built for this engine along with collectors optimized for High RPM use. 6000-7000. I was told by one of the crew guys the car was wrecked and the pipes got messed up on the drivers side and both collectors were cut off and replace with a 26" extension recommended by another engine builder. Right side header also replaced with a STD Tube Beyea. The header and extension work yielded +27HP 6000-7000rpms.

Having spent 2 days on the engine dyno to optimize all this stuff, I am sure not one thing remains the same as it was on the dyno so what should be expected as far as performance???

Water in the cap usually comes from pressure washing the engine without bagging off the carb and dizzy.

The engine will come back to life, it the right plugs are put back in, timing dialed back to 30*, Renegade Crate 98 put back in and a decent carb that keeps the engine lean and clean is used. The engine also needs a new set of 'Treated" Springs, retainers and locks on it to prevent dropping a valve and getting the top end back. The headers need to be sent back to me so I can put the proper collectors on them and I would put a stock out of the box 650hp on it and will bet it picks up .2-.3 tenths. That combination would probably pick the engine up the 30-40hp it is down.

Mr.K, like I said on the phone...you need to maintain the engine if you want it to perform, otherwise it will be flat. You also need to talk real nice to Larry or Lyle to see if he will sell you the air breather I built for the engine, that alone was worth about 12-14RWHP.

Now you can see how easy it is to go from a front running big power making engine to a flat running no, pulling turd...sorry but that is probably the truth. Pretty sad one of my engines running like a turd can keep up with most of the pack and almost win races.

You pretty much hit it on the head ( pun intended ). I have flow tested probably 100+ pairs of 604 heads in the last 8-9 years and you would be amazed at the variations head to head and year to year. I have had the same engine with heads 20cfm difference. I have had intakes off stock GM bolted engine +/- 25 cfms runner to runner. I just got 25 intake manifolds in from a customer in TX and after about a week of getting them all tested there was a variation of 27% from best to worst on total CFM and runner to runner comparisons varied from 5% to 35% and all of the intakes looked pretty much the same to the untrained eye. Intake manifold alone on a dyno swap in this case would be an easy +20HP. Customer kept Manifolds #1, #2, #3 and I kept #4,#5,#6,#7,#8,#9,#10. Engines will dyno over Christmas and will be going to big Pavement Races, like ASA, Viper, Snowball.

With that said you can see how selecting parts on a re-freshened engine can result in +20-30HP, if you add a great set of heads, intake and headers designed to match the added flow you can see more like +50HP. I know it is hard to believe but when you dyno to make power from 6000-7500 like I do the numbers are way different than the folks looking for torque on the bottom. Just about no matter what you do you will have 425# on the bottom and if you do good 450# or even more.

I am sure you also know that replacing the seats in stock heads usually results in +10-20HP if done properly. With a Serdi or Newen is it common to be able to be slightly off on istalled location .020"-.030" and then you can also put the valve job where you want to on the seat. Once you get all that done it make the engine think it is running a 2.08" valve on a 2" seat and with that extra velocity comes and increase in port acceleration and vacuum and that is why some engines pop like a super and some sound like a pulpwood truck.

That is why I recommend less gear and my engines usually turn +500-1000rpm more for the same gear ratio as most 604's. I work for " instantaneous acceleration" to get the mass moving and top end power to carry it into the corner harder and faster.

Take a radar gun to the track and pick out the cars that are 10-15mph faster at the end of the straight and ask them how they are getting there?

It is a pretty long post but some things can't be describes in just a few words. If you don't want to read it just click your mouse and move on to the next post.

11-30-2011, 08:12 AM
You know I'm not putting down you or this motor correct, I didn't know at the time I bought the motor there was non payment issues... All I can tell you is that I ended up with $6,000 cash,car and sponsor fee in it... And it was paid in full before I picked it up. As far as springs etc I send you PM to get a set,oil and filter but didn't get answer back...I hope you can get your money but I'd say your on the end of a long line....sorry but true.I'm sure my turd as my buddy Kyle called it ,will win in 2012 I'll almost bet the car and motor on it...I worked on my driving,handling,set-ups...now its time to bring the power back in to play. I had very little help learning how these cars work...I didn't need it to have loads of power...It's very very driveable...let one of my crew guys run it in mechanics race started 8th dead last...4 laps in he was lapping cars...Lmao he sure didn't call it a terd....nor has the half dozen people who have wanted to buy it but can't get the cash....Even the guy that won the points title at Elkins has been after it....Only reason I would sell it is to go super late...I'm sure being a rookie didn't help me this year on restarts etc when I was up front..I was more on defense than offence.Just part of learning what to do and when to do it..I know that an experienced driver would have won a few with my car this year...heck I've been real close a few times.In the RH Armstrong race I got second and was up under leaders door many times..yea I know I could have pushed him up the track and maybe won but that driver has always,always raced me clean so I done the same to him and he's been racing for years...I might have learned a few things that night by running with him...Theres been times I've screwed my self at Fastrak Northeast race...Started on tail in heat came up to 3rd....I looped it,my fault back to tail...back to 5th...got in to 3rd place car got put off track..lol for aggressive driving....started on tail of consey was flat flying came up to 2nd and working on leader when caution came out..got stuck on outside on restart and 3rd place got under me....so I was 1 spot from getting in green white checkered...and almost made it...my fault again should have been up on wheel on restart..so I've learned more in one year than most....As far as races on motor Joe ran six on it in 2010 I've ran 12 in 2011... So its still got lots of laps in it yet... And I got the headers you reworked and fixed them that's what's on it,it has a willys carb might be junk...don't know,went to 110 renagade race fuel timing at 32 and the dist was not locked,Kyle Thomas fixed that for me after he said it was a terd...but he ran 3rd that night in it first time driving my car..it runs much better now on racefuel and jets turned to lean,plus when Kyle ran it didn't have fuel regulator on it and was drowning it....so there was things not in its favor...mostly self inflicted....so it may have been a turd to him that night...