View Full Version : Bandits 2012 Motor Rule Finalized...

12-07-2011, 03:25 PM
The Steel Block Bandits Awards Banquet and Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony is quickly approaching and it brings forth a lot of rekindled interest about the upcoming 2012 racing season…..

After a lot of conversation and deliberation, the Steel Block Bandits (SBB) Series has decided to go with a 358 cubic inch motor rule for the upcoming 2012 race season. “We’ve polled a lot of drivers, car owners, and track promoters and the vast majority believe that an all-358 series is the best fit for the mission of the series and its relationship with drivers and track promoters,’’ said Butch Mayo, co-promoter of the SBB series.

2012 Motor Rule:
- 358 Cubic Inch or Smaller (Steel Block only)
1. Motors with Steel Heads – 2350lb – Open Carburetor
2. Motors with Aluminum Heads – 2350lb – (50lbs on or in front of the mid-plate - Open Carburetor.
3. GM 602/604 Crate rule will not change for 2012

The series will continue to allow crate engines, but the maximum cubic inch allowance for 2012 will be 358. Tracks that currently allow larger motors will still be afforded the opportunity to host SBB races. “At those venues, drivers that participate with engines larger than 358 will go by the house rules for that track,’’ Mayo said. “This will only be allowed at tracks that allow larger cubic inch motors”.

“Many teams feel as if they are at a disadvantage when running against big motors. Statistically, the 358 has been the most successful engine and has won the most races in the 2011 season,” said Greg Keister, co-promoter of the SBB series for 2012.

The new series promoters feel as if this rule change will allow for the continued development of the series, as well as its drivers. “This is truly the drivers’ series and the majority spoke and we listened,” said Keister. “As I said earlier in the year, we want this series to be a true steel block racing series, one that all drivers and tracks will feel comfortable in participating in,” he added.

Although the 2012 racing season is several months away, Butch and Greg have been busy talking to many track promoters and drivers, and they have already secured races for next season. “With the tracks we have returning in 2012, and the new tracks that I feel like we can secure with this new rules package, I believe the upcoming season will be one that will bring a lot of excitement and remind everyone why this series was created,” Mayo said.

“No, we’re not going to act like this past season didn’t have its ups and downs, but we feel as if our focus is where it needs to be, with our drivers, and we will continue to grow this series within the best of our abilities,” Keister said.
Please continue to monitor steelblockbandits.com for more information concerning the 2012 SBB rules, upcoming schedule and the banquet, which is set for Dec. 17.
