View Full Version : R2C air filter

01-22-2012, 10:28 PM
I haven't heard much about these lately so I thought I'd ask for some opinions. I used one for a full season last year and blew it out before every race. I never had any dirt in the carb or on the filter base or top. I am running a crate so I didn't tear it down to see how the internals looked after 20+ races. Their website says you can wash them, but I thought I would start fresh with a new one this season.

Thoughts? I previously purchased wix paper and replaced regularly.

01-23-2012, 06:02 PM
I have 15 races on mine, and clean it after every race. I blow it out with an air hose first, to get the loose stuff off. Rinse it with a garden hose, blow it dry with the air hose. My blow gun has one of those safety tips on it, only blows out 35-40 psi. And always clean/rinse from inside out. Still looks like new.

01-23-2012, 07:53 PM
I've got one too and have always just used an air hose to blow it out. I've never used a hose to wash it out. How long does it take to dry when you do that? One day, more or less??

01-23-2012, 08:05 PM
I never paid attention to how long it takes to dry. We race every 2 weeks, and its always dry when I pick it up.