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View Full Version : Late Model Steering Wheel Location

02-24-2012, 11:17 AM
Alright guys, this may be trivial to some, but I want to get some advice. How close do you recommend the steering wheel be for the best control of the car. Some drivers have it further away, and some have it right by their chest. Let me know your opinions. Thanks!!

02-24-2012, 01:08 PM
There is no wrong answer to this question.. This is 100% pure driver preference and I have seen some of the best run theirs at both extremes... I personally like mine closer than most (Can you more easily hold on to a 50# weight closer to your chest, or with your arms extended?) But when you put it close, make (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) sure your elbows cannot hinder your steering action, even in the most violent emergency motion.
Also make (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) sure that if you aren't using a collapsible column that you have a couple of u-joints in the column because with it close you have that much better of a chance to "eat" the steering wheel in a really hard hit....
One more thing to consider when running it close, make sure the column is far enough away that it will not hinder your exit in an emergency (Fire, etc)...
Good luck!!

02-24-2012, 01:17 PM
Yup! Comfort is pretty important. If you're comfortable in there, generally speaking you'll always be faster.

I prefer my elbows to be bent around 90 deg, so that puts the wheel around 10-12" away from my chest. I also run a 15" wheel since I have major clearance problems with a 17" wheel.
If I run the wheel closer it seems like I end up getting tangled up in myself when I try to steer fast. I've ran it further away before, and it wasn't bad, but just wasn't "right".

No doubt you have more leverage if it's closer, and I'm far from the strongest guy out there, but with my strength, if I can't muscle the wheel enough with it where it's at, I either need to work on the setup, or quit hitting stuff.