View Full Version : Tire compounds

07-01-2012, 10:16 PM
We run on a track that gets dry but has a fine dust on it and the compound we have been running (hoosier e mod A-40)just dont seem to be biting all they can,should we run a D-40 on this type of track or stay with the A's. Also we are in the middle of a bad drought so moisture is a thing of the past for now,they water it -it dries up!!!!!

07-01-2012, 11:50 PM
Try an H..........got to keep heat in it though....you keep heat in it and it goes!!! Another option is a Hoosier DCM which is between an H and A. Got to watch roll out with DCM....roll out is close to a Emod 26.5. Goodluck!

07-02-2012, 01:26 AM
What is your tire temp when you come off the track? What does the tire look like? Are you grinding them at all?

I too would try an H but grind it first and then again befor the main. They light faster and work longer.

07-02-2012, 09:08 AM
rr 155 degress ,and smooth still see grind marks a-40
Lr 125 feathered some d-40
rf 120 feathered good
lf 105 not a lot of wear just barely feathered