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View Full Version : Caster Split

Dirt Knife
07-08-2012, 10:40 AM
Can caster split cause a pus at mid turn?

Run 1.25 LF and 7 RF caster

Run 3/8" toe out with 925 LF and 900 RF spring

1/3 mile 10* or less banked track.

Run 1 to 1.5" stagger on a dry slick dont wish to add more starting to hurt
turn exit.


07-08-2012, 09:28 PM
I would say no, it wont cause a push but how is the car entering the corner? Caster split will "jack" weight to the LR and tighten the car up but only when you counter steer.

I'm guessing if the car is pushing mid corner your not counter steering at that point?

Whats the rest of the set-up look like? Is the car good everywhere else other then mid corner?


Dirt Knife
07-08-2012, 09:48 PM
Car is a 3 link S Stock 225 lr 200 rr
throw it in hard to loosen the chassis
have = comp on rr and rf shocks aprox 3"
50% rear 49% cross 3300 lb car 51% left
thinking about switching left side and right side springs front and rear
rear roll center is 10" bar angle 5* frame mount left side
In traffic cant throw it in as hard body slaming is not my driving style

Dirt Knife
07-08-2012, 09:55 PM
so maybe cuz I have to throw it in so hard im actually pushing going in
yet when i loosen my grip on the wheel it counter steeres to the right hard
to keep the front in front
run the low groove and the high groove every night serch 4 what makes
the suspension happy
have adjustable rear lowers can add more rear steer to help yet the
front just seems to skate

there are no binds or susp bottoming out tires are new ect

07-08-2012, 10:01 PM
Dont swap the springs all around. Make one change at a time.

I would increase the LR spring rate, this will add cross and rear bite. This will loosen the car up on entry (off throttle) , allow the car to trun through the center and then tighten the car up on corner exit (on throttle).

If your spring rates are true and accurate I would go up 50lb's of rate on the LR. This should gain you around 2% of cross and be enough of a change to feel, and see if it helped it. Eric

Dirt Knife
07-09-2012, 07:11 AM
I'll dial up 3* on the left front and leave the 7* I have
on the rf so that will give me 4 for a split
I'll try that for hot laps
I have a 250 to replace the 225 currently in the LR
If it needs more

I spent 10 years or so on asphalt with the caster the car would pull itself into the corner
why on dirt dose it want to countersteer to the right?
It just dosnt feel like it wants to pull me down into the corner?
