View Full Version : question on scaling metric car

07-27-2012, 11:11 AM
i run a metric car street stock and have a couple questions about scaling it, we are not allowed weight jacks, so we adjust with spring shims, my question is does it make a difference if you shim on the top or bottom of the lr spring? also we shim some in the rf to help with bite, to get the numbers we were suggested it takes alot of shims in the lr, and the ride hts look weird, is there any way to adjust this? thanks for any advice

07-27-2012, 01:09 PM
You can put the shims on top or bottom of LR spring, makes no real difference.

Usually you get about twice the bite from shimming the RF than you do the LR.

If your car is starting to look real crooked from too many in the LR you may just need a stiffer LR spring.

What kind of LR bite are you trying to get?

The stiffer the RF and or LR spring is the less bite you will need to still get the same handling affect.