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View Full Version : Rearend wants to hangout on exit

el paso mod 19
05-23-2013, 07:17 PM
The rear of car wants to hang out coming out of corner and not tuck back under while on gas. Doesn't necessarily tries to spin out just won't come back under me. I've got rid of some of it by adding LR bite. Not sure if I need to keep adding LR bite(up to 86# now) or if there is another area I should work on.

johnny v
05-23-2013, 08:28 PM
Check and make sure you don't have the Right side Radius rods adjust too long and have the right side pushed back too much.... pull the right side forward some and extend the Left side a little will get it back under you on exit....

el paso mod 19
05-23-2013, 08:41 PM
I have taken out the RR trail and have about 3/16 inch trail in LR. Car is getting pretty close last two times out. Maybe I just need to keep adding LR bite until it doesn't want to enter good anymore.

johnny v
05-24-2013, 10:13 PM
86# of bite without driver?... if true... I would say you close to the top of the scale on LR bite for a 4 link mod.... are you doing something on entry and through the middle that might be causing the "tail out" issue? Your not having to "toss" the car in on entry ? How far is the bias bar to the rear brakes ?

el paso mod 19
05-25-2013, 07:58 AM
The 86# of bite is with driver--34# without driver. Brake bias is approx. 75% to rear. Not really throwing car into corner but maybe entering too fast and causing part of problem.

johnny v
05-25-2013, 11:24 AM
there ya go.... adjust the hardest part to adjust... the driver..... I would leave the car alone for now....