View Full Version : headers for a 604

10-19-2013, 08:10 AM
Which header is the best for the 604? Has anyone dynoed the differnt brands

10-19-2013, 07:39 PM
Hedman has the best torque and HP I have dynoed beyas kooks schoenfiels Hedman is the best!

10-19-2013, 08:10 PM
What kind of gains over the others have you seen? Which schoenfelds did you test?

10-21-2013, 07:38 AM
I have Beyea headers on my 604 crate car. I have not dynoed them or any others, but they sound great on my car and my motor seems pretty stout compared to other crate cars on the track.

brad hibbard
10-21-2013, 08:25 AM
Quote from DWBracer---Hedman has the best torque and HP I have dynoed beyas kooks schoenfiels Hedman is the best!

we have been involved with header testing and can say that dyno #'s are only the preliminary test point for header design and selection

we have not done any testing with hedman so I cannot comment on them

what part# hedman would fit a 604 Rocket dirt late model?-----we will get a set for evaluation


10-21-2013, 10:12 AM
So brad with your post and your experience which headers do you recommend, not including the headman? The beyas
Have gotten a reputation of cracking, do you agree?

10-21-2013, 10:43 PM
m.lion, I have had 2 sets of beyeas and they both cracked. Once I would fix them they would just break again in a different spot. I did have them supported with hangers. Ran a set of the new style schoenfelds this year and they have yet to crack. I can't really tell a difference as far as power goes but I would recommend them.

10-27-2013, 09:57 PM
If you are looking for Reliability and power go with the Schoenfelds

12-07-2013, 08:29 AM
What part # for the scheonfelds?

12-07-2013, 10:47 AM

Spend the extra $ and get the three-stage design.

12-07-2013, 07:22 PM
according to hendren, dynatech has the best header right now

12-07-2013, 10:34 PM
Hedman is best hands down we have their original set of tri-y's they done for our mods and have over 200 shows on them and still going strong. If they do crack or get damaged send them back and they will fix them within reason of course if the whole thing is crushed it was not their fault it cracked. Everyone we have sold them to loves them. you can get them through my shop 573-330-8462 or call direct and ask for Chris.