View Full Version : Are They Running On Rails through the Apex?

04-06-2014, 09:40 PM
Are They Running On Rails through the Apex?

Do you have 2 to 3 cars on rails through the corners every week? Ever wondered how it’s being done? Want a solution? Check out The Best Kept Secret in Racing! TRACS reduces a MSD®Ignition systems output by 25%, which decreases engine performance by 10 to 12 percent. If you’re looking to move up this season you want to consider adding TRACS to your racing program. Mention seeing this post and you can purchase a standard TRACS device for $400.00 , Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Picture : www.techwestracing.com/twr/tracs1112.JPG
Block Diagram: www.techwestracing.com/twr/tcdblock.doc