View Full Version : IMCA andf their "BOTCHED" Rule Book

09-24-2014, 01:07 PM
The dictators at IMCA like to think that they are the "ONLY" organization in the world to race a modified. We were just "told" our race chassis was not welcome to race in a sanctioned IMCA series.....when all the while our Chassis Plainly is within regulation. We brought up the actual IMCA rule book and read it word for word back to IMCA and they blew it off and says that we actually had to build some every day "Cookie Cutter" race car and that our down tube system was not welcome and that it was a cost related factor when in fact it was just plain ignorance on the IMCA officials. Bottom line is...IMCA does not want new and exciting technology coming to race their sanctioned events from (ANY) manufacturer. Our race chassis is leading edge, works insanely good and countless people want our race cars......and IMCA is backing up and making rules as they go along. sad day folks! IMCA has been historically hard to deal with...and behind the times.....and so it is. IMCA officials are basically clueless when it comes to technology and the leading edge items that make race cars faster and safer. Killer Chassis


09-26-2014, 09:25 PM
I see nothing on your web site about your modifieds chassis besides a couple pictures of two racing. Looks like your more geared towards late models. Just wanted to look and see what you had to offer. Its hard to have an opinion on something we cant see. Jmo

10-13-2014, 11:02 PM
That sucks and dcole look on there Facebook page they have pics of the modified on there

10-18-2014, 07:07 PM
I guess u haven't dealt with IMCA its been all about the root family making $ in the 70's when the mods started all the tires came threw Bubin Tire in Independence, Ia. can u say monopoly. u what ur chassis approved u have to grease Brent Roots hand. sad but that's the way the run there seires