View Full Version : Wednesday-Night I-USRA Nationals-Lakeside Speedway-Heats

10-02-2014, 01:09 AM
Mother Nature Played with the USRA Nationals all day Wednesday at Lakeside Speedway, rain in the morning, cloudy all day, the clouds broke up in the afternoon, storms went to the North and South by early evening, and the Nationals got under way running all the heat races and on e b-main for the b-mods. Then the skies opened up and "wam" rain by the buckets full hitting the track about 9:15, once it started it never stopped.

I had a feeling the night was not going to make the a-mains when I saw lighting off to the West of the track at 7:15, I figured it would start about 8:45 or so. Using my old fishermans wisdom I decided to start shooting video so you all could see the quality and entertainment of this great event. I think their were 9 states represented, close to two hundred cars on hand with several track champions from all over on hand.

Even with a heavy track for the competiters their was still some passing for positions in all classes. The creme was coming to the top of the churn on this race night. Looking forward to the coming nights.

If you want to see these races live Racindirt.com has the whole thing on pay per view start to finish.
Thurday if run will start at 6:30 with the make up features from Wednesday first then the regular Thursday program after.

If we get caught up with rain sit back and watch the heat races from the USRA Nationals, Wednesday night right here. Enjoy.
