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View Full Version : Open Comp Super Late Engine Query

10-28-2014, 05:09 PM
I've been out of the game for a few years, but Im getting my ducks lined up to get back into DLM's and I was curious where we are with engines these days. Lets use the traveling guys with "Full On Open Comp" as our base line for this discussion. First if you know what are the most popular displacements? Second, how much HP are we cranking out these days? How hard are they turning them? Lastly how long between rebuilds and how much is a typical rebuild? I recently heard an interview with Moyer and he mentioned, "Spread Bore"(I think it was) and the escalated cost they bring, what is that? Last thing I had was in 2002 and it was a 430 with 18 deg heads...

10-28-2014, 07:19 PM
430-450 ci.
835-900 hp
8000-9000 rpm
Wide Bore -cylinder blocks with 4.5 in spread vs 4.4 on the cylinder bores which on a Chevrolet allows you to run a
bore over 4.20 inches and use a shorter stroke . Takes special heads
Rebuild- $10-15k

The new Ford RY45 is a large bore engine designed by Roush Yates and features special heads and intake just for dirt.

10-28-2014, 08:54 PM
IMO, the spread bore blocks have been the biggest enemy of "cost savings" in DLM racing. Many (if not most) will tell you that they are flat-out illegal in most DLM rulebooks because they are not based on a production motor. But I digress...
Engine costs are killing our sport...not just because of the cost of the engine itself but because as you add HP you add wear and tear on drive line components (not cheap) and increase the need for aero assistance.
Vicious cycle... Listen to some recent interviews by Bloomquist and Moyer (the two people most in tune with what is happening at the highest level of this sport) and you hear some things that are VERY close to hitting the panic button. Bottom line is that there isn't enough opportunity for income in this sport to justify what it takes spending on it unless you are independently wealthy or backed by big corporate sponsors (i.e. Clint Boyer, Bobby Labonte, etc.).

But she ain't dead yet....

10-29-2014, 03:39 AM
Jeteam the RY45 is NOT a Big Bore engine yet. The current version can't be bored any bigger than the standard ford stuff.

10-29-2014, 10:29 AM
Jeteam the RY45 is NOT a Big Bore engine yet. The current version can't be bored any bigger than the standard ford stuff.

Correct, but it's still a 4.5 inch cylinder spacing.

11-03-2014, 07:25 PM
I see, very enlightening. So I'm guessing its nearly impossible to be competitive at the top level without running these kind of engines. I have some pondering to do on this before I proceed. Thanks guys for all the input and info.

11-03-2014, 07:38 PM
I would not say it takes a 4.500" bore space motor to run competitively. I know of many more standard 415-430 range 18 degree motors running good at local to regional then big motors. Can you win a local race with one, probably, can you win a regional, again if your good. The 4.500" helps but is not required to have fun and run top 10 at most regional series. I'll give you probably no little motors winning any crown jewels but then again local or regional Saturday night fun is a far cry from crown jewel.

11-03-2014, 07:49 PM
I would not say it takes a 4.500" bore space motor to run competitively. I know of many more standard 415-430 range 18 degree motors running good at local to regional then big motors. Can you win a local race with one, probably, can you win a regional, again if your good. The 4.500" helps but is not required to have fun and run top 10 at most regional series. I'll give you probably no little motors winning any crown jewels but then again local or regional Saturday night fun is a far cry from crown jewel.

Very well put, thanks.