View Full Version : Dream crowd, camping, lack there of either?

06-09-2015, 10:09 AM
By far the lowest attended dream since I've been going (06), and Speedy camping was nearly empty. In our 1/3 of the row there were less than 4 sites being used and we were only in row 7, the rows behind were far less.

Fuel is at an all time low, prices are about the same, racing was good, so what gives? We sat in trun 4 instead of 1 this trip and could have moved seats every 1/4 lap and never even come close to using all the empty seats. 1/2 were empty, 3 and 4 were slightly fuller due to the wind changing, but wow, no one attended this year.

Kind of sad.

06-09-2015, 10:22 AM
From my viewpoint, crowds are way off normal attendance at just about any dirt racing event you care to name.
Acquaintances have talked about it a bit and the only thing they can come up with is the economy but I'm not sure that's the total reason for the drop. Locally, I've observed quite a drop in former SLM drivers who no longer compete at that level.
Right or wrong, some thought Madden (for example) wasn't at Eldora because of the costs versus winnings ratio. A long trip and a finish outside the top five probably means a losing proposition, financially. If you're short of funds to begin with, well.........
As you know at Eldora, there was a huge drop in payout from first to second and it wasn't anybody's game to win as some have suggested. A very few had dibs on the $100,000 while everybody else had to determine if it was feasible for their programs.

Oley Wilkersen
06-09-2015, 10:32 AM
From my viewpoint, crowds are way off normal attendance at just about any dirt racing event you care to name.
Acquaintances have talked about it a bit and the only thing they can come up with is the economy but I'm not sure that's the total reason for the drop. Locally, I've observed quite a drop in former SLM drivers who no longer compete at that level.
Right or wrong, some thought Madden (for example) wasn't at Eldora because of the costs versus winnings ratio. A long trip and a finish outside the top five probably means a losing proposition, financially. If you're short of funds to begin with, well.........
As you know at Eldora, there was a huge drop in payout from first to second and it wasn't anybody's game to win as some have suggested. A very few had dibs on the $100,000 while everybody else had to determine if it was feasible for their programs.

After the scale deal with Bloomer, I bet attendance for the world will will be way up. Car counts my be down knowing Bloomer has an agenda, but he puts butts in the seats and campers on the grounds. So no worries.

06-09-2015, 10:39 AM
instead of paying for tickets and travel money, i'd guess a lot of people may have done the pay per view.

Oley Wilkersen
06-09-2015, 10:45 AM
instead of paying for tickets and travel money, i'd guess a lot of people may have done the pay per view.

Good piont, but after what hapend to Bloomer I bet more people will want to see what he does next in person.

Oley Wilkersen
06-09-2015, 10:46 AM
You could miss it on ppv.

06-09-2015, 12:10 PM
We were chatting about this around the fire Saturday night. Quite a few camping spots have been open on the north end. This year definitely seemed to be lighter yet. One theory, Prelude used to run during Dream week drawing in a larger crowd that stayed for the entire weekend. And the ppv option definitely keeps people at home that were maybe on the fence about shelling out cash to travel vs sit on the couch at home. Add it all up and attendance is sure to suffer some. So glad were there though and will never forget what we witnessed. Still can't believe how it all shook out.

06-09-2015, 12:14 PM
We were chatting about this around the fire Saturday night. Quite a few camping spots have been open on the north end. This year definitely seemed to be lighter yet. One theory, Prelude used to run during Dream week drawing in a larger crowd that stayed for the entire weekend. And the ppv option definitely keeps people at home that were maybe on the fence about shelling out cash to travel vs sit on the couch at home. Add it all up and attendance is sure to suffer some. So glad were there though and will never forget what we witnessed. Still can't believe how it all shook out.

Honestly I forgot about the PPV because I don't miss the crown jewel events regardless of life lol. But good point, and we said the same thing on the golf cart back to the camper after the race. History was made that night and I am so glad we moved to turn 4 and watched it from there because we had a direct view of the scale lights. A group of grown men hugging not for our dislike of Bloomer but just for how it all went down with the late caution BS was a funny sight I am sure.

06-09-2015, 12:22 PM
Madcat, I am glad to know we weren't the only ones carrying on like school girls. :) My thoughts exactly.

Oley Wilkersen
06-09-2015, 12:24 PM
I think ppv in this sport has it's place for those who absolutely can not get there, but you will never get the same results as being there. Hope it don't wined up as nascar has, everyone is staying home for that!

06-09-2015, 12:59 PM
well I couldnt make it because lack of money, rain hasn't just been hurting racers. I can't tell you how many rain outs I had in the last two mths. it cost me last time $600 in gas, hotel $400, tickets $80 for the whole show, plus food, drinking ect. $300-400. is it worth going and spending that kind of money when i have it to spend on it,yes. but ppv a lot cheaper if you have to travel far to see the race if ypu can't afford to go.

06-09-2015, 01:12 PM
Madcat, I am glad to know we weren't the only ones carrying on like school girls. :) My thoughts exactly.

The whole section erupted like I have never heard before. Was a crazy sight and I am just glad I was able to see it that's for sure.

Oley Wilkersen
06-09-2015, 01:23 PM
Ya don't get that on ppv^ :)

06-09-2015, 03:18 PM
From my viewpoint, crowds are way off normal attendance at just about any dirt racing event you care to name.
Acquaintances have talked about it a bit and the only thing they can come up with is the economy but I'm not sure that's the total reason for the drop. Locally, I've observed quite a drop in former SLM drivers who no longer compete at that level.
Right or wrong, some thought Madden (for example) wasn't at Eldora because of the costs versus winnings ratio. A long trip and a finish outside the top five probably means a losing proposition, financially. If you're short of funds to begin with, well.........
As you know at Eldora, there was a huge drop in payout from first to second and it wasn't anybody's game to win as some have suggested. A very few had dibs on the $100,000 while everybody else had to determine if it was feasible for their programs.

All of the events I been to this year have been well attended...the Illini 100 was the biggest crowd ever...Also Lasalle, Macon and Tri-city which were all Lucas races...I know a few fans I talked to the last few years say the fans are getting a little crazy for them at Eldora... Too many drunks and thievery for them...Personally I and my friends prefer the Knoxville race the last few years...

06-09-2015, 03:35 PM
All of the events I been to this year have been well attended...the Illini 100 was the biggest crowd ever...Also Lasalle, Macon and Tri-city which were all Lucas races...I know a few fans I talked to the last few years say the fans are getting a little crazy for them at Eldora... Too many drunks and thievery for them...Personally I and my friends prefer the Knoxville race the last few years...

The fans at Eldora have settled down considerably in recent years.

06-09-2015, 06:03 PM
As far as ppv broadcasting's effect on attendance, we recently got a chance to look inside the industry a bit when Speed Shift TV's Chet Christner talked candidly with us at TDN. You can check it out here.


The statistics were interesting and bring up a pretty good debate.

If I were ever able to see a Dream or World 100, (hopefully one day soon) wild horses couldn't keep me away. I want to drink in the atmosphere (and some beer) with fans, smell the fuel, and watch the action, I think most of us would.

Oley Wilkersen
06-09-2015, 06:10 PM
I'll drank ta that!!!^ :)

06-09-2015, 06:46 PM
I thought the crowd was camparable to last years. We stayed in speedy grounds to, and it did seem to be more empty than years past. I know the speedy grounds raised their price $5 from last year, anyone know what it was anywhere else?

We was in row 5, and there was not really much around us.

06-09-2015, 07:18 PM
I thought the crowd was camparable to last years. We stayed in speedy grounds to, and it did seem to be more empty than years past. I know the speedy grounds raised their price $5 from last year, anyone know what it was anywhere else?

We was in row 5, and there was not really much around us.

Was it Speedy that changed owners a few years ago, that lady that runs it now made a lot of people mad so they stopped going there.

06-09-2015, 08:16 PM
How many people went to regular track this weekend? I worked at Fairbury and they had most of their regular late models there think there were 24 or so total and crowd was a pretty decent size for being Eldora weekend. Couple of regional guys with Kevin Weaver and Mike Spatola were there. In the past these types of drivers would have headed out there.

06-09-2015, 08:30 PM
Was it Speedy that changed owners a few years ago, that lady that runs it now made a lot of people mad so they stopped going there.

Yea, its kinda confusing. Me and dad was friends with a friend that used to date a girl in the family that used to own the speedy grounds. They were Nice people, they would take the money they earned off of the campground every year and take the whole family on a vacation. I don't know any names of the new or old owners.

It changed hands I believe in 2013 I believe.

06-09-2015, 09:28 PM
Talking to sources close to a eldora the crowd was up roughly 1000 people each night. They also said the PPV did very well as well. Seemed they were happy with the weekend.
As far as speedy, I think due to how user friendly Eldora website is to reserve sites that most people are going that route. You have go actually call a Speedy and hope they answer to reserve.

06-09-2015, 10:47 PM
Here's food for thought... Testosterone levels are probably at all time highs on Sunday evening when you return from the World... Shoot it out the window for a few weeks... This may be the reason for low attendance at the dream . Do the math... Had 2 pals hatch one out a week in a half ago and the other was havin one when the checkers fell! Poor bastard won't see a dream for awhile!! I'm just sayin.. Maybe they should hand out rubbers at the gate at the world!

Highside Hustler25
06-10-2015, 04:55 AM
How many people went to regular track this weekend? I worked at Fairbury and they had most of their regular late models there think there were 24 or so total and crowd was a pretty decent size for being Eldora weekend. Couple of regional guys with Kevin Weaver and Mike Spatola were there. In the past these types of drivers would have headed out there.

Not to many Bloomer fans in the stands at FALS this weekend:rolleyes:

06-10-2015, 01:38 PM
whats funny is, I told everyone on here that adding the 2 extra days would turn the crowd away..I took alot of flack over that statement, but i did get the last laugh...The Ole lady and I would go down on wednesday and stay till sunday and only have to pay $43 a piece.. Now it's $83... Gas prices down yes, but spending $400 a month to pay for Insurance at work is making it harder to get to the track...Im sure its getting tighter for everyone...I use to spend $100 or so just on Driver's shirts to help support, but the $$$ now goes to price of admission....

06-10-2015, 01:39 PM
Speedy's sold to the owners of the large turkey farm up the road what we were told last year. We stayed at Eldora's campground on property of track it was the same price as last years no increase but everyone around us were new this year also. Only repeaters were in the 2nd and 3rd spot but across the row from us several of those were the same. I'm told that the spots next to us were sold just the people didn't show up. Also noticed it appeared the crowd size was down to us as well. But we didn't have the numbers either. I'm just glad we were there to witness all of it this year ...