View Full Version : if your on the fence ......

george w
07-18-2015, 08:16 AM
About ordering the ppv for tonight definitely dont waste your time or your money, it wasnt a quarter as good or half as watchable as the dream. Funny my other post was deleted, i posted nothing but facts with no slang,slander,or profanity and you deleted it quicker then i could edit it . Funny how you said all the richards/pierce threads that where deleted was due to arguing and or atracks, a complete lie you showed your true colors mods by deleting my last post as it fit the criteria that you've set for others. I was merely looking out for fellow 4mers nothing more nothing less i guess you dont feel the same way. Very sad.

07-18-2015, 08:34 AM
Not sure what PPV you were watching but the Silver Dollar Nationals racing was insanely good last night. The video was top notch. The only issue they had was audio problems during the pit interviews. It was well worth the money and then some. Great racing action and they included the mods as well. Not sure if you have an axe to grind or if you had problems where you were watching but my video was flawless.

george w
07-18-2015, 08:41 AM
I had the same setup as i did for all three days of the dream which was great i have no axe to grind what so ever.If its better tonight ill be the first one to say so since i paid for the whole weekend at once just as i did for all three days of the dream ppv. I wasnt the only one trust me, several people dealt with the same issues i did they posted the same problems i had in the chat window to the right of the live/skipping feed. Speaking of axes aren't you the same flagone that was on here hyping the ndrl an then disappeared like they did???

07-18-2015, 09:05 AM
Wow..... Smh

The audio issue is from the track, not DoD.

Thursday night the PA was fine.... Last night there were some issues. I heard the same amount of pit interviews as those during the broadcast. Basically zero, the speakers cut in and out just like on the broadcast. So don't blame DoD.... It's a track issue.

george w
07-18-2015, 09:14 AM
Wow..... Smh

The audio issue is from the track, not DoD.

Thursday night the PA was fine.... Last night there were some issues. I heard the same amount of pit interviews as those during the broadcast. Basically zero, the speakers cut in and out just like on the broadcast. So don't blame DoD.... It's a track issue. whats the track have to do with the audio that DOD produces in there live stream ? Whats the track have to do with the black outs while there trying to get a better stream? Whats the track have to do with the technical team members repeatedly saying" does it look better now does it look better now" immediately following the blackouts?

07-18-2015, 09:19 AM
whats the track have to do with the audio that DOD produces in there live stream ? Whats the track have to do with the black outs while there trying to get a better stream? Whats the track have to do with the technical team members repeatedly saying" does it look better now does it look better now" immediately following the blackouts?

DoD uses the track PA as there audio feed. If it cuts out.... Then it's gonna show on your broadcast.

The feed is sent over a cell phone data. If the track has a strong signal at its location then you won't see the video feed skip.

Very few tracks have an actual Internet on the location. I-80 doesn't.... Eldora does.

Nothing has changed from a setup stand point from last year to this year.

george w
07-18-2015, 09:34 AM
Well the audio feed didnt cut out id say at best it cut in among several other issues thruout the night . If what you said is the case why wouldn't they just go do the streams at tracks that provide above average quality thruout the entire evening. ... seems logical to me?

07-18-2015, 09:38 AM
Not sure what that has to do with axes lol. But yes I was hyping the NDRL because that was my job and I believed in it. BUT I didn't disappear. I have continued to do my job with the ULTIMATE Super Late Model Series. I still write for Dirt Late Model Magazine every month, I remain very active in the National Dirt Late Model Hall of Fame as a member of the Executive Board and still do racing promotion seminars regularly - so I haven't disappeared.

I used the nomenclature "axe to grind" as a generality. I wasn't taking a personal shot at you. My point was that my PPV was fantastic. These broadcasts always have some issues with internet service providers. If there are others that AREN'T having problems with the broadcast then its a safe bet that the problem is not from the broadcast side but from the transfer and/or reception side. And just because you have the same set up as previously doesn't mean that all the conditions are the same. There are a lot of factors that affect it. Weather, outages or throttled bandwidth in transfer servers and a thousand other things. I have been fortunate that I have maybe had to refresh maybe a total of 4 or 5 times in the many (every one that DoD has done this year) broadcasts I have watched.

07-18-2015, 10:31 AM
from what i seen on DoD this morning the racing did not appear to be that good but, the heats usually are not that good no matter what track it is. I should say the first set of heat races i havent watched the secon heat races yet.

07-18-2015, 10:40 AM
Not sure what that has to do with axes lol. But yes I was hyping the NDRL because that was my job and I believed in it. BUT I didn't disappear. I have continued to do my job with the ULTIMATE Super Late Model Series. I still write for Dirt Late Model Magazine every month, I remain very active in the National Dirt Late Model Hall of Fame as a member of the Executive Board and still do racing promotion seminars regularly - so I haven't disappeared.

I used the nomenclature "axe to grind" as a generality. I wasn't taking a personal shot at you. My point was that my PPV was fantastic. These broadcasts always have some issues with internet service providers. If there are others that AREN'T having problems with the broadcast then its a safe bet that the problem is not from the broadcast side but from the transfer and/or reception side. And just because you have the same set up as previously doesn't mean that all the conditions are the same. There are a lot of factors that affect it. Weather, outages or throttled bandwidth in transfer servers and a thousand other things. I have been fortunate that I have maybe had to refresh maybe a total of 4 or 5 times in the many (every one that DoD has done this year) broadcasts I have watched.

Appreciate what you do Kelley , I know you have been apart of everything from the Ultimate Seires , to the NDRL , to the Southern Allstars back in the day .

Having met Kelley several times he hasn't went anywhere , he is a stand up guy that will even take time out of his busy race night with a series to talk racing and meet fans and fellow 4m members alike . He is also been an active poster on 4m for over10 years . You should meet him in person you would definitely change your mind george .

george w
07-18-2015, 10:45 AM
Appreciate what you do Kelley , I know you have been apart of everything from the Ultimate Seires , to the NDRL , to the Southern Allstars back in the day .

Having met Kelley several times he hasn't went anywhere , he is a stand up guy that will even take time out of his busy race night with a series to talk racing and meet fans and fellow 4m members alike . He is also been an active poster on 4m for over10 years . You should meet him in person you would definitely change your mind george . i misunderstood a portion of the post was mainly frustrated with other things and should have waited a while to reply.

07-20-2015, 07:35 AM
i misunderstood a portion of the post was mainly frustrated with other things and should have waited a while to reply.

The point you made about the inconsistent attempt at decent moderation did not go un noticed GW........the flash point for thread or post deletion now appears to be dollar driven ( let's not make our advertisers mad) more so than it is rule breaking.( whatever the rules are now?)

07-20-2015, 08:02 AM
I get just about every ppv dirtondirt has available. I must say, i couldn't be happier. If you like racing and can't make the shows, get dirtondirt. At times, yes the feed was a little lagging. Nothing is ever gonna be perfect. I have been to tracks personally and have had something happen such as a power outage or pa speakers quit working. I must disagree with thread starter. If you're on the fence, give it a try at least.

07-20-2015, 09:09 AM
I believe the Pittsburgher 100 messed up on me a couple years ago. I didn't really complain, I let just them know I couldn't really watch the race because of some sort of difficulty. Micheal personally emailed me and told me he was sorry and refunded me my money. I was just gonna a take the lose and let it go.

I've gotten 2 or 3 since then and haven't had a problem.

07-20-2015, 12:24 PM
I kind of felt sorry for D Swave. First time for pit coverage and have a junk audio system. They really shouldn't depend on someone else's equipment. Somebody else's name isn't on the product sold.

I had a good picture and sound, other than that. I plan on getting it again, even if there are things that they could do to improve it.