View Full Version : your 201 winner is;

08-02-2015, 12:05 AM
Jackie Boggs and a Swartz race car sweep of the top 6 postions..

08-02-2015, 12:50 AM
one rocket placed 5th

deez lug nuts
08-02-2015, 09:50 AM
Dust track chasing with that lame not good for racing clay that dusts up badly in quick time and the straight up racing format. Go get dark red clay from wherever William Barker got it in 1998 and invert the heats and redraw top 2 from each heat for feature starting spots.

Way understocked and overpriced concessions. Have more stuff on site and lower prices about 25 - 30%

Rutted roadways and pits. You got a grader so use it.

Junk and garbage laying around. Clean the entire holler and track area good it needs it.

Pit grandstands need work. Fix that serious problem.

Timing board above tower doesn't work. Why?

Could barely hear the announcer due to inadequate speakers. Buy more speakers and move some speakers closer to the racefans.

Starting races in the middle of turns 3 & 4 isn't good. Start races at the flagstand when the green flag flies.

Hadn't went to 201 since spring of 2014 and I was disappointed a lot in what the place is like now and what my $20 was spent on.

You wonder why crowds and car counts are down weekly at that track? Well, above is a LOT of reasons why.

Tune that place up and get it running right. It's a missing badly right now.

deez lug nuts
08-02-2015, 11:38 AM
The Curly guy and his crew put the water to the racing surface aplenty. Done a GREAT job soaking it before on track activities began! When the racing surface got worked in from cars on it the dust was flying quickly. Watering the racing surface more wouldn't have made much difference because the dust would have been flying quickly again with how fast that racing surface dries out. The clay on the track now is just not the ideal stuff for a racing surface. What's in it isn't good. Getting some 1998 William Barker red clay is the answer to the problem.

08-02-2015, 02:18 PM
Jackieee boggsss

08-02-2015, 06:53 PM
it was only fitting that one of the guys who miller bros. use to sponsor won the race this weekend. Jackie had a smile from ear to ear which was good to see. as far as the dirt goes, they need to really look after this racing season at finding some real clay somewhere to put on that place.. it would be a great race track with that..

08-02-2015, 07:39 PM
Any time I used to go to my mamaw's house in Corbin there seemed to be lots of red clay in the dirt there. So maybe they could look around Laurel or Whitley counties.

deez lug nuts
08-02-2015, 09:53 PM
I've mentioned twice in this thread how to begin getting good red clay for 201. Just gotta' get with people who were around 17 years ago when the track was covered with that prime racing surface stuff. I would safely bet that Chris Belcher would know the source of that red clay back then or that he would know somebody with the needed location info where that red clay came from.

luv racin
08-04-2015, 03:47 PM
I was there Saturday night. I believe that this track has potential to become one of the best in the nation. Yes I agree that they need to do some work with the P/A system but they do have radio frequency so that helps that fans can listen on their personal devices. There is nothing wrong with the racing surface. Prepared very well Saturday and stayed racey all night long. Kudos to the staff on the surface. We left at 1:30 am and they were about to run 4cylinder feature and still had the bomber feature to go. My only complaints would be try to improve sound system and get the show over by 1 am at least. It would be nice to see scoreboard installed but I do understand that they are expensive. I live 200 miles from the track and I enjoyed my first trip to 201 Saturday and will go back some time when they have Lucas or some bigger shows.

deez lug nuts
08-04-2015, 04:09 PM
There is nothing wrong with the racing surface.


https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/11230214_1113459875348481_7423611789998138716_n.jp g?oh=2bbb43fd577af0069104f56440d920d3&oe=5684412D

deez lug nuts
08-04-2015, 04:11 PM
https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/11836737_1113462122014923_1187840093603267435_n.jp g?oh=196fc72a029881a8df24e862ac4a0ca8&oe=56597A65

08-04-2015, 04:16 PM
Dang!! Shame to see such a track of great potential resign itself to being a dry slick dust bowl.

luv racin
08-05-2015, 03:02 PM
Some people just want to complain about everything. If u dont want to get dirty then dont go to a dirt track. That simple. Yes it was little dusty but I will take good racing and dusty track over follow the leader train racing in the rubber with no dust any day. No matter what anybody says it was a really good race Saturday. Crowd was standing on its feet watching the race.

08-05-2015, 04:01 PM
Some people just want to complain about everything. If u dont want to get dirty then dont go to a dirt track. That simple. Yes it was little dusty but I will take good racing and dusty track over follow the leader train racing in the rubber with no dust any day. No matter what anybody says it was a really good race Saturday. Crowd was standing on its feet watching the race.

Would you be able to stand a race if there was actually NO dust, with moist tacky clay instead? Or would that tick you off? lol

deez lug nuts
08-05-2015, 04:06 PM
I live 200 miles from the track and I enjoyed my first trip to 201 Saturday and will go back some time when they have Lucas or some bigger shows.

Fact or fiction? You're an example of contradiction.
You posted the following May 2014 after the 201 WoO race:

"luv racin

Default whiners at 201

201 race was good race last night. I hope WOO comes back again. I just got tired of hearing some of the WoO drivers complaining because Lanigan and Linville would not give them any advice on their cars last night but there will be those ppl I guess. Altogether great race I thought and 201 did good job of preparing the track. Concessions were good. Seating good. All around probly one of the best dirt tracks in the state of Ky right now."

08-05-2015, 04:48 PM
deez lug nuts ......... the pics do not lie ,,,,, but that was the only place on the track that was like that. it was on the main bottom in the middle of 3 and 4 and it was bad,about 20 or 30 feet.. but don't make ever body think the track was like that all around.it was dusty but I thought it was good racing top and bottom, atleast it was not a train race.

deez lug nuts
08-05-2015, 05:00 PM
deez lug nuts ......... the pics do not lie ,,,,, but that was the only place on the track that was like that. it was on the main bottom in the middle of 3 and 4 and it was bad,about 20 or 30 feet.. but don't make ever body think the track was like that all around.it was dusty but I thought it was good racing top and bottom, atleast it was not a train race.

Dustiest part of the track was where those pictures were taken oh yeah but overall the dust was a bit tooooooooo much!!!!

:D Enjoy the prime dusty viewing:


Highside Hustler25
08-05-2015, 05:12 PM
So far this year, I've attended 14 races at 9 different tracks. None were remotely close to being that dry and dusty. If that's acceptable to some, that's fine but their are other options out there.

08-05-2015, 07:53 PM
That video shows the reality. You can see some kind of ground particles in a swirling cloud coming up behind the race cars everywhere on the track.

08-05-2015, 08:59 PM
So far this year, I've attended 14 races at 9 different tracks. None were remotely close to being that dry and dusty. If that's acceptable to some, that's fine but their are other options out there.

I think Woody Guthrie and Chris Knight wrote some songs about 201 and the current "clay".

08-06-2015, 08:21 AM
As a driver, I can tell you that it was the dustiest track I have ever raced on. I have raced for 37 years now. I have been to some terribly dusty places before, but Saturday night was ridiculous. It was dangerous. I pulled off on the 3rd lap. I could have replaced my face sheild with plywood, and seen about as much.

Highside Hustler25
08-06-2015, 12:30 PM
As a driver, I can tell you that it was the dustiest track I have ever raced on. I have raced for 37 years now. I have been to some terribly dusty places before, but Saturday night was ridiculous. It was dangerous. I pulled off on the 3rd lap. I could have replaced my face sheild with plywood, and seen about as much.

Most all guys have a wrap around air filter over the air cleaner but isn't it a issue for engines when you race in those conditions?

deez lug nuts
08-06-2015, 06:57 PM
Saw on facebook where 201 cancelled upcoming races until September 3rd due to equipment issues. Tractor worked fine Saturday evening/Sunday morning. Saw some pull behind discs and sheeps foot rollers in the infield. Water truck looked to be functioning great. The roller looked to be rolling along as it should. Packer vehicles were circling the track aplenty. Got a tractor to pull some discs to plow with, a water truck to squirt water, sheeps foot rollers, a roller and packer vechicles to pack with. What equipment is not working now since the last race? :confused:

"201 Speedway The ones complaining wouldn't have enough sense to run a lemonade stand much less a race track!!!"

I question their abilities to adequately promote and hold money's worth racing events at a dirt race track and they are about 3 years into it now. Why is it that we paying customers can see the obvious lemons there with that race holding operation and the track staff can not???? :confused:

08-07-2015, 09:05 AM
Most all guys have a wrap around air filter over the air cleaner but isn't it a issue for engines when you race in those conditions? We try to keep all the dust and dirt out that we can. Sometimes you still get some. It is definitely hard on the rings, and cylinder bore. Sometimes you get a rock hole in your filter, or the breather loosens up, and lets dust in. It isn't good.

08-07-2015, 01:50 PM
If you think that was dusty then its a good thing you weren't there last year for the lucas race. I was on top of hill in turn 2 and only time I could see the cars were when they were coming off of turn 4 to flag stand.

I've been going to 201 for many years and have seen some of the best racing there that I've ever seen anywhere.
But I must say that ever sence the old guy Johnny passed that they don't have any body that's knows how to prep a track.
I heard a while back that they were gonna only race once a month and I didn't believe it but now I think it was true.

( "201 Speedway The ones complaining wouldn't have enough sense to run a lemonade stand much less a race track!!!" )

Now that was not a very smart comment for a promoter to make !!!!!!!!! As bad as I hate to see it come their closing is in the very near future, IMO.
It takes me 1 hour to get there,2 1/2 to prp,3 to atomic and that's were Ive been going sense 201 has not been running.
I could tell all kinds of stories I've heard lately about this place but I'm not gonna start that.
Just sad to see another good place close,as many tracks have done in the last few years.

08-07-2015, 02:04 PM
This is not directed toward 201 Speedway but all tracks in general...... It has just become so expensive to take my family to the races over the last 4-5 years that we just cant afford it now. We would go to the races at least 3 weekends out of the month years ago and we enjoy nothing more but now its tough to find a race where we can all go and get in for less than $75-$100 plus gas and concessions. We have been to 3 races all season:( Just wish there was a way for it to be more family friendly.............. Racing in general is just sooooo expensive.

08-07-2015, 02:22 PM
I went to the combs race and it wasn't a bit dusty then... They poured and poured the water on it. Then it sprinkled a little

08-07-2015, 02:48 PM
I know what you're talking about willardboy. I've only missed one weekend this year cause every track rained out.
I've been to
I don't know how much longer I can go though cause I'm not working now. The economy is hurting every thing around

08-07-2015, 03:44 PM
If you think that was dusty then its a good thing you weren't there last year for the lucas race. I was on top of hill in turn 2 and only time I could see the cars were when they were coming off of turn 4 to flag stand.

I've been going to 201 for many years and have seen some of the best racing there that I've ever seen anywhere.
But I must say that ever sence the old guy Johnny passed that they don't have any body that's knows how to prep a track.
I heard a while back that they were gonna only race once a month and I didn't believe it but now I think it was true.

( "201 Speedway The ones complaining wouldn't have enough sense to run a lemonade stand much less a race track!!!" )

Now that was not a very smart comment for a promoter to make !!!!!!!!! As bad as I hate to see it come their closing is in the very near future, IMO.
It takes me 1 hour to get there,2 1/2 to prp,3 to atomic and that's were Ive been going sense 201 has not been running.
I could tell all kinds of stories I've heard lately about this place but I'm not gonna start that.
Just sad to see another good place close,as many tracks have done in the last few years.

I think that 201 could be the best track in Kentucky if ran right.