View Full Version : Chris Madden

09-19-2015, 08:21 PM
Saw here Tommy Hicks was turning the wrenches for Madden this weekend

09-20-2015, 11:31 AM
I thought I saw Tommy roaming around the pits from the stands, but I never could figure out who he was with. Interesting.

09-20-2015, 12:34 PM
Potent duo.............

09-20-2015, 04:49 PM
Just a ? he was not in winning photos with team?

09-20-2015, 06:15 PM
Camera shy?

09-20-2015, 07:13 PM
Tommy is getting all of long horn's secret's so bloomer can use them on his chassis?????

D. Tidrow
09-20-2015, 07:24 PM
Tommy is getting all of long horn's secret's so bloomer can use them on his chassis?????Yea considering Davenports setups are exclusive to the 6 car. Try again.

09-20-2015, 07:33 PM
I would be willing to bet, Rumley hasn't given away ALL his little tricks!

09-20-2015, 07:57 PM
Yea considering Davenports setups are exclusive to the 6 car. Try again.
LOL, Ummm read again, I never said a word about Rumley, Im talking madden and looking at chassis design. Try again.

09-20-2015, 08:12 PM
Yea considering Davenports setups are exclusive to the 6 car. Try again.

He sold setup and gaget on rear of car to wv folks.

09-20-2015, 08:37 PM
Tommy lives near Knoxville and that was the first race he has been to in a while. I spoke to him a few days ago while working on an article about Duayne Hommel. Tommy said that he retired several weeks back and was no longer working in racing. I am sure that is always subject to change but my guess would be he was just helping out a friend in Madden.

09-21-2015, 12:01 AM
Thanks Flagone for the heads up. Longhorn share info that's why guys want 1. There not Bloomer and not back what they took a ton of money for.

Highside Hustler25
09-21-2015, 05:17 AM
Tommy is getting all of long horn's secret's so bloomer can use them on his chassis?????

Hardly. Hicks parted ways with Bloomer a long time ago.

09-21-2015, 06:34 AM
The make a good car but your not getting what's on the 6 car just like when you buy a sweet Bloomquist your not getting what's on the zero unless your spending landers money, just like when kid chawk smoker was dominate you weren't getting what was on the 1 car ....

09-21-2015, 10:49 AM
Hardly. Hicks parted ways with Bloomer a long time ago.

Correct, but has tried to come back several times. He left the first time when the tire guy came in and then came back for a short stint until Mallory came back. He doesn't like either two of them and walked away on his own because of that. If Mallory left today I bet Hicks would be back tomorrow. I don't see Mallory leaving until Scott gives him the boot though and he will, he always does.

09-21-2015, 11:20 AM
Is tommy not working for eric wells anymore? He was at fayetteville woo show earlier this yr.

09-21-2015, 11:30 AM
He left Wells several weeks back.

09-21-2015, 11:44 AM
He left Wells several weeks back.

Ok thanks flagone dk that he left

Highside Hustler25
09-21-2015, 12:18 PM
Correct, but has tried to come back several times. He left the first time when the tire guy came in and then came back for a short stint until Mallory came back. He doesn't like either two of them and walked away on his own because of that. If Mallory left today I bet Hicks would be back tomorrow. I don't see Mallory leaving until Scott gives him the boot though and he will, he always does.

didn't know that. I never thought the split would last this long. Figured Tommy and Scott would have been hooked back up by now. It sure didn't click with Wells.

09-21-2015, 12:54 PM
Potent duo.............

True....but both probly stubborn as a mule. Scott has said many times that he makes ALL the calls. That can wear on a knowledgeable crew chief like Tommy!

09-21-2015, 06:08 PM
I tried to find the like button for your location statement there rebel roy, by the way, your ford isn't black is it?

09-21-2015, 07:09 PM
Lol, yes... :D

Welcome to the club, Mr. Nunn-imaker! My Greater Mans Cheby is doin fine!

Tell Mr. Dirt , I said hello! LOL

09-21-2015, 09:20 PM
Rebel Roy for president!!!! :)

Welcome Chrissy Nunn how are ya tonight? :D

09-23-2015, 10:29 AM
Chrissy was struck down in her prime by the great forces to who we must abide. She was one of the last true spirits that roam the almighty script we all know and love called 4m. She'll not be forgotten .

She was a rebel..............and thank you for showing everybody just how easy it is to move onward and upward Dr. Phil.