View Full Version : Who builds the best late model motor???

Stand on her, lean on her
10-02-2015, 03:11 PM
I am looking to get a new motor built and was wondering who does the best work?

10-02-2015, 03:20 PM
Cornett race engines helped jimmy owens to 3 Lucas Oil championship's

10-02-2015, 03:23 PM
Theres more than just one.

10-02-2015, 03:46 PM
Kind of an open ended question. I am sure if you asked the owners/drivers who use the top engine builders such as Durham, Clements, Pro Power, Cornett, Jay (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)ens, Vic Hill, etc.They would vouch for their builder. Factors such as costs, service, availability to deliver an engine in a timely fashion, all come into play when deciding which builder to go with. All of the above engines have had success both at the national and regional levels.

10-02-2015, 03:48 PM
U putting it in a black ford?

10-02-2015, 04:26 PM
Jay D*ckens

Josh Bayko
10-02-2015, 05:16 PM
If I was going to get into super late model racing, I'd get a Cornett. They seem to have the best reliability of the big name builders (as long as you maintain it right, of course) and have propelled an awful lot of drivers to an awful lot of championships, from local tracks right on up to national tours.

10-02-2015, 05:34 PM
Draime, ProPower and Race Engine Design(Georgia) are a few more to consider.

10-02-2015, 06:03 PM
my guess would be clements jay (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)ens and cornett would be top of the line

10-02-2015, 08:25 PM
don't know why custom race engines are not in the mix,larry and jeremy build some nice pieces

10-02-2015, 08:30 PM
The real question you should be asking is who has the best machinist..

10-02-2015, 08:36 PM
The real question you have to ask is........how much do you want to spend?

10-02-2015, 08:42 PM
Kind of an open ended question. I am sure if you asked the owners/drivers who use the top engine builders such as Durham, Clements, Pro Power, Cornett, Jay (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)ens, Vic Hill, etc.They would vouch for their builder. Factors such as costs, service, availability to deliver an engine in a timely fashion, all come into play when deciding which builder to go with. All of the above engines have had success both at the national and regional levels.Great point hit the nail on the head there. also might not be bad idea if can find one this builders close to you also. Easier to make a good busines relationship with too.

10-02-2015, 08:44 PM
Clements and Cornett

10-03-2015, 07:27 AM
Custom built two engines for us this year and one blew up in less than 30 laps........ I would not say they aren't anywhere near the top. I would say Bustom would be a better name

10-05-2015, 08:44 AM
HAHAHA This is just Like Chevy Vs Ford.

10-05-2015, 09:08 AM
there is some top candidates but saying who is best and the most reliable is catch 22 question there i a lot more to racing then just the engine.but these 5 Cornett,clements,hatifield,jay d$ckerson vic hill should get u there.

10-05-2015, 09:57 AM
Find someone you can have a great relationship with, not just be a customer, take your money and show you the door deal unless you really know what you want, can give the builder the specs, have them build it then you maintain it on delivery.

A lot depends on you. A great engine builder is only as good as the guys who manage that piece week in week out and at the track. If you don't have the technical know how to get the best out of your engines and keep them tweaked up and running to perfection, get a crate engine and go crate racing and learn basic engine setup and maintenance.

The less sophisticated the engine is, the less knowledge you'll need to get decent performance out of it. And it will be a lot less expensive to replace or repair if you mess something up tweaking on it.

My personal opinion on engine builders is they are all good, but how much their reputation is going to thrive or suffer with your results is going to be a factor in the quality, attention to details, service after the sale, information they will share with you and price you get from them.

10-05-2015, 03:08 PM
Ford - Andy Durham
Chevy - Clements (they do the head work for several of the other builders)

10-05-2015, 03:45 PM
Eagle racing engines were the top dog in the 90's as far as drag engines were concerned they done some very good work for me back then .

In The Gas
10-05-2015, 06:29 PM
Rumley! Maybe the others in previous years.

10-05-2015, 06:52 PM
Rhyne Engines

10-05-2015, 07:12 PM
Rumley! Maybe the others in previous years.

I don't think you can qualify Mr. Leroy as a builder. If its true what some are saying, he is just an assembler. No doubt it takes special skills to assemble a race engine, but that's only a part of what a real engine builder does!

Highside Hustler25
10-05-2015, 07:34 PM
Ford - Andy Durham

Was wondering when someone was gonna mention him.

In The Gas
10-05-2015, 07:38 PM
I don't think you can qualify Mr. Leroy as a builder. If its true what some are saying, he is just an assembler. No doubt it takes special skills to assemble a race engine, but that's only a part of what a real engine builder does!

Assembler is defined as a person who assembles a machine or its parts. Obviously Rumley knows what parts he needs to build a motor.

10-05-2015, 07:43 PM
Assembler is defined as a person who assembles a machine or its parts. Obviously Rumley knows what parts he needs to build a motor.

Probly......but I bet it has more to do with Mr. Clements parts list!

10-06-2015, 05:54 PM
Well, there are machinists and there are assemblers, then there are engine designers. Unless your developing your own port profiles and matching them to the other parts to make a predictable torque curve, your not a full fledged designer, machinist, assembler. I'm not sure, but I believe some so called engine builders work with a head profiler. I know some of the NASCAR teams do. It's just hard to be good at everything. There is a lot of tech in every part of a racing engine, they pick these parts from specialists with expertise. That would make all of them, so called assemblers.

10-06-2015, 08:21 PM
Calling Leroy just an " assembler" is like calling Van Gogh just a painter...........

10-06-2015, 08:31 PM
Calling Leroy just an " assembler" is like calling Van Gogh just a painter...........

A lot of time the local builders are at the tracks if there are problems they can help get them fixed during a night of racing, also they have access to other business partners to help track down a needed part that can sometimes keep a night going that would otherwise ended early.

10-06-2015, 11:28 PM
Calling Leroy just an " assembler" is like calling Van Gogh just a painter...........

I don't know Leroy, but I'm guessing he farms out the machining, as the cost of owning that equipment for just your own engines, would be expensive. He is probably working with a head porter as a 5 angle CNC machine costs more than several years of engines and is worthless without a flow bench. He is old enough, that he could know what he wants for a profile and flow and dictates what he wants, but even people like Hendricks have people do their R/D work. He is probably buying pistons, valve train components, crank, rods and blocks. So at most he would be a designer / assembler.

This is not bad mouthing him. There just aren't any engine builders since the 50s. Tech put them out of business. The last time, I saw someone make their own pistons, was 1958.

10-07-2015, 03:46 AM
With the amount of time and money Clements spends to develop their clyinder heads do you think the old man is really reinventing that wheel ?? I could maybe see a slightly different cam since Davensnort runs a narrower rpm range than most with his wide open hammer the cushion every lap style ...

10-07-2015, 06:08 AM
The engine is still much less important than the chassis setup. It isn't that big of a deal...

10-07-2015, 07:33 AM
The engine is still much less important than the chassis setup. It isn't that big of a deal...


10-07-2015, 07:34 AM
Vic Hill Racing Engines

10-07-2015, 07:38 AM
With the amount of time and money Clements spends to develop their clyinder heads do you think the old man is really reinventing that wheel ?? I could maybe see a slightly different cam since Davensnort runs a narrower rpm range than most with his wide open hammer the cushion every lap style ...

No, but with you and serge as the dynamic reach around duo I think you have re invented a bad clone of Freddy Mercury,David Bowie and Rob halford racing team.


10-07-2015, 07:41 AM
I don't know Leroy, but I'm guessing he farms out the machining, as the cost of owning that equipment for just your own engines, would be expensive. He is probably working with a head porter as a 5 angle CNC machine costs more than several years of engines and is worthless without a flow bench. He is old enough, that he could know what he wants for a profile and flow and dictates what he wants, but even people like Hendricks have people do their R/D work. He is probably buying pistons, valve train components, crank, rods and blocks. So at most he would be a designer / assembler.

This is not bad mouthing him. There just aren't any engine builders since the 50s. Tech put them out of business. The last time, I saw someone make their own pistons, was 1958.

So your saying the term engine builders doesn't apply to anyone these days???

Home builders don't make any of the components the build with( or 99.99 percent don't), they outsource everything too , yet are still called home builders.

I see where your going , but it's all semantics.

10-07-2015, 08:02 AM
I assemble my engines, do 90% of the machine work in house and experiment a lot,( I was probably the first person to put Honda civic rods in a 302 ford engine) just wandering how I would be classified now? I have been calling myself a builder, but could be wrong.

10-07-2015, 09:04 AM
I think some people are confusing "parts design and manufacture" with "engine builder." If a guy has to fabricate his own piston, crank, block, etc to be a bona fide "engine builder", its been a long time since anyone could do that and make a better component than what a good manufacturer can sell you.

These days a builder is really more of an assembly engineer. He has to determine, based on your preferences, what he can build that will do what you want it to do at the price you can afford.

So you go to the guy and say "I want 850 hp, so many ft lbs of torque, it has to last 3000 laps between freshens..etc... for this much money" and the builder has to pick all the ingredients to bake that cake and make it work. Or tell you he can't do it for your budget but here is what I can do for you in that price range, or here is the compromise. I can get you 790 at that ft lbs of torque but it won't last more than 1500 laps, etc...

Good builders really know their stuff and can put together a package of components for you that will meet your goals, but you first have to tell them what it is you want or just ask them what packages they have. I would still say a local guy trying to make a living with local racers is probably going to offer you a lot more added value in terms of cooperation, information and weekly support than some big name builder already overflowing with work from the major league racers. The local dude may not have the same level of resources in his shop as the big names, but he does have the advantage of being available and in a price range you can probably afford.

10-07-2015, 09:17 AM
I think some people are confusing "parts design and manufacture" with "engine builder." If a guy has to fabricate his own piston, crank, block, etc to be a bona fide "engine builder", its been a long time since anyone could do that and make a better component than what a good manufacturer can sell you.

These days a builder is really more of an assembly engineer. He has to determine, based on your preferences, what he can build that will do what you want it to do at the price you can afford.

So you go to the guy and say "I want 850 hp, so many ft lbs of torque, it has to last 3000 laps between freshens..etc... for this much money" and the builder has to pick all the ingredients to bake that cake and make it work. Or tell you he can't do it for your budget but here is what I can do for you in that price range, or here is the compromise. I can get you 790 at that ft lbs of torque but it won't last more than 1500 laps, etc...

Good builders really know their stuff and can put together a package of components for you that will meet your goals, but you first have to tell them what it is you want or just ask them what packages they have. I would still say a local guy trying to make a living with local racers is probably going to offer you a lot more added value in terms of cooperation, information and weekly support than some big name builder already overflowing with work from the major league racers. The local dude may not have the same level of resources in his shop as the big names, but he does have the advantage of being available and in a price range you can probably afford.

Another excellent post by t.nie.........

deez lug nuts
10-07-2015, 10:23 AM
Ain't no true engine builders if you have to make your own bolts and zip ties to be called one. :D

10-07-2015, 11:52 AM
Mr.Rumbley is more of an engine builder than Ronnie Stuckey, Darrell Lanigan, Scott Bloomquist or Billy Moyer are a chassis builder. Mr. Rumbley has been building his own engines for years. I don't think Stuckey, Lanigan, Bloomquist or Moyer has ever build a chassis on their own. I am sure Barry Wright, Tader Masters and Mark Richards have built chassis the same as Clements, Cornett, Hill, Scheilper, Draime and Mr. Rumbley have built engines. Put a pile of tubing in front of Barry Wright, Tader Master or Mark Richards and they can build you a chassis. Put same pile of tubing in front of Stuckey, Lanigan, Bloomquist or Moyer and it will still be a pile a year from now. Put a pile of engine parts in front of Mr. Rumbley and it will be an engine that can win the World 100.

10-07-2015, 11:53 AM
I think some people are confusing "parts design and manufacture" with "engine builder." If a guy has to fabricate his own piston, crank, block, etc to be a bona fide "engine builder", its been a long time since anyone could do that and make a better component than what a good manufacturer can sell you.

These days a builder is really more of an assembly engineer. He has to determine, based on your preferences, what he can build that will do what you want it to do at the price you can afford.

So you go to the guy and say "I want 850 hp, so many ft lbs of torque, it has to last 3000 laps between freshens..etc... for this much money" and the builder has to pick all the ingredients to bake that cake and make it work. Or tell you he can't do it for your budget but here is what I can do for you in that price range, or here is the compromise. I can get you 790 at that ft lbs of torque but it won't last more than 1500 laps, etc...

Good builders really know their stuff and can put together a package of components for you that will meet your goals, but you first have to tell them what it is you want or just ask them what packages they have. I would still say a local guy trying to make a living with local racers is probably going to offer you a lot more added value in terms of cooperation, information and weekly support than some big name builder already overflowing with work from the major league racers. The local dude may not have the same level of resources in his shop as the big names, but he does have the advantage of being available and in a price range you can probably afford.

Good post. Most engines have similar parts. What sets one above others is experience of having built a lot of engines and having the feed back from those customers and the ability to run a lot of different configurations on the Dyno to compare.

MasterSbilt_Racer, is also correct. The engine is not the most important component of a LM. If you have enough for the track, you are running, you have enough. How long it lasts, is what you pay for. What's important is a chassis and driver that can use the engine. Just listen to some of the Go Pro vids. They aren't on the go pedal all the time and how much of it do they really use? A long travel go pedal is probably as important as the engine choice for most tracks.

10-07-2015, 03:02 PM
I will bet you any of the guys you mentioned are capable of fabricating their own chassis .... But when a decent fabricator can be had for $25.00 an hour or less why would they ??? Their time is much better spent running the business

10-07-2015, 04:37 PM
I will bet you any of the guys you mentioned are capable of fabricating their own chassis .... But when a decent fabricator can be had for $25.00 an hour or less why would they ??? Their time is much better spent running the business

Well dam, just when I think your a complete hoax you go and say something relevent like this.

Your point is valid.

10-07-2015, 04:48 PM
I guess its like a home builder, he don't produce the 2x4s or nails, but he is still considered a builder.

10-07-2015, 06:14 PM
I guess its like a home builder, he don't produce the 2x4s or nails, but he is still considered a builder.

I saw that written in another post.......great point.

10-07-2015, 06:44 PM
I guess its like a home builder, he don't produce the 2x4s or nails, but he is still considered a builder.

Not in my area. They are called contractors. Most do very little of the work anymore and then sub out the rest! And we wonder why things costs so much.Every time you sub-out work, you have to add a mark-up plus a profit! Houses can be built for 20-30% less than they are being sold now-a-days.

10-07-2015, 07:28 PM
andy durham engine in fastest car ever last year at world 100,,, not a bloomer fan but just saying

10-07-2015, 08:07 PM
Very few home builders actually build anything, every detail except the contract negotiation is subbed out and even that is subbed out sometimes ... You can make decent money as a sub without the 50 million headaches of actually running a business ..

10-07-2015, 08:40 PM
Very few home builders actually build anything, every detail except the contract negotiation is subbed out and even that is subbed out sometimes ... You can make decent money as a sub without the 50 million headaches of actually running a business ..

Haha....I am one of those subs! The market is still tough down here but getting better. The builder I work for has seen a drastic increase the last 2 years. The wealthy are investing in funds that heavily invest in the construction trade. He built 100 houses in 2014, 200 this year, and expects to build 500 next year. We all had to sharpen our pencil the last 2 years but now the demand for subs is going to get us some good price increases.

btw.....if you didn't design and build a deck, would you be considered a deck builder?

10-07-2015, 10:33 PM
Haha....I am one of those subs! The market is still tough down here but getting better. The builder I work for has seen a drastic increase the last 2 years. The wealthy are investing in funds that heavily invest in the construction trade. He built 100 houses in 2014, 200 this year, and expects to build 500 next year. We all had to sharpen our pencil the last 2 years but now the demand for subs is going to get us some good price increases.

btw.....if you didn't design and build a deck, would you be considered a deck builder?

You prolly build decks outa old pallets and call yourself a builder right?

10-08-2015, 07:42 AM
Haha....I am one of those subs! The market is still tough down here but getting better. The builder I work for has seen a drastic increase the last 2 years. The wealthy are investing in funds that heavily invest in the construction trade. He built 100 houses in 2014, 200 this year, and expects to build 500 next year. We all had to sharpen our pencil the last 2 years but now the demand for subs is going to get us some good price increases.

btw.....if you didn't design and build a deck, would you be considered a deck builder?

According to serge, hucky is a deck erector..........

10-08-2015, 07:56 AM
You prolly build decks outa old pallets and call yourself a builder right?

LOL......My hands never see a hammer, skill saw, or screw gun but I am a sub in the construction industry!

.....Now get back in your highchair and finish those peas n carrots, wearing those infamous Superman underoos! LOL

10-08-2015, 08:56 AM
I design and build everything in house , specializing in curved elements such as stairs, rails , beams , raised panel archways you name it. If you have money and you demand the best in your man. And yes every single day I personally build projects and components in the shop. Every single item on my sites is designed , planned and micro managed by me . Just like the example i gave of the guys not personally fabricating their own chassis is the same reason I don't build houses. There's no money in it and the risk vs reward isn't there.

10-08-2015, 09:18 AM
LOL......My hands never see a hammer, skill saw, or screw gun but I am a sub in the construction industry!

.....Now get back in your highchair and finish those peas n carrots, wearing those infamous Superman underoos! LOL

Your hand touches yourself so therfore I see why it doesnt get used but for only one thing!

10-08-2015, 09:22 AM
Mr.Rumbley is more of an engine builder than Ronnie Stuckey, Darrell Lanigan, Scott Bloomquist or Billy Moyer are a chassis builder. Mr. Rumbley has been building his own engines for years. I don't think Stuckey, Lanigan, Bloomquist or Moyer has ever build a chassis on their own. I am sure Barry Wright, Tader Masters and Mark Richards have built chassis the same as Clements, Cornett, Hill, Scheilper, Draime and Mr. Rumbley have built engines. Put a pile of tubing in front of Barry Wright, Tader Master or Mark Richards and they can build you a chassis. Put same pile of tubing in front of Stuckey, Lanigan, Bloomquist or Moyer and it will still be a pile a year from now. Put a pile of engine parts in front of Mr. Rumbley and it will be an engine that can win the World 100.

I can't take it anymore. You freaking morons act like you know so much about the Rumley's you can't even spell their name right. It's RUMLEY you jack a$$. Now get it right or don't say anything!

Highside Hustler25
10-08-2015, 01:47 PM
I can't take it anymore. You freaking morons act like you know so much about the Rumley's you can't even spell their name right. It's RUMLEY you jack a$$. Now get it right or don't say anything!

LOL but it's only facts:rolleyes:

10-08-2015, 03:48 PM
You prolly build decks outa old pallets and call yourself a builder right?


10-08-2015, 04:53 PM

Blow it outa your own horn!

10-08-2015, 05:40 PM
Theres more than just one.

Bragging about your brains cells again???

10-08-2015, 06:13 PM
Bragging about your brains cells again???

Really your egging me on to keep it up w you.
If you read the post title you would know that meant more than one builder.

I guess since the board is quiet there are certain people that have to go thru post to keep stuff going then they dog me about my postings this and that. I have stalkers or police that like to watch my post and say im this and im that so im expecting a turned around post on here to get somthing started but oh well have fum.

10-08-2015, 07:18 PM
Your hand touches yourself so therfore I see why it doesnt get used but for only one thing!

Since I'm probly your elder, let me pass down some wisdom to ya! One of my friends was raised by his grandparents. His grandmother caught him in the bathroom taking care of "business" when he was a teenager. She was so distraught that she sent grandpa to talk to him. He said," Bob, if a man says he doesn't do it, he's a LIAR, and if he really doesn't do it, he's a FOOL!" ....true story....so if the shoe fits.......!!! LOL

10-08-2015, 07:25 PM
Since I'm probly your elder, let me pass down some wisdom to ya! One of my friends was raised by his grandparents. His grandmother caught him in the bathroom taking care of "business" when he was a teenager. She was so distraught that she sent grandpa to talk to him. He said," Bob, if a man says he doesn't do it, he's a LIAR, and if he really doesn't do it, he's a FOOL!" ....true story....so if the shoe fits.......!!! LOL

Oh boy! LMAO ok gramps knows best .

Im glad we both see humor in most of our post. We might not agree and prolly never will on a few things but its all in good fum. Lol. Some on here are dead serious and post jabs but cant take it back or you got others fightn there battles. I dnt get it.

10-08-2015, 07:37 PM
Oh boy! LMAO ok gramps knows best .

Im glad we both see humor in most of our post. We might not agree and prolly never will on a few things but its all in good fum. Lol. Some on here are dead serious and post jabs but cant take it back or you got others fightn there battles. I dnt get it.

Yep!...most of us on here take it with a grain of salt, knowing we're just throwin jabs to stir the pot! I bet others get so mad and don't sleep at nite when they get off this site.

Its all in good fun to me! Bob had a good sayin for that also...."the same britches you got mad in, you can get glad in"!.....lol

10-08-2015, 07:46 PM
Really your egging me on to keep it up w you.
If you read the post title you would know that meant more than one builder.

I guess since the board is quiet there are certain people that have to go thru post to keep stuff going then they dog me about my postings this and that. I have stalkers or police that like to watch my post and say im this and im that so im expecting a turned around post on here to get somthing started but oh well have fum.

If the shoe fits?

You don't like static then quit rubbing the carpet!!!

Now, start deleting and retracting your erronneous posts!!! hahahhahhaaa :) Then we can all start over and have milk and cookies!!!

10-08-2015, 07:47 PM
Yep!...most of us on here take it with a grain of salt, knowing we're just throwin jabs to stir the pot! I bet others get so mad and don't sleep at nite when they get off this site.

Its all in good fun to me! Bob had a good sayin for that also...."the same britches you got mad in, you can get glad in"!.....lol

Yea theres hypocryates on here. Its ok for them to do it but not you. Oh no no no. Why do u do that and then they are guilty of doing it themselve may be not as bad as me but still there doing it. Everything is in good fun thats all no harm here. I can get along w anybody. You wouldnt know that by my posting but its true. Lol.

The glove fits here 25! It gets the job done. lmao

10-08-2015, 07:49 PM
If the shoe fits?

You don't like static then quit rubbing the carpet!!!

I dnt have a problem w static!

I dish it out & I can take it.

10-08-2015, 08:08 PM
I dnt have a problem w static!

I dish it out & I can take it.

Well then, no milk and cookies for you tonight!!!

10-08-2015, 08:13 PM
I dnt have a problem w static!

I dish it out & I can take it.


10-08-2015, 08:13 PM
If the shoe fits?

You don't like static then quit rubbing the carpet!!!

Now, start deleting and retracting your erronneous posts!!! hahahhahhaaa :) Then we can all start over and have milk and cookies!!!

MR. CW I will only delete doubles that got posted in error!

We can start over but Im tired off kookys am milk. I would like peach flavored beach nut and abble juce. I hab the hite chare! Lol

10-08-2015, 08:24 PM
MR. CW I will only delete doubles that got posted in error!

We can start over but Im tired off kookys am milk. I would like peach flavored beach nut and abble juce. I hab the hite chare! Lol

Hey SS watch the video my post 69!

Or here https://youtu.be/-fe3e3B1iu0?t=35

10-08-2015, 09:34 PM
Vic Hill builds a good open engine. Jose builds a good crate engine.

10-09-2015, 07:47 AM
Well then, no milk and cookies for you tonight!!!

Raw milk????


Zat you???