View Full Version : FASTRAK teams from weekly sanctioned tracks average $13,352.50 per speedway in 2015!

11-04-2015, 04:14 PM
For immediate release
(Carnesville GA)

FASTRAK teams average taking home $13,352.50 per track in championship monies!

WOW! The teams from the weekly sanctioned FASTRAK tracks take home an amazing average of $13,352.50 in Championship monies. WOW! The tally includes the National Weekly Championship point fund, the World Challenge and the World Championship. Keeping in mind at this date the SE Tour has another race and this also does not include the touring series point money or the MOV Tour or the National Tour which is certain to increase those amounts significantly.

“We have as a company not done the greatest job of promoting what the teams actually took home in the championships” stated Stan Lester of the series. “We have had a huge lack of PR on our end and we are in the process of fixing that, but we put these figures together and I was blown away at the outcome. A track only pays $399 for the sanctioning fee for the entire year and they got back over $13,000! That’s a pretty darned good return on their $399 investment”.

FASTRAK will be announcing a new concept in the upcoming weeks that should excite the weekly racers even more. New Championships will be announced that will create even more Champions than ever before. “I know the teams are going to love the new program” said Don Lester of the series. “Stan wants to see more Champions and different teams receiving championship monies and this program will blow away anything away in the current market. It’s seriously strong”.

2015 was considered a ‘comeback’ year for FASTRAK. The series took some pretty serious hits over the past few years, but has come back stronger than ever. “I am sensing the family part of FASTRAK again” said Stan Lester. “That’s the part that keeps people coming back and what this series was created to be from day 1. I see people having fun, the racer camaraderie, the FASTRAK events making the speedways money and our sponsors smiling. That’s what we are here to do. Be a service to all involved with this company”. As expressed by many of the FASTRAK tracks this year, there was just something different. “You could feel it in the air” as stated by Wythe Raceways owner Fred Brown. “I’m not sure what it was exactly stated Brown, but there was just something different. It was fun the entire weekend. Even our staff commented on it”.

FASTRAK will end the season at Lavonia Speedway in GA next weekend with the seasons only ‘TOPLESS’ Event and one of the nation’s most fierce point battles anywhere. The Championship could be won by any of the top 5 teams including that of Ron Parker, David Smith, Colby Canon and rookie of the year contenders Cla Knight and Mathew Nance. Be sure to see the outcome in person and the SE Tour Champion will be crowned that night too.

Special thanks to Hoosier Racing Tire, Chevy Performance Parts, VP Fuels, Rocket Chassis, TNT Chassis, Rock Auto, Arizona, Sport Shirts, Beyea Headers, Thomas Clarke Performance for their continued support of the series teams and weekly tracks.
