View Full Version : Talladega Fire/Ice Bowl/The Racing family

12-28-2015, 06:23 PM
You have all by now heard the ugly news that out iconic 3-story tower was destroyed by fire last night. The top floor was race control, my announcing booth and a track office, level 2 was our vip room and the bottom floor was our concession stand and kitchen, it's all gone.

The Fire Dept has done their investigation and now the cleanup can begin.

The Ice Bowl is on, repeat that, we are racing the Ice Bowl!

The racing family and community business have come to our aid with offers of help, from other tracks, promoters, racers, and the like.

We will have some form of race control and announcing set up for the Ice Bowl.

It has been less the 24 hours since the blaze, a whole lot of history went up in flames last night, if you saw the pictures it was pain full to see. In the coming weeks I'm sure more info will be forthcoming.

As a racing fan myself and the track announcer I ask if you would please come out and support our Ice Bowl race, this one will not only have maybe the biggest car count ever, but it may be one of the most close knit group of folks gathering for this race. We may bicker and gripe, but we all are in this racing stuff together. The unreal outpouring of support since last night has been awesome.

Late Model Mark
Talladega Short Track Announcer

12-28-2015, 06:39 PM
Very unfortunate to see it burn down. As you said, a lot of history there. Pictures of past racers, guests and racecars; along with the all time lap records written on the walls and desk. What have you heard or can think of as far as what they will do during the Ice Bowl? I was hoping they would have someone rebuild it in time, but I guess something like that cannot be done within 2 weeks considering the finances, insurance and other things to sort out before it can begin reconstruction.