View Full Version : Something To Think About...

01-01-2016, 03:17 PM
I copied this from Paducah International Raceway's facebook page. Folks, the bashing of race tracks and owners on social media has to stop or there won't be race tracks to go to. I'm guilty of this, and I feel I'm partly to blame for Bob Sargent not promoting Late Model specials at PIR. I got all bent out of shape about the track conditions at last year's World 50. I went on here and facebook to point fingers...especially to Bob. Bashing tracks and owners is NOT the answer. Talk to management face to face and discuss your issue's... Now here is a portion of the post from PIR!

As race fans we see tracks that are hurting on car counts, tracks hurting on fan count, you name it, it’s probably hurting. This is sad but very true. We struggled all year with our car and fan count.

Throughout the 2015 season social media has been our best friend and our worst enemy. Social media is killing our sport that we all have learned to love. Here in the last few weeks two different dirt tracks have permanently closed due to the constant battle with social media. The harsh words and criticism are doing serious damage for the dirt racing community.

Racing is in our blood, it’s what we live and breathe. Local dirt tracks like ours give fans and drivers a place to call home, a place to bring your family, and a place to spend your night eating dirt sprinkled chili-cheese fries.

For the 2016 season we have to work together. All of us. From the staff, to drivers, to fans, etc. We have to work together to save the sport we love.

We want to make the year 2016 the best race season yet. Exciting things are coming to Paducah International Raceway this year. This is going to be a year of change. We want to give drivers a place that they are honored to call their home track. A place where fans can bring their children and make unforgettable memories.

Everyone please continue to support your local tracks and PLEASE NO MORE BASHING!!! I'm done with all of that.


01-01-2016, 03:56 PM
Well don't give people something to bash

01-01-2016, 03:57 PM
its bad that you cant say the bathrooms suck, my fries were cold, and i dont like being at the track until 4 in the morning without being called a "Basher"

01-01-2016, 04:21 PM
Here's something promoters, track owners, and series "need to think about".....

By T.J. Buffenbarger

Recently a track in Michigan was shut down unexpectedly after being sold. One of the reasons the track owner cited selling the facility was criticism on social media outlets were to blame for the lack of success. This is a cry I have heard increasingly over the past several years, I also believe in most cases blame that is misguided.

Recently I have seen a movement of people that feel nothing critical should ever been said about a race track, and that fans and teams (customers) should just be happy they exist. This is a sport where the objective is the win and to do so is to work at getting better as a driver or race team to do so. The same has to be done from the track and series management side. If I were to go out for a hamburger and had a less that satisfactory experience should I just be happy there is a hamburger place to go to when there are 20 other places offering the same thing down the street? That holds true in the entertainment field. There are more entertainment options than ever for families. Having a business that can’t start the program on time, finish at a reasonable hour, and have less than adequate facilities and blaming social media is not getting to the reason things are not working.

When a facility cannot provide clean facilities, start remotely close to on time, or end a program at a reasonable hour on a regular basis and in turn expect paying customers to be stratified just by your existence is not a sustainable business plan. Often times these are the same facilities that don’t update information or results until days after the event. How can you build a fan base if those customers can’t find out what happened the next morning? Can you imagine your favorite sports team taking up this practice? Often times the tracks complaining about social media also are guilty of this practice as well.

For every track I see complaining about social media I see others thriving and embracing it. The ones using this to their advantage can convey their passion and what they think is great about the sport or their facility in creative ways. I’ve seen “track selfies” being encouraged during the race night and often will flood my feeds during race night of people enjoying themselves at the races. If someone is searching for a night out in their area there is a good chance they can stumble across images like this and it might intrigue them to come.

No matter how well a facility is run there will always be customers that are not happy and will use it as an outlet to complain. If the track is well run though they generally will not have a leg to stand on and their complaint will be more of anomaly.

Asking your customers just to exist is not good enough. With entertainment options springing up everywhere the racing community needs to be more creative on how we convey what is great about the sport. There are so many things we do right on the short track level. Fans can get a nights entertainment at a reasonable cost, with reasonable concessions (or bring your own cooler/food at some facilities), and meet the “heroes” at the end of the night. Social media is another way to remind people of these things.

Instead of worrying about what customers are saying about your track, series, or racing on social media they should be focused on how they can make the racing experience at their facility for the customer. If the customer experience can continue to evolve for fan and race team then the later problem with social media is self-correcting.

Instead of convincing fans they should be happy for your existence, show them with creativity and the desire to make things better each and every race night.

01-01-2016, 04:34 PM
I doubt there's been anyone on this forum that's defended promoters more than I have over the years. The thing is, there's bashing, and there's constructive criticism. Promoters need to learn the difference. Promoters and officials often get defensive when they hear or read criticism, instead of trying to remedy the situation.

You want better car counts?
Do a good job of prepping and maintaining your racing surface.
Be unbiased with your officiating.
Pay the racers fairly.
Do your racers leave the track wishing they could go back next week or are they hoping they never see the place again?

You want more fans?
Get off your asses and PROMOTE! Stop making excuses. PROMOTE! Try something different. If that doesn't work try something else! It's called PROMOTION!
People are always looking for fun things to do!
Maybe they've been to your track and didn't have fun!
Run a fast paced show.
Your announcer has to be informative and entertaining.
You have to have clean rest rooms.
You have to serve good food at reasonable prices.

If your racers and fans aren't having fun at your track why would you expect them to keep coming back?

Is your track under achieving? Stop making excuses. Stop blaming the people you've driven away. Stop doing the same thing every other under achieving promoter is doing. The so called bashers have identified the problems. Fix those problems!

01-01-2016, 05:57 PM
All I can say is there is a difference between constructive criticism and bashing. And if you have something to say about the track, just go up to the owner or promoter. Making it public online is not the answer. Nothing good comes from that. Like I said, I'm guilty of it. I've apologized to Bob and I think he's good with it.

With the economy not very good and tracks closing for that reason, we don't need them to close for this

25 Jay 53
01-02-2016, 12:27 AM
Is it too much to ask for a decent start/finish time, a couple good late model shows during the season, and fairly raceable track conditions?

Dante Toledo, OH
01-02-2016, 01:08 AM
Like with any other business, social media is only a negative if your business is run poorly. I am pretty sure the folks that run fairbury or Knoxville, Oakshade, Eldora, Lernerville etc have no issue with social media at all. I don't buy into the "fans bashing" is ruining my track argument at all. I have probably been to 20 tracks away from home in my lifetime because of good things said on social media. People don't get on social media and continue to run down people doing it right. If the racing and racing surface are good, the payout and points fun are good. If the facility is in decent shape with good food and the prices are good. You will have fans and drivers. And do stuff for kids. Let them in free, give stuff away at intermission etc. kids that like racing bring adults to the races. Kids that like racing grow up to be adults that like racing.

01-02-2016, 07:07 AM
Man!!! I remember my first late model race!!!!!! The cars were soooooo fast! It was so exciting, non stop action!! Richmond Ky, I was so entertained that I would return hundreds of times to many different tracks, bathrooms at most dirt tracks have always been pretty bad on the mens side, but that was ok, food usually not very good especially if you sprinkle in some dirt, and that was ok too, I always hate the long delays between races, but that was ok too, i guess im saying for a good late model race, i will eat before i come, take a nap if i have too, and pee behind a tree!!! Bring on the racing!!!!!!!

01-02-2016, 07:25 AM
If the truth is being broadcast over social media (wether it be pos or neg ) track owners should learn from it and adress any issues immediately and let it be known the next week what was done and show that they are willing work and resolve issues !!!!! It can be a win win for an honest and willing track owner !!!!!!!!!!

01-02-2016, 07:32 AM
If the truth is being broadcast over social media (wether it be pos or neg ) track owners should learn from it and adress any issues immediately and let it be known the next week what was done and show that they are willing work and resolve issues !!!!! It can be a win win for an honest and willing track owner !!!!!!!!!!

Very good post and so true.

The same as if someone gets on social media and says things about a track that is not true. The owner promoter or their PR guy or gal needs to get on social media and tell what really happened. I don't think they need to go back and forth and keep arguing with the people but, they need to at least have some say in what actually really happened.

01-02-2016, 07:34 AM
Pops15 , hagerstown speedway breaks just about all of your criteria for getting fans and drivers to come there !!! It is sad for a place that was once the capital af dirt track racing !!!!!!!

01-02-2016, 07:39 AM
If the reason your track is struggling is because of social media, you probably deserve those struggles. Like stated above, learn from the criticism and make changes that will result in better cars count and better fan counts. For the occasional fan, one bad experience and they will not return.

01-02-2016, 07:55 AM
I remember when Mr Moyer made some comments about the track last year. You all acted like he didn't have a right to say it. Too funny.

Highside Hustler25
01-02-2016, 08:09 AM
i guess im saying for a good late model race, i will eat before i come, take a nap if i have too, and pee behind a tree!!! Bring on the racing!!!!!!!

Amen brother ! I'm with you.

01-02-2016, 09:33 AM
like it or not, social media is here to stay, you cant snap your finger and make it go away. track operators have to deal with it. I have always been a firm believer in dealing with problems face to face, but with the advent of social media its becoming a thing of the past. people will say things ,whether right or wrong sitting behind the key board they would probably never say in person. I personally blame the economy for the down turn in racing , at least for me personally . I think social media is only a small part of the problem the race community is facing..JMO..

01-02-2016, 10:34 AM
All you need to do is compare Fairbury and Farmer City. FALS can do no wrong, and Farmer City does nothing to even try to compete with them. I live 15 miles from each of them, and very seldom go to FC. Between the hit or miss track conditions, TERRIBLE conditions of the bathrooms, food sold out by the heat races, no score board, and hit or miss sound system.

01-02-2016, 11:29 AM
All you need to do is compare Fairbury and Farmer City. FALS can do no wrong, and Farmer City does nothing to even try to compete with them. I live 15 miles from each of them, and very seldom go to FC. Between the hit or miss track conditions, TERRIBLE conditions of the bathrooms, food sold out by the heat races, no score board, and hit or miss sound system.

Thats a Lie FarmerCity They have Made Tons of Improvements over the last 3 years.. I live 28 miles from there.. First Score boards arnt Cheap..They Have add FM too the sound and lots of new speakers and amps..I have never heard more Praise for track conditions then last year ..They done a lot of work on the Bath rooms and add lots of Port pottys...I only heard of one race they run out of food and they Came out and said they F..K up...And how would you know you said you dont go no more ...

01-02-2016, 11:38 AM
All I can say is there is a difference between constructive criticism and bashing. And if you have something to say about the track, just go up to the owner or promoter. Making it public online is not the answer. Nothing good comes from that. Like I said, I'm guilty of it. I've apologized to Bob and I think he's good with it.

With the economy not very good and tracks closing for that reason, we don't need them to close for this

25 years ago I would have agreed with you.......but the owners and promoters make themselves pretty scarce when it comes to wanting to hear constructive critisism face to face.....

Plus, most promoters have relegated themselves to using social media as their primary source of getting their message out..........they really can't have it both ways.

And besides, if things are going great and the promoter is doing his job well, social media has just as large of an effect on propagating that message too.

Blaming failure on social media is nothing more than a fail itself.....sorry.

01-02-2016, 11:39 AM
Like with any other business, social media is only a negative if your business is run poorly. I am pretty sure the folks that run fairbury or Knoxville, Oakshade, Eldora, Lernerville etc have no issue with social media at all. I don't buy into the "fans bashing" is ruining my track argument at all. I have probably been to 20 tracks away from home in my lifetime because of good things said on social media. People don't get on social media and continue to run down people doing it right. If the racing and racing surface are good, the payout and points fun are good. If the facility is in decent shape with good food and the prices are good. You will have fans and drivers. And do stuff for kids. Let them in free, give stuff away at intermission etc. kids that like racing bring adults to the races. Kids that like racing grow up to be adults that like racing.

Excellent Dante.........well said.

01-02-2016, 01:58 PM
In the 70s and early 80s we went to the old track in Richlands, VA every weekend. Then people got on their Facebook, Twitter, etc and bashed the place over and over again. Finally in 1984 the place shut down. Social media killed that track too. (this was sarcasm in case you didn't smell it)

01-02-2016, 02:04 PM
I'll just leave this here...


01-02-2016, 02:57 PM
lol dont talk bad about our track or we wont let you back!

01-02-2016, 05:25 PM
Destined for failure...........

01-02-2016, 06:56 PM
My new business for race track promoters.http://southpark.cc.com/clips/tdrx69/completelyshameless#source=473fef35-48a7-434c-afc6-207874c7f1a3:dd7898c3-4c40-47a5-9c4a-28608693de6a&position=18&sort=playlist FYI: They hang Reality at the end

01-02-2016, 11:23 PM
IMHO, the cream rises and if you don't put on a good show and provide a venue that people want to attend, you won't survive. I'm no promoter and I've never run a track, but like it or not social media is here to stay, for better or worse. I understand things happen beyond your control, like weather and fires and other unforeseen events, but... If every week a track keeps serving up sub-par shows, with bad food, racing so dusty you cant see half the track and restrooms you need a hazmat suit to even consider, then maybe some need to close. I'm not talking about PIR, I've never been there, I'm speaking from experience in my area and about tracks in general. I hate to see any track close, but I hate it more when I take someone to a race that has never been to one and the experience is so bad I'm embarrassed and have to apologize all the way home and offer to pay them back myself. In this age, where there are more options than ever before for where the entertainment dollar gets spent, we cant afford to have tracks run so poorly so often. I still don't believe social media is closing any tracks, people make up there own minds from experience. One of the most successful dirt track venues I grew up going to was also the strictest on rules, behavior and curfew. Going back to the 1980's, Dixie Speedway came up with a rule that no one was allowed on the track for any reason except to save a driver. If you stepped foot on the track surface for any other reason you were ejected. They also had a strict curfew because of neighborhoods being so close, so they enforced the black flag if you caused more than 2 cautions. Each division had strict time limits and when time ran out the checkered flag fell, whether they had run 29 laps or 2. This track has also thrived thru numerous recessions and suburban sprawl, but they put on good shows and do what they say they are gonna do.

01-03-2016, 03:39 AM
"Social Media" gives people and businesses alike the chance to be attention wh0ring teenage girls. The hot ones love it. The ugly ones end up butthurt.

The fact that some tracks think social media killed their business is a joke.

01-03-2016, 10:43 AM

No smoke, no fire.

I can put with a lot, for a good race. I will not condone a bad train race, passed off as a good race. That's where I draw a line. If a track sells me a sow's ear for a silk purse more than once, I have to say something. I realize that weather can play a part in this at times, but the weather doesn't do it over and over again. I will black list that track and tell 5,000 of my most intimate friends about it. They can save their money and see a good race, somewhere else. If the track goes under, they deserved to.

Bob Hubbard
01-03-2016, 11:02 AM
I would think most local track owners run a track for the love of racing ..... Not to get rich ....

01-03-2016, 11:19 AM
I would think most local track owners run a track for the love of racing ..... Not to get rich ....

That may be so but what ever happened to taking pride in what you do.
It doesn't take a lot a money to mow the grass and cut the weeds, keep things painted, replace bad boards in the stands, fix the speakers, clean and update the restrooms, etc...
First impression goes a long ways in bringing in new people to your track and getting them back.
Gone are the days when owners and promoters go to response to complaints was "if you don't like the way things are here go somewhere else" because drivers and fans are doing just that at an alarming rate to things other than racing....

01-03-2016, 11:24 AM
"Social Media" gives people and businesses alike the chance to be attention wh0ring teenage girls. The hot ones love it. The ugly ones end up butthurt.

The fact that some tracks think social media killed their business is a joke.

Sounds like your saying that the failing tracks are " the ugly ones".

IMO , if a track uses social media as their primary promotional vehicle then they open themselves up to un latching Pandora's box for praise and critisism.

They can't have it both ways........and like another poster said, the cream rises to the top anyway.

01-03-2016, 11:26 AM

No smoke, no fire.

I can put with a lot, for a good race. I will not condone a bad train race, passed off as a good race. That's where I draw a line. If a track sells me a sow's ear for a silk purse more than once, I have to say something. I realize that weather can play a part in this at times, but the weather doesn't do it over and over again. I will black list that track and tell 5,000 of my most intimate friends about it. They can save their money and see a good race, somewhere else. If the track goes under, they deserved to.

I know we don't always agree, but on this post we are on the very same page........

01-03-2016, 11:27 AM
That may be so but what ever happened to taking pride in what you do.
It doesn't take a lot a money to mow the grass and cut the weeds, keep things painted, replace bad boards in the stands, fix the speakers, clean and update the restrooms, etc...
First impression goes a long ways in bringing in new people to your track and getting them back.
Gone are the days when owners and promoters go to response to complaints was "if you don't like the way things are here go somewhere else" because drivers and fans are doing just that at an alarming rate to things other than racing....

You guys are all over it........another excellent post.

01-03-2016, 01:54 PM
Thats a Lie FarmerCity They have Made Tons of Improvements over the last 3 years.. I live 28 miles from there.. First Score boards arnt Cheap..They Have add FM too the sound and lots of new speakers and amps..I have never heard more Praise for track conditions then last year ..They done a lot of work on the Bath rooms and add lots of Port pottys...I only heard of one race they run out of food and they Came out and said they F..K up...And how would you know you said you dont go no more ...

That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about. That's the thing that can ruin a tracks reputation. Yeah for those tracks that do things right social media can be a good thing but for those tracks that are trying to turn things around social media can hurt the track. I'm not trying to say that social media is fully to blame if a track closes down but, it can hurt a track that's for sure.

But, I'm with most on here as long as you treat people like they wanted to be treated and provide a good experience when they visit your facility they will be back and more than likely give good feedback whether that be social media or around the water cooler at work.

01-03-2016, 09:54 PM
As far as Paducah and 2016 goes, the Mason family are gonna do whatever it takes to entertain the audience with great racing. Maybe in 2017 Bob will bring back the Lucas, and Summer Nationals! #stayingpositive

01-04-2016, 07:53 AM
Thats a Lie FarmerCity They have Made Tons of Improvements over the last 3 years.. I live 28 miles from there.. First Score boards arnt Cheap..They Have add FM too the sound and lots of new speakers and amps..I have never heard more Praise for track conditions then last year ..They done a lot of work on the Bath rooms and add lots of Port pottys...I only heard of one race they run out of food and they Came out and said they F..K up...And how would you know you said you dont go no more ...

First off, I said I very seldom go to FC, I did not say I didn't go anymore. In 2015 that would be 3 races. Secondly, porta pots are not fixing the bathrooms. For those of us who have spouses that HATE racing, you have to provide better faculties then what women can find at a construction site.
For the 3 races I went to last year at FC, I received 3 terrible racing surfaces, 2 races with NO working speakers in the middle of 1-2 and no food after the heat races at 1 race.

Don't care what the cost of a scoreboard is, I have been to go kart tracks that have them. They never kept the one they had working, so I don't know why I am surprised they don't have one now.

I grew up here, have been going to FALS and FC since 1975 and have watched FC fall from the best racing in IL, to the dump it is now.

FYI, as a truck driver, I have been to 74 tracks across America. That would include tracks from Nascar down to Go Kart tracks. While FC is no where near the bottom of the barrel, the fact remains that you have a fairboard that doesn't care about the facility, your 20 miles from a current/future Crown Jewel facility, and you think Porta potties is a bathroom fix.

01-04-2016, 08:48 AM
If the truth is being broadcast over social media (wether it be pos or neg ) track owners should learn from it and adress any issues immediately and let it be known the next week what was done and show that they are willing work and resolve issues !!!!! It can be a win win for an honest and willing track owner !!!!!!!!!!

In a perfect world, yes.
I am not the type to bash promoters personally online, but I can understand why people do. I have not had a promoter address an issue brought to them personally, but have witnessed them quick to act when something negative is posted online. So IMO it is self inflicted. Listen to folks in person and you'd have less online bashing.

chupp n bloomer fan
01-04-2016, 10:55 AM
I'll just leave this here...

http://www.ransomvillespeedway.com/media.htmTalk about being butt hurt.;)

chupp n bloomer fan
01-04-2016, 11:00 AM
Almost all really good posts, more than I can name. It's not social media's fault someone's track sucks. If someone is blowing off at the mouth and it's untrue, it will get outed. YouTube, etc, can prove them wrong. Just as it can surely prove them right.

Though I never see the economy reaching the false high it was, yeah it could still be partly to blame. But where I'm at, things are good, so I don't see that arguement here. What is to blame is promotors worried about people's outburst online. Do your dam job, and them people talkin sh!t will look like dumba$$es.

01-04-2016, 12:10 PM
First off, I said I very seldom go to FC, I did not say I didn't go anymore. In 2015 that would be 3 races. Secondly, porta pots are not fixing the bathrooms. For those of us who have spouses that HATE racing, you have to provide better faculties then what women can find at a construction site.
For the 3 races I went to last year at FC, I received 3 terrible racing surfaces, 2 races with NO working speakers in the middle of 1-2 and no food after the heat races at 1 race.

Don't care what the cost of a scoreboard is, I have been to go kart tracks that have them. They never kept the one they had working, so I don't know why I am surprised they don't have one now.

I grew up here, have been going to FALS and FC since 1975 and have watched FC fall from the best racing in IL, to the dump it is now.

FYI, as a truck driver, I have been to 74 tracks across America. That would include tracks from Nascar down to Go Kart tracks. While FC is no where near the bottom of the barrel, the fact remains that you have a fairboard that doesn't care about the facility, your 20 miles from a current/future Crown Jewel facility, and you think Porta potties is a bathroom fix.

Well New Bathrooms must be too code. And that makes them COST a lot.. I have seen First hand the work that they have done and its a LOT..The Board has run it for 3 years now and it has taken a lot of work too start too bring it back.. The Fairboard does care NOW but it takes more then 3 years too undo 10 years for running it wrong...Not fixing things...and things removed form the Track...Most of the people I have spoken too say they think the racing and track was real good last year...Fairbury did not get too were they are in 3 years..Score boards are great but saving money for new Bathrooms and some other things come first... Lance and the people working with him (I THINK) are doing the best the can .. The new pit board, Speakers that work in pits.. lights that work in pits....They had too spend a lot of money too fix grade rails and Fence...ALL bad boards in stands replaced, Lots of Paint....Add the FM to the sound S. You live close Try going and helping and stop crying .. Be part of the fix not the Prob.....

01-04-2016, 12:25 PM
I think that there are some right and some wrong answers on this topic. This is one of my major discussion topics with promoters during my seminars.

First promoters SHOULD absolutely use social media to promote their events and their facility. Every time. Every event. Social media provides instant AND interactive information in today's world of instant gratification.

One of the points I promote is you have to have someone who is dedicated to do it and has the correct temperament to do it. Social media can be a double edged sword for sure. However if you use it properly for the most part you can avoid that. But it starts with you. You have to be willing to TRY to do all you can to make your facility and events great. You must be able to accept some criticism when it is warranted or you make a mistake. And you must be willing to admit it when you do make a mistake. I also think you should answer questions on your social media. You can also answer to unwarranted negative comments.

Let's face it. Some people want to complain because it is fun for them. Many times these people don't attend the facility they are slamming. They are just looking to create an argument for the sake of an argument. And to that end as race fans we do have a responsibility when we make a complaint. We should make sure that the complaint is valid first and foremost. Then we should make an attempt to address it respectfully. My phone number and email address is posted everywhere. If someone calls or emails me about an issue I respond. If it is something that needs to be corrected, I make every attempt to correct it. When an issue continually falls on deaf ears then it may need to be addressed in a public way.

Understand though that race promoters have a TON on their plate on a regular basis. Things that the average fan or driver may have no understanding of. Making any profit at all in race promoting can be a tough row to hoe, so things that cost money to rectify may come much slower. Items of safety, of course, should always take priority. But because you had a cold hamburger ONE night does NOT mean you should go and bash a track and its food. Sometimes it happens but as long as it doesn't happen consistently maybe you should cut those people a break.

Social media is a responsibility. It is a responsibility for both promoters as well as fans and teams that use it. There is power in words. Use your words wisely and intelligently. Be responsible. FANS: When something you complain about is better - let people know. If there is something consistently good about the place you go - let others know. PROMOTERS: If you get a complaint - address it / answer / fix it if you can. If you make a mistake - own it. Apologize or make it right if you can. Be transparent. Do nothing in the dark.

Yes bad promoting and management can lead to facilities failing. But misguided negativity can certainly contribute as well. Everyone just do your part.

01-04-2016, 12:31 PM
FYI, as a truck driver, I have been to 74 tracks across America. That would include tracks from Nascar down to Go Kart tracks. While FC is no where near the bottom of the barrel, the fact remains that you have a fairboard that doesn't care about the facility, your 20 miles from a current/future Crown Jewel facility, and you think Porta potties is a bathroom fix.
I went too the Baseball play offs at the UofI this year.. You know the BIG10.. and had too use Porta Potties.. you Know the UofI 40000 kids in school... Most X sports you go too Only have Porta Potties...You are out doors People .. Yea you go too a NFL game you get a nice bathroom.. NOT 20 mins in line.. a Mess by end of game.. 300 bucks a Ticket or more.. People are too soft today.....Lets put in a 50 seat bathrooms with a$$ dryers.. Lets make ticket prices 100 bucks too get in... This World Is doomed.......

Fairbury Speedway
01-04-2016, 12:45 PM
Great Post Flagone.

01-04-2016, 02:16 PM
Sounds like a scape goat for promoters to use this line... on the other side if you put on an awesome race you will reap the rewards of social media. I bet the indy invite is getting much praise though lol

chupp n bloomer fan
01-04-2016, 02:38 PM
I went too the Baseball play offs at the UofI this year.. You know the BIG10.. and had too use Porta Potties.. you Know the UofI 40000 kids in school... Most X sports you go too Only have Porta Potties...You are out doors People .. Yea you go too a NFL game you get a nice bathroom.. NOT 20 mins in line.. a Mess by end of game.. 300 bucks a Ticket or more.. People are too soft today.....Lets put in a 50 seat bathrooms with a$$ dryers.. Lets make ticket prices 100 bucks too get in... This World Is doomed.......You're going to compare 50k plus NFL fans with 2k dirt fans?

You're right, most dudes don't need fancy bathrooms. At Eldora by the BMains, I pi$$ by the dumpsters. You can't expect a women at most events to squat from about half way through till the end of the event. The sh!t n pi$$ is touching the seat. Or scattered all over the sh!tter. That being said, Tony has really improved the batheooms. Though the cluster fuk up there sucks. Has nothing to do with a$$ dryers etc. Has to do with putting ourselves in other people's shoes.

For me first and foremost is the racing. But if you are taking kids and your wife, there are other things to consider.

chupp n bloomer fan
01-04-2016, 02:39 PM
Great Post Flagone.Yes it was

01-04-2016, 04:18 PM
You're going to compare 50k plus NFL fans with 2k dirt fans?

You're right, most dudes don't need fancy bathrooms. At Eldora by the BMains, I pi$$ by the dumpsters. You can't expect a women at most events to squat from about half way through till the end of the event. The sh!t n pi$$ is touching the seat. Or scattered all over the sh!tter. That being said, Tony has really improved the batheooms. Though the cluster fuk up there sucks. Has nothing to do with a$$ dryers etc. Has to do with putting ourselves in other people's shoes.

For me first and foremost is the racing. But if you are taking kids and your wife, there are other things to consider.

...Yes you are right ..But my post was too the 1 poster. I know that most woman want more then men when it comes too the out house. BUT FarmerCity is trying too bring the place up to snuff...You Have too have the money too spend the money..Are the bathrooms the best they can be .No. But they are working on them and that has too be worth something.....
At FarmerCity If your Mad about something ask for Lance. I bet he will show up at the race and see if he can make it right... Rome was not built in a day.. But they are trying too make it a Great track....
If I go to a NFL game where they Make MILLONS of BUCKs and the bathrooms are trashed...
Why should I expect more from a Dirt Track were the do it for LOVE not money....
Plus:The Bathroom is only as good as the A$$ Hole that Pi$$ed all over the seat be for you....

01-08-2016, 10:20 AM
Based on FALS announcement, it is safe to say, that they agree with me on the importance of top notch restrooms. Let's hope it is the beginning of the end for the fire hazard of a grandstands.

01-08-2016, 03:30 PM
All I can say is there is a difference between constructive criticism and bashing. And if you have something to say about the track, just go up to the owner or promoter. Making it public online is not the answer. Nothing good comes from that. Like I said, I'm guilty of it. I've apologized to Bob and I think he's good with it.

With the economy not very good and tracks closing for that reason, we don't need them to close for this

Promoters would certainly love your idea of keeping any complaints silent. lololol That's a sure fire way of letting them continue to be inept.