View Full Version : Rush Limbaugh Warns of Massive Leftist Violence if Trump Elected

07-01-2016, 06:24 PM
Rush Limbaugh Warns of Massive Leftist Violence if Trump Elected
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JULY 1, 2016 11:06 AM
‘There is going to be rage. There are going to be lawsuits’

(Newsmax) – Rush Limbaugh is predicting “levels of violence that we have not seen” by the left if Donald Trump is elected president.

In his daily broadcast Thursday, the conservative radio host said “intelligence guided by experience” shows the left is not going to “jut sit idly by and accept this and say, ‘Good fight. We gave it everything we had, but we lost.’”

“They’re gonna do everything they can to undermine it,” he predicted. “And I think we’re gonna see levels of violence that we have not seen… I think they’re gonna do everything they can to see it that Trump never does get inaugurated.”

Limbaugh drew a comparison with Secretary of State John Kerry’s comment earlier this week on the vote in Britain to leave the European Union.

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At the Aspen Institute’s annual Ideas Festival in Colorado, Kerry was asked if the Brexit vote could be “walked back,” and he replied there are several possible avenues, the Aspen Times reported.

“I just think it shows the arrogance of these people,” Limbaugh said. “But there’s a strategy here, and they’re leftists.”

Limbaugh added:

“You know full well how the left goes crazy today protesting things, like in Ferguson, in Baltimore, take your pick,” he said. “You add to this the Democrats losing the presidency in November, and my sense is that there isn’t gonna be any peace. There’s gonna be anger. There is going to be rage. There are gonna be lawsuits. Everything about the victory is gonna be attacked.”

And Limbaugh said, there won’t be any condemnation from the media.

“The media will tell us that we must dig deep and understand why this is happening,” he said.

old fan
07-01-2016, 07:04 PM
Hope they do and they all land in jail someone has to keep killary in line

mud duck
07-01-2016, 09:02 PM
Rush Limbaugh, boy there's someone who you can believe and look for advice. Hopefully, when the Clinton's take the White House he will move to another country take his "prescription" pills with him. Maybe him and Glenn Beck can get a discount on airfare together.

old fan
07-01-2016, 09:06 PM
the only place killary is going is to jail

07-01-2016, 09:44 PM
the only place killary is going is to jail

I wish you were right, but I really doubt it....

07-01-2016, 09:46 PM
Rush Limbaugh, boy there's someone who you can believe and look for advice. Hopefully, when the Clinton's take the White House he will move to another country take his "prescription" pills with him. Maybe him and Glenn Beck can get a discount on airfare together.

No, that's you liberals that do that lying..... Whoopie, Al Sharpton and half the movie stars...good riddance.... I'll even offer to help them pack....

07-01-2016, 09:50 PM
the only place killary is going is to jail

No she's not and you can go to the bank on that one. Ask Mud he will tell yeah

07-01-2016, 09:52 PM
Rush Limbaugh, boy there's someone who you can believe and look for advice. Hopefully, when the Clinton's take the White House he will move to another country take his "prescription" pills with him. Maybe him and Glenn Beck can get a discount on airfare together.

Rush Limball now there's a real winner.

07-01-2016, 09:52 PM
No, that's you liberals that do that lying..... Whoopie, Al Sharpton and half the movie stars...good riddance.... I'll even offer to help them pack....

And you know better, you have plenty of liars on your side.

old fan
07-01-2016, 10:00 PM
Really name them and as far as the celebs moving i will drive them , NAME A LIBERAL WITH HIS BACKGROUND

mud duck
07-01-2016, 10:27 PM
Really name them and as far as the celebs moving i will drive them , NAME A LIBERAL WITH HIS BACKGROUND

If I'm not mistaken, I tried giving you facts before and you didn't like it. It's really sad, your mad at celebrities when the politicians are at fault. You guys will look for anyone to blame. What's next Grandma? I have about as much chance being Donnies VP as Hillary has going to jail. You, CW and a few others better face facts come November it's Clinton time!! LOL. The only way Donnie will see the inside of the WhiteHouse is if Bill and Hillary invite him over to ask for advice on some good illegals to cut the whitehouse lawn!! I'm sure he's got several working for him.

mud duck
07-01-2016, 10:34 PM
Really name them and as far as the celebs moving i will drive them , NAME A LIBERAL WITH HIS BACKGROUND

I'm sure there are plenty of idiot liberals, who are blow hard pill poppers that like to throw their political side into a tizzy. But, I can't think of any at this moment. His background?? That's a good one old fart!! You have really lost it when you believe ol Rushy! And you wonder what has happened to the Republicans.

07-02-2016, 07:42 AM
Really name them and as far as the celebs moving i will drive them , NAME A LIBERAL WITH HIS BACKGROUND

Oh that's right I'm sorry you are the perfect party my bad GEESSHHH

How about you first start with the 17 that started out running for President this election I'm sure you could fine one or two don't you think. I remember your guy calling one lying Ted lol

old fan
07-02-2016, 08:02 AM
vote the person not the party http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/02/us/politics/loretta-lynch-hillary-clinton-email-server.html?_r=0

07-02-2016, 08:31 AM
the ones that repeatedly keep saying the need to go to jail! you all seriously make me laugh every time I see that! Its not gonna happen! The FTards are protected! cant no one touch them!

old fan
07-02-2016, 08:39 AM
you mean they have witnesses killed don't you mean

07-02-2016, 09:22 AM
I'm sure there are plenty of idiot liberals, who are blow hard pill poppers that like to throw their political side into a tizzy.Chris Matthews is a known drunk and is undeniably a gas bag and an idiot, liberal or otherwise. But he's got that tingling in his lower extremities going for him! LOL!

Just for the record I wouldn't advocate for El' Rushbo under any circumstances. I can't/won't listen to him. All one can say about him is he is wildly successful much to the chagrin of many and he pisses people off who I thoroughly enjoy being pissed off. In fact, judging by what is posted here he rubs some of ya'll the wrong way! LOL!!

07-02-2016, 11:13 AM
I think ole Rush is clever and actually pretty accurate in a lot of his assessments. This ought to stir things up for the Clinton lovers. I do not listen to him all that much, but I get his sound bites and he is also very humorous. What I also think is funny is the haters who really do not listen to him, thinking he is all that serious. He is an entertainer and good one.

07-02-2016, 11:14 AM
I think his assessment is pretty much right on target.

07-02-2016, 01:52 PM
Slick Willie....." I did NOT meet with that woman in the airplane"............

old fan
07-02-2016, 01:55 PM
ole slick willie will rush to anything and I mean anything with a skirt maybe someone like caityln would be next

07-02-2016, 03:03 PM
Rush is right on this. Heck, look how the anarchists have acted already at Trump rallies. I have been saying for months now that this will turn bloody. And..............i'm always right.

07-02-2016, 04:35 PM
Rush is right on this. Heck, look how the anarchists have acted already at Trump rallies. I have been saying for months now that this will turn bloody. And..............i'm always right.

Yeah he is and I hope it does. All those anti-gun leftist liberals will get a rude awakening....esp down here in the South!

old fan
07-02-2016, 05:50 PM

07-02-2016, 06:55 PM
And you know better, you have plenty of liars on your side.

There is not one Republican threatening to leave the United States if Trump is elected....not one, its all libs.... prove me wrong....

mud duck
07-02-2016, 06:57 PM
ole slick willie will rush to anything and I mean anything with a skirt maybe someone like caityln would be next

The Clinton years were good years. Really miss those times, things have gone to he!! since then. Bushy and Cheney really started a downward spiral. Bill was the best.

07-02-2016, 06:57 PM
the ones that repeatedly keep saying the need to go to jail! you all seriously make me laugh every time I see that! Its not gonna happen! The FTards are protected! cant no one touch them!

On this, I fear you are right....

07-02-2016, 11:19 PM
The Clinton years were good years. Really miss those times, things have gone to he!! since then. Bushy and Cheney really started a downward spiral. Bill was the best.

Yeah Bill was the best.....whore! He inherited a great economy passed down from Reagan to Bush 1 and on to Slick Willie and his whorehouse!

mud duck
07-02-2016, 11:59 PM
Yeah Bill was the best.....whore! He inherited a great economy passed down from Reagan to Bush 1 and on to Slick Willie and his whorehouse!

Jr, I thought you were heading to Canada. Did you not make it yet? It's funny how you southern conservatives don't like Bill. But, you look the other way for all the southern Republicans that got their "hand" caught in the cookie jar!! Heck, you even reelected them and some to higher positions. It's called being a hypocrite. Jr. just some advice, if your looking to your politicians for morals and values, your in deep trouble. But, obviously from your posts you look to your politicians.

07-03-2016, 06:55 AM
There is not one Republican threatening to leave the United States if Trump is elected....not one, its all libs.... prove me wrong....

what's that got to do with lying? I thought we were talking about politicians lying. When a poltician libs are moving their more than likely lying

07-03-2016, 06:57 AM
Yeah Bill was the best.....whore! He inherited a great economy passed down from Reagan to Bush 1 and on to Slick Willie and his whorehouse!

That's not true Bush1 economy was bad that's why he lost re-election

07-03-2016, 07:13 AM
The Clinton years were good years. Really miss those times, things have gone to he!! since then. Bushy and Cheney really started a downward spiral. Bill was the best.

They were good years that's for sure. That's when politicians worked together to get things done for the good of the country and not themselves.

old fan
07-03-2016, 08:36 AM
so lets see it wasn't just slick willie but all the leaders wow who would've thought that but why did he get impeached oh you forgot about that one

07-03-2016, 08:41 AM
Some folks simply love rapists and vote for them, and would vote for them again.

old fan
07-03-2016, 08:42 AM
Many American small businesses depend on exporting their products to Canada or Mexico under NAFTA. According to the U.S. Trade Representative, this trade supports over 140,000 small and medium-sized businesses in the US. [2]According to the Economic Policy Institute, California, Texas, Michigan and other states with high concentrations of manufacturing jobs were most affected by job loss due to NAFTA.[39] EPI economist Robert Scott estimates some 682,900 U.S. jobs have been "lost or displaced" as a result of the trade agreement

old fan
07-03-2016, 08:43 AM
yep some people have no morals that's why they vote democrate

07-03-2016, 08:45 AM
so lets see it wasn't just slick willie but all the leaders wow who would've thought that but why did he get impeached oh you forgot about that one

No it wasn't just Bill and it never is just the President. You have to have a congress that can function as well unlike the current congress.

07-03-2016, 08:46 AM
yep some people have no morals that's why they vote democrate

I have plenty of morals so, do many other democrats but, your party has you so brain washed you will and do believe anything they tell you.

old fan
07-03-2016, 08:51 AM
If have morals you wouldn't vote for such scum that cheat and do immoral things look up slick willies background or obamas

07-03-2016, 09:07 AM
If have morals you wouldn't vote for such scum that cheat and do immoral things look up slick willies background or obamas

Never voted for Obama and voted for Clinton the first time but, not the second but, under Bill Clinton we as a country were under good times there's no denying that.

I don't have justify if I have morals to you or anyone else for that matter.

And your going to vote for Trump lol !!!!

old fan
07-03-2016, 09:34 AM
ttps://fellowshipoftheminds.com/who do you think I will vote for Johnson can't win I would die before voting for killary maybe Darrell Castle lol

mud duck
07-03-2016, 10:10 AM
yep some people have no morals that's why they vote democrate

Robert Bentley, Bob Packwood, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, David Vitter, Larry Craig, Mark Sanford, Mark Foley, Bob Livingston are just a few!! They aren't Democrats old fart!! But, hey when they put that R beside their name you sheep believe they have morals. Again, just like Jr if your going to your politicians for morals then you have a problem.

old fan
07-03-2016, 10:14 AM
but can you name one democrat that has morals, Gingrich Ethics charges and reprimand which were all dropped except one

mud duck
07-03-2016, 10:54 AM
but can you name one democrat that has morals, Gingrich Ethics charges and reprimand which were all dropped except one

Newt admitted to cheating on his wives at the same time he was leading to impeach Bill. But, you Republicans like to overlook that little fun fact. To answer your question, if your a politician most likely you don't have many morals R or D.

old fan
07-03-2016, 11:31 AM
but some have more than others we know killary Is NOT

07-03-2016, 12:02 PM
No woman/women has ever outed Newt as a rapist nor did he use his position of power to receive blow jobs from a low level underling in the Oval Office on company time.

Newt married his high school geometry teacher and had a child with her and began divorce proceedings while she was recovering from cancer surgery. Pretty low life, isn't it? However, his second wife divorced him and didn't come to his defense as an attack dog/bitch for purely monetary, power and political considerations.

Newt's a world class slime ball, that can't be seriously disputed, but not remotely in the league with the rapist in chief and his enabling "wife" who attacked the sexual assault victims as illiterate bimbo's, mentally unstable liar's and publicity hounds.

Anyone with half a brain knows politicians live and operate, and in fact thrive, in a huge vat of stinking, raw, fermenting sewage but the rapist in chief and his enabling partner are clearly in a class by themselves.

I don't think I can vote for him but I dearly love Donald Trump for repeatedly pointing that out!

old fan
07-03-2016, 12:12 PM
hears a news flash for you Newt is not running for office YET

mud duck
07-03-2016, 02:05 PM
No woman/women has ever outed Newt as a rapist nor did he use his position of power to receive blow jobs from a low level underling in the Oval Office on company time.

Newt married his high school geometry teacher and had a child with her and began divorce proceedings while she was recovering from cancer surgery. Pretty low life, isn't it? However, his second wife divorced him and didn't come to his defense as an attack dog/bitch for purely monetary, power and political considerations.

Newt's a world class slime ball, that can't be seriously disputed, but not remotely in the league with the rapist in chief and his enabling "wife" who attacked the sexual assault victims as illiterate bimbo's, mentally unstable liar's and publicity hounds.

Anyone with half a brain knows politicians live and operate, and in fact thrive, in a huge vat of stinking, raw, fermenting sewage but the rapist in chief and his enabling partner are clearly in a class by themselves.

I don't think I can vote for him but I dearly love Donald Trump for repeatedly pointing that out!

It appears you don't like Bill.

old fan
07-03-2016, 02:14 PM
Bill is nice guy just as corrupt as he11 I guess you like that

mud duck
07-03-2016, 02:27 PM
Bill is nice guy just as corrupt as he11 I guess you like that

Best President in my life time, if I can make it another 8 years maybe Hillary can top him. But, I have my doubts.

07-03-2016, 02:39 PM
Best President in my life time, if I can make it another 8 years maybe Hillary can top him. But, I have my doubts.

Most corrupt president in my life time.

07-03-2016, 02:39 PM
LOL, Hilly hasn't been on top of Bill since the seventies.
BTW, I love when people point to other bad behavior to justify slime. Why should anyone care about people being trotted out that have no bearing on what is happening now. Defending the Clintons shows only one thing. Someone that either thinks that low life slime should be leading the Country or they are clueless.

mud duck
07-03-2016, 03:14 PM
LOL, Hilly hasn't been on top of Bill since the seventies.
BTW, I love when people point to other bad behavior to justify slime. Why should anyone care about people being trotted out that have no bearing on what is happening now. Defending the Clintons shows only one thing. Someone that either thinks that low life slime should be leading the Country or they are clueless.

Hey, your a Tony fan. I figured you'd like Bill. When it comes to women they are two peas in a pod.

07-03-2016, 03:31 PM
LOL, what are you talking about? That makes no sense. I have heard TS derided, hated etc. but never have I heard him compared to a skirt chaser like the Rapist Clinton.

old fan
07-03-2016, 03:50 PM
what makes it worse Hillary allows it

mud duck
07-03-2016, 06:19 PM
LOL, what are you talking about? That makes no sense. I have heard TS derided, hated etc. but never have I heard him compared to a skirt chaser like the Rapist Clinton.

Tony's a good guy and does alot of very nice things under the radar. But, I think he's a skirt chaser. I believe there were a few interesting articles s few years back. But, he's not the r word. That's a harsh tag. But, I guess on 4m anything goes.

07-03-2016, 07:16 PM
It appears you don't like Bill.I don't like rapists. Period. It appears you do like rapists.

Best President in my life time, if I can make it another 8 years maybe Hillary can top him. But, I have my doubts.The fact that a repeat offender rapist got elected twice, got blow jobs in the Oval Office on company time from a low level underling, was impeached and disbarred for perjuring himself really should make him eligible to be considered the best at something by someone. LOL! His enabler wife can top him at demonizing his rape victims, and that for sure can't be disputed!

07-03-2016, 07:17 PM
Rush Limbaugh, boy there's someone who you can believe and look for advice. Hopefully, when the Clinton's take the White House he will move to another country take his "prescription" pills with him. Maybe him and Glenn Beck can get a discount on airfare together.

You would be wise to open open your eyes instead of blindly putting down people that speak the truth.

But are you capable???

07-03-2016, 07:18 PM
When two or three women accuse a man of rape, there has to be something to it. Yes it is harsh, but the Clinton behavior drives the narrative. I am acquainted with friends Tony has since he started racing. He does do a lot of good things under the radar. He might of chased the girls, I am sure he has, but he certainly didn't have a wife. I do wonder if he feels his freedom to race wherever and when ever he wants, is going to make up for not raising a family. That would be a question for him to answer himself someday.

07-03-2016, 07:28 PM
The Clinton years were good years. Really miss those times, things have gone to he!! since then. Bushy and Cheney really started a downward spiral. Bill was the best.

Good times???? Yeah right, how warped it is to put the Clintons on a pedistal. Clinton, Johnson, and Carter slowly turned this nation to ruins and led to the worst man ever elected, Obummer. Every political thought that you have are the result of liberals brainwashing you through the education system and their media finishing you off. This nation will collapse if too many people think as you do. Facts, truth, and our system as founded don't mean squat to you and that is makes the role of decent citizens all the harder.

07-03-2016, 07:30 PM
Hey, your a Tony fan. I figured you'd like Bill. When it comes to women they are two peas in a pod.

Our President should have standards above those of a race car driver.

07-03-2016, 08:01 PM
WARNING: Limbaugh Reveals Violent Plan Liberals Have In Store If Trump Wins

The divide between parties in American politics was merely a pothole 20 years ago compared to the full-blown canyon it has become in 2016. While Republicans continue to cling to their guns and religion, Democrats soldier on with irrational hatred.

In light of this divide, Rush Limbaugh posed a harrowing question regarding a possible general election victory by presumed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump:

“I want you to think, using your intelligence guided by experience, what’s gonna happen that night? What’s gonna happen the next day? What’s going to happen every day thereafter? What’s gonna happen the day Trump gets inaugurated? What is the left gonna do?”


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His answer to those questions was right on the money — Limbaugh said the left was “not gonna just sit idly by and accept this … They’re gonna do everything they can to undermine it. And I think we’re gonna see levels of violence that we have not seen,” according to Politico.

“I think people are gonna be shocked at the degree to which the left intends to intimidate people into reversing that result. I think they’re gonna do everything they can to see it that Trump never does get inaugurated,” Limbaugh said, according to The Daily Caller. “Whatever, it’s gonna be unlike anything.”

Considering the overwhelming majority of mass shooters in just the last several decades have been Democrats, one shouldn’t put it past them to resort to violence. You also see it regularly through the Black Lives Matter movement propagated by leftist activists.

Speaking of Black Lives Matter, Limbaugh cited the destruction of Ferguson and Baltimore, saying, “You add to this the Democrats losing the presidency in November, and my sense is that there isn’t gonna be any peace. There’s gonna be anger. There is going to be rage. There are gonna be lawsuits.

“Everything about the victory is gonna be attacked,” he added. “The Democrats will throw lawyers and who knows whatever else at that outcome, demanding recounts here, recounts there, whatever, no matter how close it is.”

He concluded his prediction by arguing that that the media will tell Americans to accept and “understand the rage.”

The media does not care about truth, and they will only add to the fire if Trump is elected. We have to prepare for the worst, because you can bet that the left is.

mud duck
07-03-2016, 09:39 PM
Some of you make it so easy on here, it's truly enjoyable. You dislike Bill so bad for indiscretions that had no serious effect on the country as a whole. But, I bet you let Bush and Cheney slide for their out right lies to get us into Iraq. Bills "situation" under the desk was not as costly "in many terms" as the lies that George and Tricky (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) did. LOL

old fan
07-03-2016, 09:44 PM
how about nafta and Iraq deal what were gong to do after being attacked just sit on our fanny like this prez would do , if we just hold their hand everything will be alright mentality is that what you want for a leader its pretty said when you start liking putin over obama or you trust putin over Obama I guess you want 4 more year of that don't you and of course it the white people fault for everything is that what you want not me

mud duck
07-03-2016, 09:49 PM
Old Fan, I wish you could write a sentence that was readable. Did you make it out of the 8th grade? I'm surprised you could fill out a ballot. Do you vote or does someone do it for you?

07-03-2016, 10:10 PM
Old Fan, I wish you could write a sentence that was readable. Did you make it out of the 8th grade? I'm surprised you could fill out a ballot. Do you vote or does someone do it for you?

No but it does make you look like you quit after the 5th grade, since you don't think its important for the POTUS to have high morals!

07-03-2016, 10:50 PM
Robert Bentley, Bob Packwood, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, David Vitter, Larry Craig, Mark Sanford, Mark Foley, Bob Livingston are just a few!! They aren't Democrats old fart!! But, hey when they put that R beside their name you sheep believe they have morals. Again, just like Jr if your going to your politicians for morals then you have a problem.

Are those the guys with morals Mud Duck LMAO!!!!!!!

old fan
07-03-2016, 10:53 PM
they might not the most moral bunch but still beats the heck out of billary and bill

07-03-2016, 10:55 PM
how about nafta and Iraq deal what were gong to do after being attacked just sit on our fanny like this prez would do , if we just hold their hand everything will be alright mentality is that what you want for a leader its pretty said when you start liking putin over obama or you trust putin over Obama I guess you want 4 more year of that don't you and of course it the white people fault for everything is that what you want not me

I guess your a communist. Clayton was right the communist have invaded our country and lity is living prove LMAO!!!!!!

07-03-2016, 11:04 PM
they might not the most moral bunch but still beats the heck out of billary and bill

Yeah Bill did get a BJ in office. And as far as the rape allegations if true to bad one of the ladies did not come forward and press charges so, he could have been stopped but, as of now it's only allegations. I'm not saying he did or didn't rape anyone but, not one came forward or called the authorities.

old fan
07-03-2016, 11:06 PM
and what about billary she couldn't give you a straight answer if her life depended on it http://www.thefederalistpapers.org/us/liberal-claims-about-gun-owners-and-the-nra-destroyed-with-facts?utm_source=COTR&utm_medium=COTR&utm_campaign=COTR

07-03-2016, 11:08 PM
There is no one lower then the Clintons.... millions and millions of dollars donated to them from the Muslim country's...why do you suppose that is Kid... and those aren't aligations, thats fact.... aligations are that the larger families in the middle east donated to her campaign... not proven yet and may never be but as Harry Reid said, it the appearence of wrong doing....

07-03-2016, 11:17 PM
There is no one lower then the Clintons.... millions and millions of dollars donated to them from the Muslim country's...why do you suppose that is Kid... and those aren't aligations, thats fact.... aligations are that the larger families in the middle east donated to her campaign... not proven yet and may never be but as Harry Reid said, it the appearence of wrong doing....
Again allegations and until their proven that's all they are.

heck I can accuss you of being an azz at times oh wait it's true Lol !!!!

mud duck
07-04-2016, 02:13 AM
Are those the guys with morals Mud Duck LMAO!!!!!!!

I love to point out Conservative Republicans that stand on their morals in public and behind closed doors they reach under the bathroom stalls. LOL The funny thing, when you point out things that are fact on here that doesn't look good in conservative eyes, they always revert back to Bill or Hillary. But, yet their own are doing things just as bad. But, hey if you listen to some on here, god only forgives the sins of a Republican. Just ask Jr. LOL

old fan
07-04-2016, 06:48 AM

07-04-2016, 06:58 AM
how about nafta and Iraq deal what were gong to do after being attacked just sit on our fanny like this prez would do , if we just hold their hand everything will be alright mentality is that what you want for a leader its pretty said when you start liking putin over obama or you trust putin over Obama I guess you want 4 more year of that don't you and of course it the white people fault for everything is that what you want not me

You do realize Bush 1 was the architect behind nafta who would have signed it into but, time ran out on his Presidency and Clinton signed into law after congress had passed it and what a huge mistake by all involved.

old fan
07-04-2016, 07:39 AM
but who signed it slick willie didn't have to sign it did he

old fan
07-04-2016, 07:41 AM
I love to point out Conservative Republicans that stand on their morals in public and behind closed doors they reach under the bathroom stalls. LOL The funny thing, when you point out things that are fact on here that doesn't look good in conservative eyes, they always revert back to Bill or Hillary. But, yet their own are doing things just as bad. But, hey if you listen to some on here, god only forgives the sins of a Republican. Just ask Jr. LOLname any ILL democrat that s not corrupt and I will show a outta work leader

old fan
07-04-2016, 07:51 AM

07-04-2016, 07:58 AM
but who signed it slick willie didn't have to sign it did he

Yes your right he didn't have to sign it. like I said a big mistake by all. Republicans and Democrats alike.

07-04-2016, 08:02 AM
name any ILL democrat that s not corrupt and I will show a outta work leader

I can name some some Republicans as well. I just gotta like it when you righty's want to make it out like it's only Democrats that do these things. it just show's how blinded you really are. I guess you forgot about George Ryan, Aaron Shock just to name a couple lol

old fan
07-04-2016, 08:12 AM
but the operative word is few

old fan
07-04-2016, 08:18 AM
major major screw up It is difficult to determine causality between NAFTA's implementation and economic growth, and it is impossible to quantify the counterfactual—how trade policy might have liberalized without NAFTA. Intraregional trade flows have increased significantly over the treaty's first two decades, from roughly $290 billion in 1993 to more than $1.1 trillion in 2012. Cross-border investment and travel have also surged. The United States trades more in goods and services with Mexico and Canada than it does with Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Russia, India, and China combined. Much of this growth has been due to increased trade between the United States and Mexico, where the trade balance—the difference between exports and imports—swung from a $1.7 billion U.S. surplus in 1993 to a $61.4 billion deficit in 2012.

07-04-2016, 09:07 AM
I can name some some Republicans as well. I just gotta like it when you righty's want to make it out like it's only Democrats that do these things. it just show's how blinded you really are. I guess you forgot about George Ryan, Aaron Shock just to name a couple lol

Kid! Come on, man. You and I both know George Ryan was a chitcago machine democrat that ran as a republican, was part of, and was beholding to, the chitcago democrat machine. That is a FACT. That goes for Len Small and Bill Stratton, as well. Does anyone see a pattern here. chitcago politicians, whether republican or democrat are crooked. Old man Daley was so crooked he couldn't lay in bed straight but he had an air tight machine in chitcago that couldn't be penetrated. Republican Illinois governor Jimmy Thompson was also a chitcago crook but he was a former federal prosecutor thus smart enough he never got indicted. And where is hussein from? AHA!!! You guessed it, chitcago, Illinois. He learned his trade at the knee of Dan Rostenkowski, Mel Reynolds and mayor daley the second. Everyone draw your own conclusions. LOL!!

Aaron Schock is in the vast minority as a true republican. The reason there are so few crooked republicans in Illinois is because there are so few republicans, period.

Here's the members of the Illinois political hall of shame:

Mel Reynolds-d
Dan Walker-d
Otto Kerner-d
Paul Powell-d
Jesse Jackson Jr.-d
George Ryan-chitcago republican
Lennington Small-chitcago republican
William Scott-chitcago republican
Aaron Schock-r

old fan
07-04-2016, 09:38 AM
heck look at st clair county also 1.7 billion surplus to 61 billion in the hole I would that's a major black eye one that will be hard to recover from do we really need that kind in office again

07-04-2016, 04:43 PM
Kid! Come on, man. You and I both know George Ryan was a chitcago machine democrat that ran as a republican, was part of, and was beholding to, the chitcago democrat machine. That is a FACT. That goes for Len Small and Bill Stratton, as well. Does anyone see a pattern here. chitcago politicians, whether republican or democrat are crooked. Old man Daley was so crooked he couldn't lay in bed straight but he had an air tight machine in chitcago that couldn't be penetrated. Republican Illinois governor Jimmy Thompson was also a chitcago crook but he was a former federal prosecutor thus smart enough he never got indicted. And where is hussein from? AHA!!! You guessed it, chitcago, Illinois. He learned his trade at the knee of Dan Rostenkowski, Mel Reynolds and mayor daley the second. Everyone draw your own conclusions. LOL!!

Aaron Schock is in the vast minority as a true republican. The reason there are so few crooked republicans in Illinois is because there are so few republicans, period.

Here's the members of the Illinois political hall of shame:

Mel Reynolds-d
Dan Walker-d
Otto Kerner-d
Paul Powell-d
Jesse Jackson Jr.-d
George Ryan-chitcago republican
Lennington Small-chitcago republican
William Scott-chitcago republican
Aaron Schock-r

It don't matter where there from, ran as a Republican won as a Republican Corrupt as a Republican lol

07-04-2016, 05:46 PM
It don't matter where there from, ran as a Republican won as a Republican Corrupt as a Republican lol

And none of them are as corrupt as the clintons.

old fan
07-04-2016, 05:51 PM
except the idiot in charge

mud duck
07-04-2016, 06:22 PM
Hey old fan? What you call a basement full of conservatives??? A whine cellar!!😀

mud duck
07-04-2016, 06:26 PM
Hey old fan, what's a Republican and a porn star have in common?? Their both good at switching positions in front of a camera.😀 Donald does Dallas.

old fan
07-04-2016, 06:38 PM
you democrat did you forget about slick willie and monica and they all switch positions case in point Hillary heck she lies about a lie without even batting an eye and Donald does not follow the typical republican now does he

old fan
07-04-2016, 06:39 PM

07-04-2016, 06:45 PM
It don't matter where there from, ran as a Republican won as a Republican Corrupt as a Republican lol

Seriously? You can't be that stupid, can you? All of the republicans that I mentioned were products of the chitcago machine. They were endorsed, encouraged, legitimized and elected by the crooked chitcago machine.

You know better than what you are saying and we're both aware of it. That's why you're laughing out loud.

07-04-2016, 06:57 PM
Seriously? You can't be that stupid, can you? All of the republicans that I mentioned were products of the chitcago machine. They were endorsed, encouraged, legitimized and elected by the crooked chitcago machine.

You know better than what you are saying and we're both aware of it. That's why you're laughing out loud.

Did they run as a Republican or a Democrat?

07-04-2016, 07:04 PM
And none of them are as corrupt as the clintons.

Does it really matter how corrupt they are. Gotta love it. It's like one worker showing up for work 5 minutes late and another showing up 15 minutes late and the guy that showed up 5 minuts said but, I'm only 5 minutes late and he was 15 minurs late,when your late your late and when your corupt your corupt.

I forgot though if your republican the standards are different.

07-04-2016, 07:06 PM
you democrat did you forget about slick willie and monica and they all switch positions case in point Hillary heck she lies about a lie without even batting an eye and Donald does not follow the typical republican now does he

No Donald doesn't and the repubs thinks he toxic lol

old fan
07-04-2016, 07:07 PM
who has blood on their hands and denying it

07-04-2016, 07:07 PM
Hey old fan, what's a Republican and a porn star have in common?? Their both good at switching positions in front of a camera. Donald does Dallas.

You got that right but, I think that can be said of all politicians lol

07-04-2016, 07:08 PM
who has blood on their hands and denying it

Not sure what your getting at

07-04-2016, 07:28 PM
Hey old fan? What you call a basement full of conservatives??? A whine cellar!!

Why are there always a couple of class clowns that have to show disrespect for truthful information? It's not only childish, it shows just how ignorant and mislead some people are.

I posted good information here and a couple of clowns that missed the brain line have to stink it up.

old fan
07-04-2016, 07:32 PM
just for mud duck hope you enjoy http://right.ly/this-joke-that-liberals-hate-will-have-you-in-tears/?utm_content=buffer71971&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=positivelyrepublican

old fan
07-04-2016, 07:34 PM
http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/bl-left-wing-funny-pics.htm http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/bl-conservative-cartoons.htm?PS=600%3A12

07-04-2016, 07:48 PM
Did they run as a Republican or a Democrat?Ryan, Stratton and Scott ran on the republican ticket. If you wanna' play that fools game then it's 7 - 4 in favor of the crooked democrats. If you want to face clear reality it's 10 - 1 in favor of the crooked chitcago machine. Either way your democrats and the republicans in name only are way out ahead and running easy!

I was of voting age through all but Small, Stratton, Powell and Scott and know chitcago machine politicians are very much the same regardless of what letter follows their name. Wise up Kid. We both know you're out in left field on this one.

old fan
07-04-2016, 07:52 PM
he' been out in left field for some time playing ball no wonder he can't get to the track

07-04-2016, 10:00 PM
Ryan, Stratton and Scott ran on the republican ticket. If you wanna' play that fools game then it's 7 - 4 in favor of the crooked democrats. If you want to face clear reality it's 10 - 1 in favor of the crooked chitcago machine. Either way your democrats and the republicans in name only are way out ahead and running easy!

I was of voting age through all but Small, Stratton, Powell and Scott and know chitcago machine politicians are very much the same regardless of what letter follows their name. Wise up Kid. We both know you're out in left field on this one.

What I do know is they ran as republicans therfore they are republicans. if they were democrats why did they run as a republican. Like I said I don't care where their from.

You just gotta love it when republicans get into trouble and all of a sudden their democrats lol

07-04-2016, 10:01 PM
he' been out in left field for some time playing ball no wonder he can't get to the track

Was going to go last night but, mother nature decided against it.

old fan
07-04-2016, 10:05 PM
same here kidrock and just kidding about left field more like center field lol

07-04-2016, 10:08 PM
same here kidrock and just kidding about left field more like center field lol


mud duck
07-04-2016, 11:08 PM
You got that right but, I think that can be said of all politicians lol

Yeah I know, I just like getting some fired up that think they have it all figured out and it's just the Dems fault. You know, those that thought Georgy and Tricky Richard was geniuses.

07-04-2016, 11:11 PM
Yeah I know, I just like getting some fired up that think they have it all figured out and it's just the Dems fault. You know, those that thought Georgy and Tricky Richard was geniuses.

LoL wasn't tricky dic key the only President forced to resign and wasn't he a republican lol

mud duck
07-04-2016, 11:15 PM
LoL wasn't tricky dic key the only President forced to resign and wasn't he a republican lol

Yeah, your right. I forgot about Nixon. I was referring to crooked Cheney. But, Nixon applies just as good if not better.

07-04-2016, 11:17 PM
people who had to resign or got into somehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_political_scandals_in_the_United_S tates kind of trouble

mud duck
07-04-2016, 11:22 PM
http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/bl-left-wing-funny-pics.htm http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/bl-conservative-cartoons.htm?PS=600%3A12

I think Putin is hiding something. Old Fan you don't have posters of him in your bedroom with the shirt off do you!?😀

old fan
07-05-2016, 05:53 AM
no but he' betters and more trustworthy than the clown in our office but I do know you have a poster with Obama with his shirt off don't you

old fan
07-05-2016, 05:56 AM
LoL wasn't tricky dic key the only President forced to resign and wasn't he a republican lol but ole slick willie came oh so close

07-05-2016, 07:44 AM
Yeah, your right. I forgot about Nixon. I was referring to crooked Cheney. But, Nixon applies just as good if not better.

Dik Cheany is one of the biggest slim balls there is.

07-05-2016, 07:45 AM
but ole slick willie came oh so close

HA ha ha but, he didnt you guys are the only ones that hold that record lol

07-05-2016, 07:46 AM
no but he' betters and more trustworthy than the clown in our office but I do know you have a poster with Obama with his shirt off don't you

I knew you was a communist lol

07-05-2016, 07:49 AM
What I do know is they ran as republicans therfore they are republicans. if there were democrats why did they run as a republican. Like I said I don't care where their from.

You just gotta love it when republicans get into trouble and all of a sudden their democrats lol

The conclusion is simple, you don't know your chitcago politicians very well. Democrats, republicans, they're all the same when they come out of the chitcago machine. Any reasonable person that knows the least bit about chitcago/Illinois politics knows what I say is true. Thus we must conclude that you don't know what you're talking about. Gotta' love that.

The guys I speak of didn't become crooked chitcago machine politicians "all of a sudden". They started out as crooked chitcago politicians and they went to jail as such. To be successful in statewide elections you have to toe the democratic machine line whether you call yourself a republican or a democrat. It is clear you don't fully understand those facts. Hopefully we've cleared things up for you just a bit.

07-05-2016, 07:59 AM
The conclusion is simple, you don't know your chitcago politicians very well. Democrats, republicans, they're all the same when they come out of the chitcago machine. Any reasonable person that knows the least bit about chitcago/Illinois politics knows what I say is true. Thus we must conclude that you don't know what you're talking about. Gotta' love that.

The guys I speak of didn't become crooked chitcago machine politicians "all of a sudden". They started out as crooked chitcago politicians and they went to jail as such. To be successful in statewide elections you have to toe the democratic machine line whether you call yourself a republican or a democrat. It is clear you don't fully understand those facts. Hopefully we've cleared things up for you just a bit.

I worked at the capitol building and the governor's mansion for 22 years so, I know all about the Chicago machine but, I also know they ran as Republicans that I do know.

Like I said I don't care what machine they were part of they they still had a R behind their title.

07-05-2016, 08:15 AM
Hillary paid the Raped ladies off to shut them up.

07-05-2016, 08:19 AM
One of two things are going on here. Either you're exceedingly naive and truly don't know what your talking about despite you're self proclaimed extensive exposure to crooked chitcago politicians or you're aware of reality and can't bring yourself to acknowledge it.

Even you may not know for sure.

07-05-2016, 08:55 AM
One of two things are going on here. Either you're exceedingly naive and truly don't know what your talking about despite you're self proclaimed extensive exposure to crooked chitcago politicians or you're aware of reality and can't bring yourself to acknowledge it.

Even you may not know for sure.

I probably know more about the chicago machine more then you do with working around all of them for 22 years but, I guess you can't bring yourself to the fact they were still Republicans.

George knew in order to get chit done he had to work with Madigan and he did. The same with Edgar but, blogo decided he was bigger then Madigan and you see where he ended up. Now Rauner thinks he's going to show Madigan but, so far it's not working. Madigan can and will work with the Republicans but, you have to have willing partners.

07-05-2016, 09:36 AM
I probably know more about the chicago machine more then you do with working around all of them for 22 years but, I guess you can't bring yourself to the fact they were still Republicans.

George knew in order to get chit done he had to work with Madigan and he did. The same with Edgar but, blogo decided he was bigger then Madigan and you see where he ended up. Now Rauner thinks he's going to show Madigan but, so far it's not working. Madigan can and will work with the Republicans but, you have to have willing partners.

Now you've showed your ignorance Kid. If you honestly think Madigan will EVER work with Republicans on anything other than what HE wants....you are nuts!

The Madigans are a major reason this state is in the shambles it's in. That's a FACT!

07-05-2016, 10:38 AM
Now you've showed your ignorance Kid. If you honestly think Madigan will EVER work with Republicans on anything other than what HE wants....you are nuts!

The Madigans are a major reason this state is in the shambles it's in. That's a FACT!

Well I'm here to inform you he has. Ryan wanted Illinois First project and he and Madigan worked to get it done. It wasn't a Madigan project it was Ryan's project. Edgar turned the state around with the help of Madigan why because they worked together. it was give and take. their were things Madigan wanted and there were things Ryan and Edgar wanted. that's how it works in government. so they all wanted something out of it and they got it but, for anyone to say Madigan doesn't work with the other side is BS.

You have to have a willing partner to get things done as Rauner is finding out.

07-05-2016, 10:46 AM
I probably know more about the chicago machine more then you do with working around all of them for 22 years but, I guess you can't bring yourself to the fact they were still Republicans.

George knew in order to get chit done he had to work with Madigan and he did. The same with Edgar but, blogo decided he was bigger then Madigan and you see where he ended up. Now Rauner thinks he's going to show Madigan but, so far it's not working. Madigan can and will work with the Republicans but, you have to have willing partners.Knowledge of the crooked chitcago democrat machine obviously doesn't equate to understanding and acknowledging the truth.

There is no denying all identified themselves as republicans, Schock was the only one who didn't have the approval and blessing of the crooked chitcago democratic machine. It's also undeniable that they were elected as a result of the blessings and approval of the chitcago democratic machine and they toed the chitcago democratic machine line prior to their asses being locked up. Their political philosophy was much less republican than chitcago democrat. They were republicans in name only and obviously you can't bring yourself to acknowledge the obvious as a result of your bitter hatred for the republican party. Could it be that hatred has clouded your judgement? Good chance, I reckon. LOL!!

You can identify them all as republicans all day long but it was the crooked chitcago democrat machine that got them elected, kept getting them elected and called the shots.

Machine Mikey Madigan is the present day equivalent to the dead mayor Daley. He's so crooked he couldn't lay in bed straight if he was strapped down, in traction and wearing a straight jacket.

07-05-2016, 10:50 AM
Well I'm here to inform you he has. Ryan wanted Illinois First project and he and Madigan worked to get it done. It wasn't a Madigan project it was Ryan's project. Edgar turned the state around with the help of Madigan why because they worked together. it was give and take. their were things Madigan wanted and there were things Ryan and Edgar wanted. that's how it works in government. so they all wanted something out of it and they got it but, for anyone to say Madigan doesn't work with the other side is BS.

You have to have a willing partner to get things done as Rauner is finding out.

Edgar "turned the state around"????? From what??? This state is a cess pool!
The ONLY constant for the last 30 years is Madigan and a declining Illinois. The state has gone downhill consistently during his tenure. FACT!

Rauner was elected for the sole reason to stand up to the Madigan machine and FIX the problems. Now Madigan is stonewalling. Why won't Madigan "work with" Rauner?
Maidigan is all about Chicago and nothing else. Show me where Madigan has done anything for downstate without something being in it for Chicago.

07-05-2016, 10:59 AM
Here's a good article from former Governor Jim Edgar. he points out how he got what he wanted at times from Madigan. Edgar points out Madigan used to be a fiscal conservative and Madigan tells Edagar why that changed.

07-05-2016, 11:04 AM
Edgar "turned the state around"????? From what??? This state is a cess pool!
The ONLY constant for the last 30 years is Madigan and a declining Illinois. The state has gone downhill consistently during his tenure. FACT!

Rauner was elected for the sole reason to stand up to the Madigan machine and FIX the problems. Now Madigan is stonewalling. Why won't Madigan "work with" Rauner?
Maidigan is all about Chicago and nothing else. Show me where Madigan has done anything for downstate without something being in it for Chicago.

Because Rauner came in and said my way or the highway. I guess you forgot Thompson left this state in a mess when he left office and Edgar came in and turned it around before Ryan got us back in debt.

07-05-2016, 12:33 PM
Knowledge of the crooked chitcago democrat machine obviously doesn't equate to understanding and acknowledging the truth.

There is no denying all identified themselves as republicans, Schock was the only one who didn't have the approval and blessing of the crooked chitcago democratic machine. It's also undeniable that they were elected as a result of the blessings and approval of the chitcago democratic machine and they toed the chitcago democratic machine line prior to their asses being locked up. Their political philosophy was much less republican than chitcago democrat. They were republicans in name only and obviously you can't bring yourself to acknowledge the obvious as a result of your bitter hatred for the republican party. Could it be that hatred has clouded your judgement? Good chance, I reckon. LOL!!

You can identify them all as republicans all day long but it was the crooked chitcago democrat machine that got them elected, kept getting them elected and called the shots.

Machine Mikey Madigan is the present day equivalent to the dead mayor Daley. He's so crooked he couldn't lay in bed straight if he was strapped down, in traction and wearing a straight jacket.

And that's where your wrong. i don't have hatered for the Republican party. I worked for both sides at the capitol and I never not once treated the Republicans any different then I did the Democrats. I have friends on both sides. We have had many many discussions about both parties over the years.

If Madigan is so crooked why hasn't he been brought up on any charges. it's not like others haven't as you well know.

07-05-2016, 02:01 PM
And that's where your wrong. i don't have hatered for the Republican party. I worked for both sides at the capitol and I never not once treated the Republicans any different then I did the Democrats. I have friends on both sides. We have had many many discussions about both parties over the years.

If Madigan is so crooked why hasn't he been brought up on any charges. it's not like others haven't as you well know.

Hmmmm.. No hatred? Really?

Madigan appears to have the same closed rank protection from the crooked chitcago political machine as the dead mayor daley had. chitcago politics are an anomaly that defies any explanation or reason but is very, very effective. Mainly because the majority of the voting public (both dead and living) in chitcago seems to be complicit and is very happy to be led by some of the crookedest elected officials in the United States, and most likely in the whole world.

hussein was taught his stock in trade in chitcago and he was taught right. hussein may well be the most proficient at using the crooked chitcago design given the fact that nothing relatively dirty has ever rubbed off on him. That reality is in spite of the fact that he was once waist deep in the raw sewage cesspool of chitcago politics.

Where was the rapist enabler born and raised? Ahh yes, sweet home chitcago!

07-05-2016, 03:13 PM
Hmmmm.. No hatred? Really?

Madigan appears to have the same closed rank protection from the crooked chitcago political machine as the dead mayor daley had. chitcago politics are an anomaly that defies any explanation or reason but is very, very effective. Mainly because the majority of the voting public (both dead and living) in chitcago seems to be complicit and is very happy to be led by some of the crookedest elected officials in the United States, and most likely in the whole world.

hussein was taught his stock in trade in chitcago and he was taught right. hussein may well be the most proficient at using the crooked chitcago design given the fact that nothing relatively dirty has ever rubbed off on him. That reality is in spite of the fact that he was once waist deep in the raw sewage cesspool of chitcago politics.

Where was the rapist enabler born and raised? Ahh yes, sweet home chitcago!

I'm not going to try convience you I have no hatered for the republican party. I agree with republicans on some of their ideas just as I agree with some of the Democrats on their ideas. Working for both sides taught me that. like I said I have lots no friends from my days working at the capitol building on both sides.

Did you find any crooked things Madigan has done that he should be arressted for? I'm sure if he had he would have been arressted by now.

07-05-2016, 05:54 PM
I'm not going to try convience you I have no hatered for the republican party. I agree with republicans on some of their ideas just as I agree with some of the Democrats on their ideas. Working for both sides taught me that. like I said I have lots no friends from my days working at the capitol building on both sides.

Did you find any crooked things Madigan has done that he should be arressted for? I'm sure if he had he would have been arressted by now.

It's very difficult to get the goods on a crooked politician the likes of Mikey just as it was impossible to get the goods on the dead daley. The dead daley wrote the playbook on how to survive and thrive as a crooked chitcago politician and Mikey has memorized it chapter and verse. Mikey's daughter has done due diligence in getting that daley playbook down pat, as well.

Just as the dead daley (and several others) before him, Mikey is very successful in keeping his dirty work on the hands of others in case some scandalous debauchery that could be prosecuted were to surface and the deal goes South.

Your perspective of republican politicians is coming into focus given your vocal loyalty to Mikey. I firmly predict Lisa Madigan's step-daddy will not ever be convicted or even indicted as long she's the Illinois Attorney General and her momma is married to her step-daddy. At least not at the state level! Lisa's real last name is Murray and Mikey adopted her when she was 18 and she legally changed her name from Murray to Madigan at about the same time. Smell anything yet? She won't answer questions about the whole deal. The smell gets a bit stronger when you peal back the layers of the onion, and a rotten onion to boot! Wonder what her real daddy thinks of all this? LOL!

What do you think? LOL!!

07-05-2016, 06:03 PM
It's very difficult to get the goods on a crooked politician the likes of Mikey just as it was impossible to get the goods on the dead daley. The dead daley wrote the playbook on how to survive and thrive as a crooked chitcago politician and Mikey has memorized it chapter and verse. Mikey's daughter has done due diligence in getting that daley playbook down pat, as well.

Just as the dead daley (and several others) before him, Mikey is very successful in keeping his dirty work on the hands of others in case some scandalous debauchery that could be prosecuted were to surface and the deal goes South.

Your perspective of republican politicians is coming into focus given your vocal loyalty to Mikey. I firmly predict Lisa Madigan's step-daddy will not ever be convicted or even indicted as long she's the Illinois Attorney General and her momma is married to her step-daddy. At least not at the state level!

What do you think? LOL!!

Well what about all the attorney Generals before her? plenty under the Republican banner but, not one indictment or arrest of Madigan. No people want to make Madigan out to always be the bad guy but, if you listen to what Edgar has to say who by the way is very respected in the political scene he tells it like it is and he respected Madigan and was able to work with him.

old fan
07-05-2016, 06:08 PM
glad I don't live in that state

07-05-2016, 06:09 PM
How many times was the dead daley indicted through all those republican AG's? LOL!!

You're fierce loyalty to mikey is interesting to be sure.

07-05-2016, 07:16 PM
How many times was the dead daley indicted through all those republican AG's? LOL!!

You're fierce loyalty to mikey is interesting to be sure.

I was fiercly loyal to some republicans as well. Do you know Dan Rutherford by any chance. Dan and I were friends and always talked to one another. I was supporting Dan for Governor and was going to vote for him until all the bs that came up that was false by the way and he quit has a candidate. Do you know Tom Cross if not he was the minority leader for the house of reps for the republicans. I supported him as well. I support George Ryan as well and his staff were great to me especially Laura Lynn George's wife. Mike Madigans' Secretary is one of the nicest ladies you would ever meet so, I supported more then Just Mike Madigan.

07-06-2016, 07:30 AM
I don't know Rutherford. In fact I don't know any politicians other than local. I try to stay away from them all. I always felt as if I needed to shower and disinfect myself after merely shaking hands with one of them.

Any political position above county board member requires that the holder of that office to be a highly proficient liar and willing to do pretty much whatever it takes to be elected and re-elected. And if need be that would include crushing someone/anyone like me for whatever reason and enjoying it while it's happening.

Tommy Ewing was the last politician I ever came in contact with. He was the U.S. Representative from our congressional district. He came across as almost sickeningly sweet but when the chips were on the table he really didn't give rats ass about me or my well being, fiscal or otherwise. I can prove that statement.

As far as I'm concerned the burden of proof is on them, one and all, to convince me they aren't a lying crooked scum bag. To date, not one has met the burden.

How's that for cynicism?! LOL!

mud duck
07-06-2016, 11:23 AM
Hey on a side not, Donnie is formally vetting Bob Corker as his VP. Look into this guys very questionable finances!! I guess if he makes it thru, him and Hillary will have a great debate when it comes to a question on how they got their wealth. Plus, Donnie will be ale to chime in on how he made his millions.

07-06-2016, 01:24 PM
I think it's billions, with a b.

Didn't the rapist and his enabler and defender march out of the White House with around a quarter million in furniture and china? They might have made restitution in the amount of $28,000.00. You can take the rapist out of the hills but ya' can't take the hillbilly out of the rapist (and the rapist enabler and defender)! LOL!!

That turned out to be peanuts compared to $153 million (that averages $210,795 per speech) the rapist and the rapist defender and enabler would nail down for 40 to 50 minute speeches since they pillaged the White House. That's not counting what they took under the table. What a country!

07-06-2016, 04:15 PM
I think it's billions, with a b.

Didn't the rapist and his enabler and defender march out of the White House with around a quarter million in furniture and china? They might have made restitution in the amount of $28,000.00. You can take the rapist out of the hills but ya' can't take the hillbilly out of the rapist (and the rapist enabler and defender)! LOL!!

That turned out to be peanuts compared to $153 million (that averages $210,795 per speech) the rapist and the rapist defender and enabler would nail down for 40 to 50 minute speeches since they pillaged the White House. That's not counting what they took under the table. What a country!

They are elite people though, those Democrats do not have to obey any laws. It is hurting the morals of the people to see such lawless behavior by our government itself. Hillary could get anyway with anything, oops, already has.

mud duck
07-07-2016, 05:33 AM
I think it's billions, with a b.

Didn't the rapist and his enabler and defender march out of the White House with around a quarter million in furniture and china? They might have made restitution in the amount of $28,000.00. You can take the rapist out of the hills but ya' can't take the hillbilly out of the rapist (and the rapist enabler and defender)! LOL!!

That turned out to be peanuts compared to $153 million (that averages $210,795 per speech) the rapist and the rapist defender and enabler would nail down for 40 to 50 minute speeches since they pillaged the White House. That's not counting what they took under the table. What a country!

You really like to throw that R word around a lot? That's a strong statement unless you have facts. Do you have some kind of proof? Let me guess you personally know the accusers?? Or FOX news told you? Lol

07-07-2016, 09:01 AM
You really like to defend rapists a lot?! That's a pretty weak defense unless you have facts.

Do you have some kind of proof he's not a rapist? Let me guess, you personally know the rapist?? Or MSNBC told you he's not a rapist? LOLOL!!!

07-07-2016, 10:05 AM
Without the ladies that were allegedly rape coming forward when the alledged incident happened no one can say for sure one way or another. Guys have been accussed of rape before only to be exonerated.

so, if they were raped to bad they did not have the couarge to come forward at the time so, if he did rape these women he could have been stopped and sent to prison. No one should be above the law even the Clinton's.

I could never defend a rapist if that's what happened but, as far as how the country was going under his leadership we were in good times. Yes I will give the Republicans some credit as well but, Bill was the leader and did end up working with Newt to get chit done.

07-07-2016, 11:00 AM
The only way possible for one to not put any credence into what has been said by the victims one must bring themselves to completely disbelieve not 1, not 2 but 3 different women and blindly believe a scum bag who is a known serial, pathological liar who was disbarred for lying under oath.

If you can do that then I reckon the former "rapist in chief" is your boy!

07-07-2016, 11:14 AM
The only way possible for one to not put any credence into what has been said by the victims one must bring themselves to completely disbelieve not 1, not 2 but 3 different women and blindly believe a scum bag who is a known serial, pathological liar who was disbarred for lying under oath.

If you can do that then I reckon the former "rapist in chief" is your boy!

Like I said I'm not saying I believe Bill but, I also can't say I believe the women as well without them coming forward at the time of the alledged incident.

07-07-2016, 11:47 AM
Okay, so you choose to disbelieve the 3 women and believe a known serial, pathological liar who's been disbarred for lying under oath and is generally and widely considered human pond scum.

So far you have avoided even acknowledging that the rapist in chief is a many time lowlife, predatory scum bag who most famously got blow jobs while on company time in the Oval Office from a low level underling who was half his age at the time. And, his rapist enabling and defender wife was complicit in all the debauchery (known and unknown) to the extent of publicly defending her "husband" and making fun of the many "prey" throughout the years.

Here's your chance to go on record. Or, you could stay silent and leave no doubt as to your beliefs.

07-07-2016, 11:55 AM
Okay, so you choose to disbelieve the 3 women and believe a known serial, pathological liar who's been disbarred for lying under oath and is generally and widely considered human pond scum.

So far you have avoided even acknowledging that the rapist in chief is a many time lowlife, predatory scum bag who most famously got blow jobs while on company time in the Oval Office from a low level underling who was half his age at the time. And, his rapist enabling and defender wife was complicit in all the debauchery (known and unknown) to the extent of publicly defending her "husband" and making fun of the many "prey" throughout the years.

Here's your chance to go on record. Or, you could stay silent and leave no doubt as to your beliefs.

I guess you didn't read what I wrote but, That's okay I will say it again. "I'm not saying I believe Bill"

Yes Bill got a blow job everyone knows that because of the hearings on his impeachment.

07-07-2016, 12:23 PM
I guess you didn't read what I wrote but, That's okay I will say it again. "I'm not saying I believe Bill"

Yes Bill got a blow job everyone knows that because of the hearings on his impeachment.
I read it and acknowledged that you don't believe the women that he raped. Fair enough. But you won't even admit the guy is a serial predatory slime bag or that his enabling wife was complicit and spoke in defense of his slimy ways at the same time disparagingly and condescendingly making fun of them.

Once again, here is your chance to go on the record.

You honestly think the rapist in chief only got ONE blow job in the Oval Office on company time? That brings the definition of naive to a whole new level. He only got caught once. LOL!! He wouldn't have got caught even that one time if not for Linda Tripp and her prudent foresight and hand in preserving the evidence.

07-07-2016, 02:06 PM
I read it and acknowledged that you don't believe the women that he raped. Fair enough. But you won't even admit the guy is a serial predatory slime bag or that his enabling wife was complicit and spoke in defense of his slimy ways at the same time disparagingly and condescendingly making fun of them.

Once again, here is your chance to go on the record.

You honestly think the rapist in chief only got ONE blow job in the Oval Office on company time? That brings the definition of naive to a whole new level. He only got caught once. LOL!! He wouldn't have got caught even that one time if not for Linda Tripp and her prudent foresight and hand in preserving the evidence.

I can't say for sure what Bill has or hasn't gotten in his lifetime as far as sex goes and frankly it's none of my business. but, I will admit it is very possible that he indeed did commit these rapes with his past history but, unfortunately we will never know. Like I said it's to bad these women did not come forward so he could have been stopped and in no way am I blaming them at all not for coming forward or if they were indeed raped. It would be a travisty if that indeed did happen and no women should be subject to that.

mud duck
07-07-2016, 02:53 PM
When you don't like someone, which clearly Cirf doesn't! You don't go throwing that word around without facts!! And then saying Hillary pays off the accusers?? Amazing stuff you read on here.

old fan
07-07-2016, 04:46 PM
clintons can do no wrong end of story

07-07-2016, 07:40 PM
When you don't like someone, which clearly Cirf doesn't! You don't go throwing that word around without facts!! And then saying Hillary pays off the accusers?? Amazing stuff you read on here.

Best I can tell, CIRF said nothing wrong.... you can find out the facts if you want to, it won't be easy because the media erases stuff they don't want brought up.... There are a couple of these women that will be around for the next three or four months at campaign events.... As soon as Killary starts in on womens issues, they will pounce.... Mud Duck, how can you, knowing what you know about Hilary, continue to cover for her, she lied to the FBI, some of it under oath, she had her attornies go through her E-Mails, attornies that didn't have security clearences of any kind, and she blantently lied to the public.... How can you defend that for president of the USA? The Donald ain't no peach, but but he is centuries better then her.....

old fan
07-07-2016, 07:48 PM
here you go mud duck explain this one http://partypolitical.blogspot.com/2007/10/deaths-associated-with-clinton-family.html

old fan
07-07-2016, 08:02 PM
http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2011/04/29/fourth-times-a-charm-how-donald-trump-made-bankruptcy-work-for-him/#3eb21f676f7a the only tools Clintons knows about is in bills pants

mud duck
07-08-2016, 02:50 AM
Best I can tell, CIRF said nothing wrong.... you can find out the facts if you want to, it won't be easy because the media erases stuff they don't want brought up.... There are a couple of these women that will be around for the next three or four months at campaign events.... As soon as Killary starts in on womens issues, they will pounce.... Mud Duck, how can you, knowing what you know about Hilary, continue to cover for her, she lied to the FBI, some of it under oath, she had her attornies go through her E-Mails, attornies that didn't have security clearences of any kind, and she blantently lied to the public.... How can you defend that for president of the USA? The Donald ain't no peach, but but he is centuries better then her.....

Where am I covering for her?? I'm stating the fact, she will be the President as long as Donnie is your candidate. It's reality. It's not covering. I personally think you guys get mad because you deep down know the country will not vote him in office and blame anyone who won't vote for him. The guy is a loose cannon. In my opinion, she is the lessor of the two evils. She's corrupt. But, Trump made his wealth on skirting the tax laws and using bankruptcy laws to make a huge percentage of his fortune. It's legal. But, in my book it's no better than the Wall Street crooks. If you believe he will get things done as he states, then vote for the man. See if he can make America greater!

old fan
07-08-2016, 06:05 AM
Go trump would rather have trump sorry charlies i wouldn't billary as far as i could throw and not because she is a democrat andgim a republican it has nothing to with it no more clintons no more bush either , now go play with your hillary doll and have a great day

07-08-2016, 08:14 AM
I can't say for sure what Bill has or hasn't gotten in his lifetime as far as sex goes and frankly it's none of my business. but, I will admit it is very possible that he indeed did commit these rapes with his past history but, unfortunately we will never know. Like I said it's to bad these women did not come forward so he could have been stopped and in no way am I blaming them at all not for coming forward or if they were indeed raped. It would be a travisty if that indeed did happen and no women should be subject to that.Are we to believe that you are perfectly content knowing that the rapist in chief was having adulterous sex with a low level underling on company property during working hours? I dare say that there are very, very few positions of employment that would tolerate that sort of behavior while on the job. If he'd taken the low level underling to the private living quarters for the administration of said adulterous oral sex I would have no problem at all with what the rapist in chief did. But not on company time.

When you don't like someone, which clearly Cirf doesn't! You don't go throwing that word around without facts!! And then saying Hillary pays off the accusers?? Amazing stuff you read on here.

The fact that the rapist is a well known serial pathological liar and was disbarred for perjury is circumstance enough to believe the women he raped.

Never said the rapist enabler and defender payed off the accusers. what I did say is that she mocked and made fun of them in a most disparaging way by basically saying they were less than righteous women with highly questionable morals and psychological problems. In language you might be able to understand she said her rapist husband was totally innocent and the gutter sluts and bimbo's were nuts and delusional.

The rapist enabler and defender would have continued to make that case to this day if not for the jizz stained blue dress. Thank you Linda Tripp!! LOL!

07-08-2016, 09:47 AM
Are we to believe that you are perfectly content knowing that the rapist in chief was having adulterous sex with a low level underling on company property during working hours? I dare say that there are very, very few positions of employment that would tolerate that sort of behavior while on the job. If he'd taken the low level underling to the private living quarters for the administration of said adulterous oral sex I would have no problem at all with what the rapist in chief did. But not on company time.

The fact that the rapist is a well known serial pathological liar and was disbarred for perjury is circumstance enough to believe the women he raped.

Never said the rapist enabler and defender payed off the accusers. what I did say is that she mocked and made fun of them in a most disparaging way by basically saying they were less than righteous women with highly questionable morals and psychological problems. In language you might be able to understand she said her rapist husband was totally innocent and the gutter sluts and bimbo's were nuts and delusional.

The rapist enabler and defender would have continued to make that case to this day if not for the jizz stained blue dress. Thank you Linda Tripp!! LOL!

Like I said none of my business. It happens all the time in the work place and yes some are disciplined and some are not. Yes you would think your President should be held to a higher standard but, guess what they are human like the rest of us and make mistakes. And no I'm not saying if he raped these ladies that was mistake. We're talking about a blow job here.

07-08-2016, 10:35 AM
Like I said none of my business. It happens all the time in the work place and yes some are disciplined and some are not. Yes you would think your President should be held to a higher standard but, guess what they are human like the rest of us and make mistakes. And no I'm not saying if he raped these ladies that was mistake. We're talking about a blow job here.

There you are ladies and gentlemen!! It's none of Kid's business and it's perfectly within the realm of acceptable behavior that a very high ranking paid public official repeatedly is boinking low level underlings while on the company clock on company property and then repeatedly lying about it to the point of legally perjuring themselves. It's completely out of line for mere mortals to believe a slime bag of those proportions be disciplined in any way let alone terminated. He!!, it was only some blow jobs during working hours. Everyone should be extended the courtesy of hummers while being paid by their employer! LOL!!

Okay, your position is clear. Your boy didn't rape those three women, all three are lying gutter sluts. And blow jobs while on duty are acceptable and warrant no consequences. Got it! LOL!

07-08-2016, 10:50 AM
WOW, as I read in stunned amazment what our left of center friends write....it is common knoledge that Bill C slept around and forced himself on women.... volumes written about it.... and just for the record, Bill was impeached for lying in a court of law, knowlingly...... not sex....

07-08-2016, 11:12 AM
WOW, as I read in stunned amazment what our left of center friends write....it is common knoledge that Bill C slept around and forced himself on women.... volumes written about it.... and just for the record, Bill was impeached for lying in a court of law, knowlingly...... not sex....

Muddy ol' buddy, we've been told repeatedly that the victims are not worthy of being believed and all that other stuff is none of our business!! LOL!!

mud duck
07-08-2016, 12:53 PM
Muddy ol' buddy, we've been told repeatedly that the victims are not worthy of being believed and all that other stuff is none of our business!! LOL!!

It's funny, you guys hate Billy for his indiscretion under the table! But, when it's brought up about the Republicans indiscretions you can't hear a peep on here. Their allowed to slide and you even vote them in after you preach morals!! But, hey that's the hard Conservstive way!! God will forgive them because their Republicans and it was just a moment of weakness. Lol I have a news flash for you guys living in the dark. Both sides are corrupt, both sides are run by the wealthiest, and both sides have their ones that lack moral values. Ive said it before, if your looking for moral values from a politician, then you have serious problems. You going to let Trump slide on his indiscretions?

07-08-2016, 01:13 PM
Bad argument, Trump is no corrupt Politician. He is a voice for the people who are fed up with immoral, criminals like the Clintons. He is far from perfect, but he hasn't disgraced the office of President or put the Country at risk as far as I know. Anyone that knows different, please let us all

07-08-2016, 01:15 PM
Here is another thing. Just to prove how stupid and out of touch with reality they are, four Cops are murdered and all the Dems can say is "Gun Control". Complete morons.

07-08-2016, 01:20 PM
It's funny, you guys hate Billy for his indiscretion under the table! But, when it's brought up about the Republicans indiscretions you can't hear a peep on here. Their allowed to slide and you even vote them in after you preach morals!! But, hey that's the hard Conservstive way!! God will forgive them because their Republicans and it was just a moment of weakness. Lol I have a news flash for you guys living in the dark. Both sides are corrupt, both sides are run by the wealthiest, and both sides have their ones that lack moral values. Ive said it before, if your looking for moral values from a politician, then you have serious problems. You going to let Trump slide on his indiscretions?

I find your beliefs and political opinions to be just totally wrong. Have a nice day!

07-08-2016, 09:43 PM
It's funny, you guys hate Billy for his indiscretion under the table! But, when it's brought up about the Republicans indiscretions you can't hear a peep on here. Their allowed to slide and you even vote them in after you preach morals!! But, hey that's the hard Conservstive way!! God will forgive them because their Republicans and it was just a moment of weakness. Lol I have a news flash for you guys living in the dark. Both sides are corrupt, both sides are run by the wealthiest, and both sides have their ones that lack moral values. Ive said it before, if your looking for moral values from a politician, then you have serious problems. You going to let Trump slide on his indiscretions?

To the best of my knowledge, every Republican that has stepped afoul of the law has been dumped or prosicuted..... enlighten me....

07-08-2016, 09:45 PM
Bad argument, Trump is no corrupt Politician. He is a voice for the people who are fed up with immoral, criminals like the Clintons. He is far from perfect, but he hasn't disgraced the office of President or put the Country at risk as far as I know. Anyone that knows different, please let us all

Put me in your AMEN corner!!! I have no false illusions of what Trump is or isn't, but what i do know is he ain't what we got now, and that suits me fine...(speaking about both sides of the isle)

old fan
07-08-2016, 10:13 PM
I like the comparison at the end. A boy named Harold Harold was a bright child. He grew up in America. He went to schooland had a bright future ahead of him. Harold was full of life but was cut short in a violent moment. Whilefew people had ever heard of Harold before his death, many didafterward. And in death, something very shocking happened. What was so shocking, especially when it is compared to the death of someone elserecently in the news? Harold was Harold Greene, Major General, United States Army. On Aug. 5, 2014, Major General Greene was killed by a Talibanterrorist. He was returned to America with full military honors. It has been a tradition that the president attends the funeral ofgeneral and flag officers killed in the line of duty. Richard Nixon attended the funeral of a major general killed inVietnam and George W. Bush attended the funeral of Lieutenant GeneralTimothy Maude, who was killed in the 9/11 attacks. While Major General Greene was buried, Barack Obama was golfing. Thevice president wasn't there either. Neither was the secretary ofdefense. Flags were not even lowered half-mast. Four days afterHarold Greene gave his life for America, Michael Brown was killed inFerguson, Missouri. Brown was at best a thug. In the minutes beforehis death, he committed a robbery at a local convenience store.According to other reports, Brown struck Officer Darren Wilson andshattered his orbital bone. Obama sent a three-person delegation to Brown's funeral! Obama wouldnot attend the funeral of the highest ranking military officerkilled in the line of duty since 9/11, yet he sent a delegation tothe funeral of a thug. When Margaret Thatcher, one of America's staunchest allies andRonald Reagan's partner in bringing down Soviet communism, died,Obama sent only a small low-level delegation to her funeral. The snub was not missed by the British. When Chris Kyle, the most lethal American sniper in history wasmurdered, there was no expression of sympathy from the White House. But when Whitney Houston died from drug overdose, Obama ordered allflags be flown at half-mast. There was no White House delegation at the funeral of an Americanhero. American heroes die and Obama goes to the golf course. A thugdies and he gets a White House delegation. No wonder most "REAL" Americans holdObama in such contempt, especially members of our Military. And the only difference between Obama andHillary is that she doesn't play golf.

mud duck
07-09-2016, 01:02 AM
To the best of my knowledge, every Republican that has stepped afoul of the law has been dumped or prosicuted..... enlighten me....

I'm talking sexual indiscretions slinger. That's what you seem to harp on with Bill and the R word. But, I'm sure I can find legal issues on Republicans still in office as well. But, honestly I have tried facts before on here and I got "all your just nit picking"!! Lol

07-09-2016, 08:21 AM
There you are ladies and gentlemen!! It's none of Kid's business and it's perfectly within the realm of acceptable behavior that a very high ranking paid public official repeatedly is boinking low level underlings while on the company clock on company property and then repeatedly lying about it to the point of legally perjuring themselves. It's completely out of line for mere mortals to believe a slime bag of those proportions be disciplined in any way let alone terminated. He!!, it was only some blow jobs during working hours. Everyone should be extended the courtesy of hummers while being paid by their employer! LOL!!

Okay, your position is clear. Your boy didn't rape those three women, all three are lying gutter sluts. And blow jobs while on duty are acceptable and warrant no consequences. Got it! LOL!

You probably should go back and read what I wrote, No where did I say it was accpetable behavior NO WHERE. I said it was none of my business which it's not, I said it happens all the time in the work place which it does, I said you would think the President should be held to a higher standard and I said they are human and make mistakes like the rest of us. And I never once said that he never raped anyone. I have said it is possible with his past history but, with no proof no one really knows for sure. If your going to say something I said at least get it right.

old fan
07-09-2016, 08:24 AM
almost got ya

07-09-2016, 08:26 AM
almost got ya


07-09-2016, 10:11 AM
You probably should go back and read what I wrote, No where did I say it was accpetable behavior NO WHERE. I said it was none of my business which it's not, I said it happens all the time in the work place which it does, I said you would think the President should be held to a higher standard and I said they are human and make mistakes like the rest of us. And I never once said that he never raped anyone. I have said it is possible with his past history but, with no proof no one really knows for sure. If your going to say something I said at least get it right.

Saying it's none of your business is closely akin to condoning it, or at the very least accepting it. I assume you are a tax payer. As a tax payer it IS some of your business that an employee that is paid with taxpayer money is breaking a huge tenet established long ago.

You also seem to be attempting to justify bad and terminable behavior with other bad and terminable behavior. That stuff never really works.

Is there any amount of proof that would be sufficient? If the rapist in chief and his enabling and defending wife had been able to prove that he didn't assault the 3 women they would have surely drug Lucianne Goldberg into court and sued her thoroughly. Especially after she challenged them to do just that on national TV. Ms. Goldberg looked directly into the camera and said "if it's not true then feel free to sue me mr. president". All we heard was crickets from the rapist and his enabler and defender wife. LOLOL!!! Personally that's when I began to give credence to what Juanita Broaddrick and others were saying.

07-09-2016, 10:46 AM
I'm talking sexual indiscretions slinger. That's what you seem to harp on with Bill and the R word. But, I'm sure I can find legal issues on Republicans still in office as well. But, honestly I have tried facts before on here and I got "all your just nit picking"!! Lol

So what your saying is because the Democrats do it, the Republicans must do it...well, to a certian extent, your right, difference is, we don't idolize our men of indescresion, like you guys, we get rid of them..... you guys make kings out of them.....

old fan
07-09-2016, 11:02 AM
Only in a america you could have slime lie the clintons running this country lets wake up people

07-09-2016, 11:39 AM
Here in Illinois the democrat crooks are generally treated in the media a bit differently that their crooked republican counterparts. Much of that has to do with the chitcago press and media and the influence the cesspool machine has on said media. Paul Powell, Dan Walker and Otto Kerner were not nearly as vilified as George Ryan even though Ryan was a chitcago machine puppet.

One thing I must say, however, is that I firmly believe Blago got roundly screwed in regards to his prison sentence. Couldn't stand the Elvis haired clown but he got 14 years for 17 counts of corruption, 1 count of extortion and charges pertaining to the attempt to sell hussien's senate seat. That may sound like a lot of skulduggery but for a chitcago politician that's pretty run of the mill stuff. And had he not pissed off a bunch of crooked chitcago politicians, including hussein, he might have gotten away Scott free.

The average convicted pedophile is sentenced to 7 years and generally serves just 3 years and Blago got 14 for doing what every crooked chitcago politician does. I didn't like the guy but that doesn't seem quite kosher.

07-09-2016, 01:00 PM
Saying it's none of your business is closely akin to condoning it, or at the very least accepting it. I assume you are a tax payer. As a tax payer it IS some of your business that an employee that is paid with taxpayer money is breaking a huge tenet established long ago.

You also seem to be attempting to justify bad and terminable behavior with other bad and terminable behavior. That stuff never really works.

Is there any amount of proof that would be sufficient? If the rapist in chief and his enabling and defending wife had been able to prove that he didn't assault the 3 women they would have surely drug Lucianne Goldberg into court and sued her thoroughly. Especially after she challenged them to do just that on national TV. Ms. Goldberg looked directly into the camera and said "if it's not true then feel free to sue me mr. president". All we heard was crickets from the rapist and his enabler and defender wife. LOLOL!!! Personally that's when I began to give credence to what Juanita Broaddrick and others were saying.

If that's how you interpret it then so be it. I never once said I condoned it but I guess in your eyes I did. What I did say it's none of my business and it's not. If you want it to be your business then by all means do so

07-09-2016, 02:17 PM
If that's how you interpret it then so be it. I never once said I condoned it but I guess in your eyes I did. What I did say it's none of my business and it's not. If you want it to be your business then by all means do so

Whether you can bring yourself to fess up or not it IS some of every taxpayers business, and if you pay taxes then that includes you. Overlooking and even supporting this stuff is ultimately up to the individual but the fact remains that he was on government time and on government property in his specified workplace. For whatever strange reason one may choose to give the rapist in chief a complete pass but does not abdicate any taxpayer and voter of their civic involvement.

He!!, I wouldn't mind getting a hummer now and then from a company underling less than half my age on company time but I'm thinkin' the boss AND my wife would take a very dim view of those types of activities. Me thinks I'd be lookin' for a job AND a wife in the event of those types of activities. Neither of which do I want to lose.

In this case as taxpayers and voters we're the boss but too many just don't give a $hit enough or they're willing to be blinded by political leanings. And we all know why the rapist enabler and defender stuck around, and it wasn't because she so loved the rapist, that's for sure!! LOL!

mud duck
07-09-2016, 02:55 PM
So what your saying is because the Democrats do it, the Republicans must do it...well, to a certian extent, your right, difference is, we don't idolize our men of indescresion, like you guys, we get rid of them..... you guys make kings out of them.....

You need to check your facts better!! I have listed several of your hard right Conservstive politicians that got caught with their pants down!! Still in office and some even elected to higher office. So, jump off the moral BS train your side is just as crooked, immoral and take a buck for a vote as the Dems.

mud duck
07-09-2016, 03:01 PM
You probably should go back and read what I wrote, No where did I say it was accpetable behavior NO WHERE. I said it was none of my business which it's not, I said it happens all the time in the work place which it does, I said you would think the President should be held to a higher standard and I said they are human and make mistakes like the rest of us. And I never once said that he never raped anyone. I have said it is possible with his past history but, with no proof no one really knows for sure. If your going to say something I said at least get it right.

Kid, you just can't make him understand, he thinks that all Republican politicians have never had inappropriate sex while in office!! This is what happens when your addicted to FOX news!! He's obviously been brainwashed. Only Bill and the Dems do it!! LOL

mud duck
07-09-2016, 03:17 PM
Saying it's none of your business is closely akin to condoning it, or at the very least accepting it. I assume you are a tax payer. As a tax payer it IS some of your business that an employee that is paid with taxpayer money is breaking a huge tenet established long ago.

You also seem to be attempting to justify bad and terminable behavior with other bad and terminable behavior. That stuff never really works.

Is there any amount of proof that would be sufficient? If the rapist in chief and his enabling and defending wife had been able to prove that he didn't assault the 3 women they would have surely drug Lucianne Goldberg into court and sued her thoroughly. Especially after she challenged them to do just that on national TV. Ms. Goldberg looked directly into the camera and said "if it's not true then feel free to sue me mr. president". All we heard was crickets from the rapist and his enabler and defender wife. LOLOL!!! Personally that's when I began to give credence to what Juanita Broaddrick and others were saying.

You know, you really have a serious problem with Bill. During the Bush Cheney administration, I had to start therapy sessions because it was so bothering the crookedness that they used. After they left office, some of their own people admitted to it. Anyway, therapy got me thru it!! Would you like the number of a good therapist to get you over Bill who hasn't been in office for YEARS!! Let it go dude and admit he was a good President! Him and Newt got things accomplished! Yes, I said it. Lol

07-09-2016, 03:44 PM
You know, you really have a serious problem with Bill. During the Bush Cheney administration, I had to start therapy sessions because it was so bothering the crookedness that they used. After they left office, some of their own people admitted to it. Anyway, therapy got me thru it!! Would you like the number of a good therapist to get you over Bill who hasn't been in office for YEARS!! Let it go dude and admit he was a good President! Him and Newt got things accomplished! Yes, I said it. Lol

I hope you continued therapy........

07-09-2016, 04:20 PM
Kid, you just can't make him understand, he thinks that all Republican politicians have never had inappropriate sex while in office!! This is what happens when your addicted to FOX news!! He's obviously been brainwashed. Only Bill and the Dems do it!! LOLI don't condone or defend any of them. Unlike you. However, there is a certain degree of satisfaction to be derived from pointing it out to the rapist defenders, water carriers and surrogates, like you. LOLOL!!

You know, you really have a serious problem with Bill. During the Bush Cheney administration, I had to start therapy sessions because it was so bothering the crookedness that they used. After they left office, some of their own people admitted to it. Anyway, therapy got me thru it!! Would you like the number of a good therapist to get you over Bill who hasn't been in office for YEARS!! Let it go dude and admit he was a good President! Him and Newt got things accomplished! Yes, I said it. LolIt appears you take personal exception to the rapist in chief correctly being referred to as the rapist in chief and his wife being called the rapist enabler and defender. Fox News certainly weighs heavily on you psyche as well. You respond almost on cue. I like that. LOL!!

07-09-2016, 05:25 PM
Whether you can bring yourself to fess up or not it IS some of every taxpayers business, and if you pay taxes then that includes you. Overlooking and even supporting this stuff is ultimately up to the individual but the fact remains that he was on government time and on government property in his specified workplace. For whatever strange reason one may choose to give the rapist in chief a complete pass but does not abdicate any taxpayer and voter of their civic involvement.

He!!, I wouldn't mind getting a hummer now and then from a company underling less than half my age on company time but I'm thinkin' the boss AND my wife would take a very dim view of those types of activities. Me thinks I'd be lookin' for a job AND a wife in the event of those types of activities. Neither of which do I want to lose.

In this case as taxpayers and voters we're the boss but too many just don't give a $hit enough or they're willing to be blinded by political leanings. And we all know why the rapist enabler and defender stuck around, and it wasn't because she so loved the rapist, that's for sure!! LOL!

Like I said none of my business but, if you want to make it your have at it.

mud duck
07-09-2016, 08:01 PM
I don't condone or defend any of them. Unlike you. However, there is a certain degree of satisfaction to be derived from pointing it out to the rapist defenders, water carriers and surrogates, like you. LOLOL!!

It appears you take personal exception to the rapist in chief correctly being referred to as the rapist in chief and his wife being called the rapist enabler and defender. Fox News certainly weighs heavily on you psyche as well. You respond almost on cue. I like that. LOL!!

I just like to point out the hypocrisy, I find it very entertaining for people like you that can't see it. I'm honestly just trying to help you out. It can't be good to hold onto anger like that for all these years? And come next January, to hear the words President Clinton again just can't be good for you. Don't blame Democrats blame yourself. The Republicans put Donald in there!! Not, the Dems. Keep in mind, a guy that basically from the time he said build the wall and Mexico will pay for it!! Had it sured up. No substance just a bunch of BS? Even made fun of McCain for getting captured! Truly amazing stuff. But hey it's your vote and he's hour dude!! Lol

07-09-2016, 08:51 PM
I just like to point out the hypocrisy, I find it very entertaining for people like you that can't see it. I'm honestly just trying to help you out. It can't be good to hold onto anger like that for all these years? And come next January, to hear the words President Clinton again just can't be good for you. Don't blame Democrats blame yourself. The Republicans put Donald in there!! Not, the Dems. Keep in mind, a guy that basically from the time he said build the wall and Mexico will pay for it!! Had it sured up. No substance just a bunch of BS? Even made fun of McCain for getting captured! Truly amazing stuff. But hey it's your vote and he's hour dude!! Lol

I have to agree, what a low blow to say about a POW in McCain and your right they voted him as their nominee and now have to live with it and then say If I don't vote for the Donald or Hillary I'm voting for Hillary now that is laughable.

It seems like they are already looking for scapegoat or someone else to blame.

07-10-2016, 08:16 AM
I just like to point out the hypocrisy, I find it very entertaining for people like you that can't see it. I'm honestly just trying to help you out. It can't be good to hold onto anger like that for all these years? And come next January, to hear the words President Clinton again just can't be good for you. Don't blame Democrats blame yourself. The Republicans put Donald in there!! Not, the Dems. Keep in mind, a guy that basically from the time he said build the wall and Mexico will pay for it!! Had it sured up. No substance just a bunch of BS? Even made fun of McCain for getting captured! Truly amazing stuff. But hey it's your vote and he's hour dude!! Lol

I see I'm still under your skin. I like that. Don't concern yourself with any anger you may perceive, your concern is neither needed or wanted.

I really don't give a rats ass who's president, I just enjoy watching how you rapist apologists, water carrier's and surrogates take exception to the rapist being called a rapist and and his wife an enabler and defender!LOL!!

As far as who'll be president goes it won't make much difference. I just want things to last long enough that my wife and I remain relatively comfortable for the duration. What happens after that is of no concern to me. My only hope is that when the $hit eventually hits the fan, and it will, that those who voted for and supported the crooks and numb skull's that sold the whole deal down the river suffer the most. You sound as if you properly fit into that category.

We won't be voting for either of the candidates of the major party's. The one you're in love with is a lying, lowlife, rapist enabler and defender that would sell out her own grandmother to insure the preservation of power and money. The other is just a clown. Like picking between piss and puke as in what's for supper. You're the one who has already picked, I reckon you'll enjoy one or the other!! LOLOL!!

mud duck
07-10-2016, 12:36 PM
I see I'm still under your skin. I like that. Don't concern yourself with any anger you may perceive, your concern is neither needed or wanted.

I really don't give a rats ass who's president, I just enjoy watching how you rapist apologists, water carrier's and surrogates take exception to the rapist being called a rapist and and his wife an enabler and defender!LOL!!

As far as who'll be president goes it won't make much difference. I just want things to last long enough that my wife and I remain relatively comfortable for the duration. What happens after that is of no concern to me. My only hope is that when the $hit eventually hits the fan, and it will, that those who voted for and supported the crooks and numb skull's that sold the whole deal down the river suffer the most. You sound as if you properly fit into that category.

We won't be voting for either of the candidates of the major party's. The one you're in love with is a lying, lowlife, rapist enabler and defender that would sell out her own grandmother to insure the preservation of power and money. The other is just a clown. Like picking between piss and puke as in what's for supper. You're the one who has already picked, I reckon you'll enjoy one or the other!! LOLOL!!

You obviously don't comprehend well? go back and look closer!!

mud duck
07-10-2016, 12:43 PM
I have to agree, what a low blow to say about a POW in McCain and your right they voted him as their nominee and now have to live with it and then say If I don't vote for the Donald or Hillary I'm voting for Hillary now that is laughable.

It seems like they are already looking for scapegoat or someone else to blame.

I know, I clearly stated I wasn't voting for either and even said I liked Rand Paul as a candidate! But, somehow since I'm not a Trumpster, I'm voting for Hillary? All I said was she will win against him and is the lessor of the evils. JMO! But, I voted for her???

old fan
07-10-2016, 01:31 PM
lesser of 2 evils that's funny the Clintons are pure evil

07-10-2016, 01:52 PM
You obviously don't comprehend well? go back and look closer!!Comprehension is not at all a problem when there is something comprehensible put forth. LOL!!

mud duck
07-10-2016, 02:32 PM
Comprehension is not at all a problem when there is something comprehensible put forth. LOL!!

Some see what they want to see in a piece of writing? And they believe they comprehend.

mud duck
07-10-2016, 02:45 PM
I have to agree, what a low blow to say about a POW in McCain and your right they voted him as their nominee and now have to live with it and then say If I don't vote for the Donald or Hillary I'm voting for Hillary now that is laughable.

It seems like they are already looking for scapegoat or someone else to blame.

Your right, they are looking!! I wonder if they realize, a vote for Trump in the primary was a vote for Hillary in the general election? Even the hardcore conservatives keep telling them that. But, somehow they say you and I voted for her. The way I see it , their more responsible for Hillary!! LOL But, it's their vote and the screaming and complaining will come in January!! 😀

old fan
07-10-2016, 03:01 PM
prove it no wait you can't same total bullchit

07-10-2016, 03:23 PM
I know, I clearly stated I wasn't voting for either and even said I liked Rand Paul as a candidate! But, somehow since I'm not a Trumpster, I'm voting for Hillary? All I said was she will win against him and is the lessor of the evils. JMO! But, I voted for her???

I said I like and would have voted for Chris Christy and then when he was out I said I would vote for John Kasich but, no where have I said I would vote for Hillary. I don't care what they say if I don't vote for either I'm voting for Trump that's just BS.

07-10-2016, 08:24 PM
Kid, you just can't make him understand, he thinks that all Republican politicians have never had inappropriate sex while in office!! This is what happens when your addicted to FOX news!! He's obviously been brainwashed. Only Bill and the Dems do it!! LOL

I have news for you FOX news and O'Reilly have NOTHING to do with what I believe. Since you don't realize that it's the truth gained from an actual open mind and the desire to preserve this nation. is the real source. I understand how the left always deflects and misdirects blame. Criticizing anyone but themselves out of pure necessity.

Liberals would rather attack Conservatives and Republicans than anything else. They befriend anyone and everyone to try and destroy Conservatism and America as founded. Proof? A Muslim in the white house and even allowing them to infiltrate the government. Inciting civil unrest to accomplish an agenda that serves the United Nations over the United States.

mud duck
07-11-2016, 03:00 AM
I have news for you FOX news and O'Reilly have NOTHING to do with what I believe. Since you don't realize that it's the truth gained from an actual open mind and the desire to preserve this nation. is the real source. I understand how the left always deflects and misdirects blame. Criticizing anyone but themselves out of pure necessity.

Liberals would rather attack Conservatives and Republicans than anything else. They befriend anyone and everyone to try and destroy Conservatism and America as founded. Proof? A Muslim in the white house and even allowing them to infiltrate the government. Inciting civil unrest to accomplish an agenda that serves the United Nations over the United States.

Open Mind??? Come on Clayton?? If Conservatives had an open mind, they would win and would have won the presidency.

Liberals attack Conservatives?? what are you doing repeatedly?

Inciting civil unrest?? The Conservatives are just as responsible for this mess as the Liberals. Listen to the hard right wingers on their talk radio or TV shows.

Again, look in a mirror buddy. It's goes both ways!

old fan
07-11-2016, 05:32 AM
you don't see conservatives causing riots or unrest do you or for that matter condone it

old fan
07-11-2016, 06:14 AM
If republicans didn't exist who would the democrats blame all their failed policies on?

07-11-2016, 10:17 AM
Some see what they want to see in a piece of writing? And they believe they comprehend.I speak for myself here, my cognitive skills and ability are just fine. There is nothing written here that requires anything more than mere average comprehension. Least of all by you.

07-11-2016, 10:39 AM
You need to check your facts better!! I have listed several of your hard right Conservstive politicians that got caught with their pants down!! Still in office and some even elected to higher office. So, jump off the moral BS train your side is just as crooked, immoral and take a buck for a vote as the Dems.

OK, I went back through, and I see no such "list"..... You clowns idolize Bill Clinton, Empeached, disbarred in a couple of states and several fines, for purgery.... not sex, lying in a court of law, and his wife is no different, and your OK with that..... amazing....

07-11-2016, 11:28 AM
OK, I went back through, and I see no such "list"..... You clowns idolize Bill Clinton, impeached, disbarred in a couple of states and several fines, for perjury.... not sex, lying in a court of law, and his wife is no different, and your OK with that..... amazing....Mud, don't you know by now? That is none of your business.

07-11-2016, 02:32 PM
Your right, they are looking!! I wonder if they realize, a vote for Trump in the primary was a vote for Hillary in the general election? Even the hardcore conservatives keep telling them that. But, somehow they say you and I voted for her. The way I see it , their more responsible for Hillary!! LOL But, it's their vote and the screaming and complaining will come in January!! 

You must admit that the only way Hillary beats anybody is through stealing the election don't you? The media support and fake polls for her are all lies and deception.

07-11-2016, 02:34 PM
If republicans didn't exist who would the democrats blame all their failed policies on?

They wouldn't have any failed policies since nobody would be pointing them out. The media would just feed the nation BS propaganda and tell us bedtime stories.

07-11-2016, 02:54 PM
Open Mind??? Come on Clayton?? If Conservatives had an open mind, they would win and would have won the presidency.

Liberals attack Conservatives?? what are you doing repeatedly?

Inciting civil unrest?? The Conservatives are just as responsible for this mess as the Liberals. Listen to the hard right wingers on their talk radio or TV shows.

Again, look in a mirror buddy. It's goes both ways!

Those radio talk shows are the only way of getting truth out to the people for the most part, and sorry that you believe they are to blame for anything but enlightening the public to the truth and exposing the state run censorship that they the state) try to get away with. Sorry that you may actually believe that the talk shows are a bunch of right wing BS, but they are not. This nation depends on them for enlightenment and truth. And in these times that is vital if we are going to get past the deception and lies of the Progressive Democrat party.

I see that they (the left) and the media have done a great job of dividing the nations people and successfully making it a us versus you struggle where people have to take sides even when they are totally wrong. You being a prime example of a man who supports lairs and Communists just because the left has you believing that Republicans are the true enemies of America. No sir the Progressive Socialist and Communists Democrats who are also UN Globalists are the enemies of our nation. And you are living a total lie and one of utter denial of reality.

07-11-2016, 03:35 PM
None other than Clinton Cash Foundation, George Soros and the Billionaire Washington Elites have teamed up to do whatever it takes to commandeer America, their evil coffers are overflowing with dirty dollars!
Keep reading, you'll see!
Here is a list of some of the insurrection assets which could be deployed at will.
Commandeering America Weapons Locker includes:
Clinton Cash Foundation War Chest – $223 million income 2015. Estimated liquid assets 1 billion
Black Lives Matter Operatives
Black Panthers Militants
Liberal Socialists Billionaires
Islamic Fascists Young Combatants
Race War Agitators
Drive-By Media Talking Heads
Flooding America With Un-deportable hordes of illegal aliens
George Soros contingency fund estimated 2 to 4 billion dollars
University and High School Student Hate Groups
Master Race Baiters and Mexican Nationalists
Congressional Gun Grabbers Goons

mud duck
07-11-2016, 06:47 PM
OK, I went back through, and I see no such "list"..... You clowns idolize Bill Clinton, Empeached, disbarred in a couple of states and several fines, for purgery.... not sex, lying in a court of law, and his wife is no different, and your OK with that..... amazing....

you didn't look hard enough! I'll just throw a few out there that still serving! David Vitter, Mark Sanford, Robert Bentley, Scott DeJarlais ( who by the way had affair and had girlfriend have abortion) voted in twice!! That should hit conservatives hard!? But, no!! These are just off top of my head, I can go back if you like! Then there's Newt, Herman Cain, Larry Craig Mark Foley I could go on and on. And only conservatives have morals?? Yeah right!! They preach it to you!! But, behind closed doors they got their hands in someone's pants!! And you say just Bill is bad!! Lol

07-11-2016, 07:50 PM
you didn't look hard enough! I'll just throw a few out there that still serving! David Vitter, Mark Sanford, Robert Bentley, Scott DeJarlais ( who by the way had affair and had girlfriend have abortion) voted in twice!! That should hit conservatives hard!? But, no!! These are just off top of my head, I can go back if you like! Then there's Newt, Herman Cain, Larry Craig Mark Foley I could go on and on. And only conservatives have morals?? Yeah right!! They preach it to you!! But, behind closed doors they got their hands in someone's pants!! And you say just Bill is bad!! Lol

Yeah I don't listen to them anymore when they come on here and say Republicans have morals or try and say well they are not as bad as Dems when in fact they are just as bad.

07-11-2016, 09:48 PM
you didn't look hard enough! I'll just throw a few out there that still serving! David Vitter, Mark Sanford, Robert Bentley, Scott DeJarlais ( who by the way had affair and had girlfriend have abortion) voted in twice!! That should hit conservatives hard!? But, no!! These are just off top of my head, I can go back if you like! Then there's Newt, Herman Cain, Larry Craig Mark Foley I could go on and on. And only conservatives have morals?? Yeah right!! They preach it to you!! But, behind closed doors they got their hands in someone's pants!! And you say just Bill is bad!! Lol

And name for me on your "list" that were indicted for perjury, disbarred, and fined..... I bet my list is longer then yours.....

Let the "ya buts" begin.....

07-11-2016, 10:21 PM
And name for me on your "list" that were indicted for perjury, disbarred, and fined..... I bet my list is longer then yours.....

Let the "ya buts" begin.....

So far his list looks longer then yours win it comes to having affairs or sexual misconduct. lol

07-12-2016, 10:10 AM
Ol' Mud Cluck forgot to include former Spreaker of the House Denny Hastert of Illinois in his list of republicans whose sexual history is a bit checkered. Except Hastert is the lowest of the low, even worse than the rapist in chief and his enabling and defending wife, and that's saying something!! Pedophilia is as low as it gets. Even whale $hit isn't as low as a pedophile.

Hastert represented the Congressional district just to the North of us. I actually hung out just a bit with his younger brother back in college.

All of Hastert's crimes supposedly were perpetrated prior to him becoming a politician when he was a high school football and wrestling coach in Yorkville, IL, but no one knows for sure. This in one case where the fukking statute of limitations should not be adhered to.

The son of a bitch was even a Boy Scout volunteer that traveled with groups of Boy Scouts to several destinations in the US and abroad.

Due to the statute of limitations having been exceeded all they could get him for was making hush money payments to a past victim, circumventing federal banking disclosure laws and lying to federal investigators. Hastert is currently locked up in a federal medical center prison in Rochester, Minn. I say put him in with the general population and let the medical chips fall where they may!

Hastert is another republican that had close ties to the chitcago democratic cesspool/machine. His district actually included some of the Western suburbs of chitcago.

07-12-2016, 03:44 PM
So far his list looks longer then yours win it comes to having affairs or sexual misconduct. lol

I know you can read better then that.....

mud duck
07-12-2016, 07:01 PM
Hey, I proved it!! The Republicans aren't saints and their pants come down quicker than Dems!! They just preach to you on their stump they are moral and of course since they have an R by their name the conservatives overlook and say the Dems have no morals. So, what else do you want me to say. I gave you examples. As for actual criminal charges against Republicans,? Would you like me to give you those to????

07-12-2016, 07:14 PM
Back to the topic. The "New" black panthers say they are showing up in Ohio at the GOP convention, armed. What could go wrong?

07-12-2016, 08:23 PM
Back to the topic. The "New" black panthers say they are showing up in Ohio at the GOP convention, armed. What could go wrong?

They now want to form a new nation. So let's ship them to the South Pole!!!

07-12-2016, 08:27 PM
Hey, I proved it!! The Republicans aren't saints and their pants come down quicker than Dems!! They just preach to you on their stump they are moral and of course since they have an R by their name the conservatives overlook and say the Dems have no morals. So, what else do you want me to say. I gave you examples. As for actual criminal charges against Republicans,? Would you like me to give you those to????

Let's quit deflecting with these smaller personal issues and look at the big picture, we are losing this nation to Communists and I don't care if a man can stop this from happening then I'll overlook the small stuff that they did in their lives. For the sake of the many.

mud duck
07-13-2016, 06:10 PM
But CW, a lot on here only vote on the smaller issues and don't look at the bigger picture. I do agree with you on "it's more about the bigger picture". But, the communist thing is way overboard.

old fan
07-13-2016, 06:15 PM
do you want more or less of this crazy stuff https://www.bing.com/search?q=black+live+matter+rally&form=EDGEAR&qs=PF&cvid=1786459d013848608b29de1a67fcfae9&pq=black%20live%20matter%20rally