View Full Version : Did Bloomer feel "disrespected" last night??

08-19-2016, 01:43 PM
Do ya'll think Bloomquist felt "disrespected" by the pass by JD last night in the ultimate race? I'm not here to say it was a good move or bad move. just that Scott wasn't as vocal about it when it came from a veteran like JD rather than a younger driver like Bobby Pierce. Seams to me he withheld comment and figured he would put that one in the bank for later down the road...

08-19-2016, 02:38 PM
He should feel disrespected........he disrespected himself by that epic fail and untimely spin out he put on himself.

Figured Scott would be a little more patient than that with his retribution ..........even though personally I didn't see it as anything more than a good hard rub on davenports part.

Highside Hustler25
08-19-2016, 05:17 PM
No more than You, or I, or anyone else on 4m when Litey makes a post:rolleyes:

08-19-2016, 05:27 PM
LOL, the word disrespected?? Pretty much happens on a nightly basis if we are talking about racing. Especially door handle to door handle dirt car racing. If a driver would use that term he would be laughed out of a speedway. Beating and banging on these small dirt tracks is what people love to see. Bloomy wisely decided not to make it an issue. I am sure he felt ran over, however a night doesn't go by when drivers do not get run over. Part of the sport. Good race, I thought

Highside Hustler25
08-19-2016, 05:33 PM
LOL, the word disrespected?? Pretty much happens on a nightly basis if we are talking about racing. Especially door handle to door handle dirt car racing. If a driver would use that term he would be laughed out of a speedway. Beating and banging on these small dirt tracks is what people love to see. Bloomy wisely decided not to make it an issue. I am sure he felt ran over, however a night doesn't go by when drivers do not get run over. Part of the sport. Good race, I thought
