View Full Version : National anthem

08-29-2016, 10:03 PM
Would you still support your favorite driver if they didnt stand, or show respect for our AMERICAN NATIONAL ANTHEM? It seems like its a 50/50 deal.

08-29-2016, 11:19 PM
Ironic that the NFL stopped televising the national anthem on regular season games to sell more commercials plus you see more confederate flags flying at NASCAR races than American flags. To answer your question no I would not support my favorite driver if he refused to stand for the anthem.

08-29-2016, 11:22 PM
Didn't NASCAR attempt to discourage the Rebel Flag from being flown at it's "races"?

old fan
08-29-2016, 11:24 PM
I would kick him in the nutz

08-29-2016, 11:32 PM
Didn't NASCAR attempt to discourage the Rebel Flag from being flown at it's "races"?

Yes and that was the correct call.

08-30-2016, 08:31 AM
No it was not the right call people need to do just a little research to find out exactly what the Rebel flag stands for

old fan
08-30-2016, 08:35 AM
Yes and that was the correct call.why was that a correct call because it offended a few people get a grip it happens

08-30-2016, 10:39 AM
There are no islamic drivers so I don't think we will have to worry about this.

08-30-2016, 12:01 PM
I see drivers all the time in the pits working on there cars while they are playing the national anthem

08-30-2016, 12:53 PM
It is false outrage. Just folks thinking they are owed something. The only one oppressing you is YOU. The fact that our president is black AND muslim shows that anything is possible. Fly the Rebel flag, if it offends you then you sit for the national anthem and that will offend me and we'll just call it even. There is a whole lot of pussification going on out there folks.

just dust
08-30-2016, 01:14 PM
It is false outrage. Just folks thinking they are owed something. The only one oppressing you is YOU. The fact that our president is black AND muslim shows that anything is possible. Fly the Rebel flag, if it offends you then you sit for the national anthem and that will offend me and we'll just call it even. There is a whole lot of pussification going on out there folks.

Thats right , what about all the armed forces over seas defending his oppressed a$$.
If you dont like it here head back home, and see if you can make it in a real oppressed
place, and make the millions there . And when you serve to defend and not take advantage
here for your lavish life style , and see all the Americans in the street below average that
pay to see your a$$ then you might have a complaint .I for one am sick of that complaint
that nothing is said or praised about all the people fought to save your miserable a$$.

08-30-2016, 01:49 PM
I get tired of seeing crews working on cars and even engines fired during the Anthem. As a Veteran I fought(literally) for there right to be stupid, that doesn't mean I have to like it.

And, not to start up crap, but I will make one point on the Rebel Flag, in my observance of the whole thing it means two different things to two different people. In a southerners eyes it is heritage, in a black man's eyes it represents slavery. Right or wrong, agree or disagree, that is why some people don't want to see it, they aren't saying it has no other meaning(some probably are, they are ignorant) they are saying that was the flag flown by the people who wanted to keep the slaves as such. At the same time I think it's due time some people give up the whole slavery issue because none of them were slaves, heck, its pretty unlikely anyone who was alive when they were born were slaves. Sad part is there are still thousands of slaves all over the world, and I don't see those people b*tching about that flag doing anything to help them either.

just dust
08-30-2016, 02:05 PM
I get tired of seeing crews working on cars and even engines fired during the Anthem. As a Veteran I fought(literally) for there right to be stupid, that doesn't mean I have to like it.

And, not to start up crap, but I will make one point on the Rebel Flag, in my observance of the whole thing it means two different things to two different people. In a southerners eyes it is heritage, in a black man's eyes it represents slavery. Right or wrong, agree or disagree, that is why some people don't want to see it, they aren't saying it has no other meaning(some probably are, they are ignorant) they are saying that was the flag flown by the people who wanted to keep the slaves as such. At the same time I think it's due time some people give up the whole slavery issue because none of them were slaves, heck, its pretty unlikely anyone who was alive when they were born were slaves. Sad part is there are still thousands of slaves all over the world, and I don't see those people b*tching about that flag doing anything to help them either.

he!! wasen't we all slaves at some time in history. wheres my free ride.

08-30-2016, 02:28 PM
I get tired of seeing crews working on cars and even engines fired during the Anthem. As a Veteran I fought(literally) for there right to be stupid, that doesn't mean I have to like it.

And, not to start up crap, but I will make one point on the Rebel Flag, in my observance of the whole thing it means two different things to two different people. In a southerners eyes it is heritage, in a black man's eyes it represents slavery. Right or wrong, agree or disagree, that is why some people don't want to see it, they aren't saying it has no other meaning(some probably are, they are ignorant) they are saying that was the flag flown by the people who wanted to keep the slaves as such. At the same time I think it's due time some people give up the whole slavery issue because none of them were slaves, heck, its pretty unlikely anyone who was alive when they were born were slaves. Sad part is there are still thousands of slaves all over the world, and I don't see those people b*tching about that flag doing anything to help them either.

In all fairness, and I am NOT AT ALL speaking for all teams, but a lot more often than not, the crews r around a noisy engine, or thrashing away and u cannot hear the PA system n most pits to even know that it is going on...

08-30-2016, 02:36 PM
Do like FarmerCity and Fairbury does .. They will not start the Anthem till all cars are OFF...My uncle die in WWII and he die for You and Me, If my driver set down in protest of something on the Anthem, He will not be my driver no more...I Love the USA I Hate DEM....If that Bitch wins there will be no racing....we will all be in Ele cars...

08-30-2016, 03:19 PM
Would you still support your favorite driver if they didnt stand, or show respect for our AMERICAN NATIONAL ANTHEM? It seems like its a 50/50 deal.

The problem with your question is that there is NOT A SINGLE DRIVER that isn't patriotic and THANKFUL for what they have. Not one. The National Felon League is different......

08-30-2016, 04:17 PM
I would kick him in the nutz

Boy that will show them a thing or two about patriotism!!!! :)

08-30-2016, 04:21 PM
Would you still support your favorite driver if they didnt stand, or show respect for our AMERICAN NATIONAL ANTHEM? It seems like its a 50/50 deal.

I would say no I would not.

08-30-2016, 04:29 PM
That American flag flys above all. Many have gave their lives for all of our freedom. Colin Kaepernick needs his azz stomped out. You don't disrespect that flag near me and that's a promise. My children used to try to talk while the pledge of allegiance or the star spangled banner played and they learned really quick that wasn't a smart move. They play those songs for a reason, to remind the drivers and fans that we live in the greatest country in the world and we are free to gather and enjoy a race together. I can't speak for all the untrained and scared police officers who shoot and kill the citizens of America but that flag flys for a reason. God bless America!!

08-30-2016, 04:39 PM
What do you expect from a disgruntled "ex-superstar" from San Francisco?

I hope he gets his clock cleaned by a vets son. Then, he'll learn to stand up and pay respect to our countrys flag!

And as you can tell....NO...I would not support my fav driver!

08-30-2016, 04:49 PM
Funny how it was the Republicans that freed the slaves in the first place and the Democrats were in favor of keepimg slavery and now the Democrats have a cow over something that they say represents what they were in favor of keeping at that time.

Highside Hustler25
08-30-2016, 05:37 PM
Funny how it was the Republicans that freed the slaves in the first place and the Democrats were in favor of keepimg slavery and now the Democrats have a cow over something that they say represents what they were in favor of keeping at that time.

Things that make ya go hmmmmmmmmm.

08-30-2016, 06:03 PM
I get tired of seeing crews working on cars and even engines fired during the Anthem. As a Veteran I fought(literally) for there right to be stupid, that doesn't mean I have to like it.

And, not to start up crap, but I will make one point on the Rebel Flag, in my observance of the whole thing it means two different things to two different people. In a southerners eyes it is heritage, in a black man's eyes it represents slavery. Right or wrong, agree or disagree, that is why some people don't want to see it, they aren't saying it has no other meaning(some probably are, they are ignorant) they are saying that was the flag flown by the people who wanted to keep the slaves as such. At the same time I think it's due time some people give up the whole slavery issue because none of them were slaves, heck, its pretty unlikely anyone who was alive when they were born were slaves. Sad part is there are still thousands of slaves all over the world, and I don't see those people b*tching about that flag doing anything to help them either.

Matt, I think you should take another look at the information you have on the confederate battle flag and where it was flown and by whom....

The guys that fly them off of their 40 foot whip CB antennas on the back of their rear lowered big tire pick up trucks have no idea what it even truly means.......or at least most of them I ask don't.

If the guy doesn't want to stand for the anthem, no problem.........just makes my decision to want to stand in line and pay the ticket prices to see him play very easy.

I say let him write his own ticket with this thing.....it's the last 5 minutes of fame he will ever get......it sure won't be with his on field prowess.

Highside Hustler25
08-30-2016, 06:18 PM
The guys that fly them off of their 40 foot whip CB antennas on the back of their rear lowered big tire pick up trucks have no idea what it even truly means.......or at least most of them I ask don't.

Could you play some Lynyrd Skynyrd please:)

08-30-2016, 08:12 PM
Matt, I think you should take another look at the information you have on the confederate battle flag and where it was flown and by whom....

The guys that fly them off of their 40 foot whip CB antennas on the back of their rear lowered big tire pick up trucks have no idea what it even truly means.......or at least most of them I ask don't.

If the guy doesn't want to stand for the anthem, no problem.........just makes my decision to want to stand in line and pay the ticket prices to see him play very easy.

I say let him write his own ticket with this thing.....it's the last 5 minutes of fame he will ever get......it sure won't be with his on field prowess.

It stands for the Confederate States of America. Not for slavery. Although many insist on linking the two together for political gains.

08-31-2016, 12:59 AM
Jesus, how many people failed history class?

08-31-2016, 01:57 AM
I get tired of seeing crews working on cars and even engines fired during the Anthem. As a Veteran I fought(literally) for there right to be stupid, that doesn't mean I have to like it.

In all fairness, and I am NOT AT ALL speaking for all teams, but a lot more often than not, the crews r around a noisy engine, or thrashing away and u cannot hear the PA system n most pits to even know that it is going on...

Ill use Eldora as an example. They have no PA system in the infield. The only way a person knows the anthem is being played is by watching the crowd. They have done the hot laps before the national anthem a few times. It's kinda hard to stand and watch the crowd when there are things to be done. I don't think anyone in the pit area is doing it to disrespect the flag or their country.

I don't think we would have to worry about this ever happening in our sport. Not too many people are that thirsty for attention here. Everyone that is involved in this stuff are hard working, respectful blue collar people. Not some rich sports figure that thinks everyone owes him something. I can see someone stomping Colin out during this if he decides to sit on his rump during the national anthem, it might even be a teammate of his. That ol boy don't realize it, his career is done after this contract is up. He may as well go back to wherever his white american parents adopted him from after that. Cuz I feel like most of everyone in this country wants to stomp a mudhole in his @$$.

08-31-2016, 05:54 AM
And it also seems that different tracks play the anthem at different points of the night. I have seen some that play it right before the late model qualifying, and some that play it right before the first "race" of the night, and even a few times that it's played right before the feature, while the cars are on the front stretch.
I wouldnt think drivers or crews would intentionally disrespect it.
Also, if the pits are outside the track, like I think has been mentioned, it may be hard to even know what's going on.

One of the coolest things that some places do is have a driver carry the flag around the track during the anthem.

08-31-2016, 08:00 AM
Jesus, how many people failed history class?

Thinking the same thing centeroff........

Josh Bayko
08-31-2016, 08:14 AM
The beauty of America is that Colin Kapernick can choose to be disrespectful his country's national anthem, and not have any legal repercussions of any sort. We have free speech. However, free speech doesn't mean you get to be free from criticism. He's learning that now.

I don't necessarily have a problem with the message he's trying to convey. I mean, as I said, it's his right to do that. I don't agree with any of it, but it's well within his rights to handle himself the way he's handling himself. If I was on his team, though, I'd be pissed. It's going to be awful hard to concentrate on football if the only questions anybody ever asks are about your rapidly fading backup quarterback's "stand against oppression". That kind of stuff is locker room cancer.

08-31-2016, 08:23 AM
It stands for the Confederate States of America. Not for slavery. Although many insist on linking the two together for political gains.

OK, I am not going to claim to be a history buff or know everything but you just proved my point. That flag was flown over a nation which tried to overthrow this Great Nation we live in today over differences in opinion/ideals, one of which was the right to own slaves. That is the connection, whether you like it or not, whether we agree or we don't, we have that right plain and simple.

One thing for sure, the guy that started all this who happens to play football, has a right to his opinion too. He however does not have a right to seeing no consequences for expressing it. His team can fire him and that's also a freedom granted employers in this great nation. Just because we have rights to speech, etc. doesn't mean they come at no cost when exercised in an unpopular way.

08-31-2016, 08:25 AM
Jesus, how many people failed history class? Blame the corrupted education system for that....

08-31-2016, 08:41 AM
He has the same beliefs that Don the Con has, Both think America is not great!!

08-31-2016, 11:01 AM
I was taught to say the pledge of allegiance, stand up when the national anthem is played, honor all of our military veterans.

just dust
08-31-2016, 11:45 AM
I was taught to say the pledge of allegiance, stand up when the national anthem is played, honor all of our military veterans.

Well look who we are talking about . all he knows is how to carry his balls.

08-31-2016, 01:01 PM
White people say black people should protest peacefully so a black person sits quietly during the national anthem and white people say no not like that.

08-31-2016, 01:10 PM
Spend more time trying to make your community better, and less time on 4m worrying about Colin Kaepernick. He can do as he chooses, just as you can. I don't agree with what he is doing, but I'm not going to condemn him, and act like there isn't problems in America when there is. Also, he has been doing this all preseason, yet nobody noticed until someone caught a picture. He was protesting in his own way and he didn't even tell a soul he was doing it. The media is so happy they now have something to talk about for the next 2 months. They can divide us even more now! Horray!!

08-31-2016, 01:12 PM
White people say black people should protest peacefully so a black person sits quietly during the national anthem and white people say no not like that.

Whats he got to protest about . hes doing better than you and me .

08-31-2016, 01:17 PM
There are no islamic drivers so I don't think we will have to worry about this.

That might be entertainment there, Slide job with bomb. "Bloomquiest leading race last lap. Here comes Abdul Hakam and slides bloomquiest and Abdul Hakam blows is car up and bloomquiest drives through the the ball of fire to take the win." 😂

08-31-2016, 01:43 PM
It's social media and issues like this that make it difficult for me to follow sports at all anymore. It has all become a soap opera and not about the sports anymore. Unfortunately this tire deal in DTR is dragging out sport into this gutter as well.

Bob Hubbard
08-31-2016, 02:25 PM
Money makes you say stupid chit ..... If I had millions id prolly say something stupid too ....

08-31-2016, 04:47 PM
OK, I am not going to claim to be a history buff or know everything but you just proved my point. That flag was flown over a nation which tried to overthrow this Great Nation we live in today over differences in opinion/ideals, one of which was the right to own slaves. That is the connection, whether you like it or not, whether we agree or we don't, we have that right plain and simple.

One thing for sure, the guy that started all this who happens to play football, has a right to his opinion too. He however does not have a right to seeing no consequences for expressing it. His team can fire him and that's also a freedom granted employers in this great nation. Just because we have rights to speech, etc. doesn't mean they come at no cost when exercised in an unpopular way.

May I say that it was not an overthrow, it was an attempt at separating into an independent nation of it's own and leaving the Union as a nation of it's own.

The confederate flag may stand for slavery to those who had enslaved ancestors but in my opinion they are politically swayed to think that way so that the Democrat party can gain favor and votes from blacks, by banning it's existence. The Confederate flag should not be banned. But it is only because one political party made an issue out of it for their own gains.

As sick as political correctness has become in this country, our American flag is now under assault also and often burned and the media and the Democrat party says nothing.

Mexican students are allowed to wear Mexican flags on tee shirts to schools in the southwest and to verbally disrespect this nation. Under Obummer, we have seen anti-Americanism take to the streets and schools at a scary rate.

Thank you, for being a true Patriot.

08-31-2016, 04:51 PM
blame the corrupted education system for that....


08-31-2016, 05:01 PM
May I say that it was not an overthrow, it was an attempt at separating into an independent nation of it's own and leaving the Union as a nation of it's own.

The confederate flag may stand for slavery to those who had enslaved ancestors but in my opinion they are politically swayed to think that way so that the Democrat party can gain favor and votes from blacks, by banning it's existence. The Confederate flag should not be banned. But it is only because one political party made an issue out of it for their own gains.

As sick as political correctness has become in this country, our American flag is now under assault also and often burned and the media and the Democrat party says nothing.

Mexican students are allowed to wear Mexican flags on tee shirts to schools in the southwest and to verbally disrespect this nation. Under Obummer, we have seen anti-Americanism take to the streets and schools at a scary rate.

Thank you, for being a true Patriot.

Exactly CDubya!

I don't have a problem with him taking a stand for something he believes in. I wholeheartedly don't agree but he has the right. However, he is protesting 1 particular group, but by not respecting the American flag, he is disrespecting our whole country.

I believe you will see in the very near future, the 49ers put a kibosh to the whole deal....probly even trading him! NFL owners do not want or need that much negative publicity!

08-31-2016, 05:41 PM
I have a very poor opinion of this man. I wonder if it is the fault of brainwashing and/or just the way he personally chooses to believe. Either way, I favor not seeing him in the NFL much longer.

08-31-2016, 05:44 PM
He's a idiot. A disgrace to the men and women of all color and race who have fought for the freedom of this great nation. For him to be able to earn millions. Zero respect for the guy!

08-31-2016, 06:02 PM
Least we forget, the Dallas Cowboy were denied permission to wear stickers honoring the the fallen Dallas police officers protecting Kaepernick's right of free speech..... Hypocrisy supported by the NFL

08-31-2016, 06:03 PM
I say if they can not support the flag and what it stands for, then they need to drop a group of them over in the middle of iraq or one of the other places for about 30days and then go ck on then and see how they feel about it then!!

08-31-2016, 06:45 PM
Some races Ive been to they play the anthem during the parade lap. But if the driver and crew are trying to get ready to race I can understand that. Im not going get into the politics side of this thread...Id take up a page on how I feel about some of the idiots that are in this country lol. That Kapernick is an idiot. Hes not playing well so he wants to play the race card...hes a joke. Obtw... if you have a rebel flag..FLY IT PROUDLY!!!

09-01-2016, 02:22 PM
Good to see Smoke call Colin an idiot on twitter!

09-02-2016, 04:40 PM
Surprised to here Herman Cain call him Colin CaperPR!CK on his talk radio show today!

Im sure the Liberals will have a field day even though its the truth!

09-04-2016, 03:37 PM
NASCAR may be the only TV sport which includes the Anthem, prayer, and flag in the pre-race show. The easy reason is to have more time for commercials.