View Full Version : Cushion

09-09-2016, 11:20 AM
I always give the cushion humpers a hard way to go but JD make soooo much speed up there, especially at Eldora. I watched his run from 14th to second last night and I was impressed. The world 100 will be won on the cushion unless maybe Erb can do something on the bottom. I stand behind my if the cushion isn't there JD usually isn't a factor statement but props to him because nobody does the cushion better than JD. Hate to say it but barring bad luck JD will repeat.

09-09-2016, 11:53 AM
If the top and bottom is good too go .. You can never rule out Erb if he gets hooked up on the Bottom...O and GO ERB......

09-09-2016, 12:30 PM
I always give the cushion humpers a hard way to go but JD make soooo much speed up there, especially at Eldora. I watched his run from 14th to second last night and I was impressed. The world 100 will be won on the cushion unless maybe Erb can do something on the bottom. I stand behind my if the cushion isn't there JD usually isn't a factor statement but props to him because nobody does the cushion better than JD. Hate to say it but barring bad luck JD will repeat.

It was an impressive run, if he can conserve his tires for 75 laps and have something left to run up there for the last 25 then watch out but I just don't think he can run up there for 100 laps like that. When he did get up there it looked like the rest of the cars were standing still, it is good to see Davenport/Rumley get their program back to the top level again hopefully they can give Bloomquist a run in the points... there are quite a few races remaining.


09-09-2016, 01:10 PM
Cushion riding should conserve the rf.

09-09-2016, 01:27 PM
O'Neil was also flying around using that cushion.

09-09-2016, 04:01 PM
Yea, the cushion is always easier on tires unless it's a cushion on a rubbered up track that keeps getting pushed higher. The cushion on a night like last night would defiantly have been easier on tires. I bet JD barely scuffed his tires depending on what compound he had in. Looked like 3/4 feet of dirt before the cushion was tacky. A dusty track like last night will destroy a tire in a hurry. I'd almost bet by feature time for the 100 the cushion will be so high the Sparks are flying off the spoiler. If you don't have the best car, a cushion can be a savior for drivers like 6/32. Gonna be a good one

09-09-2016, 04:04 PM
Forgive me for my tech ignorance in some cases, this is an honest question. I've always heard drivers talk about wearing the edge of the tire from running up top. I've seen it play out time and time again that drivers run up top and wear their stuff out and then fade. In watching the video of last nights race I can't totally tell the difference between a cushion like that or say a cushion like they had at Cedar Lake or something. What makes it different to the point where it is better on tires?


09-09-2016, 04:04 PM
They all ran 20's but 1 guy ran 40's. The guy that ran 40's went out early, spun twice.

09-09-2016, 04:40 PM
Blacked over to a curb on the wall will wear tires more than the cushion last night where there is a lane of mud up to the cushion. Cushion last night you can ride it and not slide the tires as much, where if its slick up to it it requires more tire spin and sliding up against it to ride it out of the corner and prevent jumping it.

09-09-2016, 04:51 PM
W2racing, when you hear of a driver rolling the edge more than likely they are referring to the rf tire while running the top. You won't roll the edges of a good cushion is there because more than likely the car will be sideways. The reason you roll the rf edges off is because your trying to keep the car straight as possible while up top. Also when you put more wheel into a straight car the balance is more towards the rf of the car. If a track rubbers up and you roll the rf off its gonna be a long night

09-09-2016, 05:14 PM
This wearing out tires high or low is more complicated than just high on the cushion or low or even middle. For every force of the line that wears out tires, there are counter measures. Everyone thinks this line or that line is easy. They aren't if you run them right. It takes talent to run any line right. Some have it and some don't. Lower lines tend to wear right front tires. To combat this you back up your corner. (slow early) This takes sliding that tire away some and it lasts longer and you make up the time in the late center and coming off. The cushion wants to wear the right rear more because most think they are supposed to hammer down and it's a free ride. The guy that can match the forward bite and throttle will wear that tire less and it's easier on the car and faster. I guess the only place these cars are easy to drive is from the stands. Don't think for one minute it's easy to drive the cushion. Look at all the accomplished drivers that will avoid it at all costs. It does add a level of understanding and enjoyment if you know some of the intricacies of what they are doing in that seat. It's not just stand on it and turn left. Some racers don't even know what they do, it becomes instinct to throw a pushing car into the corner to turn, or drive it straighter if it's loose. How to get off the cushion with the throttle for that slide job. How to trail brake to keep car from getting upset when weight transfers from rear to front. How and when to turn the wheel before the car starts to slide or loop, and some just tail wag while the accomplished driver dives the same car straight. This is just a skim over as to why tires last for some and not others.

Highside Hustler25
09-09-2016, 05:35 PM
I always give the cushion humpers a hard way to go but JD make soooo much speed up there, especially at Eldora. I watched his run from 14th to second last night and I was impressed. The world 100 will be won on the cushion unless maybe Erb can do something on the bottom. I stand behind my if the cushion isn't there JD usually isn't a factor statement but props to him because nobody does the cushion better than JD. Hate to say it but barring bad luck JD will repeat.

It took a while but I knew you'd come around sooner than later.:)

09-09-2016, 07:01 PM
I have seen a lot of races where they keep pushing higher and higher until they end up tearing the spoiler off, trying to stay up on the cushion, or just jumping the cushion altogether. I seen Donnie Moran sparking for several laps one year until he finally hit it too hard and tore the spoiler off of it, ruining his race.

09-09-2016, 07:22 PM
The cushion makes JD look like Bloomquist in his prime lol

09-09-2016, 07:46 PM
You mean like the year he won 13 Lucas Oil Races before Labor Day?? :)

09-09-2016, 07:55 PM
I don't care if they win running the top or the bottom who cares as long as it's a entertaining race to watch.

09-09-2016, 07:56 PM
4 foot deep cushion great.. smaller it gets more change hit the wall...100 lapper 80 laps great ..last 20 could end your Night...remember the night Kevin weaver was running out fount.. One smack on the wall back he went ....

09-09-2016, 07:57 PM
No margin for error running that high. They better reinforce the spoiler endplates.

09-09-2016, 08:09 PM
No margin for error running that high. They better reinforce the spoiler endplates.

You Right.....All the Good laps dont mean $hit.. On the 1 bad 1 Back you go...