View Full Version : Moyer racing Sept 23,24

09-18-2016, 09:09 PM
Any news on where Billy is racing this weekend ????

Brownstown Ind 20,000 to win
Magnolia Col Miss 20,000 to win

09-18-2016, 09:14 PM
Billy doesn't want anything to do with the Lucas boys. He will be at magnolia for sure

old fan
09-18-2016, 09:31 PM
you are so full of crap

09-18-2016, 09:41 PM
Old fan, do you ever shut up or do you always butt in on people's thoughts!?? We all know the answer. I bet you you 100$ to a stick of gum he isn't anywhere near Indiana!

MI Dirt Fan
09-18-2016, 09:49 PM
No that's why he's posted 40+ times today. He and his multiple usernames have made this place a disgrace.

old fan
09-18-2016, 09:52 PM
Old fan, do you ever shut up or do you always butt in on people's thoughts!?? We all know the answer. I bet you you 100$ to a stick of gum he isn't anywhere near Indiana! yeah might have important thing to do at karls you think

09-18-2016, 09:55 PM
Moyer is well past his prime. He can't run with these Lucas boys anymore. He picked a good time to retire and help his son. I used to hate on JR because of his last name but the fact is I think the kid can get the job done. He needs to get out of that victory chassis and get one he can compete with. The victory cars are ok but just not consistent. I think the kid will be fine, especially when the old man is able to travel with him.

old fan
09-18-2016, 10:15 PM
And lucas gys get kicked by regional guys like marlar and pierce , moyers build victory chassis

09-18-2016, 11:39 PM
umm he just won one of the 3 races with the Lucas boys at Knoxville, so your point in invalid!!!

Moyer is well past his prime. He can't run with these Lucas boys anymore. He picked a good time to retire and help his son. I used to hate on JR because of his last name but the fact is I think the kid can get the job done. He needs to get out of that victory chassis and get one he can compete with. The victory cars are ok but just not consistent. I think the kid will be fine, especially when the old man is able to travel with him.

09-18-2016, 11:52 PM
Just to help you out a little badlands, Lucas doesn't run 25 lap features. Billy hasn't won a Lucas race all year. He won a preliminary race of 7k. He isn't in the game anymore man.

09-19-2016, 08:59 AM
Billy has nothing no prove and no reason to "be in the game" as you so eloquently flexed your ignorance. There is nothing to be gained by messing around chasing Lucas races if you aren't running for points. He is doing this for a living. He is racing now to keep the pocket change coming in and developing his race cars and customer base, which will mainly consist of selling/supporting regional guys. You aren't going to sell anything to guys like Bloomer, O'Neal, Erb, Owens, etc. Those guys are all good enough now the get most of their stuff given to them through product sponsors. Of course he is past his prime, but he can still get it done. I mean he's been racing something for nearly 50 years, give him a break (not that he needs one). No sense in dragging his name through the mud, he is on the DLM MT Rushmore.

Maybe if he got on the "speed" like your boy he could compete for Lucas wins. He won 7K Thursday night while black sunshine was screwing around doing whatever they were doing. Not sure what uses more dope their crew or their tires.

09-19-2016, 09:29 AM
Billy has nothing no prove and no reason to "be in the game" as you so eloquently flexed your ignorance. There is nothing to be gained by messing around chasing Lucas races if you aren't running for points. He is doing this for a living. He is racing now to keep the pocket change coming in and developing his race cars and customer base, which will mainly consist of selling/supporting regional guys. You aren't going to sell anything to guys like Bloomer, O'Neal, Erb, Owens, etc. Those guys are all good enough now the get most of their stuff given to them through product sponsors. Of course he is past his prime, but he can still get it done. I mean he's been racing something for nearly 50 years, give him a break (not that he needs one). No sense in dragging his name through the mud, he is on the DLM MT Rushmore.

Zach.....excellent post. I have no skin in the game, but if you are a fan of DLM racing, you have to respect everything Billy Moyer has accomplished in his long career. Heck the man is pushing 60, had a knee replaced earlier this year, and is STILL running competitively and winning races. He has earned the right to race when and where he wants to at this point of his life.

09-19-2016, 03:33 PM
you are so full of crap

And you can take a big crap yourself after you find out that Moyer shows up at Magnolia. hahhahahahaa

09-19-2016, 03:36 PM
And lucas gys get kicked by regional guys like marlar and pierce , moyers build victory chassis

You can always find a couple of races out of fifty that the Lucas guys didn't win. That is not grounds for pretending that Lucas does not have the best drivers and cars.

09-19-2016, 03:50 PM
Magnolia pays $20k. Brownstown pays $20K. Magnolia is 200 miles closer to home. Magnolia is a better chance at making some money. You guys act like it is breaking news that Billy won't chase Lucas races? Where have you been the last 6-8 years? He run where he wants to run, when he wants to run, and what usually makes the most sense money-wise.

09-19-2016, 04:12 PM
Magnolia pays $20k. Brownstown pays $20K. Magnolia is 200 miles closer to home. Magnolia is a better chance at making some money. You guys act like it is breaking news that Billy won't chase Lucas races? Where have you been the last 6-8 years? He run where he wants to run, when he wants to run, and what usually makes the most sense money-wise.

Hey Zach.... Centeroff, bandlands, PROPOWER, Clayton_Wetter, MI Dirt Fan, BTExpress, All know their stuff man but you are Talking to a dead tree with Old Fan... He is about as ignorant as they come.... The motherfuker cant even walk down a sidewalk safely with out us tax payers having to pay for his dumba$$.... The only way he is safe is when he is running around the parts store in his Hoveround.......

09-19-2016, 04:22 PM
I was basically angling my comments towards Centeroff and Wetter. I don't understand why they want to hate on Moyer but I guess if they want to, that is their right. He won 1 more Lucas race than any Lucas regular did this week.....

09-19-2016, 04:54 PM
I was basically angling my comments towards Centeroff and Wetter. I don't understand why they want to hate on Moyer but I guess if they want to, that is their right. He won 1 more Lucas race than any Lucas regular did this week.....

zach51, you can ADD my name with them!!! Never have and never will like him? He got yet another Senior Citizen Discount starting position. Started in mid to back of pack Friday, only to pull off. Started 7th in main only to run out of fuel. Who does that when your supposed to be one of the best?

09-19-2016, 05:07 PM
Will we all get Old, and we all get a little out there, and The mind starts too go, and then you start to ramble, and then you say things that no one can under stand, Just like i am starting too do.. So i hope Moyer Has a Good life now that he may not be racing no more...Was never a big fan.. But never care one way or the other on him...So were ever he runs good luck, If Erb is there I hope moyer right behind him.... in 2nd......

09-19-2016, 05:20 PM
plunks, he wasn't the only one that ran out of fuel, and it is no excuse. One reason that could have contributed to that was that the Lucas rookie of the year kept bringing out cautions, but he still wouldn't have won. Would have run 3rd though. And if you don't think he's one of the best (whether you are a fan or not), I can't really help ya. He's about 13 months away from being 60, who out there is running better at that age?

09-19-2016, 05:24 PM
There is a lot of people that don't like Moyer, and here is a lot of people that don't like Bloomquist. Well I like both and they are always cool to me. I respect dirt racing and all they have done for the sport. I enjoy watching a good race period. But some of you people on here just don't get IT and should become a nascar fan only. Just move a long and maybe think about what you say. Some of you sound like an real idiot :)

Highside Hustler25
09-19-2016, 05:37 PM
plunks, he wasn't the only one that ran out of fuel, and it is no excuse. One reason that could have contributed to that was that the Lucas rookie of the year kept bringing out cautions, but he still wouldn't have won. Would have run 3rd though. And if you don't think he's one of the best (whether you are a fan or not), I can't really help ya. He's about 13 months away from being 60, who out there is running better at that age?

Their were numerous cars that ran out of fuel. I thought it interesting that some guys have larger fuel cells than others. I believe Bloomer can carry 4 more gallons than say Richards and BShepp. I always figured they were the same.

Billy and I are close to the same age. I'm far from the grave but no way could I wheel a dirt car like he does. Ole Billy is in pretty darn good shape. And it's not what he's doing right now, it's what he's done for 25+ years. Few will ever match his numbers.

Highside Hustler25
09-19-2016, 05:40 PM
Hey Zach.... Centeroff, bandlands, PROPOWER, Clayton_Wetter, MI Dirt Fan, BTExpress, All know their stuff man but you are Talking to a dead tree with Old Fan... He is about as ignorant as they come.... The motherfuker cant even walk down a sidewalk safely with out us tax payers having to pay for his dumba$$.... The only way he is safe is when he is running around the parts store in his Hoveround.......

And not only that, You keep conversing with him and your grammar skills will decline quickly.

09-19-2016, 07:44 PM
Hey Zach.... Centeroff, bandlands, PROPOWER, Clayton_Wetter, MI Dirt Fan, BTExpress, All know their stuff man but you are Talking to a dead tree with Old Fan... He is about as ignorant as they come.... The motherfuker cant even walk down a sidewalk safely with out us tax payers having to pay for his dumba$$.... The only way he is safe is when he is running around the parts store in his Hoveround.......

Yeah that Hoveround that he still has training wheels for?

09-19-2016, 08:15 PM
Let me weigh in on this thread Mr. Moyer's schedule says he will be at magnolia DONE

09-19-2016, 08:21 PM
Of course he is going to magnolia. It's closer and all the fast guys will be in Indiana. Why drive further to get outran?? It's a no brainier from a business point of view

09-19-2016, 08:23 PM
Of course he is going to magnolia. It's closer and all the fast guys will be in Indiana. Why drive further to get outran?? It's a no brainier from a business point of view

He out ran them lucas guys last thurs race.

Oh thats right that dont count its only a 25l prelim.
It counted for everybody in that race!

old fan
09-19-2016, 08:24 PM
The fast guys yeah right at a slow track and i do mean slow

09-19-2016, 08:36 PM
Moyer is well past his prime. He can't run with these Lucas boys anymore. He picked a good time to retire and help his son. I used to hate on JR because of his last name but the fact is I think the kid can get the job done. He needs to get out of that victory chassis and get one he can compete with. The victory cars are ok but just not consistent. I think the kid will be fine, especially when the old man is able to travel with him.

Really, Do you ever think before you post stupid stuff like this? At first I figured you was a sock puppet that was not well informed, then I thought you was just a troll, stirring the pot, but now I can see you and the user that created you are blithering idiots.

I just found a way someone on here can go racing. They just buy you and your puppeteer for what you know, then sell you for what you think you know.

Highside Hustler25
09-19-2016, 08:57 PM
Billy has a good history at Magnolia. Does not surprise me.

09-19-2016, 09:19 PM
Bubstr, your uneducated posts never surprise me. Show me the results! Results speak louder than any idiot with the name bub. When has Moyer won a 50 or 100 lap Lucas race?? Show me! Moyer is done and that's a stat I can prove! He drives past the Lucas races to win 5k shows. He is man enough to retire now. He knows he has lost a step. One day Scott will do the same, just not anytime soon! The best part of you ran down your mothers leg bro! How people like you are the fastest sperm amaze me! That really makes me pitty your poor father.

old fan
09-19-2016, 09:27 PM
do you really have a clue of course not

old fan
09-19-2016, 09:29 PM

09-19-2016, 09:50 PM
Old fan 2013.. That was over 3 years ago. You proved my point for me. You defiantly have made be look the brilliant man I am. Nothing against Moyer because in his time he was one of the best to do it. Second best imo honestly. He hasn't won a Lucas race in 3 years! Time to hang up the helmet

old fan
09-19-2016, 09:55 PM
screw lucasquist who won the last 2 weekends for that matter the last 3 crown jewels was it a lucas guy I THINK NOT

09-19-2016, 10:04 PM
plunks, he wasn't the only one that ran out of fuel, and it is no excuse. One reason that could have contributed to that was that the Lucas rookie of the year kept bringing out cautions, but he still wouldn't have won. Would have run 3rd though. And if you don't think he's one of the best (whether you are a fan or not), I can't really help ya. He's about 13 months away from being 60, who out there is running better at that age?

I have never said he wasn't one of the best anywhere!! I just don't plain like him.

09-19-2016, 10:07 PM
Old fan, remove foot from mouth. Horrible cover. Moyer is in the downside.. Oldfan say no he isn't because he won a race over 3 years ago! Newsflash!! If you havnt won a race in 3 years in the real DLM series, you aren't definitely aren't in the come up genius!! Wow

old fan
09-19-2016, 10:12 PM
what is the real late model series you mean the tire cheating series

old fan
09-19-2016, 10:18 PM
kinda hard to win a series when you don't run the series often

09-19-2016, 10:41 PM
Give it up fold klan!! Stats talk and Moyer isn't producing anymore. Time to step down and spend time with the family. He had a great career but reflexes go with age. Just something that happens in this life.

old fan
09-19-2016, 10:44 PM
no stats show he never ran the lucas series bt your right kinda like ole bloomy trying to keep up with pierce we need more lucas races at macon and Florence lol

09-19-2016, 10:51 PM
kinda hard to win a series when you don't run the series often

O F he won thurs feature at knoxville. That was a lucas feature event

09-19-2016, 10:56 PM
Lol, you are defiantly the product of a brother sister mating. Why would you want to got to Florence when the zero has won more north souths than any driver in racing. If I were you I would find another driver to pull for because Pierce will be on asphalt sooner than later. We're talking about an old Moyer not a young Pierce. Quit stirring chit 'bold ban' because it amazes me all the people that put you in your place and you still won't fix the problem.

09-20-2016, 12:46 AM
and the 28 will sail for a win.

old fan
09-20-2016, 06:08 AM
O F he won thurs feature at knoxville. That was a lucas feature event yes I know but to a bloomer that doesn't count because their man can't read a watch

09-20-2016, 06:12 AM
It was absolutely not a Lucas feature! There were 0 points awarded and it was only 25 laps. You mfers kill me. Keep scratching and digging and you will find nothing. Old fan you dig back over three years ago and found his last Lucas win and now you stumble across his post and try to agree. I that was not a feature event! It was a preliminary and the points from that race went to the FEATURE which was the 100 lapper. Get outa here with the bullchit

old fan
09-20-2016, 06:16 AM
It was a lucas feature he picked up a check and a trophy it was a feature and you can't comprehend to well can you if you don't run the series all year its kinda hard to win features duh if you are not there good grief

09-20-2016, 07:24 AM
Lol, you are defiantly the product of a brother sister mating. Why would you want to got to Florence when the zero has won more north souths than any driver in racing. If I were you I would find another driver to pull for because Pierce will be on asphalt sooner than later. We're talking about an old Moyer not a young Pierce. Quit stirring chit 'bold ban' because it amazes me all the people that put you in your place and you still won't fix the problem.

The 0 has only won 2 North South 100's.

old fan
09-20-2016, 07:42 AM
shh don't tell him he will be in denial again his bloomy has failed him again

09-20-2016, 07:42 AM
The 0 has only won 2 North South 100's.

Don't bring that chit over here. You're right though, one shy of the B4 and Owens, both have 3.

old fan
09-20-2016, 08:23 AM
You can always find a couple of races out of fifty that the Lucas guys didn't win. That is not grounds for pretending that Lucas does not have the best drivers and cars. yeah we saw what happened when king bloomy was a no show at the world

09-20-2016, 08:56 AM
Pennsboro23 you are right "as usual" lol. I stand corrected. Pretty sure he has something like 10-12 seconds which has to sting a little

09-20-2016, 09:04 AM
Pennsboro23 you are right "as usual" lol. I stand corrected. Pretty sure he has something like 10-12 seconds which has to sting a little

Yes, he has a lot of seconds in that race. I love stats, and the history of big late model races.

09-21-2016, 12:20 AM
I respect everyone who straps their ass into a race car...even if I don't care for them.

If you saw my post about my Kenny Wallace deal you can see that my fat ass is about ready to assume room temperature... and I'm getting BACK into the saddle. I'm posting this from my hospital bed since I had a knee replaced yesterday. I timed the surgery to allow six weeks of recovery and still have time to get my Mastersbilt race ready.

Moyer is a young pup... looks like his new knee is working out. He is racing like I was taught to...follow the $$$ but look at your chances of bringing home the cash.

I'll be 68 in '17 when I start my " return to mediocrity tour"... Might even list old fan as my car owner to cut down on his opinions on my 20th place finishes.

09-21-2016, 06:33 AM
No that's why he's posted 40+ times today. He and his multiple usernames have made this place a disgrace.Couldn't have said it better myself ! Get a job

old fan
09-21-2016, 07:04 AM
I respect everyone who straps their ass into a race car...even if I don't care for them.If you saw my post about my Kenny Wallace deal you can see that my fat ass is about ready to assume room temperature... and I'm getting BACK into the saddle. I'm posting this from my hospital bed since I had a knee replaced yesterday. I timed the surgery to allow six weeks of recovery and still have time to get my Mastersbilt race ready.Moyer is a young pup... looks like his new knee is working out. He is racing like I was taught to...follow the $$$ but look at your chances of bringing home the cash. I'll be 68 in '17 when I start my " return to mediocrity tour"... Might even list old fan as my car owner to cut down on his opinions on my 20th place finishes. If you don't cheat or act like a donkey your are fine with me

MI Dirt Fan
09-21-2016, 07:36 AM
If you don't cheat or act like a donkey your are fine with me

So whats your excuse

old fan
09-21-2016, 08:17 AM
I don't cheat what is your excuse and you act like a donkey

MI Dirt Fan
09-21-2016, 08:22 AM
I don't cheat what is your excuse and you act like a donkeyhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Re72di5phM0

old fan
09-21-2016, 08:28 AM
this might happen to you http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=horse++ass&&view=detail&mid=504AA9F9DF6507A3F750504AA9F9DF6507A3F750&FORM=VRDGAR

MI Dirt Fan
09-21-2016, 09:43 AM
Not even going to ask why you have or have knowledge of videos of guys slapping horses.