View Full Version : 10K to win Showdown at Senoia in Nov.

09-21-2016, 09:44 PM
Things are starting to come together for the big Showdown at Senoia in November. The dates are 10th thru 12th, with Sunday the 13th being the extra day in case of inclimate weather. Sponsors have been coming on board, and so far, here it is:
Super $10,000 to win
Limited $2,500
Crate $2,500
B Cadet $1,500
Mini $2,000
Hobby $1,000
Bomber $1,250

We are wanting this to be our annual signature event, similar to some other events in our area. Drivers will be allowed to run multiple classes, similar to the State Race or The Ice Bowl. Each class will have an entry fee, just as the other races. As of now, only the Super race is sanctioned, and it will be a Ray Cook Southern National Bonus Race. All other classes will run by our 2016 rulebook.

Starting October1st, we will pre-sale Fence spots, reserved grandstand seating, take driver registrations, etc. We are currently working on all the specifics, pricing, entry fees, schedule for the weekend, and everything else involved with an event this large.

Remember, our 4 race Fall Brawl Series starts October 8th. The highest finishing driver in points for the Series in each class, that does not make the A Main at the Showdown in November will receive a provisional starting spot in the big show.

It has been a great year at Senoia Raceway, and we are excited about everything that is happening in the future. Thanks for your support the last 2 seasons. More details about the Showdown at Senoia coming soon.