View Full Version : Don Blankenship says he's a political prisoner

10-09-2016, 07:27 AM
This guy is a real tool.

Blankenship’s 67-page manifesto claims that he is a political prisoner, targeted by the United States government and leading Democrats because he was an outspoken conservative who tried to change the political direction of West Virginia. “The government is guilty of conspiring to make up a law to imprison an innocent American,” Blankenship writes from jail. “I am an American Political Prisoner.”


george w
10-09-2016, 07:30 AM
I think to some degree anyone in america can make a solid argument that there in some way a "political prisoner" ???

10-09-2016, 11:14 AM
I think to some degree anyone in america can make a solid argument that there in some way a "political prisoner" ???Very true G-dub ^^^^^^^^^^ like the old saying this place is going to h€ll in a handbasket

10-09-2016, 02:22 PM
I wonder if the family's of the dead miners think he's a political prisoner.

10-09-2016, 02:43 PM
I wonder if the family's of the dead miners think he's a political prisoner.

Exactly! I do know for a fact that there was a pick up truck that was tricked out there in west Virginia commemorating those Miners that were killed that runs around all over the place because my wife and i seen it Last summer when we went to Florida to pick up my youngest daughter...

10-09-2016, 05:13 PM
People need to get all the facts that they can on this matter before siding either way. At this point, as far I see it, and just stating my opinion. Mr. Blankenship does seem to be a victim of corrupt DC. They are trying to put coal out of business. Sad to say but this government is targeting political opposition and using it's agencies and departments to do it with. He is not alone by any means, and many businesses, big or small are being done the same way. Actually afraid to speak out because they fear to do so.

10-09-2016, 05:15 PM
I wonder if the family's of the dead miners think he's a political prisoner.

They probably get paid well to go along with the government and medias to a certain degree, you can bet the backlash is more agenda driven and created than actually real.

Fact is the media sides with the government and only tells one side of this story.

10-09-2016, 05:24 PM
Coal is putting coal out of business. There is cheaper and cleaner alternatives. It's the natural progression of things. Coal has served it purpose and it's days are numbered.

10-09-2016, 05:45 PM
Coal is putting coal out of business. There is cheaper and cleaner alternatives. It's the natural progression of things. Coal has served it purpose and it's days are numbered.

Wrong, Progressive liberal Democrats have a goal of putting coal out of business. Using the EPA to put unreasonable expenses, regulations, and taxes on Power plants to make it almost impossible to stay in business.

You need to quit listening to our government and state run sources of false information.

Whats fair about the government also using our tax dollars to subsidize other types of energies that still require electricity from coal to operate? Yet cost much more.

10 reasons why coal is a good energy source:
Cheapest source of energy. It is by far cheaper than nuclear, natural gas, oil. Hydro usually will be slightly cheaper. However, problems with hydro include: no new facilities because of public outcry when river valleys are dammed; and, peak demand time problems (rivers running dry in the dead of summer when peak air conditioning is needed and rivers are frozen in the dead of winter when peak heating is needed).

Coal also provides a stable source of energy (no Arab oil embargoes, no sudden scarcity like you experience with natural gas) and there is a very plentiful supply both in the U.S. and in other foreign countries.

Coal is nothing more than ancient wood which has been under pressure for millions of years. It is not sinister as you may have been led to believe.

Coal provides many jobs. Unlike other forms of energy (nuclear, natural gas, oil, hydroelectric), coal provides many jobs in removing coal from the earth, transporting it to the utility, burning it, and properly disposing of coal ash.

Coal is American made. We do not have to import this product into this country.

Coal can be mined and burned with little environmental impact. There has been tremendous strides in environmental responsibility with mining coal and burning coal. However, there still is pressure of global warming.(which is in reality may just be a fabricated lie) If we burn less fossil fuels, what, as a practical matter, is our energy alternative? Nuclear? Hydro? Solar (there is no practical way to provide the massive amounts of electricity needed to run our country through solar energy---it is viewed as impractical at this time)?

Coal mining reclamation can give the surface landowner many more options for developing his land. In the mountainous terrain, a mining process call mountaintop removal can create very valuable and useable level land for the surface owner. The surface owner not only gets his land developed, he usually is paid 50 cents a ton for the inconvenience of the use of his surface. Surface mining cannot occur without the specific consent of the surface owner. If the surface owner is lucky enough to own the coal rights, he's looking at another $2.00 a ton for royalty payments. In 1977 the federal Surface Mining Law was passed that required coal operators to reclaim the land in an equal, if not better, condition that existed prior to mining. We're doing an excellent job with our reclamation efforts. I would suggest that you go to http://www.osmre.gov/. This is the web site of the federal agency that oversees coal mining from an environmental standpoint.

The prudent us of coal will allow the U. S. the time needed to develop viable alternative energy sources---primarily solar technology and fuel from grain---without any negative impact on our national economy.

Coal provides 56% of the electricity used in the nation each day. It provides 95% of Kentucky's electricity. Electrical rates in Kentucky are the second lowest in the nation---because of coal.

Coal is good for Kentucky's economy. The Kentucky coal industry brought $3.1 billion into Kentucky from out-of-state during Fiscal Year 1996-97 through coal sales to customers in 29 other states and 15 foreign countries. In Kentucky, it paid over $800 million in direct wages, directly employing over 19,000 persons and indirectly providing an additional 60,000 jobs. In addition to all the normal business taxes, the coal industry in Kentucky paid an additional $160 million in severance taxes to the state.

10-09-2016, 05:58 PM
If the Dem get in the Big house this time... The racing as we know it is over ...........

10-09-2016, 06:50 PM
Tell that to the families that live less than 5 miles from me who have to buy water to drink or cook in people who lives savings is ruined because the can not sell there homes or owe more than it worth because of the contamination of coal ash. Coal is only cheap because the power company got away with dumping the ash anywhere they wanted. Add the cost of the clean up to the price of coal and see how cheap it is. Just because you belive what they tell you at the company store us people that thinks for our self and do the research know the real story.

10-09-2016, 07:11 PM
Tell that to the families that live less than 5 miles from me who have to buy water to drink or cook in people who lives savings is ruined because the can not sell there homes or owe more than it worth because of the contamination of coal ash. Coal is only cheap because the power company got away with dumping the ash anywhere they wanted. Add the cost of the clean up to the price of coal and see how cheap it is. Just because you belive what they tell you at the company store us people that thinks for our self and do the research know the real story.

I've seen plenty of buildings built right on top of coal ash

10-09-2016, 07:18 PM
Wrong, Progressive liberal Democrats have a goal of putting coal out of business. Using the EPA to put unreasonable expenses, regulations, and taxes on Power plants to make it almost impossible to stay in business.

You need to quit listening to our government and state run sources of false information.

Whats fair about the government also using our tax dollars to subsidize other types of energies that still require electricity from coal to operate? Yet cost much more.

10 reasons why coal is a good energy source:
Cheapest source of energy. It is by far cheaper than nuclear, natural gas, oil. Hydro usually will be slightly cheaper. However, problems with hydro include: no new facilities because of public outcry when river valleys are dammed; and, peak demand time problems (rivers running dry in the dead of summer when peak air conditioning is needed and rivers are frozen in the dead of winter when peak heating is needed).

Coal also provides a stable source of energy (no Arab oil embargoes, no sudden scarcity like you experience with natural gas) and there is a very plentiful supply both in the U.S. and in other foreign countries.

Coal is nothing more than ancient wood which has been under pressure for millions of years. It is not sinister as you may have been led to believe.

Coal provides many jobs. Unlike other forms of energy (nuclear, natural gas, oil, hydroelectric), coal provides many jobs in removing coal from the earth, transporting it to the utility, burning it, and properly disposing of coal ash.

Coal is American made. We do not have to import this product into this country.

Coal can be mined and burned with little environmental impact. There has been tremendous strides in environmental responsibility with mining coal and burning coal. However, there still is pressure of global warming.(which is in reality may just be a fabricated lie) If we burn less fossil fuels, what, as a practical matter, is our energy alternative? Nuclear? Hydro? Solar (there is no practical way to provide the massive amounts of electricity needed to run our country through solar energy---it is viewed as impractical at this time)?

Coal mining reclamation can give the surface landowner many more options for developing his land. In the mountainous terrain, a mining process call mountaintop removal can create very valuable and useable level land for the surface owner. The surface owner not only gets his land developed, he usually is paid 50 cents a ton for the inconvenience of the use of his surface. Surface mining cannot occur without the specific consent of the surface owner. If the surface owner is lucky enough to own the coal rights, he's looking at another $2.00 a ton for royalty payments. In 1977 the federal Surface Mining Law was passed that required coal operators to reclaim the land in an equal, if not better, condition that existed prior to mining. We're doing an excellent job with our reclamation efforts. I would suggest that you go to http://www.osmre.gov/. This is the web site of the federal agency that oversees coal mining from an environmental standpoint.

The prudent us of coal will allow the U. S. the time needed to develop viable alternative energy sources---primarily solar technology and fuel from grain---without any negative impact on our national economy.

Coal provides 56% of the electricity used in the nation each day. It provides 95% of Kentucky's electricity. Electrical rates in Kentucky are the second lowest in the nation---because of coal.

Coal is good for Kentucky's economy. The Kentucky coal industry brought $3.1 billion into Kentucky from out-of-state during Fiscal Year 1996-97 through coal sales to customers in 29 other states and 15 foreign countries. In Kentucky, it paid over $800 million in direct wages, directly employing over 19,000 persons and indirectly providing an additional 60,000 jobs. In addition to all the normal business taxes, the coal industry in Kentucky paid an additional $160 million in severance taxes to the state.

Tin foil hat much? Just like Jon Snow, you know nothing. Martin County Indiana is a long way from West Virginia. Natural gas is easier to get at, burns cleaner, and is now the worldwide fossil fuel of choice. Coal has done as much to kill coal as anyone. Went to mountaintop blasting and a lot of folks lost jobs. Built a bunch of flimsy retention ponds and some of 'em broke. Blankenship is a thug, and ran roughshod over the region and its people for 20 years. He's a victim of his own actions, no more, no less.

10-09-2016, 08:02 PM
Tell that to the families that live less than 5 miles from me who have to buy water to drink or cook in people who lives savings is ruined because the can not sell there homes or owe more than it worth because of the contamination of coal ash. Coal is only cheap because the power company got away with dumping the ash anywhere they wanted. Add the cost of the clean up to the price of coal and see how cheap it is. Just because you belive what they tell you at the company store us people that thinks for our self and do the research know the real story.

Your mind is made up I see. SO you just go ahead and believe what you want, and don't let the truth or what is right get iN your way. And vote Democrat too. Go Hillary, right?

old fan
10-09-2016, 08:16 PM
just seen the sales of electric cars are going in the crapper thank God

10-09-2016, 08:22 PM
People need to get all the facts that they can on this matter before siding either way. At this point, as far I see it, and just stating my opinion. Mr. Blankenship does seem to be a victim of corrupt DC. They are trying to put coal out of business. Sad to say but this government is targeting political opposition and using it's agencies and departments to do it with. He is not alone by any means, and many businesses, big or small are being done the same way. Actually afraid to speak out because they fear to do so.

That would not be far-fetched at all, considering this administration!

Besides, he already gave away $535 million to a solar company and they went belly up already!

10-09-2016, 10:28 PM
Tin foil hat much? Just like Jon Snow, you know nothing. Martin County Indiana is a long way from West Virginia. Natural gas is easier to get at, burns cleaner, and is now the worldwide fossil fuel of choice. Coal has done as much to kill coal as anyone. Went to mountaintop blasting and a lot of folks lost jobs. Built a bunch of flimsy retention ponds and some of 'em broke. Blankenship is a thug, and ran roughshod over the region and its people for 20 years. He's a victim of his own actions, no more, no less.

WILL Natural gas is on the same List of things as Coal for them to stop using... I am not Saying Blankenship is a good guy, he is NOT... I am just saying they want all of them gone Gas, Coal, Natural gas, and all gas cars,, Racing is on top of there List....

old fan
10-10-2016, 06:58 AM
its all AL Gore's fault

10-10-2016, 08:54 AM
I don't get into these types of convos much. I travel to WV a couple times a year to ride the trails down there. Most of the small towns I've been too in coal country, are d@mn near ghost towns now since you know who got in office. People that haven't been there don't understand, coal mining is all a lot of those small towns had for jobs. Now that is pretty much gone, they have either moved out or lost their houses due to the mines shutting down.

One guy we used to rent our cabin off, got laid off after 27 years, which isnt enough time to draw a retirement plan. He shut down the cabin rental deal, and sunk everybit of money he had into a ambulance/first aid type deal. He told us that if that didn't take off, he would lose everything hes ever worked for. The guy has 4 kids and a wife, and worked in the mine since he was 18.

If much rather live next to a coal burning plant, which I do now, than I would a nuclear plant. They do a good job around here of maintaining the dust, its not a problem.

10-10-2016, 11:26 AM
Good to see electric cars in the crapper. Now I can market my new coal car.

10-10-2016, 11:56 AM
I know one thing I belive that the federal government has my best interest in mind a hellva lot more than corporate America does.

10-10-2016, 02:24 PM
I know one thing I belive that the federal government has my best interest in mind a hellva lot more than corporate America does.

You had better look again. Our government has the best interests of corporate America in mind, but just the Corporate America that pays them enough to. Coal didn't pay them enough. If you believe you have anyone in DC, that is looking out for you, let us know how much it costs you each year. If you don't bribe Senators, Representatives and Presidents, You don't have anyone in your corner and your foolish to believe otherwise.

The question of, is Don B a good guy and is coal good for the average consumer, are completely different questions. The elimination of coal will raise overall energy prices down the road and even could lead to a monopoly. Competition on a level playing field is what drives the US economy. They took that level playing field away fro coal by demanding unrealistic emissions and subsidizing other form of energy. Just who do you think pays for that, in a world with no free lunches. Don't confuse clean air with carbon emissions. Your talking a completely different deal. One simple question about global warming. Does warm increase CO2 or does CO2 increase warm. The one and only source of heat for our planet is the sun and it's heat varies. In covered up studies a controlled crop environment proved that CO2 levels where a byproduct of warming. It also proved Crops liked the extra CO2 and gained production. U of Illinois around 2006 or 2007. It may have been removed by now, as government grants are with held from university's that disagrees with government agenda. This was a A B A controlled test by Galesburg Illinois. Monsanto was very interested in this study and a employee told me about it. I looked it up at the time, because the inventor of the internet said the debate was over. Guess not. How about, if plants turn CO2 into clean air, wouldn't we be better off with more plants and more CO2? I believe the only dirty air, we are getting, is the smoke Al Gore is blowing up our buts. You can believe what you wish.

10-10-2016, 02:37 PM
I know one thing I belive that the federal government has my best interest in mind a hellva lot more than corporate America does.

Pffffffffttttttttt.......They do a FINE job at running the US Post Office! In case you didn't know it, it is subsidized with millions and millions of taxpayer dollars!

10-10-2016, 04:47 PM
Pffffffffttttttttt.......They do a FINE job at running the US Post Office! In case you didn't know it, it is subsidized with millions and millions of taxpayer dollars!

The U.S. Postal Service is funded entirely by revenues from postage, the Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses, and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

10-10-2016, 05:31 PM
The U.S. Postal Service is funded entirely by revenues from postage, the Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses, and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

You might want to check your facts. The fed govt subsidizes it with millions of dollars every year!

10-10-2016, 06:56 PM
Mr. Blankenship needs to take responsibility for his action for once. Greed............................................. .................

10-10-2016, 07:15 PM
You might want to check your facts. The fed govt subsidizes it with millions of dollars every year!

If the Feds didn't feed it money it would have been gone long ago ! Don' t think it has showed a profit in quite some time !!!!

10-10-2016, 09:43 PM
Just wait for the dem. Run the taxes up and farm country crash like the coal country.

10-10-2016, 10:59 PM
ptown you are correct. Taxpayer money does not fund the postal service. It is not too hard to find that it is funded by the postal stamp charges, and other items sold at locations, by doing some very minimal detective work on your own. Anyone who has gone into an office can see packages, shirts and other items there for purchase. They also try to staff with as many veterans as possible. The taxpayer funded myth is only because some taxpayers do buy the services. I know many people will say private companies would be cheaper, but I have personally ordered small items that began shipping from other sources, only to have final delivery by the USPS. I would guess this is because the postal delivery was more cost effective. They're fees are also held in check by congress etc. Wait until Christmas (or should I pi$$ some off say the holidays) and see your more efficient shippers raise they're prices while the evil left wing postal conspirators stay the same. Maybe we could require them to use coal powered trucks, since I believe that is what, for some reason, a thread on a racing website began as.

10-10-2016, 11:00 PM
and some power plants that have been replaced the electric bill has went up as much as $100.00.know take that.

10-11-2016, 09:16 AM
and some power plants that have been replaced the electric bill has went up as much as $100.00.know take that.

With out Coal powered electricity the stampede to higher prices has started. Coal was the competition in this market, that kept prices low. Doesn't it make you wonder why? Just who paid off our government, to make their product profitable? Who's pocket ill those valuable carbon tax credits, go threw. You have to know, who is going to pay every last penny of them. Utilities pay nothing, they just raise your bill to pay them and they will charge you as much as they can, just short of making some alternative energy viable. Just like gas in your car. Charge what the market will bear.

10-11-2016, 08:00 PM
Tell that to the families that live less than 5 miles from me who have to buy water to drink or cook in people who lives savings is ruined because the can not sell there homes or owe more than it worth because of the contamination of coal ash. Coal is only cheap because the power company got away with dumping the ash anywhere they wanted. Add the cost of the clean up to the price of coal and see how cheap it is. Just because you belive what they tell you at the company store us people that thinks for our self and do the research know the real story.

Actually much of that coal ash is being sold to manufacture wall board as that has become cheaper than gypsum rock. And there are people getting paid to make up these lies that you fall for. Just like many of the government agendas that are sold by lies and deception. Just like the people that lie about fracking.

You may think for yourself, but you are not showing much wisdom. hahahaha Where you are doing your research must be the problem.

10-11-2016, 08:05 PM
In 2015, 94 coal-fired power plants closed, with the combined net summer capacity of 13,556 megawatts, according to data from the Energy Information Administration. To put that in context, the country lost roughly the same total capacity of all of Kentucky’s electric sector coal plants that year.

Another 41 coal plants are scheduled to close in 2016, with a combined net summer capacity of 5,326.5 megawatts. That’s slightly greater than all of Colorado’s electric sector coal plants.

Hope you liberal whackos are happy, as these have not been replaced adequately.

10-11-2016, 08:08 PM
Look at all those jobs lost, ain't it just awesome? NOT

10-12-2016, 09:47 AM
Thrump says lets use what we got in the ground. Hil lier y says can it and start something new so which one will do us,the taxpayers that pays the bills the best ? The ones that will vote for her is the ones that says keep our free checks coming ,if you are a proud working American you will vote for Thrump !

10-12-2016, 05:47 PM
I know one thing I belive that the federal government has my best interest in mind a hellva lot more than corporate America does.

You had better wake up to reality, because you are dead wrong, sir.

10-12-2016, 05:56 PM
What's funny is someone who likes to quote The Blaze telling other people they better check their facts.

10-12-2016, 06:09 PM
What's funny is someone who likes to quote The Blaze telling other people they better check their facts.

What's not funny is people sitting in front of TV sets like lemmings gobbling up CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS news propaganda and letting a Marxist Muslim in the white house tell them what not to watch and listen to.

10-12-2016, 06:15 PM
As long as theres a truck load of coal for your stocking is all that matters

10-12-2016, 06:20 PM
As long as there's a truck load of coal for my stocking is all that matters

I'm sure there will be!! :)

10-12-2016, 06:58 PM
As long as theres a truck load of coal for your stocking is all that matters

That's ok as long as the tag says....Made in America!

10-13-2016, 03:16 PM
The U.S. Postal Service is funded entirely by revenues from postage, the Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses, and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

You're as wrong about this as you are almost every other thing on which you comment.

The USPS receives 18 BILLION--that's BILLION-- dollars in federal subsidies EVERY YEAR.

A simple google search would have saved you the embarrassment of being wrong yet again. Of course most of us who have to pay taxes and work for a living already knew they received subsidies.

10-13-2016, 03:19 PM
ptown you are correct. Taxpayer money does not fund the postal service. It is not too hard to find that it is funded by the postal stamp charges, and other items sold at locations, by doing some very minimal detective work on your own. Anyone who has gone into an office can see packages, shirts and other items there for purchase. They also try to staff with as many veterans as possible. The taxpayer funded myth is only because some taxpayers do buy the services. I know many people will say private companies would be cheaper, but I have personally ordered small items that began shipping from other sources, only to have final delivery by the USPS. I would guess this is because the postal delivery was more cost effective. They're fees are also held in check by congress etc. Wait until Christmas (or should I pi$$ some off say the holidays) and see your more efficient shippers raise they're prices while the evil left wing postal conspirators stay the same. Maybe we could require them to use coal powered trucks, since I believe that is what, for some reason, a thread on a racing website began as.

You picked the wrong guy to side with. You are incorrect in almost everything you said: As I said earlier, the postal service is subsidized to the tune of 18 billion a year.

10-13-2016, 04:53 PM
Here it is Norm.

Report: USPS Gets $18 Billion In Subsidies And 'Special Privileges' The United States Postal Service receives $18 billion in annual federal subsidies, but that is still not enough to offset the $20 billion in lost productivity that results from its monopoly status.Mar 25, 2015
USPS Gets $18 Billion In Subsidies And 'Special Privileges'


10-13-2016, 06:44 PM
Libaturds are putting Coal out of business

10-13-2016, 07:03 PM
That was a good read Clayton W.I live in the coal fields of Va. but have never work in the coal mine.Every job I have had has been related to the coal industry. My area has been devastated by the loss of coal jobs.

old fan
10-13-2016, 07:09 PM
look up SEMA and the crap the EPA wants done if you love the sport sign up NOW