View Full Version : Let the games begin

11-03-2016, 03:47 AM
Most of you know my thoughts on the cushion humpers. I'm not a fan of the cushion because it takes the "hard" out of hard work. Racing was built on trying to find the edge in the race shop through the week. The old saying is the races aren't won on Saturday night they are won in the shop during the week. I can almost guarantee the man that won the race on the cushion is the man that would not have had a chance in he11 of the cushion wasn't there. You still have to credit the driver that gets up on the wheel and finds that speed it takes to win on a cushion. I keep saying it but, there is so much wrong that can happen up there when you bang it lap after lap, not to me that the damage it does to equipment. I always say the best car didn't win win you have the McDowell,Moyer, Erb, Richards, madden rolling the middle or center and then the track slicks off and the 12 place car of JD or Pierce start banging that cushion and roll bounce or hop or whatever you call it right by them. It's just my opinion and I would like to hear the thoughts of the people who were around in the old times before the cushion as heard of. Read the below link and all comments posted by the crew chief of the zero. He called the cushion a cheat code for the throttle jockeys lol. I kinda think how he thinks on the touchy subject of the dreaded cushion.. Enjoy! https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=890458701021550&id=100001722861806&set=ecnf.100001722861806&source=49

11-03-2016, 06:22 AM
complete bs listen to BSHEPPS interview from the DTWC you do what you gotta do to get the job done

11-03-2016, 06:52 AM
Cheat code ha ha. Bloomer knows best on that code. Its cuz of guys like you that keep boasting about bloomer this and bloomer that is why theres so much hate. You just keep putting fuel on the fire.

11-03-2016, 07:18 AM
Yippee.....Another Bloomquist thread.

Did you know he's been caught cheating tires several times?

11-03-2016, 07:25 AM
who thinks centeroff has a a bloomer big head or whatever they call those things hanging all over his house I KNOW clayton wetter does ,face it centeroff the old men don't have the right equipment or it disappeared years ago to ride the cushion , will he have the b@lls to run gateway we know he loves the little tracks

11-03-2016, 07:26 AM
starting topics while drunk. yes, I'm familiar with the concept. they give the check to the first racer under the checkers. don't ask how you got there. they only ask how much you weigh and if your tires are untreated.

Josh Bayko
11-03-2016, 07:29 AM
He's an idiot.

11-03-2016, 07:32 AM
may the 32 come haunt you the rest of his career maybe ole bloomer could've used that trophy as a weight at the 2015 dream lol and you are going to brag about a trophy atleast put in focus and standing up right in the picture geesh

11-03-2016, 07:33 AM
starting topics while drunk. yes, I'm familiar with the concept. they give the check to the first racer under the checkers. don't ask how you got there. they only ask how much you weigh and if your tires are untreated.he might need rehab what a shame

nuff said
11-03-2016, 07:38 AM
If the cushion is the fastest way around a track on any given night why wouldn't the ''greatest of all time'' go to the cushion also ? What is he lacking in his arsenal to be able to do so ?If it was the fastest way around I think I would give it a try instead of getting passed by someone with the ability and balls enough to go up there and let them take 10k,20k,50k whatever the purse may be away from me.

11-03-2016, 07:54 AM
and it ain't the car he don't have the b@lls to run the cushion

11-03-2016, 08:00 AM
but this guy does in a mod shame he won't run lates http://mikeharrison24.com/about/

11-03-2016, 08:01 AM
if bloomquist knew his equipment would last running the cushion and he could be .5sec of a lap faster than anyone he would be there

11-03-2016, 08:05 AM
bull crap he has never ran the cushion maybe bloomer need to build a better car is that what you are saying

11-03-2016, 08:37 AM
just a reminder http://www.trackforum.com/forums/showthread.php/29661-Scott-Bloomquist-arrested

11-03-2016, 08:48 AM
Take away all the cheater wins and how many wins does he really have?

11-03-2016, 08:56 AM
So Scott doesn't pound the cushion so Cody doesn't have to fix the car from it, but yet still can't make it to the track on time. They must be busy pounding something else all week.
Only question is if it's:
Each other?
A lb of coke?
Or Centeroff?

11-03-2016, 09:18 AM
JACKOFF post these thread on purpose

Highside Hustler25
11-03-2016, 10:41 AM
Good morning Centeroff:)

11-03-2016, 12:46 PM
We need more Dennis Erb Jr. Racing threads

11-03-2016, 01:18 PM
So Scott doesn't pound the cushion so Cody doesn't have to fix the car from it, but yet still can't make it to the track on time. They must be busy pounding something else all week. Only question is if it's:Each other?A lb of coke?Or Centeroff?all the above plus

11-03-2016, 02:31 PM
Guys you have to remember CENTEROFF being the azzhole baby he is suffers major head trama as he was dropped when he was born. He has trouble talking in full sentences. They usally end in my guy or something gay. He is starved for attention. Thats why he started this post just to see how many members would reply to it.

11-03-2016, 07:47 PM
Gayways, I'm glad I could join the discussion. The difference when me and you post is I don't make chit up for friends? How's that 250lber with the trainer bra doing? This thread has been viewed 1400 times in less than a day and 1360 of them are from gayways and calverton. I don't know who is the giver and who takes the dik in that relationship lol. A man can't have an opinion without the dik riders joining in. An idiot who gets booted every month from 4m and a little fat computer jockey. Between you two idiots and cutman being from a brother sister mating a man can't post a fact with something he seen with his own two eyes. Fuk it, I'm gonna start lying like fatboy gayways and using this sight like friendfinder.net lol. It's like taking candy from an idiot and a fat liar! Well, pretty much that's exactly what I'm doing

11-03-2016, 07:55 PM
My buddy highside hustler even took it easy on the topic and I appreciate that lol. Leave it to gayways and calverton to join in on the fun. This topic was made for responders with less than a 14 IQ and ding ding ding. We had two winners

11-03-2016, 07:55 PM
I didn't see where you posted any facts

11-03-2016, 07:59 PM
who thinks centeroff has a a bloomer big head or whatever they call those things hanging all over his house I KNOW clayton wetter does ,face it centeroff the old men don't have the right equipment or it disappeared years ago to ride the cushion , will he have the b@lls to run gateway we know he loves the little tracks

Hard to be banging cushions when you have a couple torn rotator cuffs, agree?

A track without a cushion has to be so hard and dry that they can't even throw up a cushion. In other words a crappy track surface indeed. Sorry centeroff

11-03-2016, 08:02 PM
If the cushion is the fastest way around a track on any given night why wouldn't the ''greatest of all time'' go to the cushion also ? What is he lacking in his arsenal to be able to do so ?If it was the fastest way around I think I would give it a try instead of getting passed by someone with the ability and balls enough to go up there and let them take 10k,20k,50k whatever the purse may be away from me.

Torn rotator cuffs possibly?

11-03-2016, 08:03 PM
We talked about 'the cushion' when I started racing in '69 and it was old news way before that. Some guys were called 'rim riders'.... if it's the fast way around, and it often is, take it and run.

11-03-2016, 08:25 PM
Torn rotator cuffs possibly?

So now we go from wrong tires,to shock bleed off, to kill switch, to medical issue. The exuces never end

11-03-2016, 08:46 PM
Gayways, I'm glad I could join the discussion. The difference when me and you post is I don't make chit up for friends? How's that 250lber with the trainer bra doing? This thread has been viewed 1400 times in less than a day and 1360 of them are from gayways and calverton. I don't know who is the giver and who takes the dik in that relationship lol. A man can't have an opinion without the dik riders joining in. An idiot who gets booted every month from 4m and a little fat computer jockey. Between you two idiots and cutman being from a brother sister mating a man can't post a fact with something he seen with his own two eyes. Fuk it, I'm gonna start lying like fatboy gayways and using this sight like friendfinder.net lol. It's like taking candy from an idiot and a fat liar! Well, pretty much that's exactly what I'm doing

At least my family tree branchs unlike you. The problem w you JACKOFF when you cant prove something you call someone a lier.

See thats what im talkn about. I k you posted this thread just to get your rocks off on how many times you had hits. You ought to count how many times scotts rocks hit your toncils w white wash. 10k plus


11-03-2016, 09:04 PM
torn rotator cuffs possibly?really for 30 years

11-03-2016, 10:01 PM
BS.. If you do not think Scott will not go up the track and get up on the cushion.. the only difference when he does it, is the fact that he lays the car on the cushion and not slam it up on it like so many other people do.. i'm not a huge Bloomer fan, but you have to give the guy credit, he can start on the rear and get to the front and it will not have a scratch on it from running over people to get there..

11-03-2016, 10:28 PM
Well good for him bravo you want to slow bloomer down tacky and rough will certainly slow him down

11-03-2016, 10:31 PM
Well good for him bravo you want to slow bloomer down tacky and rough will certainly slow him down

Legal tires will also!

11-03-2016, 10:37 PM
Now come he's always has legal tires and always makes weight and being on time lol

11-03-2016, 10:48 PM
Now come he's always has legal tires and always makes weight and being on time lol

Sounds like Jackoff

11-04-2016, 12:22 AM
Gayways, for one you lied to everyone on here when you said your wife was 125lns and DD up top. Your trying to be someone your not. Who cares what you or your wife look like? Nobody! I will be the first to say that she can't be much because she ended up with a man like you! You said I can't prove anything. What am I trying to prove? Is stated my opinion on the cushion. I don't care who rides the cushion or how they ride the cushion. I would be willing to bet you'd ride a dik and I'd lay odds on that. You like Lima beans? I hate em. Who cares? I stated my opinion and you always find a way to call names because you have a very small vocabulary and a mind to match. Why do you care what I think? Your always talking chit to someone and I'm glad you and oldfang/calverton made buddies. You take offense because you think when people say that the cushion takes no talent they are talking about your specific driver. We're talking cushion and you bring up cheater. You have an obsession with the zero to the point you check his websight to try and find out where he is racing the next week. I bet your broke, probably on a disability check and voted early for Hillary because a liar always pulls for a liar. If your an honest man post that pic of the 125lb hottie and I will gladly retract the statement that everyone on hear thinks your full of chit. Your as obsessed with my opinion as much as you wish JD could wheel one like Scott. Grow up fatboy! You stay on your side of the fence and I will lock the door behind me when I leave your place. Now if anyone has an opinion that the cushion is a safe place to run and it's easy on equipment I would love to hear about it. Until then the liar/fatboy/welfare/hater/jealous/broke a$$ gayways can suck on this CHOBE! Lol

11-04-2016, 05:49 AM
you been drinking again centeroff and no the cushion is not the safe place to run you gotta have b@lls to run up there but it can be the fast way around the track and that's what counts

11-04-2016, 06:28 AM
It may not be the safest, but if it's the the fastest way around the track that night and gets you a victory, I'd say it was the smartest

11-04-2016, 06:41 AM
not according to the zero my hero crowd

11-04-2016, 06:50 AM
cutman says; "what are the pounding all week? Each other?" --- comment of the year, lmao. fantastic

11-04-2016, 07:01 AM
Gayways, I'm glad I could join the discussion. The difference when me and you post is I don't make chit up for friends? How's that 250lber with the trainer bra doing? This thread has been viewed 1400 times in less than a day and 1360 of them are from gayways and calverton. I don't know who is the giver and who takes the dik in that relationship lol. A man can't have an opinion without the dik riders joining in. An idiot who gets booted every month from 4m and a little fat computer jockey. Between you two idiots and cutman being from a brother sister mating a man can't post a fact with something he seen with his own two eyes. Fuk it, I'm gonna start lying like fatboy gayways and using this sight like friendfinder.net lol. It's like taking candy from an idiot and a fat liar! Well, pretty much that's exactly what I'm doing yeah you just make chit up like always don't yes your long haired gay racer won a championship , with strong new blood coming in the series the battle for rookie of the year was something he also got hard charger award wow real impressive for a rookie

11-04-2016, 09:39 AM
Gayways, for one you lied to everyone on here when you said your wife was 125lns and DD up top. Your trying to be someone your not. Who cares what you or your wife look like? Nobody! I will be the first to say that she can't be much because she ended up with a man like you! You said I can't prove anything. What am I trying to prove? Is stated my opinion on the cushion. I don't care who rides the cushion or how they ride the cushion. I would be willing to bet you'd ride a dik and I'd lay odds on that. You like Lima beans? I hate em. Who cares? I stated my opinion and you always find a way to call names because you have a very small vocabulary and a mind to match. Why do you care what I think? Your always talking chit to someone and I'm glad you and oldfang/calverton made buddies. You take offense because you think when people say that the cushion takes no talent they are talking about your specific driver. We're talking cushion and you bring up cheater. You have an obsession with the zero to the point you check his websight to try and find out where he is racing the next week. I bet your broke, probably on a disability check and voted early for Hillary because a liar always pulls for a liar. If your an honest man post that pic of the 125lb hottie and I will gladly retract the statement that everyone on hear thinks your full of chit. Your as obsessed with my opinion as much as you wish JD could wheel one like Scott. Grow up fatboy! You stay on your side of the fence and I will lock the door behind me when I leave your place. Now if anyone has an opinion that the cushion is a safe place to run and it's easy on equipment I would love to hear about it. Until then the liar/fatboy/welfare/hater/jealous/broke a$$ gayways can suck on this CHOBE! Lol

Your so lost in your statement.
You put on a show on this forum but I can see right thru you.

Im not on here bragging about her. I was correcting you about her.
You said i lied about jd and barry now you retracting it cuz u have no proof and turning it aroung on me. With all the sh!t you spred you should have been a proctoligest!
You are so conceeded and stuck on your self. You cant even go by a mirror w/o looking in it can you pretty boy. You think you a bad azz boy, but u aint just a QUEEF!

11-04-2016, 10:52 AM
I have not posted in quite a while, but do enjoy logging on for the humor. However, I would like to let everyone know about Centeroff. He is a well educated military veteran, who had quite the amateur boxing career! He loves to get on here and fire you guys up, because 99% can do nothing about it LOL. I am far from a Bloomquist fan, but some of you can't stand the fact that for the last 30 years he has been at the top of the heap, and Centeroff thrives on listening to people trying to dispute that. I hope everyone continues falling in the traps he sets and humors us all!!


11-04-2016, 12:51 PM
I have not posted in quite a while, but do enjoy logging on for the humor. However, I would like to let everyone know about Centeroff. He is a well educated military veteran, who had quite the amateur boxing career! He loves to get on here and fire you guys up, because 99% can do nothing about it LOL. I am far from a Bloomquist fan, but some of you can't stand the fact that for the last 30 years he has been at the top of the heap, and Centeroff thrives on listening to people trying to dispute that. I hope everyone continues falling in the traps he sets and humors us all!!


Centeroff continues to show his ignorance about racing each time he posts. I really can't remember anyone that has run his mouth so much about something he knows so very little about. Every time he posts something, he is proven wrong and he seems so ignorant, that he never acknowledges it. But some live and learn and others, just live.

I have enjoyed watching Bloomquist for that 30 years and if there is a flaw in his racing program, it is that he will lose a race before he goes to the cushion. That is his problem, not the problem of those that get up on the wheel and run the cushion, when it's the fast lane. I have seen the Bloomquist fans screaming move up move up, stop the bleeding, close the door only to see him stay on the bottom or middle and lose. I am glad Center off cleared this point up. It is the fault of the cushion runners, not Bloomquists. LOl.

11-04-2016, 01:24 PM
some of you can't stand the fact that for the last 30 years he has been at the top of the heap, and Centeroff thrives on listening to people trying to dispute that.I have nothing in particular against bloomy but I'll dispute it all day everyday. He's only been on the top of the late model heap which is a small niche in the whole scheme of things in regards to dirt racing. Take him out of his late model and put him in anything else but a mortified (which these days seem to be dirt late model lites) and he's quite ordinary. Sometimes not even mediocre. I've sighted the instances many times so I won't bore everyone once again. Anyone who knows anything at all about dirt racing knows what his shortcomings have been outside of his dirt late model and they are very real.

His success in dirt late model racing is indisputable, but that's about as far as it goes.

11-04-2016, 03:21 PM
i have not posted in quite a while, but do enjoy logging on for the humor. However, i would like to let everyone know about centeroff. He is a well educated military veteran, who had quite the amateur boxing career! He loves to get on here and fire you guys up, because 99% can do nothing about it lol. I am far from a bloomquist fan, but some of you can't stand the fact that for the last 30 years he has been at the top of the heap, and centeroff thrives on listening to people trying to dispute that. I hope everyone continues falling in the traps he sets and humors us all!!

Chode racing 101

centeroff needs to wear boxing gloves to bed!

11-04-2016, 03:25 PM
I love watching racing but wonder if there wasn't a cushion and everybody followed the low & middle groove how much of a "train race" it would be..

not very exciting

11-04-2016, 04:18 PM
Take away all the cheater wins and how many wins does he really have?

Who JD???...

11-04-2016, 04:22 PM
So now we go from wrong tires,to shock bleed off, to kill switch, to medical issue. The exuces never end

Torn rotator cuffs but still won the Lucas title. Dig that excuse. :) Got jealous???

11-04-2016, 04:24 PM
Bubstr, I gotta admit admit your right when you say Scott will lose a race before he goes to the cushion and it drives me fukn crazy specifically Knoxville 2015. He was running maybe 3rd and in the hunt when the cushion came to life. He let 7-8 cars drive around him on the cushion and I was thinking wtf?? Does he think they are all gonna get flats.? I just hate Blackjack let the cat outa the bag by saying I don't get a bit excited over any post you idiots post. To me the man on the other side of the post is a toothless inbred who just discovers the Internet. Yes, when I'm bored I like to get the idiots rowed up and it's so easy. I have an 11 year old son with much thicker skin that the Bubstr, calverton, and the gayways on 4m. The fact is I love the sport and thanks to blackjackB4 I havnt missed many races lately. I traveled turning wrenches on a championship team and was never the top guy on the team and when it would appear I had the chief job the owner would hire someone smarter than I. You bunch of tools take me serious and that's what I get he kick out of. In fact, I'd bet a more than a few of you guys have seen me around and we get along just fine. If you can't get along with me you have major problems lol. Y'all need to loosen up ya bunch of rednecks, might earn some respect if you do. I'm a Bloomquist fan but would prefer the locals on a budget to win every race. Y'all love Pierce and JD so much that you will stoop so low to get fighting mad over it. That is my motivation to mentally break the weak lol. As long as we have the gayways, calverton said and bubstrs on planet earth I'm a happy man because atleast I know I have more common sense than a few lol. You tools are my entertainment during boredom. God bless redneck America

11-04-2016, 04:26 PM
really for 30 years

No perverton, just this year. You really need quit head butting the sidewalks. Bloomquist has been an artist of the high side many a time in the past. But you exorcise ignorance and denial more and more.

11-04-2016, 04:33 PM
Well good for him bravo you want to slow bloomer down tacky and rough will certainly slow him down

Sure it does, like this track record run at Tazewell. Oh Perverton you are wasting our time.


11-04-2016, 04:49 PM
Well good for him bravo you want to slow bloomer down tacky and rough will certainly slow him down

NO NO, you ever see a race with your eyes open? Nobody distorts things on 4M like you, nobody.

11-04-2016, 04:54 PM
I have not posted in quite a while, but do enjoy logging on for the humor. However, I would like to let everyone know about Centeroff. He is a well educated military veteran, who had quite the amateur boxing career! He loves to get on here and fire you guys up, because 99% can do nothing about it LOL. I am far from a Bloomquist fan, but some of you can't stand the fact that for the last 30 years he has been at the top of the heap, and Centeroff thrives on listening to people trying to dispute that. I hope everyone continues falling in the traps he sets and humors us all!!


And of course bubstr could not stand those facts and had to show up to pitifully try to discredit your spot on observations. hahahhahaa

11-04-2016, 04:56 PM
centeroff needs to wear boxing gloves to bed!

And you need to wear a straight jacket when not in bed. hahahhahahaaa

11-04-2016, 05:13 PM
Bubstr, I gotta admit admit your right when you say Scott will lose a race before he goes to the cushion and it drives me fukn crazy specifically Knoxville 2015. He was running maybe 3rd and in the hunt when the cushion came to life. He let 7-8 cars drive around him on the cushion and I was thinking wtf?? Does he think they are all gonna get flats.? I just hate Blackjack let the cat outa the bag by saying I don't get a bit excited over any post you idiots post. To me the man on the other side of the post is a toothless inbred who just discovers the Internet. Yes, when I'm bored I like to get the idiots rowed up and it's so easy. I have an 11 year old son with much thicker skin that the Bubstr, calverton, and the gayways on 4m. The fact is I love the sport and thanks to blackjackB4 I havnt missed many races lately. I traveled turning wrenches on a championship team and was never the top guy on the team and when it would appear I had the chief job the owner would hire someone smarter than I. You bunch of tools take me serious and that's what I get he kick out of. In fact, I'd bet a more than a few of you guys have seen me around and we get along just fine. If you can't get along with me you have major problems lol. Y'all need to loosen up ya bunch of rednecks, might earn some respect if you do. I'm a Bloomquist fan but would prefer the locals on a budget to win every race. Y'all love Pierce and JD so much that you will stoop so low to get fighting mad over it. That is my motivation to mentally break the weak lol. As long as we have the gayways, calverton said and bubstrs on planet earth I'm a happy man because atleast I know I have more common sense than a few lol. You tools are my entertainment during boredom. God bless redneck America

Nice post!

Class act!

You keep bringing up this inbred stuff, past experiences/relationships?


11-04-2016, 05:14 PM
And you need to wear a straight jacket when not in bed. hahahhahahaaa

You need to wear a condom when in bed.
Please no more reproduction

President Clinton
11-04-2016, 05:51 PM
Maybe y'all didn't realize Bloomer did a bit of asphalt testing down in Ga, and was better than average! A little run in with the law, kinda did away with all that deal. Like the clown or not, he is as good as it gets in pretty much anything with wheels!!!!

11-04-2016, 05:58 PM
.....That is my motivation to mentally break the weak lol. ...

Did I break you? why do you not respond to my posts? is it because they are about racing and not name calling?

c'mon Centeroff: i'll play if you want to talk racing and can prove you're legit. but I can just as easily disregard your keyboard cowboy act as I have so many others.

if the troll bait you post is the only reason you're here, enjoy yourself. i'm here to talk racing.

11-04-2016, 06:00 PM
who jd???...you have to have a rule to be able cheat , what happen the almighty bloomer didn't come up with it first

11-04-2016, 06:01 PM
Maybe y'all didn't realize Bloomer did a bit of asphalt testing down in Ga, and was better than average! A little run in with the law, kinda did away with all that deal. Like the clown or not, he is as good as it gets in pretty much anything with wheels!!!!

yup. he rocked the racin' world in nascar trucks at Eldora and in chili bowl midgets!!!

11-04-2016, 06:02 PM
Boy did he lmao and never was invited back

11-04-2016, 07:04 PM
Boy did he lmao and never was invited back

Our daddy iv not habby wiv uz on diz tred calvy.

Highside Hustler25
11-04-2016, 07:20 PM
Like the clown or not, he is as good as it gets in pretty much anything with wheels!!!!

BaaaaHaaaa:DHitting the pipe Bill? That's good stuff:)

11-04-2016, 07:39 PM
Like the clown or not, he is as good as it gets in pretty much anything with wheels!!!!Are you serious? Bbwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha!!

yup. he rocked the racin' world in nascar trucks at Eldora and in chili bowl midgets!!!klem you pretty much hit it on the head! I would only add that bloomy ran some ARCA races and had a stellar average finish of 29th. LOL! One of those ARCA races was on the dirt mile at Springfield, IL. Dirt is bloomy's specialty, isn't it? Well folks, he spun in the first corner of the first lap. I know of which I speak, I was at Springfield that day and it wasn't what you would rate as a performance from a driver who's "as good as it gets in pretty much anything with wheels". Much like his failed efforts at The Chili Bowl and the Eldora NASCAR Truck race. Bloomy effectively embarrassed all of dirt late model racing with THAT stalwart effort! LOL!

11-04-2016, 07:45 PM
Wow.... The hateraid is really flowin' tonight! Easy boys, you're gonna have a hangover in the morning!

11-04-2016, 07:49 PM
CENTEROFATTENTION will get them straight. Couldnt have been the same bloomer. Lmao

11-04-2016, 07:50 PM
Wow.... The hateraid is really flowin' tonight! Easy boys, you're gonna have a hangover in the morning!

No hate, just facts. All's ya' gotta' do is look it up.

11-04-2016, 07:51 PM
Bloomy effectively embarrassed all of dirt late model racing with THAT stalwart effort! LOL! NO HE JUST EMBARRASSED HIMSELF YOUR HATRED FOR DLM ARE SHOWING AGAIN

11-04-2016, 08:18 PM
Wow.... The hateraid is really flowin' tonight! Easy boys, you're gonna have a hangover in the morning!

I'll come clean: I love when bloomquist is at a race I attend. I certainly don't want him to win, but you can bet your a$$ i'm watching. cause he is one on the top 10 all time in a dirt late model. mad skills and an entertaining personality made to draw attention to my favorite sport.

too bad he can't run on the cushion!!!

but he has some fans that are fun to poke with a stick!

11-04-2016, 10:50 PM
maybe bloomer can get some tips https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1419773991385725&set=a.235963976433405.70755.100000594146286&type=3&theater

11-04-2016, 11:04 PM
Does gayways 325lber count as cushion or just alotta pushing? I will be the first to admit gayways is a top notch wheelman!! Any man that can ride that cushion without traction control and juiced tires needs a room full of globes because that's talent! I threw his name in the hat for driver of the year and Obama gave him the Medal of Honor and a distinguished service cross for his bravery in the line of duty! I commend you tryin gaydeways! You are a special man

11-05-2016, 12:53 AM
Yeah m. Harrison will get up on the wheel and drive the piss out of it. theres good videos of him racing wherever he fills he is the fastest at,, around the bottom, in the middle, up top.. nice guy to boot.. if Noone took the time to watch the link that was posted take a minute and go ck it out.. look for some where he has to start deep in the feild, he gets it done..

11-05-2016, 01:20 AM
Bubstr, I gotta admit admit your right when you say Scott will lose a race before he goes to the cushion and it drives me fukn crazy specifically Knoxville 2015. He was running maybe 3rd and in the hunt when the cushion came to life. He let 7-8 cars drive around him on the cushion and I was thinking wtf?? Does he think they are all gonna get flats.? I just hate Blackjack let the cat outa the bag by saying I don't get a bit excited over any post you idiots post. To me the man on the other side of the post is a toothless inbred who just discovers the Internet. Yes, when I'm bored I like to get the idiots rowed up and it's so easy. I have an 11 year old son with much thicker skin that the Bubstr, calverton, and the gayways on 4m. The fact is I love the sport and thanks to blackjackB4 I havnt missed many races lately. I traveled turning wrenches on a championship team and was never the top guy on the team and when it would appear I had the chief job the owner would hire someone smarter than I. You bunch of tools take me serious and that's what I get he kick out of. In fact, I'd bet a more than a few of you guys have seen me around and we get along just fine. If you can't get along with me you have major problems lol. Y'all need to loosen up ya bunch of rednecks, might earn some respect if you do. I'm a Bloomquist fan but would prefer the locals on a budget to win every race. Y'all love Pierce and JD so much that you will stoop so low to get fighting mad over it. That is my motivation to mentally break the weak lol. As long as we have the gayways, calverton said and bubstrs on planet earth I'm a happy man because atleast I know I have more common sense than a few lol. You tools are my entertainment during boredom. God bless redneck America

Son, you have not shown any of this so called common sense so far. Making these foolish posts, just for attention, does not show much common sense.

Are you saying you act differently when interacting in public? Here is a clue for you. This is public. I act the same here or in public. If someone needs called for ridicule or stiring the pot, I have no problem. Funny thing is most trolls lose their bravado, when they come from behind the keyboard. It's not that they don't know how to treat others, they just choose not to here. I'd like yo see you make a stupid statement like the one you started this thread with and say let the games begin and watch everyone exit you tailgate area before a race.The guys would be bailing on you like you didn't bathe for a year. Would that be, because they have thin skin? The fact is, your not going to purposely offend people at the track, but we can smell you here.

11-05-2016, 01:39 AM
Bubstr, you keep coming back for more. You don't have the discipline to walk away. Come on studders, you can do it. It's like you had the right word on the tip of your tongue and that hoobidly hooblah came out. You know I like getting the same 3 or 4 people redfaced and you keep coming back for another word. You constantly argue with someone and they are probably jerking your chain just like I do. Come on man, don't turn into a old fang or gayways. You never see me get fired up over an opinion, ever! No two people think alike so why do I care what you think? I don't know you and you don't know me so why in the world do I care what you think? The topic started with a laugh with Cody getting heckled by a hater and cost telling him what he though about he cushion and turned to this.. I threw the bait and the less educated took the bait. This is amusement for me my man. I read the good post, take in the information and fuk with the idiots the rest of the time. Every single time they come back for more. Nearly 4000 views in less than 48 hours. That tells me the same 4 people have viewed about 1000 times each just to get the last word. Seriously, what's not fun about that. My wife will see me laughing and say leave those poor people alone. You guys lower my blood pressure 40-50 points per day. Thank god for the schmos! Without you guys what would I do after I put my sons to bed? You guys forgot to mention Bloomquist ran like a fat lady tonight. I will leave that to fang and gayways. God bless all of you nut jobs!

11-05-2016, 01:43 AM
Bloomy effectively embarrassed all of dirt late model racing with THAT stalwart effort! LOL! NO HE JUST EMBARRASSED HIMSELF YOUR HATRED FOR DLM ARE SHOWING AGAIN

Bloomy represented dirt late model racing in the NASCAR truck race because he epitomizes success in the dirt late models. He's the highest profile driver in dirt late model racing and considered the best in that division. That race was live on national TV and bloomy was touted all night long by the announcers as a dirt ringer from dirt late model racing and he laid a monumental egg. No hatred there mr. imbecile, just fact.

You, on the other hand litey, embarrass yourself several times a day when you try to post something, but you're too stupid to understand why! LOL!

11-05-2016, 01:50 AM
Cirf, talking to him is like talking to a block wall. He thought a birdcage was something you bought at the pet store. I stopped replying to him months ago because no matter what you say has no affect on him. At least tubstr and gayways will fight back but litey just keeps rambling on.

11-05-2016, 02:06 AM
Cirf, talking to him is like talking to a block wall. He thought a birdcage was something you bought at the pet store. I stopped replying to him months ago because no matter what you say has no affect on him. At least tubstr and gayways will fight back but litey just keeps rambling on.Centeroff, you're absolutely correct. I should know better.

11-05-2016, 08:07 AM
Does gayways 325lber count as cushion or just alotta pushing? I will be the first to admit gayways is a top notch wheelman!! Any man that can ride that cushion without traction control and juiced tires needs a room full of globes because that's talent! I threw his name in the hat for driver of the year and Obama gave him the Medal of Honor and a distinguished service cross for his bravery in the line of duty! I commend you tryin gaydeways! You are a special man

Ok Pot Meet Kettle!! Phil you are one delusional dude man! I'm not sticking up for SS by any means because he is doing a good enough job of making you look foolish in this thread... But what i dont understand is where you get off on trying to call him out on the name calling and taunting when in fact you and your altered Ego have been calling him and his wife names all along!! I just don't get it Mr Do No Wrong And Mr Can't Be Wrong!! Big Fukn deal if JD Or Bobby Pierce Or Bloomquist as far as that goes Runs the fukn cushion or not? You and Ptown seem to be the ones that have a Boner for Bobby Pierce I mean come on now that is kinda scary for that young kid to be honest to have 2 old geezer's like you and Ptown Obsessed over him to this point of having him in your mouth on a daily Basis don't ya think? But then again your like Burger King you gotta have it your way... You have bloomquist in your mouth as well so your not prejudice by no means now are you?So stop trying to be what your calling everybody else on here which is a Keyboard Jockey and a Keyboard Bench Racer because you haven't wrenched on sh!t and if you have it was probably a 4cylinder front wheel drive class racecar......

11-05-2016, 09:11 AM
4 cyl would be to high of class for centeroff

11-05-2016, 01:06 PM
Bubstr, you keep coming back for more. You don't have the discipline to walk away. Come on studders, you can do it. It's like you had the right word on the tip of your tongue and that hoobidly hooblah came out. You know I like getting the same 3 or 4 people redfaced and you keep coming back for another word. You constantly argue with someone and they are probably jerking your chain just like I do. Come on man, don't turn into a old fang or gayways. You never see me get fired up over an opinion, ever! No two people think alike so why do I care what you think? I don't know you and you don't know me so why in the world do I care what you think? The topic started with a laugh with Cody getting heckled by a hater and cost telling him what he though about he cushion and turned to this.. I threw the bait and the less educated took the bait. This is amusement for me my man. I read the good post, take in the information and fuk with the idiots the rest of the time. Every single time they come back for more. Nearly 4000 views in less than 48 hours. That tells me the same 4 people have viewed about 1000 times each just to get the last word. Seriously, what's not fun about that. My wife will see me laughing and say leave those poor people alone. You guys lower my blood pressure 40-50 points per day. Thank god for the schmos! Without you guys what would I do after I put my sons to bed? You guys forgot to mention Bloomquist ran like a fat lady tonight. I will leave that to fang and gayways. God bless all of you nut jobs!

And who says, I'm not jerking your chain? You keep coming back. Maybe I do it, because you display weakness and a lack of knowledge that you think you have. Maybe just because you need enlightened. Glad you admit to just being a troll and jerking chains. That's a start. Now if you wouldn't do this kind of thing at the track and more than willing to do it here, doesn't that tell you that it is a sick kind of fun?

11-05-2016, 08:59 PM
Lets see what kinda BS JACKOFF posts this next time. Being the PIT LIZZARD that he is hes prolly buzy down in bloomers hauler getting his eshopogus streched.

11-06-2016, 12:42 AM
Nasty55, I like a man who keeps his family in his mind. Word is they called your mother nasty55 when she was working the corner of Jenkins and 55th. The only racing she did was from one car or cheap motel to the next. And for gayways, the only thing getting stretched is you know who's jaw socket and it sure ain't from you little man! The real question is who is the giver and taker between you two pole smokers? I heard gayways likes to take it but miss nasty your another story. Rumor is, you would break a dik in half so you could suck two of em but I don't know?? You know I backed you up because you don't seem manly enough to handle two so I said no way, he is the type guy more than likely one dik a day max. You should ease up on me nasty! I had your back!

11-06-2016, 01:50 AM
Centeroff is real classy

Highside Hustler25
11-06-2016, 06:51 AM
Nasty55, I like a man who keeps his family in his mind. Word is they called your mother nasty55 when she was working the corner of Jenkins and 55th. The only racing she did was from one car or cheap motel to the next. And for gayways, the only thing getting stretched is you know who's jaw socket and it sure ain't from you little man! The real question is who is the giver and taker between you two pole smokers? I heard gayways likes to take it but miss nasty your another story. Rumor is, you would break a dik in half so you could suck two of em but I don't know?? You know I backed you up because you don't seem manly enough to handle two so I said no way, he is the type guy more than likely one dik a day max. You should ease up on me nasty! I had your back!

This is what's wrong with this website. No way this type of slander should be allowed. I can't imagine this is what the sponsors of this site signed up for when they advertise on this site. Perversion, slander and vulgarity. Is this what 4m has gone to? Makes me sick.
You can brag on all you want about who's who, but when it comes down to the vulgarity and filthy language, I'm stepping aside. I can not believe the mods let this go on and on.

The #1 reason why most have abandoned this sight. Come on mods, how long do you let this guy drag down your website? I'm gone! To the 4m faithful, have fun. To some, see ya down the road at a dirt track soon.

11-06-2016, 07:00 AM
I totally agree

11-06-2016, 08:38 AM
Centeroff your a one of a kind my guy! Im done.

11-06-2016, 09:59 AM
HH and SS I'm not gonna let that arrogant Pr!ck bother me to much because we all know that he is like Pinocchio because everytime he open's his piehole his nose grow's an inch!! It must be really embarrassing walking around with a nose like that Phil.... I dont know wtf has happened to you man but your a total D!ckhead anymore and a Boldface LIAR! You claim you know so much about racing and claim to have wrenched on a super latemodel team.... Yeah Ok like i said in my last post the only thing you have wrenched on old man is a 4cylinder class front wheel drive racecar! You can talk about my mom and my wife all you choose to on here because i know for a fact that you wouldn't have the ball's to come at me face to face and say it sick or not because your to much of a coward! You only like Talking sh!t and Name calling.... Your nothing in the real world Buddy!! So keep on living in your fantasy world behind your keyboard while the real men are out living life to the fullest! Oh and Tu un pedazo inútil de mierda que no tiene nada mejor que hacer con su vida aparte de sentarse su gorda en su computadora comiendo Ding Dongs y cupcake mientras tomaba un poco de Bloomquist Jiz por lo que antes de decidirse a venir a mí de nuevo tu fuker fuffy viejo Usted puede ser que desee pensar hacia fuera su plan porque su nariz ha crecido hasta el punto de su tirón un litey y plano que hace frente en el pavimento !!

11-06-2016, 10:03 AM
And Now i'm Done as well... Have A Nice Time Playing With Litey On Here Because You Guy's Act Like Best Bud's And Brother's!

11-06-2016, 10:12 AM
I know some of us cut up and joke but this is ridiculous...gone

11-06-2016, 10:12 AM
This is what's wrong with this website. No way this type of slander should be allowed. I can't imagine this is what the sponsors of this site signed up for when they advertise on this site. Perversion, slander and vulgarity. Is this what 4m has gone to? Makes me sick.
You can brag on all you want about who's who, but when it comes down to the vulgarity and filthy language, I'm stepping aside. I can not believe the mods let this go on and on.

The #1 reason why most have abandoned this sight. Come on mods, how long do you let this guy drag down your website? I'm gone! To the 4m faithful, have fun. To some, see ya down the road at a dirt track soon.

And Now i'm Done as well... Have A Nice Time Playing With Litey On Here Because You Guy's Act Like Best Bud's And Brother's!

I really hate to see you 2 go because, I always respected what you had to say.

11-06-2016, 10:23 AM
I really hate to see you 2 go because, I always respected what you had to say.

Ty Kid i'll be around now and again but i'm done watching that tool ruin this place more and more everytime he gets on here with his blabbering mouth.... I know that i'm no choirboy myself and that i have had my fair share of run in's with some of the idiot's on here but my arguement's have alway's been with the one's who are trying to ruin this joint that we enjoy coming to daily...

11-06-2016, 10:46 AM
I really hate to see you 2 go because, I always respected what you had to say.Kid, I have to agree, Nasty is a level headed guy that I don't recall ever starting much BS. I hope you reconsider Nasty.

Litey needs to be gone and not let back here. He adds nothing to the conversation except stupidity. I've wasted way too much time answering his stupidity. Won't be doing that anymore.

Guys like Nasty, BBQB and chupp n bloomer fan will mix it up with you but don't start silly crap unless someone initiates the crap. I'd like to think that I do the same as those guys.

Nasty, we've always been cordial and respectful to each other and I consider you a friend. Once again, I personally wish you'd reconsider. This board is a better place with you being a part of it than without you.

11-06-2016, 10:53 AM
Nasty55, I like a man who keeps his family in his mind. Word is they called your mother nasty55 when she was working the corner of Jenkins and 55th. The only racing she did was from one car or cheap motel to the next. And for gayways, the only thing getting stretched is you know who's jaw socket and it sure ain't from you little man! The real question is who is the giver and taker between you two pole smokers? I heard gayways likes to take it but miss nasty your another story. Rumor is, you would break a dik in half so you could suck two of em but I don't know?? You know I backed you up because you don't seem manly enough to handle two so I said no way, he is the type guy more than likely one dik a day max. You should ease up on me nasty! I had your back!

You're the definition of white trash.

11-06-2016, 11:01 AM
I have not posted in quite a while, but do enjoy logging on for the humor. However, I would like to let everyone know about Centeroff. He is a well educated military veteran, who had quite the amateur boxing career! He loves to get on here and fire you guys up, because 99% can do nothing about it LOL. I am far from a Bloomquist fan, but some of you can't stand the fact that for the last 30 years he has been at the top of the heap, and Centeroff thrives on listening to people trying to dispute that. I hope everyone continues falling in the traps he sets and humors us all!! CHODE RACING 101 Is that suppose to impress someone? It is a shame if he saw action that he made it back when so many good men gave their lives. He wouldn't have been missed and his wife would have went right on humping someone new. If this idiot thrives as you say on messing with people he should run down to the VA and have his head checked out as he clearly has issues. I would also assume you mentioning him being a boxer was to imply what a tough guy he is. Real men dont put on padded gloves to fight...

11-06-2016, 11:27 AM
Litey needs to be gone and not let back here. He adds nothing to the conversation except stupidity. I've wasted way too much time answering his stupidity. Won't be doing that anymore.IF i PIZZ YOU OFF GREAT MIDGET BRAIN

11-06-2016, 11:53 AM
I have not posted in quite a while, but do enjoy logging on for the humor. However, I would like to let everyone know about Centeroff. He is a well educated military veteran, who had quite the amateur boxing career! He loves to get on here and fire you guys up, because 99% can do nothing about it LOL. I am far from a Bloomquist fan, but some of you can't stand the fact that for the last 30 years he has been at the top of the heap, and Centeroff thrives on listening to people trying to dispute that. I hope everyone continues falling in the traps he sets and humors us all!!


It looks like he remembered his other screen name guys.

11-06-2016, 11:58 AM
I really hate to see you 2 go because, I always respected what you had to say.

I think what they meant is there done w CENTEROFF and not 4m is way i took it.

11-06-2016, 01:07 PM
Ty Kid i'll be around now and again but i'm done watching that tool ruin this place more and more everytime he gets on here with his blabbering mouth.... I know that i'm no choirboy myself and that i have had my fair share of run in's with some of the idiot's on here but my arguement's have alway's been with the one's who are trying to ruin this joint that we enjoy coming to daily...

Kid, I have to agree, Nasty is a level headed guy that I don't recall ever starting much BS. I hope you reconsider Nasty.

Litey needs to be gone and not let back here. He adds nothing to the conversation except stupidity. I've wasted way too much time answering his stupidity. Won't be doing that anymore.

Guys like Nasty, BBQB and chupp n bloomer fan will mix it up with you but don't start silly crap unless someone initiates the crap. I'd like to think that I do the same as those guys.

Nasty, we've always been cordial and respectful to each other and I consider you a friend. Once again, I personally wish you'd reconsider. This board is a better place with you being a part of it than without you.

I think what they meant is there done w CENTEROFF and not 4m is way i took it.

Nasty, I understand, I will keep checking in and from time to time chime in.

CIRF, You and I don't always agree on everything but, we always respect one another and that's all you can ask.

Sliding Sideways, I think they both are going to limit their time on here is what I'm getting from what they posted.

11-06-2016, 01:34 PM
Nasty, I understand, I will keep checking in and from time to time chime in.

CIRF, You and I don't always agree on everything but, we always respect one another and that's all you can ask.

Sliding Sideways, I think they both are going to limit their time on here is what I'm getting from what they posted.

I appoligise to anyone that was discusted w my post but this cat said some nast chit.
Now ik i stir things up on 4m but i mean no harm and its all in good fun.
CENTEROFF is prolly checking this thread and looking at our post thinking i got these guy all fired up and pizzed off and this and that but the jokes truly on him. I saw what this guy was about many post ago but he continued on w me so i gave it back. This is my last post to him no matter what his comment is.