View Full Version : Something we need to teach our children.

11-14-2016, 08:04 AM
We need to change what we teach regarding civics in America. We are badly misleading our children into thinking this is a Democracy, which is one person, one vote and the majority wins.

When we have 2 elections in 16 years for the leader of this nation that the person who didn't get the most votes won, it's time to stop telling our kids this is a Democracy. No, it isn't. It is a power focussed electoral system and those in power get to use legislation to ensure they remain in power regardless of the majority's choice.

The Victory goes to whomever manages to shape the elections so that they win. I don't know if there is a word for that, but in our nation, it is what a very clever Republican party with lots of money has done. We are almost to a point where elections don't even matter any more with the way the Republicans stack the deck in their favor.

11-14-2016, 08:05 AM
read the news he did win both popular and electoral votes stacking the elections now that's funny coming from a democrat with their voter fraud

11-14-2016, 12:22 PM
We live in a Representative Republic. We vote Democratically for our Representatives (that's why each state has a different # of Representatives, but each State has 2 Senators each (and why we have 2 houses of Congress).

What needs to happen is CIVICS CLASS Actually be taught to our youth. That is what is missing. I learned all this in 8th grade. I have a daughter who is a Junior in High School, Civics Class isn't even required in Middle or High School (and may not even be available)....but then again, the "No Child Left Behind Act" made schools choose math and science over basic learning (and most kids still don't score high on the tests to get funding).

We lost track of BASICS that we should be teaching all our kids and instead have focused on something because another Country has better test scores than we do (forgetting that they don't test everyone, just the kids they have in specializes math and science courses).

11-14-2016, 12:32 PM
Hillary did as much to get trump elected as trump did himself...........just sayin.

They were both terrible choices IMO........one just less terrible than the other.

Had the dems put sanders on the ticket, Donald would not have stood a chance......IMO.

11-14-2016, 12:33 PM
We live in a Representative Republic. We vote Democratically for our Representatives (that's why each state has a different # of Representatives, but each State has 2 Senators each (and why we have 2 houses of Congress).

What needs to happen is CIVICS CLASS Actually be taught to our youth. That is what is missing. I learned all this in 8th grade. I have a daughter who is a Junior in High School, Civics Class isn't even required in Middle or High School (and may not even be available)....but then again, the "No Child Left Behind Act" made schools choose math and science over basic learning (and most kids still don't score high on the tests to get funding).

We lost track of BASICS that we should be teaching all our kids and instead have focused on something because another Country has better test scores than we do (forgetting that they don't test everyone, just the kids they have in specializes math and science courses).

Well said vande.......well said.

11-14-2016, 01:45 PM
I just love the whining and pining over the electoral college. tnie, in your not so subtle way you're whining but you left yourself some awkwardly placed plausible deniability by blathering about how we need to teach the kids about the lack of pure democracy without coming out and expressing your hatred for the electoral college.

All ya' have to do is start a nationwide movement to abandon the electoral college and elect the president based on popular vote. That way the urban inbred's that live within 100 miles of the coast's can elect the president every time. Jump on right on that tnie, get the ball rolling. It only takes a super majority of both houses of congress and the affirmative vote of the citizens of a minimum of 38 states to pass a constitutional amendment that would do away with the electoral college. LOL!!

It ain't gonna' happen, and it shouldn't happen. The founders got it right but when it don't go tnie's way the electoral college is bad. I'm gonna' go out on a limb and predict that tnie wouldn't be upset with the electoral college if his girl the rapist enabler and defender had won without winning the popular vote. LOL!

Just take a look at the county by county results. Not a whole lot of blue except for along both coasts and a smattering here and there in other places.. Should we allow the urban inbred's to rule these elections? I don't think so, tnie.


11-14-2016, 03:28 PM
I just love the whining and pining over the electoral college. tnie, in your not so subtle way you're whining but you left yourself some awkwardly placed plausible deniability by blathering about how we need to teach the kids about the lack of pure democracy without coming out and expressing your hatred for the electoral college.

All ya' have to do is start a nationwide movement to abandon the electoral college and elect the president based on popular vote. That way the urban inbred's that live within 100 miles of the coast's can elect the president every time. Jump on right on that tnie, get the ball rolling. It only takes a super majority of both houses of congress and the affirmative vote of the citizens of a minimum of 38 states to pass a constitutional amendment that would do away with the electoral college. LOL!!

It ain't gonna' happen, and it shouldn't happen. The founders got it right but when it don't go tnie's way the electoral college is bad. I'm gonna' go out on a limb and predict that tnie wouldn't be upset with the electoral college if his girl the rapist enabler and defender had won without winning the popular vote. LOL!

Just take a look at the county by county results. Not a whole lot of blue except for along both coasts and a smattering here and there in other places.. Should we allow the urban inbred's to rule these elections? I don't think so, tnie.


In simpler terms..........he's just a sore loser!

11-14-2016, 05:21 PM
Whine, cry, safe spaces?? This is beyond pathetic. Colleges suck. They are destroying the fabric of our youthful society. Colleges having cry ins. Good Grief, what a bunch of losers.

11-14-2016, 05:24 PM
We need to change what we teach regarding civics in America. We are badly misleading our children into thinking this is a Democracy, which is one person, one vote and the majority wins.

When we have 2 elections in 16 years for the leader of this nation that the person who didn't get the most votes won, it's time to stop telling our kids this is a Democracy. No, it isn't. It is a power focussed electoral system and those in power get to use legislation to ensure they remain in power regardless of the majority's choice.

The Victory goes to whomever manages to shape the elections so that they win. I don't know if there is a word for that, but in our nation, it is what a very clever Republican party with lots of money has done. We are almost to a point where elections don't even matter any more with the way the Republicans stack the deck in their favor.

Your pathetic. I thought you would man up, but I guess I was wrong. there are RULES to elections SON. Just because your side didn't win, that is no reason weep and sob. GOOD GRIEF

11-14-2016, 07:28 PM
We need to change what we teach regarding civics in America. We are badly misleading our children into thinking this is a Democracy, which is one person, one vote and the majority wins.

When we have 2 elections in 16 years for the leader of this nation that the person who didn't get the most votes won, it's time to stop telling our kids this is a Democracy. No, it isn't. It is a power focussed electoral system and those in power get to use legislation to ensure they remain in power regardless of the majority's choice.

The Victory goes to whomever manages to shape the elections so that they win. I don't know if there is a word for that, but in our nation, it is what a very clever Republican party with lots of money has done. We are almost to a point where elections don't even matter any more with the way the Republicans stack the deck in their favor.

Come on, enough with the sour grapes...she lost fair and square and she has no one to blame but herself... she had the private server and she screwed up the Bengasi deal and she is the one that lied about everything.... us regular Americans just had enough... no clear thinking individual should have ever voted for her and her criminal ways which will be borne out at a later date... you didn't have to vote for Trump, but you never should have voted for the criminal... and that will be all I say about that....

11-14-2016, 07:32 PM
I have a feeling that teany is on Soros' payroll!

11-14-2016, 08:47 PM
We need to change what we teach regarding civics in America. We are badly misleading our children into thinking this is a Democracy, which is one person, one vote and the majority wins.When we have 2 elections in 16 years for the leader of this nation that the person who didn't get the most votes won, it's time to stop telling our kids this is a Democracy. No, it isn't. It is a power focussed electoral system and those in power get to use legislation to ensure they remain in power regardless of the majority's choice.The Victory goes to whomever manages to shape the elections so that they win. I don't know if there is a word for that, but in our nation, it is what a very clever Republican party with lots of money has done. We are almost to a point where elections don't even matter any more with the way the Republicans stack the deck in their favor.We need to teach our children how to lose and be ok with it instead of pitching a fit and making an a$$ out of themselves

11-15-2016, 12:32 AM
This map just shows that all the voter/election fraud took place in the cities!


11-15-2016, 05:32 AM
He's a sore loser? Coming from a group that have been complaining about the president for the last 8 years. Now that's funny!

11-15-2016, 06:27 AM
we have a right to complain obummer hates this country and what it stands for,and some people on this board need to listen to Mark Levin

11-15-2016, 08:14 AM
He's a sore loser? Coming from a group that have been complaining about the president for the last 8 years. Now that's funny!

Yes, that's right, we've complained. However, note, we didn't riot in the streets, cry, whine and miss work, classes and any other responsibility we could think of because we were so distraught. We didn't say we were going to kill ourselves..... we didn't wonder what we would "tell our children". We didn't have to play with Playdough and hug puppies.

We simply stated we didn't think Obama is the President he claimed he would be.... and he's not.

Let's talk about that ss12. Can you say he's united the country? Has he calmed race relations? Has he "ended wars"? Has his policies grown the economy? How are our relations with other countries? How's ISIS doing? (oh yeah, they didn't exist before Obama) How's that great Obamacare working out? Did people get to keep their dr.? Keep their plan? Are they saving money? How about the welfare state? More people dependent on government? (you bet your a$$)

So tell me something good Obama has done....

11-15-2016, 01:26 PM
Maybe we should give both candidates a trophy and call it a draw. We have been teaching our kids for to long that everyone is treated equal and there are no winners and losers. It's time these kids, and their parents learn that they can't always have their way.

11-15-2016, 06:17 PM
Yes, that's right, we've complained. However, note, we didn't riot in the streets, cry, whine and miss work, classes and any other responsibility we could think of because we were so distraught. We didn't say we were going to kill ourselves..... we didn't wonder what we would "tell our children". We didn't have to play with Playdough and hug puppies.

We simply stated we didn't think Obama is the President he claimed he would be.... and he's not.

Let's talk about that ss12. Can you say he's united the country? Has he calmed race relations? Has he "ended wars"? Has his policies grown the economy? How are our relations with other countries? How's ISIS doing? (oh yeah, they didn't exist before Obama) How's that great Obamacare working out? Did people get to keep their dr.? Keep their plan? Are they saving money? How about the welfare state? More people dependent on government? (you bet your a$$)

So tell me something good Obama has done....

Do you really think Trump is going to unite this country? As far as the economy goes I guess you forgot the mess that the former republican president left Obama. Are relationship with other countries I would say it is probably better than it was with the former president. So what changes is Trump going to do with the (republican idea) called the affordable health care act? Is it still going to be a law that makes it a mandate that everybody has health care? If he doesn't get rid of the mandate then nothing really changes. Its already went from repeal to making changes. The old bait and hook works every time. Is he going to prosecute Hillary Clinton? I'm not a Obama fan by the way but what he had to work with(the reject Republican party) I think he done a decent job.

11-15-2016, 06:30 PM
and Trump is not Busch , he is not even in office ss12 give him a break , income taxes will be dropping you gotta like that corp tax is dropping which will bring more jobs back and also lowers prices imagine that and TRUMP has both senate and reps on his side ,OBAMA is and was a dangerous man

11-15-2016, 06:33 PM
We need to change what we teach regarding civics in America. We are badly misleading our children into thinking this is a Democracy, which is one person, one vote and the majority wins.

When we have 2 elections in 16 years for the leader of this nation that the person who didn't get the most votes won, it's time to stop telling our kids this is a Democracy. No, it isn't. It is a power focussed electoral system and those in power get to use legislation to ensure they remain in power regardless of the majority's choice.

The Victory goes to whomever manages to shape the elections so that they win. I don't know if there is a word for that, but in our nation, it is what a very clever Republican party with lots of money has done. We are almost to a point where elections don't even matter any more with the way the Republicans stack the deck in their favor.

Sorry but all remaining credibility you had left to make your far left liberal rants is all over now. You make this rediculous thread and you can obviously see by the map on here and the millions of illegals who voted illegally by a rogue president who told them to vote so that they can become citizens, that the Democrat party lost big time.

Pretend and pout all you wish on here and show us how you people think. You are a prime example of what people voted to get rid of. The nation could actually get back on it's feet again if your mindset is finally beaten in this country.

It's been a whole week and you are still not accepting the truth and reality. You lost you lost you lost. Get it Mr. Whacko, you lost!!!?

11-15-2016, 06:37 PM
He's a sore loser? Coming from a group that have been complaining about the president for the last 8 years. Now that's funny!

We didn't want Communism. We had good reason, What do you have? Move out and find a better place, and quit trying to destroy the American Dream that millions have fought to preserve. We don't want people trying to destroy this. That's what YOU want.

11-15-2016, 06:38 PM
and the constitution is not being changed

11-15-2016, 06:39 PM
we have a right to complain obummer hates this country and what it stands for,and some people on this board need to listen to Mark Levin

Levin would chew these two knitwits up and tear them a new one. And it would be well deserved.

11-15-2016, 06:41 PM
just like he would Rahm Emanuel

11-15-2016, 07:36 PM
just like he would Rahm Emanuel

Trumps gonna have a nice surprise for him! What a jerk!

11-15-2016, 07:46 PM
you got that right same with ny mayor and la mayor

11-15-2016, 08:15 PM
Mark Levin is the best. I wouldn't want to debate this guy!!!!

11-15-2016, 08:29 PM
I'd like to see Levin debate obama or hildebeast

11-15-2016, 11:00 PM
they need to get a life and suck it up the American people went and voted not much to choose from either side but Hillary been there 30 years and nothing but lies and the vote shows that Hillary was very strong in 2 states but not enough to win this is the fifth time the loser with the popular vote loses but does not have enough votes to carry the other states that was lost to the Electoral College sorry for your loss election over suck it up and get a life. God Bless Trump.

11-16-2016, 05:37 AM
One of my co-workers had a binder clip with a straw running through it on her blouse. She asked me if I knew what it represented? I reply no. She indicated all of the liberal were wearing safety pins and all of the conservative are wearing these. She indicated this represented that it was time for all of you liberals to suck it up. I busted out laughing. I thought that was pretty good on her part.

11-16-2016, 05:54 AM
We didn't want Communism. We had good reason, What do you have? Move out and find a better place, and quit trying to destroy the American Dream that millions have fought to preserve. We don't want people trying to destroy this. That's what YOU want.
Clayton here's your guy.


11-16-2016, 06:27 AM
how many of these cabinet members are truly on the up and up lol http://cabinet-members.insidegov.com/d/a/Barack-Obama

11-16-2016, 07:12 AM
clayton here's your guy.


wouldn't expect anything more from a never trump guy and sore loser like beck !!!! He's been proven wrong so many times.......................... Why just 2 weeks ago he was dismayed that trump won the election !!! He has gone so far left lately that he himself said he was part of the problem in america but continues to spew the same redderick...................................... Just another sore loser
with an apparent axe to grind !!!!!!!

11-16-2016, 07:29 AM
yes ole Beck has jumped off the bridge

11-16-2016, 07:33 AM
Simple question. What do kids in America, what was I and anyone else taught in schools? What do we commonly hear our politicians say? "In a democracy........." "This is a democracy" etc. You guys even constantly proclaim that your views represent the majority.

The numbers don't bear that out. The numbers make all those claims a lie. At best, we are divided down the middle. At worst, we lean toward Democratic policies and thinking but structurally (districts, constituencies, etc) we end up with what the majority really don't want.

The facts don't lie. There is a good reason there is an electoral college, and it is because the rural folks who live miles apart in great swathes of rocks, sand or fields and woods would be left out of it altogether. I understand this better than probably most of you. But that doesn't mean the rural folks should be stomping out the voices of the majority who don't live somewhere south of a bean field, over the river and just past the crick.

The electoral college is fine, provided the districts are not gerrymandered to rig the results and eliminate any chance the majority gets the nod. You guys think this is great because its great for your side right now. Take your victory laps, crow all you want, but what are you going to be saying when all those gerrymandered districts turn on your guy and vote the opposite in?

Kind of funny, but while I do not agree with it, at least I can see the potential damage it could do to Republicans in the future and hand the keys over to the Dems completely. In my lifetime. All we need is one more good, solid financial meltdown at the hands of the current crop of money grubbers in office (everything is controlled by Republicans now) and you will see a revolt like you have never seen before and all those solid Republican districts will be carrying the Democrats into total control of everything.

Be careful what you wish for. Just because you win today does not guarantee the victory is yours forever. This is just one election and your guys have 4 years to deliver. We'll see where all this goes.

11-16-2016, 08:02 AM
And districtare gerrymandered i found out when i voted i could vote next dorr to my house oh heck had to miles down the road lady next to me had to go even farther and i voted in pretty solid democratic district

11-16-2016, 08:33 AM
Newsflash Fred. Republicans drew up the districts your state. So if you didn't like your district, thank the Republicans who drew it up. lol

11-16-2016, 08:44 AM
Simple question. What do kids in America, what was I and anyone else taught in schools? What do we commonly hear our politicians say? "In a democracy........." "This is a democracy" etc. You guys even constantly proclaim that your views represent the majority.

The numbers don't bear that out. The numbers make all those claims a lie. At best, we are divided down the middle. At worst, we lean toward Democratic policies and thinking but structurally (districts, constituencies, etc) we end up with what the majority really don't want.

The facts don't lie. There is a good reason there is an electoral college, and it is because the rural folks who live miles apart in great swathes of rocks, sand or fields and woods would be left out of it altogether. I understand this better than probably most of you. But that doesn't mean the rural folks should be stomping out the voices of the majority who don't live somewhere south of a bean field, over the river and just past the crick.

The electoral college is fine, provided the districts are not gerrymandered to rig the results and eliminate any chance the majority gets the nod. You guys think this is great because its great for your side right now. Take your victory laps, crow all you want, but what are you going to be saying when all those gerrymandered districts turn on your guy and vote the opposite in?

Kind of funny, but while I do not agree with it, at least I can see the potential damage it could do to Republicans in the future and hand the keys over to the Dems completely. In my lifetime. All we need is one more good, solid financial meltdown at the hands of the current crop of money grubbers in office (everything is controlled by Republicans now) and you will see a revolt like you have never seen before and all those solid Republican districts will be carrying the Democrats into total control of everything.

Be careful what you wish for. Just because you win today does not guarantee the victory is yours forever. This is just one election and your guys have 4 years to deliver. We'll see where all this goes.

Holy smokes. That's the longest and shrillest sore loser dissertation in the history of 4M!! LOL! You really are bitter to the bone. And you're hatred for the rural population of this country is palpable. Nothing less would be expected from a dyed in the wool far lefty.

Better get started on that movement to get the constitution changed to accommodate your urban disdain for the electoral college. All you need is a super majority from both the US House and US Senate and an affirmative vote of the citizens of 38 states to get it done. Better get started, time's a wastin'! LOL!!

5 presidents have been elected without winning the popular vote. John Q. Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Benjamin Harrison, George W. Bush and Donald J. Trump. That is a full 10% of all the presidents ever elected. So don't make out like this is a horrible anomaly that is never supposed to happen. The electoral college is brilliant beyond what most folks comprehend. Those who find it incomprehensible without fail support the losing candidate.

Suck it up tnie, your president is Donald J. Trump for the next 4 years. Are you gonna' protest and be bitter the whole time? I sure hope so!! LOL!!

11-16-2016, 08:49 AM
Not bitter at all. I am praying he is successful. It's amusing reading how you guys reinterpret what I say and put your own message into my words.

I agree on the electoral college. I do not think it should be done away with. But I would say this: be careful how you behave when it works in your favor. Because it isn't going to take much for all those dyed in the wool Republican Trump supporters to turn on him in an instant if this nation goes to crap under his Presidency.

I think calls to remove the electoral college are knee jerk, populist reactions. I say let President Trump succeed or fail and let the voters decide using the same system that elected him to destroy him.

11-16-2016, 09:35 AM
Not bitter at all. I am praying he is successful. It's amusing reading how you guys reinterpret what I say and put your own message into my words.

I agree on the electoral college. I do not think it should be done away with. But I would say this: be careful how you behave when it works in your favor.Your attempts to mask your bitterness are equally amusing.

I promise you I wouldn't behave a bit different if the rapist enabler & defender had won without the most popular votes in regards to the electoral college. Not even a little bit. As I said, the electoral college is brilliant no matter who wins or loses.

11-16-2016, 09:55 AM
So you would be jeering, mocking and hateful toward those you disagree with, put words in the mouths of people you disagree with, and place your own message in their statements no matter who won?

I can believe that.

11-16-2016, 01:30 PM
Do you really think Trump is going to unite this country? As far as the economy goes I guess you forgot the mess that the former republican president left Obama. Are relationship with other countries I would say it is probably better than it was with the former president. So what changes is Trump going to do with the (republican idea) called the affordable health care act? Is it still going to be a law that makes it a mandate that everybody has health care? If he doesn't get rid of the mandate then nothing really changes. Its already went from repeal to making changes. The old bait and hook works every time. Is he going to prosecute Hillary Clinton? I'm not a Obama fan by the way but what he had to work with(the reject Republican party) I think he done a decent job.

I also remember the far greater mess that Carter left for Reagan. People like you had zero faith in Reagan as President then either. He was maligned as "dumb", "out of touch" and was ridiculed because he came from an acting career into politics. Sound familiar??? Reagan took a far greater mess than Obama inherited and turned it around to a thriving economy in two years.

I don't pretend to know if Trump can or will do the same, but I do know you (and your ilk) have been saying Trump won't/can't do this or that for over a year now and he's proven you wrong EVERY time. So, I'll take my chances with him.

11-16-2016, 03:15 PM
So you would be jeering, mocking and hateful toward those you disagree with, put words in the mouths of people you disagree with, and place your own message in their statements no matter who won?

I can believe that.

If you have children, I prey that you try to let them learn on their own, instead of being ruined with your liberalism. Please don't ruin their minds too.

11-16-2016, 05:00 PM
If you have children, I prey that you try to let them learn on their own, instead of being ruined with your liberalism. Please don't ruin their minds too.

That's probly some of his kids doing the protesting!

Its so sad our generation has raised those spoiled little brats!

11-16-2016, 10:02 PM
So you would be jeering, mocking and hateful toward those you disagree with, put words in the mouths of people you disagree with, and place your own message in their statements no matter who won?

I can believe that.


You're beginning to sound like litey! LOL!!

11-16-2016, 10:18 PM
Hey bite your tongue me no libatard

11-17-2016, 03:55 PM
Not bitter at all. I am praying he is successful. It's amusing reading how you guys reinterpret what I say and put your own message into my words.

I agree on the electoral college. I do not think it should be done away with. But I would say this: be careful how you behave when it works in your favor. Because it isn't going to take much for all those dyed in the wool Republican Trump supporters to turn on him in an instant if this nation goes to crap under his Presidency.

I think calls to remove the electoral college are knee jerk, populist reactions. I say let President Trump succeed or fail and let the voters decide using the same system that elected him to destroy him.

In other words you wish he would fail because he is not a Democrat? And Conservative values are not to your liking.