View Full Version : Dirt Late Model Game.... What if????

11-29-2016, 01:28 AM
What if we the fans petitioned Mr. Tony Stewart to get involved in backing a Late Model game for console? As much as he cares about the sport he may be interested in doing so. What does everyone think?

11-29-2016, 01:49 AM
I'm looking forward to iracing release

11-29-2016, 07:32 AM
Sure would be cool to have one for playstation.

11-29-2016, 04:10 PM
They tried it but couldnt get any publisher support and tried go fund me and it failed.Its a shame would be nice to have a console game.

11-29-2016, 04:28 PM
Big Ant tried earlier this year to raise $266,000 via Kickstarter as dangerdann pointed out, but did not get to even $100,000 in donations. Game was supposed to have Late Models, Sprints, Midgets, and Street Stock.For now iRacing and R Factor on PC are the only ways to get your dirt fix.Or pull out the PS2 and pop in Saturday Night Speedway or the Sprint Car game back from 2002. Yikes.Dang Millennials and their First Person Shooters. The demand for realistic simulation type racing games, is just not very high.

11-30-2016, 02:08 AM
For you android users https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bennettracingsimulations.dirttracki n

They also have a i phone version but I am not a i phone user so you'll just have to search for it.

Not the most technical game but graphics are good and the game is challenging

11-30-2016, 06:28 PM
Yea I have the dirt trackin app berrystrawz. It is pretty darn good for a phone app, but I have always dreamed of a legit dirt game for Playstation/XBOX. Wish Ole Smoke would help us out!!!! Lol

11-30-2016, 06:44 PM
Does anyone play Gran Turismo 6 on the PS3? You can do online racing against others around the world.

The tracks are blacktop but the graphics are super and it is also very realistic. One track is actually about a sixteen mile long road course. Well worth checking into.

I play it quite a bit.

11-30-2016, 08:26 PM
Work-in-progress soundtrack.



11-30-2016, 09:05 PM
PennDirt there we go! Already got a early start on the soundtrack!!!

11-30-2016, 09:18 PM
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/HelpSmoke Online petition to sign to seek Smokes help!!! Sign and share on social media!!!

12-01-2016, 05:44 PM
i just wash the dam wall didnt eat you and the ai cars didnt take you out on purpose in Dirt Trackin

12-02-2016, 07:49 PM
http://www.isrtv.com/iracing/dirt-images/ gallery at bottom of page

12-03-2016, 07:34 AM
If a realistic DLM sim/game is what you are after, iRacing is what you will want. You will not get the level of detail and realism from any console. iRacing also offers competition world wide against real people, no fake AI. They work with real teams gathering ridiculous information about vehicles and other variables that aren't even considered in a console. Expect to see many real world drivers checking it out and some younger guys and gals participating in races.

I know console racing is convenient, but for those who want to realize a dream they could probably never afford at a price comparable to one night of simply spectating a race, online sim racing on the PC is where its at. Not only do you get the chance to appreciate what real world drivers are up against, you also have the opportunity to actually race against them! I doubt you will see another console title that will be worth spending any time on.

I would seriously research iRacing and what they are about to bring to the racing world with the introduction of dirt. Expect to see more iRacing stuff around many local tracks. Anyone notice the iRacing sign along the backstretch at Eldora that was put up last year?? You'll also eventually be able to check it out in person wherever the traveling sim companies setup at tracks. That might take a while for them to get on board but I think they will sooner than later!

12-03-2016, 11:24 PM
Iracing helped ty majeski make the big leap to the show as well. I got iracing this summer for dirt release. The asphalt stuff seem very realistic but a bit boring. Can't wait to throw it sideways at the big E!

12-03-2016, 11:45 PM
well GL bro