View Full Version : Billy Moyer reflects on legendary career

Returning to Dirt
11-30-2016, 10:34 AM

Moyer talks about racing in east Tennessee and other topics

11-30-2016, 02:40 PM
Was weird to see him listed as a regional racer on dirt on dirts article.....

12-05-2016, 10:38 AM
I remember talking to him after a SN race at Tri city. They were having an open practice after the race and was standing by the fence on the back straight watching 2 modifieds doing laps. He was waiting for the hauler to get loaded and said he was just watching the practice cars seeing if he could learn anything.He finished 2nd that night and you could tell it was eating at him a little bit. I realized at that point why this guy is where is he today in this sport.

12-05-2016, 11:05 AM
Good article, I expect we will Billy around for a quite a bit longer.

12-05-2016, 11:12 AM
Moyer was an even tempered guy but I did see him get pretty animated in the racecar just a couple of times. First time was at the old, long since gone, Santa Fe Speedway in Hinsdale, Illinois. I believe it was a USAC race. IIRC Kevin Gundaker had led most of the A-main but Billy had worked his way to 2nd in the waning laps. After taking the white flag Moyer made a move to the inside of Gundaker and Kevin chopped down across the nose of Moyer and Billy almost spun. Moyer lost all momentum and Kevin went on to win. Billy finished 2nd but was pretty hot during the cool down lap and bumped Gundaker first in the back then pulled up alongside and side bumped him a couple of times. USAC always has had the post race podium deal for the top 3 finishers in front of the grandstands and Billy was having none of that. He stormed down the front stretch and flew threw the pit gate.

The other time was at either a SN race or the PDC at FALS. Billy had a bit of a dust up with Snooky Dehm in a heat race and it got somewhat animated and physical on the cool down lap between those two.

Both incident's were completely out of character for Moyer. As quiet and unflappable as Billy normally was he still had that nasty streak, it just didn't surface too often.

I was never a huge Moyer fan but I really liked his style and one had to concede that he was as good in the modern generic late models as anyone who ever drove one. A multi time FALS late model track champion told me once without hesitation that Billy Moyer was the best he ever raced against and this guy mixed it up with the likes of Purvis, bloomy, Larry Moore, Chargin' Charlie Swartz, Buck Simmons and the Flintstone Flyer along with all the rest of Moyer's era.

Iowa can certainly be proud of their native son!

Good luck and good health to Mr. Moyer in whatever he decides to do with his post driver days.

12-05-2016, 11:40 PM
I agree...