View Full Version : 2017 UMP rules out

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01-18-2017, 06:49 PM
Tires, They did it again if you have sipes in tires when the season starts there no good. They didn't even give us time to use up some new tires with sipes from last year. This is the way I took the rules as they are written

01-19-2017, 06:05 AM
same way has i read them also

01-19-2017, 10:41 AM
Where did you see them at? I can't find them.

01-20-2017, 06:10 AM
mine was emailed from ump but should be on their website

01-20-2017, 08:48 AM
Hell they don't enforce them anyway...

01-21-2017, 07:16 AM
THey are on the website www.dirtcar.com I just looked at them.

01-21-2017, 11:48 AM
before Feb no way.

top row
01-23-2017, 10:21 PM
Have been told by e-mail we have been given time too use old tires up. I guess they even corrected a new rule before Feburary its good to have a chance to use up old tires.

01-24-2017, 06:49 AM
i'm curious how the new tire will work compared to old. The only thing different is tread design I guess not sure if there are advantages to using the old style for the longest possible or not.

01-26-2017, 06:40 PM
You can use older tires (A40s, H) as long as you want to. But after march 1st the old tread pattern will not be available from what I was told. As to which is better, I was told from Hoosier that the new tread pattern will be a lot better from the testing they did. But it will be up to getting the new tire out on all the different tracks and surfaces before we can decide whether or not it's good or bad, but I do know you can't sipe the new M30 but you can sipe the M60. And in my opinion new fresh rubber will be better then the tires we have either sitting or ones that have been laying around all fall and winter at Hoosier.

02-02-2017, 07:08 AM
I've heard AMRA is requiring fire suppression, is UMP doing the same

02-03-2017, 08:53 AM
the new tire is supposed very similar to the A S and H compound. The bigger tread pattern is supposed to hold more horsepower

02-03-2017, 03:12 PM
the new tire is supposed very similar to the A S and H compound. The bigger tread pattern is supposed to hold more horsepower wow not sure that able to hook more is a good thing in UMP.