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View Full Version : Tire Prep and Tire Prep Machines?

02-13-2017, 06:34 PM
Got a couple of questions. I'm debating buying a tire prep machine. I'm pretty much by myself so tire prep after work can pretty much take up all my time Monday-Wednesday and then put the car, tools, equipment, etc in the trailer on Thursday then race Friday Saturday, clean up on Sunday then repeat. So here's my questions:

1) What's everyone's thoughts on the machine from Keyser and the new machine I see out there from Love Tap Fab called Tire Demon. I can not find any reviews or youtube videos of these things in action on a late model. For $2000 loaded basically I'd kinda like to go off something other than Keyser's sales pitch at PRI

2) Why does every machine pretty much make you buy a needler. I've raced 10+ years and haven't even seen someone needle a tire. What am I missing?

3) At what point do you consider a tire junk (UMP LM tires mainly)? I'm not buy new tires every night guy. Is there a way to go off of durometer or Thread depth and know when its garbage? Yes I realize there's other factors that may be involved buy I'm wondering if there is a "yes its junk" way of knowing its actually junk.

So that being said. I don't want to make my own machine. I want to be able to get tires prep'd faster so I can do other things like work on the chassis and what not. Since I'm by myself I need Work smarter not harder if you know what I mean.

02-13-2017, 11:41 PM
I know nothing about either as I don't have a tire prep machine, but am in the same boat as you (the one and only). What I wanted to add is that based on your asking about UMP tires, just be mindful that it looks like they're headed towards a no cut/no sipe rule, at least based on the incremental changes posted for this year (RR to start). Your money may be better spent somewhere else.

02-15-2017, 06:31 PM
So does anyone want to help me out with At what point do you consider a tire junk (UMP LM tires mainly)? I'm not buy new tires every night guy. Is there a way to go off of durometer or Thread depth and know when its garbage? Yes I realize there's other factors that may be involved buy I'm wondering if there is a "yes its junk" way of knowing its actually junk.

02-15-2017, 08:27 PM
There are so many variables I don't think anybody can give you a solid answer.I'm starting a log book for each tire this year because we race on wrs-2 and lm40 and will use them for several races.For the most part I sipe the tire half depth and when the sipes are worn off I go to a new tire.Any time a tire sees a lot of heat I remove it.i have practiced with well used tires,Swaped to new tires that had never been ground but siped and the car was slower for the first 2 or 3 laps