View Full Version : LODLMS Restart and Cone Rules

In The Gas
02-20-2017, 02:27 PM
At East Bay Friday night after a yellow Bloomquist was in the lead. On the restart he went completely below the cone. Does Lucus have rules on this and if so why was Bloomquist not penalized for going below the cone?

02-20-2017, 02:33 PM
At East Bay Friday night after a yellow Bloomquist was in the lead. On the restart he went completely below the cone. Does Lucus have rules on this and if so why was Bloomquist not penalized for going below the cone?

Lucas makes up there rules and penaltys as they desire

02-20-2017, 03:03 PM
At East Bay Friday night after a yellow Bloomquist was in the lead. On the restart he went completely below the cone. Does Lucus have rules on this and if so why was Bloomquist not penalized for going below the cone?

Because he was in the gas . Plus hes the leader he can go where wants to go .
Hes Bloomquist . Go bloomer .

02-20-2017, 03:59 PM
They had the cone out in the very middle of the track. When the green light came on, crap they all turned and went below the cone except for 2 cars. If you penalize 1 you must penalize them all. The next restart they put the cone on the bottom of the track where it belonged the 1st time. The cone was out there far enough that 2 cars side by side could have went under it. Was kind of stupid to put it out that far anyway. I could see 5ft out there but not 25ft out on the track. SMDH

Yep....Lucas officials apologized to the racers over their Raceceiver! The official thought it was a single file restart.

Josh Bayko
02-20-2017, 04:02 PM
Typically, come rules just state you can't make any passes until after the cone.

02-21-2017, 12:04 AM
Typically, come rules just state you can't make any passes until after the cone.

They also say that if you pass inside the cone or hit the cone that you are to be penalized. With that being said, in this case the cone official made an error.

chupp n bloomer fan
02-21-2017, 04:23 AM
Lucas makes up there rules and penaltys as they desire

They had the cone out in the very middle of the track. When the green light came on, crap they all turned and went below the cone except for 2 cars. If you penalize 1 you must penalize them all. The next restart they put the cone on the bottom of the track where it belonged the 1st time. The cone was out there far enough that 2 cars side by side could have went under it. Was kind of stupid to put it out that far anyway. I could see 5ft out there but not 25ft out on the track. SMDH

At East Bay Friday night after a yellow Bloomquist was in the lead. On the restart he went completely below the cone. Does Lucus have rules on this and if so why was Bloomquist not penalized for going below the cone?So almost everyone went below the cone, but Bloomer is the only one who should be penalized, and it was yet another conspiracy to help him out. When he retires wtf are you guys going to analyze? His bowel movements, whether he is taking his medication, because you're going to be lost without him.

They fuked up, and they fixed it, end of story. And tell the whole story, not just the part that fits what point it is you are trying to make. 4m/politicians/some news people.

None of this is directed at you sim, thanks for the actual real facts.

02-21-2017, 07:02 AM
They had the cone out in the very middle of the track. When the green light came on, crap they all turned and went below the cone except for 2 cars. If you penalize 1 you must penalize them all. The next restart they put the cone on the bottom of the track where it belonged the 1st time. The cone was out there far enough that 2 cars side by side could have went under it. Was kind of stupid to put it out that far anyway. I could see 5ft out there but not 25ft out on the track. SMDH

Lol (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) Lucas rookies.. single file line up seen lot tracks put cone 25 feet on back straight away. Which I never have care for, leader alway bundle everyone up. But for double file line up never seen cone that high. I would have drove under it not get pinched up. That could of turn out really ugly if they tried stay outside of the cone. How you been?

chupp n bloomer fan
02-21-2017, 10:29 AM
Thanks for asking Kwd. I'm still the same short, fat, redneck as$hole I've always been. My ticker hasnt stopped yet. A few more of these moronic threads may finish me off though. lol... I am still working but I can't push it hard at all because my chest goes to hurting. The Dr told me not to work so hard so I have backed off. I'm doing all I can to keep from away from bypass surgery. Its all good. I'm just ready to start racing. We'll be ready soon enough. Hopefully when we start Clay won't have to dodge any cones in the middle of the track. lol

C&B its all good. You just said all that before I had a chance too. Funny how its always a conspiracy. lolThanks.

Yes it is lol. Tin Foil hats galore. I like your posts, and glad you shed some light on the latest conspiracy;).

02-21-2017, 04:46 PM

Yes it is lol. Tin Foil hats galore. I like your posts, and glad you shed some light on the latest conspiracy;).

LOL.....its usually the Cape Crusader fans crying and whining the loudest! smh

chupp n bloomer fan
02-21-2017, 05:14 PM
Lucas makes up there rules and penaltys as they desire

LOL.....its usually the Cape Crusader fans crying and whining the loudest! smhYep. You betcha.