View Full Version : Tennessee tracks vow to uphold each other's fighting suspensions

Returning to Dirt
03-09-2017, 05:05 AM

5 tracks in east Tennessee vow to uphold each other's suspensions for fighting

03-09-2017, 09:14 AM
Good idea...get rid of the goons.

03-09-2017, 04:08 PM
we rarely have a problem down here, but if those 5 tracks are having a big problem with it , then maybe it will help.

03-09-2017, 04:56 PM
I'll be the devils advocate here and post this scenario:

To start with, I will say that my family isn't exactly saints, and we have had our fair share of suspensions., so I know how some of these things get started.

What happen is a driver is leading points at track A.

During a rainout, he heads over to track B, and get's into a scrape up on the track. This guy is always a clean driver, and if he wrecked someone, it was purely an accident.

The driver he tangles with doesn't know much about him, so he comes over to his pit and takes a swing. The guy doesn't put up with it and fights back.

Now this guy is suspended because a guy came to HIS pit box and started a fight. I know this happens, because it has happened to us.

He just lost points over one clown, and I assure you he will never return to the track that suspended.

03-09-2017, 05:02 PM
I don't understand these low brow mouth breathers that think they need to settle things with fists instead of just outracing the other guy.

03-09-2017, 06:54 PM
Fighting at the track is nothing new. The old saying was, "The only place you can fight at this track, is in front of the grandstands". I believe Earl said that first. It can create interest, and usually does. The bad part and the part that these tracks that think they are the judicial system and impose penalties is, they did not have a judge and jury. Law enforcement needs to be involved and charges filed. When it costs you 5k or more, every time you feel like giving someone a bloody nose, you get smart fast. Some times you have to do it, but there are still consequences. Get them on camera and make sure security turns them in and it stops it. If they are not charged with assault, there is no consequence. Tracks fault and it never stops and sometimes the wrong people get punished.

03-09-2017, 07:09 PM
I'll be the devils advocate here and post this scenario:

To start with, I will say that my family isn't exactly saints, and we have had our fair share of suspensions., so I know how some of these things get started.

What happen is a driver is leading points at track A.

During a rainout, he heads over to track B, and get's into a scrape up on the track. This guy is always a clean driver, and if he wrecked someone, it was purely an accident.

The driver he tangles with doesn't know much about him, so he comes over to his pit and takes a swing. The guy doesn't put up with it and fights back.

Now this guy is suspended because a guy came to HIS pit box and started a fight. I know this happens, because it has happened to us.

He just lost points over one clown, and I assure you he will never return to the track that suspended.

Very good point jcs00!

03-09-2017, 07:16 PM
What the heck? Are we becoming snowflakes all of a sudden? A little "dust up" at the races is just part of the experience. I've never saw anyone seriously hurt and wouldn't condone that, or if its the same ones every time!

Don't turn our sport into NASCRAP! Let the boyz have their fun!

03-09-2017, 07:47 PM
I've seen all sorts in a scuffle before from holy roller to hell raiser. You always exhaust options before resorting to violence, but sometimes a guy just needs to be put on his wallet. There are laws and punishments for those actions, you pay your debt and move on. It doesn't make you a mouth breather, it makes you human.

This rule is way too arbitrary IMO. Its not a revelation to say that not all track employees are always unbiased, and you're using one person's judgment or opinion make a call that would effect five tracks? No thanks. I'm sure their heart is in the right place, but the execution of this brings way too many variables into play.

People today seem so afraid of seeing anything emotional happen. High emotion is what makes competition great. I'd rather seem them spill over occasionally than be regulated to extinction.

03-09-2017, 11:22 PM
I don't understand these low brow mouth breathers that think they need to settle things with fists instead of just outracing the other guy.

Not being a jerk here but, you've never raced have you?

03-09-2017, 11:26 PM
Not being a jerk here but, you've never raced have you?

Roflmao good one there! Sorry i couldnt help it

03-10-2017, 08:20 AM
Getting the law (and lawyers) involved is the first step in a tracks demise... Soon you will have lawsuits, judgements and track closures. Be careful of what you wish for....

03-10-2017, 11:44 AM
Getting the law (and lawyers) involved is the first step in a tracks demise... Soon you will have lawsuits, judgements and track closures. Be careful of what you wish for....

Im sure you will admit, Krooser, being a former promoter, a few fisticuffs were awful good for the pocketbook! lol

03-10-2017, 11:57 AM
It's as simple as this. It's aa track's obligation to provide a reasonably safe environment. Having security and turning them over to authorities satisfies that obligation. Banning a fighter, does not.

Racer A gets sucker punched by Racer B's mechanic. Racer A finds out, two new teeth will cost 3k. Racer B's mechanic hasn't got any money. Who has money? The track and they didn't provide a safe place. They didn't turn racer B's mechanic in for criminal prosecution, which would have made him solely responsible and got them off the hook. Instead they banned him, which wasn't the appropriate action. Another thing, If these tracks signed any document that stated avoiding turning these fighters in, committed a act of conspiracy to avoid prosecution. This may be a stretch, but you can see how it might go.

03-10-2017, 02:17 PM
Not being a jerk here but, you've never raced have you?

I've never raced a car, but I have been involved in other forms of racing. And I've been paid to fight for the past 22 years, so I've probably been in more fights than all the fights of 99% of race car drivers combined and I'm not talking about a little shoving or reaching into a car to slap at a guy wearing a full face helmet. My point is not that I'm the ultimate bad ass, it just doesn't serve any purpose to fight at the track.

It's not impressive to anyone who has been around for any length of time or seen more of the world than the end of their driveway, the only people who enjoy it are the slack jawed yokels standing around drooling in the pits. The same ones who are usually in the race teams' way when they're trying to get ready for a race or make repairs to their cars. It makes the instigator look like common trash and generally costs both sides money and I've seen it drag out the program because for some reason whether it's a fight or somebody having a coronary in the grandstands, the officials seem to want to stop the whole program even though it doesn't affect the on-track action.

I go to the track to watch good racing. I go to an MMA or boxing match to see fighting.

03-10-2017, 09:28 PM
For someone who supposedly is paid to fight or compete, you don't seem to grasp competition and human nature. Nobody is promoting fighting here. It's just that there's no need to over regulate things that should be handled by individual tracks. I don't like seeing fights. Personally think MMA is for people who like to color and brag about their sweet Ed Hardy style dragon tattoo. To each their own I suppose.

03-11-2017, 10:30 AM
No room for it in the sport today. Communities all over the country are looking for reasons to shut down local short tracks, that have been surrounded by developing business, condos and housing. Typically they go after noise ordinances first, then committees will start pulling police information. Draw as little negative attention as possible now days.

03-11-2017, 04:29 PM
For someone who supposedly is paid to fight or compete, you don't seem to grasp competition and human nature. Nobody is promoting fighting here. It's just that there's no need to over regulate things that should be handled by individual tracks. I don't like seeing fights. Personally think MMA is for people who like to color and brag about their sweet Ed Hardy style dragon tattoo. To each their own I suppose.

I'm not paid to compete. And I am not particularly interested in boxing or MMA. I wouldn't pay the ridiculous price it costs to watch a UFC event. My point was that if I wanted to see a fight, that's where I would prefer to see it.

As far as competition and human nature, I understand it as well as anyone on this board. You are just like me, you don't like seeing fights. It's as simple as that. Dirt track racing does not have the corner on competition or heated situations. Other forms of competition and other forms of racing seem to be just fine without a fight breaking out in the pits.

03-11-2017, 04:56 PM
Quote Originally Posted by Barbecueboy View Post
Not being a jerk here but, you've never raced have you?

I've never raced a car, but I have been involved in other forms of racing. And I've been paid to fight for the past 22 years, so I've probably been in more fights than all the fights of 99% of race car drivers combined

I'm not paid to compete. And I am not particularly interested in boxing or MMA. I wouldn't pay the ridiculous price it costs to watch a UFC event


03-11-2017, 07:11 PM
Quote Originally Posted by Barbecueboy View Post
Not being a jerk here but, you've never raced have you?

I've never raced a car, but I have been involved in other forms of racing. And I've been paid to fight for the past 22 years, so I've probably been in more fights than all the fights of 99% of race car drivers combined

I'm not paid to compete. And I am not particularly interested in boxing or MMA. I wouldn't pay the ridiculous price it costs to watch a UFC event


I feel like maybe Fight Club 2 is being made in his head. That you Tyler?

03-14-2017, 07:54 AM
The tracks I grew up going to made it much simpler and it worked for many years.

1) Nobody, except drivers and track personnel, will be allowed on the track unless it's to save a trapped driver in a fire. If you do get on the track for any other reason your go to jail, no questions asked.

2) Regardless of outcome or circumstance, whichever driver goes to another driver's pit area is the one at fault and they are the ones suspended. This includes your crew too.

03-14-2017, 09:13 AM
Lancaster speedway in SC used to have an county law . It was called creating a disturbance at a motorsport event. It was not a criminal charge . It was a civil law. The fine was 500 dollars. So you could fight all you wanted but it was going cost you 500$.

03-14-2017, 10:06 PM
No room for it in the sport today. Communities all over the country are looking for reasons to shut down local short tracks, that have been surrounded by developing business, condos and housing. Typically they go after noise ordinances first, then committees will start pulling police information. Draw as little negative attention as possible now days.

I agree. Nice to see the tracks working together.