View Full Version : Do race promoters have anything to fear from streaming video?

Returning to Dirt
03-16-2017, 05:20 AM

A growing trend of late has been that of fans videoing races from the grandstands. Some fear that this practice is causing some fans to stay home and watch. Is it?

Chris Thomason
03-16-2017, 07:49 AM
I think its a double edged sword. Where some casual fans will stay home and hope for a fb live feed, A diehard race fan will likely go to the track anyway because we like being there ,and most of us understand how important the cash is to tracks. Then on the flip side, if someone is there giving a live feed and the racing is good it could appeal to new fans and/or entice the casual fan.

03-16-2017, 08:32 AM
I'm right there with Chris. Real fans (assuming that they can afford it and aren't going through impossible monetary times) don't mind paying for a quality feed. Any of the facebook live stuff I've ever clicked on is so bad I can't sit there and watch it. I'd rather pay for a good feed and support whoever puts the event on so that they will keep doing in the future.

I get annoyed when people claim that they can't afford the PPV. In some cases, they may be serious, but in most cases they are just too cheap to do it. There is a difference in "can't afford" and "don't want to afford". There still has to be value there. I've passed on many of them before because I thought it was overpriced for what you'll get. Not because I couldn't afford it, but because I didn't think there was value there.

03-16-2017, 08:35 AM
Yes. If their track provides a horrible product folks might see that and never come.

03-16-2017, 08:36 AM
This subject has come up here a couple of times in the past. The practice of spectators broadcasting dirt racing live has become quite commonplace. There are very few, if any, dirt racing events that aren't either partially or entirely streamed live by someone in attendance. Even those that are being commercially broadcast on internet PPV or even cable TV are available on Facebook Live or Periscope. I don't know how kindly the producers of the PPV and commercial TV and the race promoters are taking this but it happens all the time.

I am personal friends with several people that watch pirated racing broadcasts in lieu of actually attending, and it becomes more frequent as time goes by. How much this practice is hurting race promoters is somewhat tough to judge but I have proof they have lost at least some revenue as a result. This past season I know of at least 5 different events that one fan in particular didn't attend because he knew there would be someone broadcasting at least parts of the racing program.

03-16-2017, 09:27 AM
It definitely does, even a few tickets makes a big difference to some tracks. Another thing I've noticed that I am fully against is during Volusia I saw someone live streaming the actual DoD broadcast on one of the DLM Classifieds sites. That is beyond ridiculous, and I was disappointed that so many people were watching it, and that the admins from the classified site didn't shut it down.

03-16-2017, 09:37 AM
During the Chili Bowl some guy had mounted his phone in his living room and was streaming facebook live the racin boys broadcast off of his tv. That ticked me off. Not the fact that I had already paid my $25 for the show, but the fact that people do that, knowing full and well that is the same as stealing. And then bragging about it! RacinBoys threw the guy under the bus via social media, which they very well should have.

Returning to Dirt
03-16-2017, 09:45 AM
I addressed the piracy of PPV at the bottom of the article. To me, that does much more harm than poor quality video shot from the stands.

03-16-2017, 10:23 AM
During the Chili Bowl some guy had mounted his phone in his living room and was streaming facebook live the racin boys broadcast off of his tv. That ticked me off. Not the fact that I had already paid my $25 for the show, but the fact that people do that, knowing full and well that is the same as stealing. And then bragging about it! RacinBoys threw the guy under the bus via social media, which they very well should have.

It's the same type people who buy bootleg DVD's and cheat up their cars. They have a desire to feel like they are getting away with something, that they pulled one over on everyone. Your right though it is theft and I hope they get punished severely.

03-16-2017, 10:31 AM
Theft is theft whether it's out and out pirating or if it's so called "poor quality video". The proliferation of the unauthorized broadcasts are not universally of poor quality. I can site several occasions this past season where friends have commented as to how remarkably good the quality was. One such event was The Hulman Classic at Terre Haute last May. Another was Turkey Night Grand Prix on Thanksgiving Night out at Ventura. I had a friend watch the A-mains at several of the UMP Summer Nationals events on Periscope and bragged about the money he saved by not attending in person.

In the case of Turkey Night it was the mother of one of the drivers contending for the win that was broadcasting the racing on Facebook Live and I was told by a credible source that the quality was very good. That event was offered for purchase on internet PPV. I wonder if the outfit selling the broadcast ever got wind of the alternative broadcast.

Don't kid yourself, this stuff is in fact hurting race promoters and I can site specific cases where I know it has.

03-16-2017, 10:35 AM
Theft is theft whether it's out and out pirating or if it's so called "poor quality video". The proliferation of the unauthorized broadcasts are not universally of poor quality. I can site several occasions this past season where friends have commented as to how remarkably good the quality was. One such event was The Hulman Classic at Terre Haute last May. Another was Turkey Night Grand Prix on Thanksgiving Night out at Ventura. I had a friend watch the A-mains at several of the UMP Summer Nationals events on Periscope and bragged about the money he saved by not attending in person.

In the case of Turkey Night it was the mother of one of the drivers contending for the win that was broadcasting the racing on Facebook Live and I was told by a credible source that the quality was very good. That event was offered for purchase on internet PPV. I wonder if the outfit selling the broadcast ever got wind of the alternative broadcast.

Don't kid yourself, this stuff is in fact hurting race promoters and I can site specific cases where I know it has.

In a lot of cases, folks watching for free would not pay to watch. In that case, it isn't lost revenue. They may be impressed enough to watch in person in the future.

03-16-2017, 10:49 AM
I agree mastersbilt I call bs on it causing people to stay home if you are a real race fan planning to attend you will and if they say they stayed home to watch they were not gonna attend in the first place so I dont believe ii costs the track money...I am all for it cause fans who arent fortunate enough for whatever reason can watch and if the event is good could inspire them to attend the next race...and the great exposure our beloved sport gets to friends of friends...

03-16-2017, 10:52 AM
I think the tracks should be happy I think they gain more than they lose in the long run....its advertisement

03-16-2017, 11:04 AM
Until they find a way to pump burned racing fuel smell thru the feed I'll be in attendance

03-16-2017, 11:47 AM
In a lot of cases, folks watching for free would not pay to watch. In that case, it isn't lost revenue. They may be impressed enough to watch in person in the future.

Not the guys I'm referring to MasterSbilt_Racer. They're all dirt racing fans that actually have been involved with dirt racing teams in the past or have been fans for decades. Your point about not paying to watch may have merit but I know for a fact that in several instances this past season a couple of these guys may have actually attended if it not for knowing that they could probably see it on Periscope, etc.

One friend in particular has his phone set up to watch on his 60" TV just for the live racing available for free.

03-16-2017, 12:35 PM
I've never been a fan of the PPV's personally. Only time I can see it being an option is if it's a race that's far away such as the world 100 or the big one up at I-80 speedway. Nothing beats being actually at the track with the roar of the engines and live streaming never does justice to how fast the cars look in person.

03-16-2017, 01:23 PM
Not the guys I'm referring to MasterSbilt_Racer. They're all dirt racing fans that actually have been involved with dirt racing teams in the past or have been fans for decades. Your point about not paying to watch may have merit but I know for a fact that in several instances this past season a couple of these guys may have actually attended if it not for knowing that they could probably see it on Periscope, etc.

One friend in particular has his phone set up to watch on his 60" TV just for the live racing available for free.

I hope/think those half a$sed fans are the minority. Perhaps they suffer burnout?

03-16-2017, 04:16 PM
Some of my promoter friends disagree but to me it's free advertising. If you have a good product you may see a few new fans... At least they may tell their friends.

President Clinton
03-16-2017, 06:01 PM
I watched the gateway race, free from some guys feed. I had no intention of watching or going, but I actually liked it!!! So I am going to try and go this year. If you have a good product and someone sees it , free or by paying, they will only gain from the exposure!

03-16-2017, 07:10 PM
I think the saying goes......any publicity.....is GOOD publicity!

03-16-2017, 08:00 PM
I hope/think those half a$sed fans are the minority. Perhaps they suffer burnout?Although I agree with you they're unquestionably not half assed fans. I've been attending races with 2 of them for 20 years. They still attend races of all persuasions from Daytona and Indy to Fairbury, La Salle and Eldora.

I do, however, believe at this point the number of people who are engaged in the Facebook Live and Periscope culture are relatively few.

Frankly I am somewhat surprised that there hasn't been an effort made by track owners and promoters to put a stop to what's going on. If in my little world I know of 2 or 3 who forego attending events for watching it for free I'm sure these guys aren't isolated cases and there are more all over the country. Even if it's only one the promoter/promoters are losing money.

03-16-2017, 09:47 PM
Yes. If their track provides a horrible product folks might see that and never come.

My thoughts exactly . If I've never been to a track and see a video of good racing Im going to go check the place out.

03-17-2017, 04:44 AM
it's very hard for tracks and promoters to have it both ways. I mean they push, push, push, social media in all sports.
They want fans posting pictures on Instagram and Twitter. They want the buzz that people hashtagging and liking and following them bring, but then don't like it when people take it further and put video up??
You could do like some music acts and try to ban taking video, but then you'd lose all your WANTED social media exposure, since not many, if any people are bringing actual video cameras. Smart Phones have truly created a dilemma in this regard.

For me personally, I attend races in about a 50 mile radius for the most part, and for the rest, I either watch the Lucas Oil TV broadcast, or just get the results later.

03-17-2017, 07:44 AM
I'll post the same thing I always do when this comes up:

Has anyone ever actually tried to watch a race on Facebook live? They are total crap.

03-17-2017, 10:18 AM
I know people who subscribe to DOD that havent been to the races in several years they just watch the videos the next day. I think DOD is more threat to promoters than anything pertaining to attendance in my opinion

03-17-2017, 11:38 AM
I know people who subscribe to DOD that havent been to the races in several years they just watch the videos the next day. I think DOD is more threat to promoters than anything pertaining to attendance in my opinion

I would agree if DOD didn't pay the track to put on the PPV. The next day highlights are just news.

03-17-2017, 12:14 PM
I would agree if DOD didn't pay the track to put on the PPV. The next day highlights are just news.

So your saying every video on DOD is from ppv. I dont think so

03-17-2017, 12:26 PM
I would much rather be at the race however it's next to impossible for me to get the time off to go so PPV it is

03-17-2017, 01:05 PM
crap not this again

03-17-2017, 01:16 PM
this debate was 60 years ago and approved that more eyes on a sport are good for business. People debated TV would kill baseball, just the opposite. Promotion is just as important as ticket sales to "umm gee let me guess" a PROMOTER. If you think DOD is hurting the sports prove it finically where promoters are actually losing money, not some dumb story "I know so and so who don't go to races now."

03-17-2017, 01:18 PM
the people that are watching a stupid crappy facebook live video weren't going to the race anyway.

03-19-2017, 11:39 PM
There's no way to compare the true effects of the Facebook Live webcasts, but it is good publicity. All the major sports want to get their games on free TV, and dirt racing should welcome all exposure.

03-20-2017, 09:04 AM
I would never ever stay home from a race because somebody was going to post it live through their phone. There's nothing that compares to the smell and sounds of being at the track. Plus I've never seen one of these videos that was worth a crap. I do purchase ppv events but only of races that I wouldn't be going to anyway. Even professionally done videos for tv aren't that exciting to me. I've got a whole dvr of stuff I've recorded and haven't watched yet just because I get bored before I can get to the finish.

03-20-2017, 10:47 AM
So your saying every video on DOD is from ppv. I dont think so

That is not what I am saying. It is my understanding, DOD pays for PPV that they show in real time. The other clips are not real time and classified as news. We see highlights of our favorite basketball team, and think nothing of it. What ever we say it is, the promoters should be pleased as punch. The object of advertising is to make you business title a part of everyday language across the country. Do you want them looking for some track out east, or VMS.

Look what good advertisement did for FALLs. FALLs always had good racing, but the U Tube races, made it a track that is in every fans vocabulary. Knoxville knew how important advertising was. For many years, they paid to show their own product on TV.