View Full Version : Truth, Lies, Rumors and all points in between!

05-03-2017, 09:17 AM
I just watched DOD live for this week. The thing that caught my eye was the 5 things, the part about posting on social media and not knowing the truth. I believe MFRs words where think. Well I did think about it and believe the thread title which is a sort o disclaimer for the Gossip section. Truth, Lies, Rumors and all points in between!.

MFR said there was blame to go around, even to fans that post on social media. I take this to mean Facebook, Twitter and especially here at 4m. I say DOD has some of the blame coming. I didn't see a lot of investigation and truth there. That left the door wide open. If they don't want us speculating they need to do what a good news, even LM news, does and give us the 4 Ws, What, who, where and why. That may step on some toes, but it wouldn't leave room for our speculation. I give my share of the blame to DOD. What do you guys think? All said, I do enjoy DOD.

05-03-2017, 09:45 AM
I love dirtondirt but sometimes Rigsby acts like he knows more than some of us fans. Been a dirtondirt subscriber for 4 years and will continue to be.

05-03-2017, 09:53 AM
Pay attention to the words in this threads topic!

05-03-2017, 10:11 AM
I'm a subscriber to DOD and will continue to be but they're scared to make someone mad or hurt feelings by asking tough questions, they are more of a cheerleader of the sport than a true journalism type organization.

05-03-2017, 10:54 AM
I'm a subscriber to DOD and will continue to be but they're scared to make someone mad or hurt feelings by asking tough questions, they are more of a cheerleader of the sport than a true journalism type organization.

I'm a big fan of DoD and always will be, but I totally agree with this. I do wish DoD had more coverage of the tiregate situation. At one point they had a lawyer on there to discuss the situation and that was one of the most interesting pieces I can remember on all of DLM Live. I do think there would be a benefit to DoD being less of a cheerleader, and more of regular journalism. They can still be impartial but I would like to hear what Tony Izzo or Josh Richards has to say about the situation, or an interview with Bloomquist about Tiregate would have been cool. Sprint Car Unlimited did a piece on Danny Dietrich and his negativity toward Susquehanna Speedway, and it was a popular piece and I don't think it really hurt either side of the argument it was just interesting. That is what would be great o see from DoD.


05-03-2017, 11:04 AM
I couldn't agree more with what W2Racing09 and ptown said. I like my DOD subscription, mainly for the videos and an occasional racewire. I rarely click on a story (especially their top 25 or weekly roundtable recap). There is never anything juicy.

Highside Hustler25
05-03-2017, 11:20 AM
I'm a subscriber to DOD and will continue to be but they're scared to make someone mad or hurt feelings by asking tough questions, they are more of a cheerleader of the sport than a true journalism type organization.

I'm a big fan of DoD and always will be, but I totally agree with this. I do wish DoD had more coverage of the tiregate situation. At one point they had a lawyer on there to discuss the situation and that was one of the most interesting pieces I can remember on all of DLM Live. I do think there would be a benefit to DoD being less of a cheerleader, and more of regular journalism. They can still be impartial but I would like to hear what Tony Izzo or Josh Richards has to say about the situation, or an interview with Bloomquist about Tiregate would have been cool. Sprint Car Unlimited did a piece on Danny Dietrich and his negativity toward Susquehanna Speedway, and it was a popular piece and I don't think it really hurt either side of the argument it was just interesting. That is what would be great o see from DoD.


Yes and Yes.............

05-03-2017, 11:24 AM
I just watched DOD live for this week. The thing that caught my eye was the 5 things, the part about posting on social media and not knowing the truth. I believe MFRs words where think. Well I did think about it and believe the thread title which is a sort o disclaimer for the Gossip section. Truth, Lies, Rumors and all points in between!.

MFR said there was blame to go around, even to fans that post on social media. I take this to mean Facebook, Twitter and especially here at 4m. I say DOD has some of the blame coming. I didn't see a lot of investigation and truth there. That left the door wide open. If they don't want us speculating they need to do what a good news, even LM news, does and give us the 4 Ws, What, who, where and why. That may step on some toes, but it wouldn't leave room for our speculation. I give my share of the blame to DOD. What do you guys think? All said, I do enjoy DOD.

Just watch Fox, MSNBC and CNN and you ancer your own ? News Is no longer News.. pick a side and report...Why Work to find out whats True, people will read it true or not... As long as you keep paying to read it they will do no more then they have to...

MI Dirt Fan
05-03-2017, 11:25 AM
Are they afraid to cross the line into any controversial issues?

05-03-2017, 11:37 AM
Just watch Fox, MSNBC and CNN and you ancer your own ? News Is no longer News.. pick a side and report...Why Work to find out whats True, people will read it true or not... As long as you keep paying to read it they will do no more then they have to...

CNN did do a show on DLM racing and the World 100 in about 2006 or so. It was the one when Bloomer crashed the chrome car. Did anybody see that? I thought they did a decent job on that actually. I think it was called Dirt Track Warriors or something corny like that.

Nevermind, back on topic....

05-03-2017, 12:02 PM
I saw it. My brother and I are in it for a few seconds

05-03-2017, 12:03 PM
Was interesting and may have given insight to a novice fan.

05-03-2017, 12:09 PM
CNN did do a show on DLM racing and the World 100 in about 2006 or so. It was the one when Bloomer crashed the chrome car. Did anybody see that? I thought they did a decent job on that actually. I think it was called Dirt Track Warriors or something corny like that.

Nevermind, back on topic....

The thing is now what do you see on the big 3 all the news is not a thing to do with life or things that are day to day... Storys like that are gone .. Its All the Dem. this the Rep. that.. Trump this trump that.. It gets old fast...They have gave up on Sports and left that to the Sports Channels... We use to get some racing News and then Fox got it and the 1 racing Channel died...You think that there be one show that would give at lease a hour on dirt racing somewhere...

05-03-2017, 12:16 PM
Yeah sadly they only cover our sport when someone high profile gets killed, then everybody wants to jump on the "BAN MOTORSPORTS THEY ARE TOO DANGEROUS" bandwagon.

05-03-2017, 12:55 PM
Yeah sadly they only cover our sport when someone high profile gets killed, then everybody wants to jump on the "BAN MOTORSPORTS THEY ARE TOO DANGEROUS" bandwagon.

Way more people have Die going up Mt Everest ,, then have died in dirt sports and there is a lot more people dirt racing then going up that Hill... Dont hear no one say don't go up it...

Shiny Side Up 18
05-03-2017, 01:20 PM
I too really enjoy DOD, however I didn't exactly appreciate Michael jumping on the fans for sharing their opinions, as if all we do is cause trouble. I don't recall hearing him jump on Feger for his hot takes. For someone that "doesn't know everything", there seemed to be a lot of agreement with what Driggers did in this week's Fast talk piece. It seems like a case of "go along to get along". I like Michael, but I think what he said last night was just a tad uncalled for.

05-03-2017, 01:52 PM
Hey guys,

Don’t often chime in on here, but this is a topic I’m somewhat passionate about so I thought why not!

The original poster and some of the follow-up comments actually raise some good points. When it comes to the “journalistic” side of things I’m always happy to talk about those issues. And I actually brought the point up on LML last night that I shoulder some of the blame as well, and am not just pointing the finger at everyone else. It rests here too.

A few things to consider.

In the 10 years of doing DirtonDirt.com now (where has the time gone?!?) … Todd, Amber and myself have always strived to not be a “knee-jerk” website. Todd and I specifically have a journalism background, and we set out from the beginning to NOT print details that we didn’t have, couldn’t get, or run with something on hearsay or rumor. Sometimes fans grumble at that, but we always thought it was very important to only run … with what we could verify. We’ve stuck to that and it’s served us pretty well for a decade. In this industry more than ANY I’ve ever spent time in, the amount of “unverified” information is wide and sweeping. You really have to dig to get something, and someone on record.

Keep in mind we’re also on the hook for a libel or slander suit if things go wrong. This isn’t a random Facebook or Twitter post for us … it’s our livelihood. Something I don’t think people often consider enough. It can mean legal ramifications if not handled properly.

It’s also amazing how much the “news” has changed in ten years. The advent of cable networks doing more and more “opinion shows” has blurred the lines between news … and just that … opinions. We could easily do programming or point-counterpoint pieces where people scream opinions at each other for 30 minutes or 1,000 words of print, but that’s a huge turnoff to me and something I’ve never liked. It also doesn’t advance the topic, as much as it does create more hate and vitriol between the two sides of the discussion. Part of the reason I think we’re becoming more “divided” as a country. We didn’t want to create that environment or atmosphere in late model racing. Despite those in our industry (news, not racing) … doing it more and more.

Specifically regarding the tire/lawsuit story. I promise you we did a lot of digging, and were presented with a lot of information. Again though … when it comes to something “controversial” in our sport, DoD gets met with a lot of “no comment” … “off the record”, etc. We have become in a way the “paper of record” for dirt late model racing, and when we print something people know it’s official … so they sometimes shy away from taking that final step with us and going on the record. They know if we print it, people will believe it, because it’s been vetted and verified. It’s great people respect us that much, but it’s one hurdle we have to clear that many others don’t.

I know we live in a TMZ-age, where people like blood in the water, and constant “scoops”. But you have to remember in our industry (Unlike the NFL, NBA, MLB) … where those are multi-billion dollar enterprises that can withstand ANY AND ALL criticism, our sport is small and limited. One bad story about a promoter, a track, a driver, a sanctioning body can have a REAL and immediate impact, and usually negative. We have to balance that out, as we do feel we have a duty to the industry to leave it better than we found it. I get that people love negative stuff, and we’ll never “withhold news” that we think needs to be out there and can be verified. But we’re not going to print a he-said, she-said tire story just because we think the “fans want blood”. If that makes sense.

All that said, if you dive into the website regularly I think you’ll see we have a lot more hard-hitting stuff than you might think. It may not be titled … “click here for a crazy story”, but if you’re savvy enough it’s there, and you know we’ve double-checked it, and it’s true. We’re not a click-bait website and never will be. But we are constantly breaking news, and have new information, so I’d suggest you really click all over the website, and you’ll find it.

Side note … Dirt Track Warriors on CNN was awesome and I loved it.

Side-Side-note … I was an original member for 4m back in the day (first 100 in the door) … this place will always have a spot in the history books of dirt late model history.

Michael Rigsby

05-03-2017, 02:17 PM
I've had DoD since the early weeks in 2007 & it is great. I have no problem with they way they cover this kind of stuff. They are an unabashed advocate for the sport (it is in the title after all). It would be interesting to hear some of the behind the scenes speculation but I think it is more important that they serve their role in being an advocate for the sport and trying to help it grow through their great coverage instead of just fueling into controversies and being a click bait type of website as Michael referred to it.

It sure has come a long way from the days of waiting for Speed Sport News each week to get the results. As to this particular situation, I'm sure there are more facts that none of us know. On the surface, it might appear the big bad WRG is picking on a promoter but I don't know all the facts behind the scenes.

05-03-2017, 02:47 PM
Thanks for the insight DoD, good post.

Since you are reading this thread now I do have one suggestion (I don't know if I'm the only person who would appreciate this). Would it be possible to create like a Spoiler-Free place to sign in and watch the highlights from the previous night? I subscribed to NHL.tv this past hockey season and they had an option for this and it was great. I like to login on Saturday and Sunday mornings to watch all the highlights from the previous night but often the homepage has a picture of one or two of last nights winners, and if it does not I still have to scroll past the recap thumbnails that usually have a picture of the race winner. Its not a huge deal but was just thinking that might be cool or helpful.


05-03-2017, 02:57 PM
Thanks for the insight DoD, good post.

Since you are reading this thread now I do have one suggestion (I don't know if I'm the only person who would appreciate this). Would it be possible to create like a Spoiler-Free place to sign in and watch the highlights from the previous night? I subscribed to NHL.tv this past hockey season and they had an option for this and it was great. I like to login on Saturday and Sunday mornings to watch all the highlights from the previous night but often the homepage has a picture of one or two of last nights winners, and if it does not I still have to scroll past the recap thumbnails that usually have a picture of the race winner. Its not a huge deal but was just thinking that might be cool or helpful.


Working on that. Honestly it never really occured to me that people might want that lol. I'm a news junkie and want the information now, and I'll watch highlights later.

Version 2 of website coming in next few months ... and we're attempting that.

05-03-2017, 03:19 PM
Working on that. Honestly it never really occured to me that people might want that lol. I'm a news junkie and want the information now, and I'll watch highlights later.

Version 2 of website coming in next few months ... and we're attempting that.

Sounds good - I look forward to it.

Thanks again for all that everyone at DoD does for DLM racing!


05-03-2017, 03:57 PM
Thanks DoD for responding. I've been a subscriber for a long time and will continue to be. You've brought real time coverage to a sport that, without you, still wouldn't exist. I disagree with some things said, but that's life. Move on to the next race, and lets see the green flag! Cheers.

In The Gas
05-03-2017, 05:50 PM
Excellent reply Rigsby!
DoD rocks and is a website I enjoy everyday. Keep up the great work!

05-03-2017, 05:56 PM
Well said Rigsby.....been a long time subscriber! I appreciate what your company has done for dlm racing.

Butttttt.......Any political news show can get many "experts" on a talk show to discuss politics. Even when they are on totally opposite sides of the fence. But yet, we cant get opposing views, on your live show? Not saying you haven't tried, but why want they?

05-03-2017, 06:25 PM
I too really enjoy DOD, however I didn't exactly appreciate Michael jumping on the fans for sharing their opinions, as if all we do is cause trouble. I don't recall hearing him jump on Feger for his hot takes. For someone that "doesn't know everything", there seemed to be a lot of agreement with what Driggers did in this week's Fast talk piece. It seems like a case of "go along to get along". I like Michael, but I think what he said last night was just a tad uncalled for.

Well if DOD doesn't lean on the side of Driggers, the big heavy hand of WRG will beat them down and ban them from all their events and sanction tracks. That would be a major blow to DOD's access to the sport.... Just my opinion on what I think would happen...

chupp n bloomer fan
05-03-2017, 08:27 PM
Thank you Rigsby and everyone at DoD. You guys do a helluva job.

05-03-2017, 10:27 PM
Well if DOD doesn't lean on the side of Driggers, the big heavy hand of WRG will beat them down and ban them from all their events and sanction tracks. That would be a major blow to DOD's access to the sport.... Just my opinion on what I think would happen...

Good point.....

05-03-2017, 10:36 PM
Hey Rigsby, I tried to quote your reply but you must have disabled that option.

Whats up with that?

05-03-2017, 10:39 PM
Well if DOD doesn't lean on the side of Driggers, the big heavy hand of WRG will beat them down and ban them from all their events and sanction tracks. That would be a major blow to DOD's access to the sport.... Just my opinion on what I think would happen...

exactly......DOD better off to avoid the hard stuff. Let us do the ragging on the WRG's and MARS of the racing world.

05-03-2017, 10:50 PM
DoD right in the middle of UMP country also....

05-04-2017, 07:44 AM
I find it ironic that the name of the website is "Dirt on Dirt" but they don't really want to report TMZ style dirt.

05-04-2017, 07:53 AM
I find it ironic that the name of the website is "Dirt on Dirt" but they don't really want to report TMZ style dirt.

You subscribe you better like vanilla.

05-04-2017, 07:57 AM
Thanks for the insight DoD, good post. Since you are reading this thread now I do have one suggestion (I don't know if I'm the only person who would appreciate this). Would it be possible to create like a Spoiler-Free place to sign in and watch the highlights from the previous night? I subscribed to NHL.tv this past hockey season and they had an option for this and it was great. I like to login on Saturday and Sunday mornings to watch all the highlights from the previous night but often the homepage has a picture of one or two of last nights winners, and if it does not I still have to scroll past the recap thumbnails that usually have a picture of the race winner. Its not a huge deal but was just thinking that might be cool or helpful. Thanks, Jeff. +1 on this

05-04-2017, 08:40 AM
I understand Michael and DOD position but it is too bad that promoters & series/sanction bodies cannot accept some justified criticism. There are way too many moving parts to the Izzo, Ump, Best situation for me to understand but to see what happened at Sharon Lucas race brushed off as a rough track is beyond sugarcoating. Lucas & Sharon screwed fans royally there & deserve and should understand any criticism they get.

05-04-2017, 01:51 PM
DOD is held to much higher standards, not to mention they can call and discuss issues directly with most series, tracks, drivers etc and if they feel it news worthy they report it. (Dang good job bty) Without DOD information, live ppv races etc would not be as good as they are. I respect what Michael said in his statements and understand his company's position. In today's world many expect things now, unfortunately some things (LaSalle deal) just cant happen that quick. When its time the rest of the story will be told and available, until then it really does no one any good to speculate, or point fingers.
It was reported many weeks ago that Sharon had added a bunch of new clay, any track that goes through a project like that deserves some patience from everyone involved, it looked like they did the best they could with all things considered.
Praying that everyone in the flooded area's are safe, and healthy!!

05-05-2017, 06:57 AM
dirt track warriors....


dirt crow
05-05-2017, 09:51 PM
Rigsby, Todd Turner is da man!! Love his reporting and articles. My all time favorite "Throwing cautions to the wind" from National Dirt Digest days. And anything on track intermissions. Lol. ...keep up the great work. DoD, proud to pay that bill every month.

dirt crow
05-05-2017, 09:51 PM
dirt track warriors....


My favorite part, the drunk fat party girls. Lololol!!!

Snake X3
05-09-2017, 02:29 AM
I feel the same as "Thanks, Jeff" about the videos on DoD. I always try to avoid seeing the results and go as far as to try to guess where the play button is while avoiding the screen cap of the finish. It would be great if DoD could avoid using the finish of the race for screen caps.

As for the rest of the discussion, I admire DoD for not participating in gossip or expressing an opinion on controversial issues. They give us the facts so we can debate/argue about it if we are so inclined. I think they do a great job of that. I want news. I can form my own opinion.

As for the original question, I don't like the constant complaining from people about the harm caused by negative social media. Social media is a place where any idiot can say whatever F'd up thing they like. Anyone that uses it should know that and take what they read on it accordingly.

Rigsby asked people to "think" before posting. No harm in saying that. I wish more people made that request. However the interweb is filled with trolls and flamers. When you complain about it, all you do is feed their egos by giving them the attention they crave and end up encouragimg them to do it more. Successful Troll is succesful.

Further, it makes the people that complain about the negativity either sound like wimps that can't handle the abuse or fascists trying to squelch differing opinions. Sadly it's usually the same people that use social media as a soapbox or promotional tool that complain the loudest about someone responding to them. If you're going to put yourself out there and express your opinion or if you want to say how wonderful something is, you have to expect that people that disagree are going to express their own version of the truth or worse...just be flat out a$$holes.

There are always going to be people that believe what they read online or off...regardless of the source. Although it may be extremely painful for the thin-skinned to handle when mean things are written about them, crying about it only makes it worse. Those types just have to take solace in the fact that the truth usually has a way of coming out. Stupid people will believe stupid things. Best they just get over it.

05-09-2017, 08:37 AM
My favorite part, the drunk fat party girls. Lololol!!!

They sold out of XXL Chub Thongs.