View Full Version : seal team 6 captured

05-30-2017, 09:43 PM

If I post more than this I'm blocked by a new sucuri.net firewall

05-30-2017, 10:40 PM
Not sure if Id believe that or not bud. Russia has put stories out just to see what happens. Just like CNN and the rest of the left do..lmao

05-31-2017, 12:18 AM
Maybe maybe not. Who ever really knows. But USS Michigan is there. That part is true


05-31-2017, 12:31 PM
The seal team had to dispatch from a submarine that pulled up close to shore, and once on shore, had to work with whatever they had. That means, all food for the mission had to be with them, all radios, all gear, had to be with them. And they had to travel as light as possible. This won't work in North Korea. It would work in Russia, Iran, South Korea, or any other place, but not North Korea. Here's why:

First of all, North Korea does not get a lot of tourists. So if you are seen, you will stick out badly if you are not from there. Second of all, North Korea has a lot of patrols that look only for outsiders, because infiltration is a big problem. If you are a local, the patrols will know and not care. But if you are not from North Korea, the patrols will know, and you might as well be wearing a target. Even more, the locals are suspicious of outsiders, and will contact a patrol if they see you. North Korea looks small on a map, but if you are walking you might as well be a pilgrim.

YOU HAVE TO EAT, YOU CANT BUY FOOD, because the locals will report you, no matter where you do it other than Pyongyang. You can't walk the streets of Pyongyang, - probably the only place you could get away with buying food - after grubbing around in the bush like a Navy seal - in other words, Seal team 6 was mission impossible, and I mean, really impossible. The distances were too large, the North Koreans are completely loyal, they had to hide constantly, and probably made it 15 miles before their food ran out, 500 miles of total travel short of the goal, even if North Korea is not that big. You simply can't have the land crawling with people who would want you dead if they knew who you were, and do it when calories can only be packed up to 4000 calories per kilogram.

All this stuff looks good in a movie, but I think real life probably surprised Seal team 6. No one knows what happened to them, but they sent a radio distress call and went totally silent afterward. Let me guess what happened:

They got hungry and started taking chances. Perhaps they were killing and eating dogs, but you can't eat anything like that raw and clean burning fuel only lasts so long. So Kim Su Young noticed smoke coming up from the trees where there should be no smoke, and it was the end of the bar-b-q. He called the security forces because he'd rather not eat depleted uranium in the near future if Seal Team 6 accomplished it's job, and now seal team six is probably getting comfortable inside 3x3x3 foot cubes. That's how North Korea tortures people, it will be fine - for the first 15 minutes and after that, you learn the value of being able to stretch your legs.

And you won't be getting any free valor compliments of a scamming MSM either.

My opinion was that either the U.S. government knew of a way to hide and survive in North Korea, or that seal team 6 was doomed before they left the sub. According to Russia, they were doomed before they started,

05-31-2017, 12:49 PM
I don't believe a word of it. Any attempt to assassinate the doughboy won't come from a military mission. Count on it.

05-31-2017, 01:03 PM
Ball it was known that the team was in S. Korea a couple of months ago training. Why would they jump on a sub to just jump back off basically in the same place? And the sub is there for defense from other subs

Highside Hustler25
06-03-2017, 06:02 AM
wow! someone is out there in La La Land. Russian News Today:Dlmao

06-03-2017, 11:24 AM

Is that where the Paris climate accord was born?

Good riddance

06-03-2017, 11:48 AM
Lalaland is where hucky races and wins.....

06-06-2017, 07:37 PM
We have another sub off of Korea... http://www.americasfreedomfighters.com/2017/06/06/nuclear-powered-attack/

06-07-2017, 01:03 PM
Po'd about the seal team!